Scott C. Woller, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Greetings from the Governor
Dear ACP Utah Members:
It has been an action-packed quarter since my last update.
It is my privilege to report that the 2024 ACP Utah Chapter Scientific Meeting was a success and for all who attended absolute delight. As so many of you who attended experienced, we were regaled with the poignant and timely presentation by our nationally renowned Keynote Speaker Dr. Leslie F Algase, MD FACP with her presentation, "Private Practice: Will the Pendulum Swing?". It was a privilege to recognize so the 2024 Chapter awardees Dr. Jennifer Scott, MD FACP (Chapter Service Award), Dr. Bireen Whitten, MD FACP (Chapter Leader Award), Mita Hoppenfeld, MD (Early Career Physician Award), David Chen, MD (Resident / Fellow Award), Sonny Win MD, FACP (Chapter Leader Award), Kevin Johnson, MD (Internist Award), and Kayla Woodring (Medical Student Award). Many thanks to Dr. Aaron Crosby, MD, FACP, Chair of the Scientific Meeting Committee and all committee members!

The Poster Competition led by Dr. Emily Signor, MD, FACP was a tremendous success with a total of 47 (!!) poster submissions. It was Anna Tidwell MS2 who took away the grand prize this year including finical support to attend ACP2025 in sunny New Orleans, LA!

The hard work of our membership and retention committee in conjunction with the response from each of YOU Utah Chapter members led to our chapter being recognized with a top award for the Chapter Challenge Outreach to Unpaid Members. Recipients of the ACP Utah Chapter $1000 award to offset the expense for travel to attend ACP 2024 in Boston this year were Dr. Harris Carmichael MD, FACP, and Dr. Jeffrey Lofgran MD FACP!
ACP 2024 will be held in Boston April 18-20th and it's NOT TOO LATE to register! In addition to amazing CME, you are cordially invited to attend the Utah Chapter Social that will be held at the Westin Boston Seaport District at 425 Summer Street Boston MA 02210 and you may click here to register.

Are you interested in Healthcare Policy that continues to shape how we practice medicine every day and into the future? Please consider joining our Healthcare Policy Committee Leaders at Leadership Day 2024 in Washington DC from May 14-15th. Click the HOT TOPICS link below to learn more, and email send me an email directly should you wish to attend.
We extend a hardy THANK YOU to Dr. Tony Musci, MD FACP who has reverently served as Treasurer for our ACP Utah Chapter for over a decade. Dr. Eric Moore, MD, FACP, has graciously agreed to accept the Treasurer baton from Dr. Musci who we thank whole-heartedly for his years of service.

Come join our next DEI activity! Anyone interested in DEI efforts or learning more about DEI is welcome. Dinner at Dr. Deepika Reddy's home Saturday April 13th at 6 PM. RSVP to Dr. Bireen Whitten at: Bireen.whitten@va.gov to confirm your attendance and for the address.
There exist innumerable opportunities and ways to become involved in our chapter. Please reach out to me directly scott.woller@imail.org and let me know how you might be interested in being involved and more active in our Chapter. Thank you for all that you do for your patients, colleagues, and the advancement of Internal Medicine.
I wish you and your loved ones an active, healthy, and safe Spring.
Scott C. Woller, MD FACP FCCP
Leadership Day
ACP's annual national advocacy event, Leadership Day, will take place in Washington, D.C. this year on May 14-15.