Promoting gender equity and eliminating the inequities in compensation and career advancement that physicians can face is a longstanding goal of ACP.
As an organization, we are committed to addressing the unique challenges female physicians confront over the course of their careers in order to foster an inclusive environment that promotes growth and development for female physicians. ACP believes that addressing the barriers that women in medicine face is essential for the internal medicine community to benefit from the full potential of women physicians in the workforce.
*You are welcome to use the following resources in your practice
to help promote gender equity, giving ACP credit.
Recommendations for Achieving Physician Gender Equity
This ACP position paper published in Annals of Internal Medicine provides a set of recommendations addressing the challenges women in medicine face, including equity in physician compensation, career advancement, and bias.
Read article Download PPT versionResearch Report
Compensation Disparities by Gender in Internal Medicine
This ACP research report highlights the differences in physician compensation by gender among U.S. American College of Physicians (ACP) internal medicine physicians. Published in Annals of Internal Medicine.
What You Can Do to Impact Gender Equity
Make your mark on impacting gender equity in medicine with the following list of action items.
Each day ACP members are making a positive impact in the internal medicine community. Recognized by their peers for their outstanding efforts, please join us in celebrating the honorees.
- ACP's Women in Medicine Event Highlights
- American Medical Women's Association presents author Dr. Danielle Ofri
Annals Story Slam
- Personal Branding: Knowing and Promoting You
- Why Inclusion and Equity Matter for Women in Medicine and the Profession
- Cultivating the Success of Women in Medicine: Sponsorship as a Lever for Organizational Change
- Negotiating With Confidence And As If Your Life Depended On It… And Getting Over Imposter Phenomenon!
- Women in Medicine: Creating a Jedi Healthcare System
- Executive Presence: Cultivating The Intangible
- Mentorship, Coaching, and Sponsorship for Women Physicians
- Work-Life Integration for Women in Medicine
- Being an Upstander for Women in Medicine
- Core Tenets of Leadership for Women in Medicine
- Unlocking Implicit Bias: How Our Hidden Attitudes Are Affecting How We Care For Our Patients
- Gender-Based Differences in Physician Burnout
- Networking for Women in Medicine
- Negotiating Like a Woman: The Keys to Getting What You're Worth
- Everybody In: Creating Gender Equality in Your Workplace
- Leadership Principles for Women in Medicine
- Why Not Ask? Negotiating with Confidence
- Putting Equity Principles into Action
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Podcast: Mentorship and Recruitment of URiMs
The DEI Shift, a podcast dedicated to shifting the way we think and talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion in the medical field, interviews Dr. Quentin Youmans, the former chief of internal medicine at Northwestern University. Dr. Youmans discusses the importance of recruitment and mentorship of underrepresented minorities in medicine, and strategies for supporting them in these roles. Listen to Podcast
Improving Health Policies to Better Support Women
ACP policy recommendations to improve the health of women in the United States through a health care system that supports their needs over the course of their lifetime, Published in Annals of Internal Medicine. Read article | Watch video
ACP members share stories of particularly challenging situations they faced as women physicians to celebrate the support and guidance received from colleagues and to show they are not alone.
Additional References & Resources
A collection of resources to help physicians committed to addressing gender equity at the organizational level and individually.
Gender Bias & Advancing Equity
- American Library Association: Advocating for Better Salaries and Pay Equity Toolkit
- American Medical Association: Challenging gender bias in the house of medicine
- Association of American Medical Colleges: Closing the gender pay gap in medicine
- Association of American Medical Colleges: Promising Practices for Understanding and Addressing Faculty Salary Equity at U.S. Medical Schools
- Association of Women Surgeons: Gender Equity Toolkit
- Carol Emmott Foundation Resource Packet: Resources to transform health by accelerating the advancement and impact of women leaders and achieving gender equity
- Catalyst BiasCorrect Plug-In: A tool and other resources to spark conversations about unconscious bias
- Harvard Business Review: Fixing the Gender Imbalance in Health Care Leadership
- NEJM Catalyst: Lead In: Women of Impact in Health Care on Advancing Equity in the Workplace
- The Permanente Journal: Women in Medicine, Special Issue
- UC Berkeley University Health Services: Toolkit for Recruiting and Hiring a More Diverse Workforce
Leadership & Mentoring
- Brigham and Women's Hospital: BWH Mentoring Curriculum & Toolkit
- Fast Company: Here’s why we need way more women in healthcare leadership
- Harvard Business Review: The Different Words We Use to Describe Male and Female Leaders
- The Lancet: Advancing women in science, medicine, and global health
- New England Journal of Medicine: Men’s Fear of Mentoring in the #MeToo Era — What’s at Stake for Academic Medicine?
- The Permanente Journal: Women in Medicine, Special Issue
- Rock Health: What 600+ women told us about working in healthcare in 2018
- World Economic Forum: What does real leadership look like in the #MeToo era?
Addressing Sexual Harassment
- Harvard Business Review: How Discrimination Against Female Doctors Hurts Patients
- Harvard Business Review: Sexual Harassment Is Rampant in Health Care. Here’s How to Stop It.
- JAMA Network: Prevalence of Sexual Harassment in Academic Medicine
- JAMA Network: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Report on Sexual Harassment
- The Joint Commission: Sexual Harassment Between Health Care Workers and Safety Culture
- Marketplace: Should we think about sexual harassment as a spectrum?
- Marketplace: Drawing the line between offensive behavior and sexual misconduct (podcast)
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine: Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (2018)
- Newsbytes: Research confirms women worry about sexual-harassment, (unsurprisingly) men don't
- New England Journal of Medicine: Ending Sexual Harassment in Academic Medicine
- New England Journal of Medicine: Time’s Up for Medicine? Only Time Will Tell
- The Permanente Journal: Women in Medicine, Special Issue
- Stat: 6 in 10 doctors report abusive remarks from patients, and many get little help coping with the wounds
Become a member of the American Medical Women's Association through ACP's affliate program!