Targeted Learning Assessment and Remediation
The ACP MKSAP Residency Program Tracker enables residency programs to assess potential knowledge gaps and create appropriate remediation plans as residents work through ACP MKSAP’s individualized learning platform. A free enhancement included within ACP MKSAP, the ACP MKSAP Residency Program Tracker combines the benefits of ACP MKSAP’s trusted self-assessment content with an educator’s toolbox facilitating tracking of residents’ proficiency and progress in answering MKSAP’s psychometrically validated multiple-choice questions. With the Tracker’s assignment feature, programs can create custom sets of questions, based on identified educational needs, to address knowledge gaps and reinforce learning.
The ACP MKSAP Tracker includes key improvements that have been most requested by Tracker administrators, program directors, and residents, the ability to add due dates to assignments, and availability of assignments in the iOS and Android apps as well as in the web-based platform.
Free “Plug-and-Play” Educator’s Toolbox
The ACP MKSAP Residency Program Tracker is built in to the ACP MKSAP program and, unlike other products, doesn’t require a phone call to discuss the size of your program or special pricing arrangements because it’s always 100% free with each resident’s MKSAP subscription, regardless of program size. We’ve built the Tracker based on real educators’ hands-on testing experience and detailed feedback from residency programs of various sizes with a myriad of learning requirements.
Flexibility and Convenience
In addition, ACP allows program staff (e.g., coordinators, administrators, directors, chief residents) to set up groups, participate in other tracking activities, and view question previews, even without an ACP MKSAP subscription.
Programs can also use ACP MKSAP Tracker to inform their assessments of each resident’s progress toward ACGME Milestones in Medical Knowledge and in Practice-Based Learning and Improvement.
And with the ability to export ACP MKSAP Residency Program Tracker data to Excel or .CSV files, programs can customize reports, maintain longitudinal data, or combine data from MKSAP 19 and ACP MKSAP to meet critical documentation needs. Note that the MKSAP 19 Residency Program Tracker and the ACP MKSAP Residency Program Tracker are not connected and information available in the MKSAP 19 Residency Program Tracker is not able to be imported into the ACP MKSAP Residency Program Tracker.
Sign-up is simple, and ACP Member and Product Support staff are available to answer any questions along the way.
ACP MKSAP Residency Program Tracker Features
Here are a few ways to maximize ACP MKSAP’s educational value through the Residency Program Tracker:
- Create customized question assignments based on ACP MKSAP subspecialty topic or area requiring improvement as demonstrated through ACP MKSAP self-assessment question scores
- Measure learning improvement by creating pre-intervention and post-intervention question assignments
- Review residents’ responses to individual questions to identify incorrectly selected distractors and address potentially confusing points
- Review aggregate data to identify areas for potential curricular adjustment
- Export reports or print out page views for use as a source of documentation of the ACGME Milestones Knowledge Competency
- Identify poorly performing questions and “dissect the question” during noon conferences
User Roles
Two types of user roles are available within the ACP MKSAP Tracker:
Multiple individuals from your institution, such as educators or administrators (e.g., program director, assistant program director, chief resident, other faculty, program administrator/coordinator), may serve in the “monitor/administrator” role.
A MKSAP subscription is NOT required to participate as a monitor/administrator in the ACP MKSAP Residency Program Tracker.
Tasks: Monitors/Administrators can create groups, invite residents to participate, make assignments, view question content, and view and export reports.
Content Access: Monitors/Administrators without ACP MKSAP subscriptions will have access to individual and aggregate resident self-assessment performance data and multiple-choice question preview data, including the educational objective, lead-in, options, correct answer, peer statistics, critique, and citation, for each of MKSAP’s self-assessment questions but not the question’s clinical scenario, syllabus content, or any other ACP MKSAP feature.
Residents who are subscribers to ACP MKSAP can participate in the ACP MKSAP Residency Program Tracker.
Residents within participating institutions will receive an invitation from monitors/administrators after sign-up and once the program’s Tracker account is established. By consenting to participate, residents will give monitors/administrators permission to view their progress in completing assignments or answering ACP MKSAP questions on their own. Residents who consent to participate will receive assignment notifications from their program’s monitors/administrators on their ACP MKSAP dashboard.
A Word on Account Sharing
Sharing of ACP MKSAP account usernames and passwords is strictly prohibited. ACP MKSAP is designed for individual use as per the ACP MKSAP Digital End-User License Agreement. Residents who share their ACP MKSAP username and password with other residents nullify the validity of their scores reported through ACP MKSAP tracker because accounts that are shared no longer reflect an individual resident’s progress. We monitor access and use on accounts, and we will suspend access to the program for any account where we suspect account sharing.
Sharing of ACP MSKAP Tracker usernames and passwords with those who do not specifically have an ACP MKSAP Tracker account is strictly prohibited. Sharing of ACP MKSAP Tracker usernames or passwords with those who do not have accounts jeopardizes the privacy of residents, whose ACP MKSAP performance status is contained within ACP MKSAP Tracker. MKSAP subscribers participating in ACP MKSAP Tracker will use their ACP username and password to access the tool. All individuals serving as monitors/administrators will be given unique usernames and passwords to access ACP MKSAP Tracker and do not need to share accounts.
How to Participate with the ACP MKSAP Residency Program Tracker

- Identify the individuals from your program who will be serving as monitors/administrators. These individuals might be program directors, coordinators, administrators, or other types of educators or faculty. Here are a couple of important considerations:
- An ACP MKSAP subscription is not required for monitors/administrators.
- Multiple people from your program may serve as monitor/administrator.
- Complete and submit the sign-up form, indicating the names and contact information for those you have identified as monitors/administrators. Do not sign up your residents! ACP will link your residents' ACP MKSAP subscriptions with the Tracker behind the scenes.
- Ensure that all the residents who will be monitored have an ACP MKSAP subscription.
- After you have signed up, ACP will send you instructions on how to access the ACP MKSAP Tracker and invite your residents to participate beginning February 3, 2025. Please allow 5 business days for setting up accounts.
Using Tracker with Residents Subscribed to Both MKSAP 19 and ACP MKSAP
IMPORTANT: MKSAP 19 Tracker data are NOT transferrable to the ACP MKSAP Tracker.
Access to MKSAP 19, including the MKSAP 19 Tracker, will remain available through August 31, 2026 for institutions that have residents with MKSAP 19 subscriptions. However, because MKSAP 19 and ACP MKSAP contain edition-specific user data associated with two sets of unique questions per edition, MKSAP user data, including Tracker data, cannot be transferred from MKSAP 19 to ACP MKSAP. Programs purchasing ACP MKSAP for their residents will need to sign up now to start a ACP MKSAP Tracker account for monitoring residents with ACP MKSAP subscriptions.
Data for residents with MKSAP 19 and ACP MKSAP can be exported through the Export Data feature in 19 and ACP MKSAP as Excel or .CSV files, and data can be combined from both applications.