In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- COVID-19 Assistance
- Anti-discrimination Resources
- National Poster Competition
- 2020 Chapter Meeting Change
- Chapter Financial Report
- Wellness Update
- Awards Update
- Advocacy Update
- Share input on resolutions!
- Help ACP's #SavePrimaryCare Efforts

Micah W. Beachy, DO, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Typically, this volume of the newsletter is filled with updates from the annual meeting. A time of reflection on the new knowledge gained, pictures of our newly inducted Fellows, and stories of connecting with colleagues from around the world. However, little feels typical these days. If you're like me, you may find it hard to believe that April was just two short months ago.
Despite the short timeframe, much has happened in our nation and our state. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage with wide ranging impacts some of which are not fully understood. We have also seen an uprising of social unrest calling for more to be done to end discrimination and racism following the tragic killing of George Floyd. Both are impacting colleagues and patients. Both will require our devotion and dedication to find solutions whether nationally or locally. Both will require us to work together.
ACP has long been my professional home. Quickly getting involved following residency, I have long valued the educational offerings, the camaraderie, and the ability to engage in discourse with colleagues to better shape my opinion or to hammer out a policy position. While many of you may share a similar experience, my hope during my time as governor is that more will come to share the same sentiment. If you have questions or are looking to get more involved, please feel to reach out to me personally.
COVID-19 Assistance
On behalf of the Nebraska Chapter, we thank each of you for your efforts in the fight against coronavirus. The physician's resource guide created by ACP has become a leading resource for healthcare providers. Access to the guide is free to everyone and can be found here. Resources are also available from ACP to address issues related to practice management during the pandemic. Find those resources here. ) Lastly, resources on ACP advocacy in relation to COVID-19 can be found here.
Anti-discrimination Resources
In case you missed it, Dr. Heather Gantzer, Chair of the Board of Regents re-emphasized ACP's stance against discrimination and racism in this recent statement.
Additional resources on ACP policy and advocacy efforts against racial health disparities and discrimination can be found here.
National Poster Competition
Despite Internal Medicine Meeting in Los Angeles being cancelled, the College held a virtual poster competition where our poster winners from last fall participated – Rohan Khazanchi in the medical student competition and Dr. Bernadette Lamb in the resident competition. Congratulations to Dr. Lamb for being selected as one of the winners of the resident's Clinical Vignette ePoster competition!

2020 Chapter Meeting Change
The decision has been made to pivot our fall meeting to a virtual platform only. Keep the date of Saturday, October 24, 2020, on your calendar, and stay tuned for more information as we roll out our plan for a virtual abstract competition and educational program.
Chapter Financial Report
As of May 31, 2020, the Nebraska chapter financials show a total income of $52,770.27 and total expenses of $28,564.40 with a net income of $25,288.28. Dues collected in the 2019-2020 year were slightly lower than the previous year. Our overall net income is a bit lower than last year, and our expenses are also lower than last year.
Wellness Update
Nebraska Chapter Members – are you seeking reprieve during difficult times? Looking for opportunities to build connections and support yourself and others?
Introducing Bibliotherapy – For Physicians, By Physicians.
What is Bibliotherapy? An international book club, to promote intercultural connection amongst physicians around the globe. With moderated discussions, we hope to improve communication and engagement with physicians from different backgrounds with attention to mindfulness, self-awareness, empathy, and adaptability. Members communicate via Facebook, making this international connection quickly and easily accessible.
We anticipate covering 2 chapters per week of each book. Participants can engage with the discussion at any time that fits their schedule. In addition to the discussion questions, we will host a weekly Facebook Live discussion for people to join as their schedule permits. Since we aim to include readers across time zones, we will vary the schedule for the live discussions. Subsequent books will be chosen by the group, and will be open to all genres.
Please see this link for details [facebook.com], $ or contact Dr. Lauren Nelson, Nebraska ACP member and Bibliotherapy co-founder, at, nelson.lauren08@gmail.com with questions.
Awards Update
As previously reported, we are excited to highlight two chapter award winners and one national award winner this spring. If you haven't already seen our Awards Brochure, please take a moment to read about these exceptional members here.
Advocacy Update
Even though Leadership Day was cancelled this year, there are still numerous ways to stay engaged in advocacy. Join the Chapter Advocates for Internal Medicine Network to join more than 15,000 of your colleagues in advocating for Internal Medicine and receiving legislative updates with opportunities to engage. Visit this website to enroll today!
Do you have a relationship or tie to a local, state or federal lawmaker?
If so, please contact Dr. Richard Seitz or Dr. Grant Turner, co-chairs of our chapter's Health and Public Policy Committee to connect.
You can also follow ACP as they advocate for you on policy changes that will make a difference in your practice, your professional development and your patients' health. Read more about ACP's advocacy work here.
Share input on resolutions!
Resolutions serve as the mechanism for membership (you!) to have formal input with the Board of Regents (the policy-making body of the College). Later this summer, our Chapter will again utilize an electronic survey to collect your feedback on the fall resolutions. Please keep an eye on your inbox in August for this survey link, and take a few minutes to share your thoughts on resolutions. By doing so you will help advocate on positions of new policy and foster excellence in internal medicine!
Help ACP's #SavePrimaryCare Efforts
ACP has launched a social media campaign to help #SavePrimaryCare. As part of this advocacy they are asking Secretary of Health and Human Services (“HHS”), Alex Azar to make a targeted allocation out of the Provider Relief Fund to help primary care physicians.
Please help get the word out about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted primary care practices and why they are especially in need of funding to help them survive this time. ACP members are invited to engage by using the hashtag, and for those in primary care practices, share how this is impacting your practice.
Guidelines for tweets:
- All tweets should include the hashtag #SavePrimaryCare.
- All tweets should tag Secretary of HHS, Alex Azar (@SecAzar) and HHS (@HHSgov) .
- Tweets should include information about how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the practice of primary care medicine.
- Tweets should call attention to ACP's request for a targeted funding allocation from the provider relief fund for primary care practices.