New Fellows Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the ceremony? What is the role of the new FACPs?

Convocation generally lasts about 80 minutes. The procession and seating of new FACPs is by ACP chapter. During the ceremony, new FACPs stand by roll call of their ACP chapter and together recite the ACP Pledge.  FACPs do not ascend the stage during the ceremony.

How do I register for Convocation?

Please note: Registration is now closed and we cannot accommodate walk-ins at Convocation.

What should I wear?

Suggested attire is business. You may wish to check coats, bags, and briefcases at the Coat Check in front of Hall C.

May I keep the stole?

Yes! The green and gold Convocation stole commemorating your achievements is yours to keep.

Can my family attend Convocation?

Convocation is open to the public and we encourage family and friends to attend the ceremony and honor the new FACPs. Family and friends may not accompany their new FACPs into the stole pickup and assembly hall as the Governors and New Fellows Assembly Area is restricted to participants. Though guests may not enter the Assembly Area, there are photo opportunity stations in the hallways outside Hall B Lobby.

Please note: Convocation is a formal ceremony honoring the great achievements of the participants; guest conduct is expected to match the occasion.

Are tickets needed for Convocation?

No. Convocation is open to the public on a first come, first seated basis.

What time do I need to be there?

Stoles pick-up and assembly will open 4:30 p.m. in Hall C of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. All new FACPs must report to the Governors and New Fellows Assembly Area with their stoles no later than 5:30 p.m.

Where do I go to sit for photographs?

EPNAC Photography appointment desk and portrait studio is located in the Hall B Lobby. Portrait packages are available at a variety of prices.

Do I have to walk across the stage or give a speech?

No. The new FACPs process with their Chapters and are asked to stand with their Chapter to be recognized at their seats.

Is there a reception after the ceremony?

There are no official events related to Convocation held after the ceremony is concluded.

What if I want to frame my certificate?

Framing Success is offering New FACPs a 20% off coupon.