In this Issue:
- Greetings from the Governor
- Advocacy & Health and Public Policy
- Students, Residents & Fellows
- Hot Topics

Scott C. Woller, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Greetings from the Governor
Dear ACP Utah Members:
It has been an amazing quarter since my last update.
It was my privilege to represent our Chapter at ACP 2022 in Chicago, IL. The ACP commitment to providing up-to-date easily assimilated clinical pearls and CME learning in context did not disappoint. I was honored to walk with Dr. Bireen Whitten, FACP at Convocation who was advanced to fellowship. We were admirably represented by Medical Student submissions to by Derek Chang MS3, Naveen Rathi MS3, John Sanchez MS4. A special congratulations to Dr. Harris Carmichael who's scientific poster submission in the Early Career Physician Research category garnered Firs Prize!

Returning in person for our Utah Chapter meeting was especially gratifying. May 5-6th at the University Guest House afforded us the insight of our nationally renowned Keynote Speaker Dr. Cynthia (Daisy) Smith, MD FACP, who shared with us her work and our opportunities regarding Evidence based Approaches to Improve Physicians Well-being and Professional Fulfillment. I was honored to acknowledge our Chapter awardees Kencee Graves MD, FACP (Chapter Leader Award), Anthony Musci MD, FACP (Governors Recognition Award), Sonja Raaum, MD, FACP (Wellness Award), Jacob Kartes MD (Resident/Fellow's Award), Kimiya Nourian MS4 (Medical Student Award), Kristen Ries MD MACP (Chapter Advocacy Award), and Douglas L. Smith MD FACP (Lifetime Achievement Award).

The deliberate collaboration of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (Drs. Beverly Chang MD FACP, Bireen Whitten MD FACP, & Josephine Wright MD) along with our Membership and Retention Committee Leadership (Drs. Sonny Win MD FACP, Yaw Boateng MD FACP, & Jennifer Scott MD FACP) has advanced to fellowship perhaps the most diverse class of Utah Fellows ever. We welcome into fellowship Drs. Bireen Whitten MD, FACP, Cuper Martinez Santibanez MD, FACP, Taki May MD, FACP, Shu Zang MD, FACP, Kory T. Anderson MD, FACP, Miklos Molnar MD, FACP, Mazen Sires MD, FACP, Davis Ogitani MD, FACP, and Belinda Trieu MD, FACP.
With endorsement of our Utah Chapter Leadership Council, our Chapter is co-sponsoring 2 resolutions put forward by the Oregon Chapter for the Autumn legislative session. These are “Reducing ACP Plastic Waste” and “Advocating for the Evaluation and Mitigation of Racial Bias Risk on Clinical Care Decisions.” To to learn more, and always feel free to engage in our legislative session and contact me directly with any feedback that you have about these resolutions.
With July 1st being the beginning of the academic year, our Chapter welcomes incoming medical students and residents including the 105 first year medical students matriculated at the University of Utah School of Medicine, and the 63 first year housestaff in the University of Utah Department of Medicine. We can't wait for our autumn ACP Student and IMG gatherings and we thank Dr. Katie Lappè, MD FACP, and our Student co-presidents representatives Laura Anderson, Catherine Henry, and Patrick Ozark for their work amplifying all of the terrific student and resident benefits that ACP membership has to offer.
Opportunities to serve our Chapter as a member of a committee exist! We are grateful to Dr. Josephine Wright, MD, who is leaving UT and heading to Washington State and to Dr. Amy Cowan, MD who has agreed to serve as a member of our DEI Committee. We thank Dr. Sydney LeGuyader for her tenure as Chair of the Scientific Program Committee and we welcome Dr. Aaron Crosby, MD FACP, ascending to that role. We wish Josh Marr, MD and Darren White, MD FACP well and we welcome Dr. Mita Hoppenfeld as the new member on the Early Career Physicians committee. Will you please let me know if you would like an opportunity to collaborate in ACP Utah Chapter leadership?
Wishing you and your loved ones an active, healthy, and safe summer,
Scott C. Woller, MD FACP FCCP
Advocacy & Health and Public Policy
ACP Leadership Day in Washington DC was attended by our Health and Public Policy committee chair, Dr. Matt Mulligan, as well as Drs. Caroline Milne, Emily Signor, Alex Zheutlin, Rohith Vadlamudi who are involved in the advocacy curriculum as part of the residency program at University of Utah. They met with aides from every Utah member of congress, they briefly met with Representative Blake Moore.

On June 24, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 case that guaranteed the federal right to abortion services in this country. In the wake of the decision, ACP has prepared this toolkit to assist chapters in navigating issues surrounding abortion rights and related policies in their state. Please see the link below in “Hot Topics” to access these resources.
Upcoming Utah Advocacy Events
September 9-10, 2022 – UMA House of Delegates
Our chapter invites you to serve as Utah Chapter ACP delegates at the 2022 UMA House of Delegates meetings, which will be held on September 9-10, 2022, at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, UT.
At this engaging two-day event, you'll have opportunities to network with colleagues, preview emerging issues, hone your leadership skills, and participate in making policy for medicine in Utah and directing the efforts of your professional association for the coming year. Whether you are a first-time delegate or a seasoned veteran, it's an event you won't want to miss! Learn more here.
We have a block of seats reserved for the Utah chapter ACP. If you are interested in participating please email contact@utahacp.com by Monday, August 1, 2022. Note that if you are not already a UMA member you will need to sign up for UMA membership in order to be a delegate
Students, Residents & Fellows
2022 Poster Competition
Thursday, May 5th | Salt Lake City, UT | University Guest House
We had 25 terrific poster submissions this year.
Winners & Runners-up
The 4 individuals selected from a very competitive pool who presented their posters were:
- Prevalence of Genetic Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit – Jenna Jensen, MS (Research)
- HLH Due to COVID-19 Vaccines? Why HIV Testing Windows Matter – Holly Reynolds, MS1 (Clinical)
- Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis from Drug-Induced Hypersensitivity with associated Stress Cardiomyopathy – Flora Liu, MD (Clinical)
- Hypervirulent Klebsiella: A Case of Metastatic Infection – Naveen Rathi, MS4(Clinical)
Our grand prize winner, Naveen Rathi, who presented the case “Hypervirulent Klebsiella: A Case of Metastatic Infection” Naveen will join our leaders at the 2023 ACP National Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.
Hot Topics
The U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe v. Wade: What it Means for Reproductive Health
HEALTH & PUBLIC POLICY Posted on June 27, 2022
In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, ACP has prepared this toolkit to assist chapters in navigating issues surrounding abortion rights and related policies in their state. The toolkit is intended to be for informational purposes with updates forthcoming that will incorporate actionable items for those chapters that wish to engage.
For any questions regarding this toolkit or how this decision will impact your state, please submit all questions through the Advocacy Assistance Request Form to ensure we can track inquiries and respond in the most timely and efficient manner. Access the Toolkit
ABIM Article: Combating Medical Misinformation
The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)'s President and CEO Richard Baron, MD and Board Chair Yul Ejnes, MD (Chair emeritus, ACP's Board of Regents), published an article in The New England Journal of Medicine titled, “ Physicians Spreading Misinformation on Social Media – Do Right and Wrong Answers Still Exist in Medicine?, “ that explains how ABIM is addressing the challenge of misinformation in the medical community.