In this Issue:
- Governor's Welcome
- Save the Date:
- National ACP Meeting:
- Interested in Fellowship (FACP)?
- College News:
- Clinical Corner:

CDR Mark P Tschanz, DO, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Welcome
Happy 2022! I hope this winter newsletter finds you and your families well. The year has started with a similar theme to 2021 – a COVID-19 surge, multiple CONUS deployments, and continued pressure on the military and civilian healthcare systems. I read daily about the strain on the healthcare system – particularly the human resource required to provide care in our hospitals. The military is often asked to step up and do the impossible, and this is what our Navy Internal Medicine team is doing now both in our institutions and around the country (along with our amazing team members from around the Military Health System). Thank you for all you do, and let's continue to watch out for each other during these difficult times!
I am hopefully 2022 will bring more direct connection. We are optimistically planning for a live Tri-Service meeting in San Antonio the week following Labor Day. In addition, I hope to be able to see some of you in Chicago for the National Meeting, and maybe even over Zoom for a grand rounds, Early Career Physician (ECP) event, or other social activity. Keep watching for ACP emails with updates for these activities, as well as other opportunities for engagement, CME, MOC, advocacy, and wellbeing.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or ideas for the chapter.
Very Respectfully,
CDR Mark P. Tschanz DO, MACM, FACP
Governor, Navy Chapter, American College of Physicians.
Save the Date:
2022 Tri-service ACP Scientific Meeting: San Antonio, TX
September 7-10, 2022
Pre-course (tentative) on September 6, 2022
Call for awards and abstracts will be forthcoming (April 2022), so start collecting cases now! Medical students, residents, fellows, and Early Career Physicians (ECPs) – please make note of the timeline. Time to start planning now!
For Navy Early Career Physicians (not currently in residency/fellowship): Win a free registration at the 2023 National ACP meeting with the top abstract at the Tri-Service meeting! Details coming soon!
Tri-Service ACP 2021 Conference recordings:
The recordings for the 2021 conference are all posted on the meeting hub, and will remain available for the next 3 months. If you are interested in watching a session you missed or claiming CME, please do it before the recordings are moved off-line.
You may need to sign into your ACP account to view the meeting hub, and please be aware the first day pre-courses and Townhall meetings do not have any recordings. If you find a link that is not working, please let me know.
You may also still claim CME! Just follow the link at the bottom of the meeting hub page.
National ACP Meeting:
Chicago, IL April 20-30 – register here
Planned to be a live meeting, and I am hopeful that Omicron and any future variants will still allow this meeting to happen! Details will be forthcoming about a Tri-Service gathering for any members attending the meeting. Information will also be sent to all chapter members who are registered for the meeting about the Navy team competing in the Doctor's Dilemma competition. Make sure to register early if you are thinking about attending!
The 2022 Convocation Ceremony will take place on Thursday, April 28 during Internal Medicine Meeting 2022. We look forward to gathering together to celebrate the achievements of our FACPs, MACPs, national award recipients, and Honorary FACPs, as well as to recognize the contributions of members of the Board of Regents, members of the Board of Governors, the Officers Emeriti and the global dignitaries who will be joining the celebration.
In 2022, 2023, and 2024, ACP will welcome not only the new FACPs, new MACPs, and new national and chapter award recipients, but will also invite those who would have been recognized during the 2020 and 2021 Convocation ceremonies had they been held in person. Due to the anticipated increase in participation, there will be changes made to the customary Convocation ceremony, to include not using regalia and new Masters sitting with their chapter rather than onstage. These changes will ensure all the new FACP and MACP from the past two years are able to join. Please email me if you have any questions.
Interested in Fellowship (FACP)?
Please check out the ACP webpage for more information about fellowship. Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internist lives and practices.
The basic requirements to apply for fellowship are board certification, licensure, clinical practice for 3 years out of residency, and being a dues paying member for the previous 3 years. In addition, additional requirements include other professional activities – teaching, community service, leadership, scholarship, etc. Please contact me if you have any questions about how to achieve fellowship after reviewing the link above.
Congratulations to our newest fellows (July 2021 – January 2022):
Steven F. Shelden DO, FACP
Scott Snyder MD, FACP
Ryan K. Fawley MD, FACP
Raj C. Singaraju MD, FACP
Christopher Snitchler DO, FACP
Christie Joya DO, FACP
Celeste Young DO, FACP
Daniel Rausa DO, FACP
Kyle A. Mikals MD, FACP
Laura J. Gilbert MD, FACP
Danielle Pannebaker MD, FACP
Andrew L. Miller MD, FACP
College News:
2021 Advocacy achievements:
Check out ACP's 2021 Highlights to see all that ACP has advocated for this year. From advancing the value of internal medicine and primary care, to supporting internists' needs during the COVID-19 crisis, ACP has been active working for our members and our patients. Also highlighted are ACP's work to address racial disparities and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, improve Board certification policies and procedures and details about positive change in the CMS 2022 Physician Fee Schedule and new federal programs that reflect ACP recommendations.
Visit ACP's Advocacy section . to view the flyer and keep up with all of ACP Advocacy's efforts.
ACP and YouTube Have Partnered to Stop the Spread of Misinformation: We Need Your Help to Amplify the Word!
ACP has developed a series of videos on ACP's YouTube Channel to help combat misinformation about COVID-19, various vaccines, and related treatments. The video series – some of which are also available in Spanish -- features internists and includes:
- Physician to Physician Conversations – Practical communication strategies to help physicians and other healthcare professionals build vaccine confidence and address patient concerns that may be rooted in misinformation.
- Ask Your Internist – Helps answer vaccination-related patient questions using trusted, evidence-based information in the clinicians' voice.
Read the press release announcing the partnership.
How You Can Help:
Please help us spread the word through your own communications and social media efforts. Videos are currently posted on the channel and additional videos will be posted through the end of February. You can help by:
- Liking/Sharing/Retweeting posts from ACP national branded social media accounts:
- Twitter: @ACPinternists https://twitter.com/acpinternists
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/acpinternists
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acpinternists/
- Using the hashtags – #askyourinternist #acp #vaccine #misinformation – in all social media posts.
- Tagging @ACPinternists as well as social media handles for the physicians featured in the videos in all social media posts.
Clinical Corner:
What has been published recently that your residents know before you???
Breast Cancer Screening:
Schousboe JT, Sprague BL, Abraham L, O’Meara ES, Onega T, Advani S, Henderson LM, Wernli KJ, Zhang D, Miglioretti DL, Braithwaite D, Kerlikowske K. Cost-Effectiveness of Screening Mammography Beyond Age 75 Years : A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Ann Intern. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-8076
This article looked to estimate the benefits, harms, and cost of extending breast cancer screening to women at age 80, 85, or 90. I will let you read the article for the full story, but biennial screening to age 80 was cost-effective, although the number of deaths averted is small. Co-morbid conditions had a large impact, so the decision for continued screening should include consideration of these conditions.
Tobacco Cessation after lung cancer diagnosis:
Sheikh M, Mukeriya A, Shangina O, Brennan P, Zaridze D. Postdiagnosis Smoking Cessation and Reduced Risk for Lung Cancer Progression and Mortality : A Prospective Cohort Study. Ann Intern Med. 2021 Sep;174(9):1232-1239. doi: 10.7326/M21-0252. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M21-0252
Bottom line – tobacco cessation improves survival always – even after an early-stage lung cancer. With increased screening for lung cancer finding more early-stage cancers, this article becomes even more important. Tobacco cessation is beneficial always!
C. Difficile Is Everywhere – Even On The Bottom Of Footwear:
This might not be the highest level of evidence, but check out this report from ID Week. Have you been wearing scrubs and making your ID consultant happy by gowning and gloving every time you enter a patient's room with C. difficile? What do you do with your shoes at the end of the day? First the ID doctors ruined salsa for me, and now they are coming after my shoes…