In this Issue:
- Governor's Welcome
- Local and National Developments
- ACP Resources
- COVID-19 Practice Management Resources
- Adult Immunization
- Advocacy
- Leadership Day
- ACP Fellowship
- Internal Medicine Meeting 2022
- Save the date! 2022 Wisconsin Chapter Scientific Meeting

Noel N. Deep, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Welcome

Dear colleagues,
Warm greetings to you!
As I pen my last newsletter to you as the chapter governor, I reflect on the last four years and what it means to me. The first thought that comes to mind is gratitude - for this honor that you have bestowed on me to serve you - the ACP Wisconsin members and our profession and patients. It has been the singularly most humbling experience of my professional career and life. I have learned a lot and have grown as an individual and a leader. I could not have done this without the support and guidance of several chapter leaders including past governors, my executive committee, and committee chairs and the council. Our chapter executive, Jenni, and her staff have been an invaluable resource for me and our chapter and I am grateful for all of these individuals who have helped me lead our chapter successfully during my term.
As we ushered in spring, my thoughts go to the meaning of spring - it is usually described as a time of rebirth, renewal and awakening, a season of new beginnings, a time for change and an opportunity for progress. In our chapter, this spring we have a change of guard as I transition out of my role as the governor and pass on the responsibilities to Dr. Ann Maguire on April 30th. I am very confident in her abilities to lead our chapter to new heights and build on the excellent foundation laid over the years by our chapter governors and leaders.
During this past year we also bid goodbye to our three most recent chapter governors - Dr. Sharon Haase, Dr. Steve Pearson and Dr. Mark Belknap - as they ended their time on the Governor's Council. Between them they had almost a century of experience in the ACP, one that helped our chapter, and me personally as the governor. My heartfelt thanks to them and best wishes in their retirement. We are indebted to you for your service to our chapter and to our profession. We have also been fortunate to add several new members to the Governor's Advisory Council to help guide the chapter and the governor in the direction we proceed.
There have been some local and national developments that I would like to share with you.
Local and National Developments
Wisconsin makes threatening healthcare workers a felony
Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers signed a bill into law March 23 that makes it a felony to threaten a healthcare worker. To read more, please click here.
Federal Budget supports Healthcare Programs
The proposed 2023 federal budget released by President Biden yesterday included significant improvements in funding for key federal health programs and agencies. These include -
- Significant support for the mental health workforce.
- A new Vaccines for Adults Program to ensure that uninsured adults can access all of the vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at no cost.
- Support to improve public health and avert future pandemics.
- Increased funding for initiatives to improve maternal health and to increase health equity.
- A major increase in funding for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health.
- Adequate funding for key federal agencies and programs.
Click here to read more from ACP.
ACP Resources
I would like to share with you these resources from the American College of Physicians. As one who has utilized and benefited from several if not all of them, I strongly recommend that you check them out, and share with colleagues. These are just a few of the many benefits of ACP membership.
Practice Resources
- Practice Resources - Providing advice, tools, forms, educational materials for running a medical practice smoothly.
- Clinical Information - Recommendation guidelines, medical publications, and other tools to help clinicians stay up to date and treat their patients effectively.
- Telehealth Guidance and Resources - Find the guidance and information you need to provide technology-enabled patient care. Video Visits, Telephone Visits, and Remote Patient Monitoring have become much more widely used in the past year. From questions about optimal patient care and clinical skills, to guidance on coding or technology options, check out the information and CME programs offered to support your telemedicine practice.
- Clinical Guidelines & Recommendations - Please check out the Clinical Guidelines and Recommendations on the ACP website. It is a valuable resource to internists. ACP's goal is to provide clinicians with recommendations based on the best available evidence; to inform clinicians of when there is no evidence; and finally, to help clinicians deliver the best health care possible.
- Earn ABIM MOC Points - ACP offers a variety of ABIM recertification resources to help you earn both ABIM Maintenance of Certification points and CME credits through the same educational program.
- Earn CME Credits - ACP offers many CME options for the completion of AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits. Earn CME credits by attending live meetings, working online, or watching course recordings on your own schedule.
- Internal Medicine Board Review Courses - Prepare to pass the ABIM Board exam in internal medicine with live and virtual ACP Board Review Courses.
- ACP Leadership Academy - The ACP Leadership Academy provides members with training and resources to prepare you for leadership roles in your organization and in the greater healthcare environment.Clinical Information
COVID-19 Practice Management Resources
The ACP provides ongoing educational and practice resources available on the ACP website. These resources are intended to help practices manage the non-clinical aspects of the pandemic and are updated as newer updates become available.
Adult Immunization
The information on adult immunization is ever so changing - and ACP wants to keep you up to speed. In November 2021, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to approve the Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule for Ages 19 Years or Older, United States, 2022 . The CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also provides current information through their website focused on ACIP Vaccine Recommendations and Guidelines . Lastly, ACP Advance: I Raise the Rates initiative provides important resources as well as vaccine information to help clinicians increase adult immunization in their practices.
Administrative burdens, inadequate physician payments, high drug prices, and lack of access to affordable health care coverage are making it harder for internists to practice medicine, earn a living, and help patients. ACP advocates for policies that improve patients' health care and well-being along with a persistent push for better reimbursement for internists and the elimination of unnecessary administrative tasks that hinder your practice of medicine. ACP continues to lobby legislators and regulators for changes that can successfully improve your daily work experience and free you up to focus on the care you were trained to provide.
Legislative Advocacy is one of our chapter activities and a priority and we have an active and robust Health and Public Policy Committee which advises your chapter governor and the Advisory Council on legislative, and advocacy matters that are relevant to our patients and our profession.
Click here for Advocacy Resources.
Leadership Day
Leadership Day is the College's annual two-day advocacy event in Washington, DC that enables our members from across the country to bring our issues of concern to U.S. lawmakers. This is a great opportunity for the College and our members to bring our policy priorities to Congress and try to influence the legislative process on behalf of internal medicine. The ACP Leadership Day in Washington, DC will be on May 17-18, 2022.
Click here for more information about ACP Leadership Day.
ACP Fellowship
Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internist lives and practices. Please check out the details for advancement to Fellowship and reach out to me if I can be of any assistance in advancing you to Fellowship.
Click here for more information on Fellowship.
Internal Medicine Meeting 2022
The ACP's annual meeting will be in Chicago, IL from April 28-30, 2022. I am looking forward to seeing and meeting up with many of you there.
As you coordinate your schedule, please consider joining us at the Wisconsin Chapter Reception on Thursday evening, April 28th. This reception is open to all ACP Wisconsin Chapter members and you are encouraged to attend. It is a great way to network with other Wisconsin physicians!
The reception is being held at Marriott Marquis Chicago, which is near the convention center, from 8PM-10:30PM in the Shedd AB Meeting Room on Level 2.
Marriott Marquis Chicago
2121 South Prairie Avenue
Chicago, IL 16606
Hope to see you there! Safe travels!
Save the date! 2022 Wisconsin Chapter Scientific Meeting
September 9 - 10 | Glacier Canyon Conference Center in Wisconsin Dells, WI
I invite you to attend the Wisconsin Chapter Annual Scientific meeting at the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells.
If you would like to participate in our chapter meeting as faculty, require information about advancing to Fellowship, or would like to be more involved in our chapter activities, please contact me or our governor-elect, Dr. Ann Maguire.
I would like to thank you and congratulate you for your resiliency, commitment, and service to our patients, profession, and our communities during these very difficult times over the past two years.
I wish you all the very best and look forward to your continued involvement in our chapter and the ACP.
With Gratitude,
Noel N. Deep, MD, FACP
Governor, Wisconsin Chapter of the American College of Physicians