In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- COVID-19 Assistance – Updated as of February 2021
- Chapter Financial Report
- 2020 Nebraska Chapter Meeting
- Have you taken part in Bibliotherapy yet?
- Advocacy Update
- Resident's Corner
- Student's Corner
- Internal Medicine Meeting
- Physician Leadership Certificate Program
- New Fellows – Last Six Months

Micah W. Beachy, DO, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Like many of you, I typically set aside time at the beginning of a new year to reflect back on the prior twelve months. That reflection this year landed me on a word which encapsulates many of the events and emotions of the year. My word for 2020 was ‘unsettled’. Defined by Merriam-Webster as “not calm, likely to vary widely, unstable” this adjective appropriately fits both from a personal and professional level. From the spread of SARS-CoV-2 or to children attending school remotely or social unrest related to ongoing discrimination and racism or cancelled vacations or the allocation of a scarce vaccine or the events surrounding the presidential election and its certification…unsettled.
This isn't to say 2020 lacked positives. As a lifelong Kansas City Chiefs fan, it brought the first Super Bowl in 50 years (too early to talk about this year's Super Bowl). It also catapulted the use of telemedicine and eliminated many of the previous barriers that stifled its use. For the first time, it saw the creation of a new vaccine in a mere 10 months potentially revolutionizing the way we think about vaccine development in the future. It also saw what I would call a resurgence in the importance of the internist given our pivotal role in caring for COVID-19 patients.
For many of you (more likely most), a good portion of the past year was spent caring for patients with COVID-19 amidst the care provided for the rest of your patients. Whether in the clinic or the hospital, you donned your PPE and did your best to provide care despite fewer tools for treatment and the possibility of becoming infected yourself. During one of my earliest shifts on the COVID unit, I recall a family text string expressing their concern for me caring for these patients. My reply back relayed my confidence in the training and safety measures the hospital had put into place and reiterated that my call to medicine was helping people in their times of sickness. I'm confident you have a similar story. The role internists have played across the state and the country caring, educating, and advocating is impressive and the phrase I.M. Proud rings truer than ever this past year.
In this edition of the newsletter, we'll reflect back on chapter events from 2020 and look ahead to what is being planned. While the initial months of 2021 look similar to the prior, I remain hopeful that normalcy is on the horizon and we'll be able to gather together for our chapter meeting this fall.
COVID-19 Assistance – Updated as of February 2021
As we mark nearly a year into the pandemic, ACP continues to be a leading resource for physicians and other healthcare practitioners. Click here to access ACP's guide, which is continually updated and free for everyone. Since our last newsletter, ACP also added a resource focused on the COVID-19 vaccine which can be found here. Information for practice management during the pandemic has been updated for February, found here and updated resources on ACP advocacy in relation to COVID-19 can be found here.
Chapter Financial Report
As of January 31, 2021, the Nebraska Chapter financials show a total income of $41,408.00 and total expenses of $17,216.56 with a net income of $24,657.84. Overall expenses are $842.08 more than this time in 2019-2020 and year-to-date total income is $10,512.27 less than in 2019-2020.
2020 Nebraska Chapter Meeting

Thanks to our many presenters who helped to add incredible value to our 2020 chapter meeting this past fall. In case you missed the virtual meeting, many of the presentations are available on our chapter's YouTube page. Some are even eligible for CME! Start with the instructions video to learn how to claim your CME and explore the meeting playlist to see the numerous videos available.
National Poster Competition
Congratulations to Dr. Anne Heenan, winner of the 2020 Nebraska Chapter resident abstract competition! She will enter her presentation “Complicated MSSA Bacteremia Following an Influenza Vaccination Site Infection” in the ACP national ePoster competition during the 2021 Internal Medicine Meeting this spring. View Dr. Heenan's presentation on the chapter YouTube page.
Congratulations to Michael Eller, winner of the 2020 Nebraska Chapter student abstract competition! He will also be eligible for the national competition with his presentation “Double Trouble with Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole”. View Michael's presentation here.
Stay tuned for announcements coming soon about our 2021 meeting!
Have you taken part in Bibliotherapy yet?
Nebraska Chapter members are invited to join in the international book club for physicians by physicians. Bibliotherapy is a means to promote intercultural connection amongst physicians around the globe through moderated discussions. We hope to improve communication and engagement with physicians from different backgrounds with attention to mindfulness, self-awareness, empathy, and adaptability. Members communicate via Facebook, making this international connection quickly and easily accessible.
We are currently reading Quackery written by Nebraska Chapter member Dr. Lydia Kang and Nate Pedersen. Participants can engage with the discussion at any time that fits their schedule, as well as a weekly Facebook Live discussion, as schedules permit. Since the aim is to include readers across time zones, the schedule will vary for the live discussions. Subsequent books will be chosen by the group and will be open to all genres.
Please see this link for details, or contact Dr. Lauren Nelson, Nebraska Chapter member and Bibliotherapy co-founder, with questions.
Advocacy Update
Save the Date for Leadership Day 2021, happening virtually May 25-26, 2021. Leadership Day enables the College to increase its presence on Capitol Hill and bring our issues of concern to U.S. lawmakers. The two-day event will provide ACP members with virtual briefings on the College's legislative priorities, and an opportunity to meet virtually with your members of Congress. More to come on this soon!
Follow ACP as they advocate for you on policy changes that will make a difference in your practice, your professional development and your patients' health. Read more about ACP's advocacy work here.
Share input on resolutions!
Resolutions serve as the mechanism for membership (you!) to have formal input with the Board of Regents (the policy-making body of ACP). This year our Chapter will again utilize an electronic survey to collect your feedback on the fall resolutions. Please check your inbox, as this e-mail was sent recently with a link to the survey. Contact us to request a new link if needed. Thank you for taking a few minutes to share your thoughts on resolutions. By doing so you will help advocate on positions of new policy and foster excellence in internal medicine!
Have you joined the Chapter Advocates for Internal Medicine Network?
More than 15,000 of your colleagues are already advocating for Internal Medicine and receiving legislative updates with opportunities to engage. It's quick and easy – just visit this website and enroll today!
Do you have a relationship or tie to a local, state, or federal lawmaker?
If so, it could be incredibly helpful to our Health & Public Policy committee. Please contact a committee co-chair, Dr. Richard Seitz or Dr. Grant Turner, to connect.
Resident's Corner
Want to serve on the Governor's Advisory Council?
You can become the next Resident/Fellow representative on the Nebraska Chapter Governor's Advisory Council. Each IM residency program has one seat on the board for a Resident/Fellow member, and both the Creighton and UNMC seats are up for replacement in March. Thank you to Dr. Omar Kousa (Creighton) and Dr. Adam Karevoll (UNMC) for their year of service on the chapter council!
The role of Resident/Fellow representative involves a 1-year term with participation in 2-3 council meetings and occasional chapter events to represent your program and the interests of your peers. The Resident/Fellow representatives also serve as co-chairs of the chapter Resident/Fellow Council. APPLY NOW TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE OPEN POSITION! E-mail us your CV and a brief statement about why you want to serve by March 10 th, 2021.
Have you joined the new chapter Resident/Fellow Council yet?
It's not too late to join the Resident/Fellow Council as a way to advocate for YOUR interests within the Nebraska Chapter. This council is separate from the Governor's Advisory Council and is strictly for Resident/Fellow members. This is an important forum for needs and concerns of Resident/Fellows to be brought forward in the chapter, and it makes a great addition to your CV! Any Nebraska ACP Resident/Fellow member is eligible to participate, with the first virtual meeting to be held in March. Contact us to join today!
Compete in the National Doctor's Dilemma Competition
Our chapter has reserved a place in the 2021 Virtual Doctor's Dilemma competition, and we want you to compete on our behalf! It will be held via Zoom on Friday, May 14, 2021 and will last approx. 3 hours. Please note: residents may participate if they did not graduate in June 2020. Chief residents who graduated in 2020 and fellows in a subspecialty training program may not participate in Doctor's Dilemma (PGY-3 chiefs may participate). If you are interested in being a member of the Nebraska team, please contact us ASAP. There may be free food involved!
Tell Your Story on a National Platform
On May 14 - 15, 2021, ACP will be holding a virtual story slam for ACP Resident/Fellow members as part of the ACP Future IM Meeting. Participants are invited to speak on the theme: lessons learned from the pandemic as a trainee. Applicants must be ACP members, but do not need to be registered or be “present” during the story slam on May 15. You need only submit your information and a URL to your 5-minute story. If selected, their stories will be edited together with the other chosen submissions for the hour-long story slam. Click here to enter your story.
Student's Corner
Want to serve on the Governor's Advisory Council?
Become the next UNMC student representative on the Nebraska Chapter Governor's Advisory Council. Each medical school has one seat on the board for a student representative; the UNMC seat is up for replacement in March and the Creighton seat in September. Thanks to RemyGrace Sass (UNMC) for her year of service on the council! Michelle Ngo is currently serving as the Creighton student representative.
The role of student representative involves a 1-year term with participation in 2-3 council meetings and occasional chapter events to represent your program and the interests of your peers. The student reps on the council also serve as co-chairs of the chapter student council. This is not a heavy time commitment so APPLY NOW TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE OPEN POSITION! E-mail your CV and a brief statement about why you want to serve by March 10 th, 2021.
Have you joined our new Student Council yet?
Nebraska Chapter student members are invited to join the Student Council as a way to advocate for medical student interests and concerns. This is separate from the Governor's Advisory Council, and is strictly for student members. Plus, it makes a great CV addition! Contact us to be added to the roster before the first virtual meeting, being held on Thursday, March 18 th at 6:00 pm.
Tell a Story on a National Platform
On May 14 - 15, 2021, ACP will be holding a virtual story slam for ACP medical student members as part of the ACP Future IM Meeting. Participants are invited to speak on the theme: lessons learned from the pandemic as a trainee. Medical students must be ACP members, but do not need to be registered or be “present” during the story slam on May 15. You need only submit your information and a URL to your 5-minute story. If selected, their stories will be edited together with the other chosen submissions for the hour-long story slam. Click here to enter your story.
Internal Medicine Meeting
What is the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting? How is it different from the new ACP Future IM Meeting?

The ACP Internal Medicine Meeting (IMM) is a 3-day educational event [being held virtually this year] featuring expert faculty, interactive learning experiences and a virtual exhibitor hall. It is essentially the leading internal medicine educational event offering more CME/MOC than ever before. Members and non-members of all levels are invited to register for IMM, with fees varying based on your chosen access level. IMM 2021 is being held April 29 – May 1, and will include a virtual Nebraska chapter reception. More information about that coming soon!
The ACP Future IM Meeting is a new offering this year. With IMM 2021 taking place virtually, many of the non-CME related sessions and activities normally held during the meeting were moved outside of the three-day schedule. These activities are mainly geared toward Resident/Fellow and medical student members, and registration will be free for students and Resident/Fellow members. Mark your calendar for Friday, May 14 and Saturday, May 15, and watch for the registration link coming soon!
Physician Leadership Certificate Program

In partnership with the American Association for Physician Leadership, the ACP Leadership Academy offers a flexible, 18-month program for a Certificate in Physician Leadership program with tracks in Hospital Medicine and Primary Care.
The program includes a combination of formal training through 46.5 hours of online coursework, online group discussions facilitated by leaders in internal medicine, and a capstone project that demonstrates successful mastery of leadership concepts. In addition, ACP provides participants with access to a number of professional development and membership engagement opportunities. Participants complete the program as part of a cohort starting July 1. For more information, visit this page.
New Fellows – Last Six Months
Congratulations to our chapter members newly elected to ACP Fellowship:
Faran Ahmad, MBBS, MD, FACP
Suzette R. Clarke, MD, FACP
Bryant R. England, MD, PhD, FACP