In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- Get Registered Now for the 2021 Nebraska Chapter Meeting!
- Abstract Competition Coming Up-Judges Needed
- 2021 Fall Chapter Awards
- COVID-19 Assistance
- Medical Society Offering Wellness Center for Physicians
- Chapter Excellence Award- Gold Level Winner
- Membership News
- Health and Public Policy News
- Early Career Physicians Mentoring Students
- Congratulations New Fellows!
- Student and Resident Council

Micah W. Beachy, DO, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
With Labor Day several weeks behind us, I'm sure everyone is coming to grips with the fact summer is essentially over. Kids are back in school, a new class of medical students have started their medical education as their peers' inch closer to completing their journey, and house staff are growing accustomed to the roles a new academic year brings. September has always been one of my favorite months in Nebraska. After the joys of a summer break, I appreciate being able to get back into a routine. It also brings with it cooler temps, the start of fall harvest, and my favorite pass time…football. In fact, I'm sitting at one of my son's football practices as I write this.
This time of year also brings the fall Board of Governors meeting and our annual chapter meeting. The hope had been for both events to happen in person this year. Sadly, that wasn't meant to be, and were switched to a virtual only platform given the ongoing pandemic and increases in COVID related to the Delta surge. Despite the annual chapter meeting being virtual, it is still a must attend event full of the same content and activities you expect and enjoy. The flexibility of the chapter staff along with the scientific planning committee made the transition smooth, so a big thank you to everyone involved.
If you haven't signed up for the chapter meeting, I would encourage you to take a moment to accomplish that today and maybe, consider being a judge for the poster competition. This is also taking place virtually so judges can participate no matter where you live. Judging is an easy way to get involved and give back to your future colleagues. You're also likely to learn something too.
While there are plenty of other great things happening in the chapter, it would be disingenuous to pretend things are back to normal. Clearly, we are still in the thick of the pandemic and are being stretched in ways we didn't think possible. Being okay with not being okay is a phrase I've heard frequently as of late, which allows us to acknowledge we're all grieving a loss of some sort from the past 18 months. The losses are different, but everyone has lost something during that timeframe. Appreciating each of us handles loss differently, I would encourage you to consider sharing your loss in whatever way feels comfortable to you. Maybe that's writing it down or sharing it with a loved one or seeking counsel from a friend, a spiritual leader, or a counselor. No matter the approach take some time to prioritize yourself…you deserve it.
Additional resources are listed below for those that are interested and feel free to reach out directly I'd be happy help in any way even if that's just listening. Hope to see you during our upcoming annual chapter meeting activities.
Get Registered Now for the 2021 Nebraska Chapter Meeting!
The Meeting Program Planning Committee has been working hard on the finishing touches to our Nebraska ACP Chapter Meeting October 30, 2021. Due to rising COVID 19 numbers in our area, we have shifted from an in-person event to a virtual format. We will have the opportunity to hear two outstanding lectures on COVID 19 from Dr Andrew Vasey, Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine Division of General Medicine-Academic and Dr Matthew Donahue, State Epidemiologist, Nebraska Department. We will feature a Doctor's Dilemma tournament for the resident physicians that will be based on the competition featured at the National ACP Meeting. We look forward to seeing you at the Chapter Meeting on October 30th. View the Full Schedule and Register Here
Abstract Competition Coming Up-Judges Needed
We are looking forward to the poster competition, October 7th for students and October 14th for residents, outlining research from our qualifiers. We've had many outstanding abstract submissions this year and are excited to hear each presentation. We are also currently in the process of recruiting poster judges and would appreciate any volunteers to evaluate presentations. Please contact casey@omahamedical.com if interested in volunteering as a poster judge.
2021 Fall Chapter Awards
This year the Nebraska ACP has recognized eight outstanding physicians who have given their time and expertise to their patients, places of work and communities. We thank and congratulate them for their continued commitment and dedication! To view the award winners click here.
COVID-19 Assistance
On behalf of the Nebraska Chapter, we thank each of you for your efforts in the fight against coronavirus. The physician's resource guide created by ACP has become a leading resource for healthcare providers. Access to the guide is free to everyone and can be found here (COVID-19: An ACP Physician's Guide) . Resources are also available from ACP to address issues related to practice management during the pandemic. Find those resources here (COVID-19: Practice Management Resources) . Lastly, resources on ACP advocacy in relation to COVID-19 can be found here (COVID-19 Advocacy) .
Medical Society Offering Wellness Center for Physicians
R&R…whether it's rest and relaxation, rejuvenate and re-energize, we all need some downtime and a place for renewal. Physicians in the Omaha area will soon have a pop-up center aimed to help physicians re-charge and be a center that is just for you. The Metro Omaha Medical Society Foundation is funding the space which aims to open in the Miracle Hills Shopping Center at 114th and Dodge by the end of October 2021 through March of 2022. The center will offer some classes but will also host coffees and happy hours and be open for doctors to access 24-7.
Our hope is that physicians will take advantage of the chance to re-connect and to utilize it so they can battle burnout in a caring, supportive, and safe space. The emotional and mental health impact that Covid-19 has taken a toll on our front-line doctors was behind the idea. More to come and we welcome ideas for how to make it work for you.
Chapter Excellence Award- Gold Level Winner
I am pleased to announce that our chapter is in receipt of the Gold Level of the 2021 Chapter Excellence Award! The award recognizes truly extraordinary chapters that surpass excellence in chapter management. We are in the company of 44 other outstanding chapters. In order to achieve the Gold Level of the Chapter Excellence Award, chapters must meet twenty-one Bronze criteria, seventeen Silver criteria and multiple Gold level activities. Criteria include such activities as having a legislative action plan or agenda, holding a volunteerism/community service activity, holding multiple stand-alone meetings, having revenue sources outside of dues and meeting registration fees, implementing a strategic plan, implementing a formal recruitment and retention plan and measuring outcomes, conducting various activities for Medical Students, Residents and Early Career Physicians. I would like to extend a special thanks to those chapter members who assisted us in all of these endeavors!
Membership News
The Nebraska ACP is proud to announce our chapter has increased membership by 3% since July 2020 with the biggest gains in our student members! Our membership committee continues to work on recruiting and retaining members.
Health and Public Policy News
“Two” is the number to remember for our chapter's Health and Public Policy Committee since…the committee has two important messages about “two”:
Two of us are serving as co-chairs: Stephanie Hartman MD, and Marvin Bittner MD FACP.
Two events are coming up in ‘22 for improving communication with our legislators: One is our cooperative effort with the Nebraska Medical Association for its day to meet legislators in Lincoln in month number two; February 1 is the planned date. The second event is the ACP's national Leadership Day. Previously it was an in-person event in Washington, DC, but this year it was a virtual event. May 17-18, 2022 is when it's scheduled for ‘22.
Two things to do: (1) Mark your calendars to make room on these dates to talk with our legislators. (2) Watch for email announcements of the format and registration.
. . . and if you're interested in working on the Health and Public Policy Committee, please contact one of the two co-chairs, Stephanie Hartman, MD at shartman09@gmail.com or Marvin Bittner, MD FACP at marvin.bittner@gmail.com.
Early Career Physicians Mentoring Students
The Nebraska ACP Early Career Physicians Committee is in the process of developing a new mentorship program for medical students. This program will include a match style format to assist students in finding and building mentor relationships with participating physicians. If you would like to be involved, please contact casey@omahamedical.com.
Congratulations New Fellows!
Achieving ACP Masters and Fellowship is a mark of distinction and a milestone in a physician's career. Please join me in congratulating the following as new Nebraska Fellows named by the American College of Physicians in the last 6 months:
- Nathan Anderson, MD FACP, Omaha
- Mahliqha Qasimyar, MD FACP, Omaha
- Justin R. Birge, MD FACP, Omaha
- Christopher Holewinski, DO FACP, Omaha
Make 2021 the year you apply for Fellowship. ACP Fellowship is a high honor and a mark of distinction. Learn more at acponline.org.
Student and Resident Council
Have you joined the Nebraska chapter Student or Resident Council yet?
Nebraska ACP student and resident councils are well under way and we invite you to participate on the council as a way to advocate for interests and concerns. Plus, it makes a great CV addition! Contact casey@omahamedical.com to be added to the roster before the next meeting.
Follow us on Twitter @Nebraska_ACP for all the latest Nebraska ACP news and events!