In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- Ohio/Air Force Combined Scientific Meeting
- 2022 Abstract Competition
- Internal Medicine 2022
- Ohio Members/Non-Members Serving As Faculty At IM2022
- News from the Council of Student Members
- Call For 2022 Chapter Awards Nominations

Craig D Nielsen, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Hello Everyone,
Spring is here (although at the time I wrote this it was snowing in Cleveland). With spring comes the annual National IM Meeting. I am excited it will be in person and am looking forward to seeing everyone at our Ohio/Military Chapters reception the evening of April 29th.
In this newsletter we highlight the medical students, residents, and faculty members who will be involved or presenting at this year's national meeting (sorry if we missed anyone). We thank everyone for their efforts and for representing OH at the national meeting.
We are continuing to finalize plans for our Ohio Chapter meeting in the Fall of 2022. After two years of hosting a virtual meeting, we are anticipating an in person meeting this year! We are still accepting medical student and resident abstract submissions. We also ask that you consider nominating one of your colleagues for a Chapter Award. The winners will be presented at our Fall meeting reception and is always a highlight of the meeting.
Lastly, I want to draw your attention to a ZOOM panel discussion happening on the evening of April 6th. It is sponsored by our medical student and diversity committees – “Tackling Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce”. It should be a fruitful discussion!
Craig Nielsen, MD, FACP
Ohio/Air Force Combined Scientific Meeting
The 2022 Ohio/Air Force Chapters Scientific Meeting is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, October 21st and 22nd at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. We are currently planning an in-person meeting. We will be holding the Ultrasound Sessions on Thursday morning and afternoon as well as Drs. Dilemma and a poster competition. Please stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.
2022 Abstract Competition
We are currently accepting abstracts for both Medical Students and Resident/Fellows who are members of the Ohio Chapter. The deadline to submit is midnight, Sunday, May 1st, 2022. Please visit the Ohio Chapter website for rules and submission form. The first-place winners of each category will have the opportunity to compete during IM2023.
Internal Medicine 2022
IM2022 is taking place April 28th-30th in Chicago, Illinois. The Ohio/Military Chapters reception will be held Friday, April 29th from 6-7:30 pm, Great Lakes Ballroom C, at the Marriott Marquis Chicago (the host hotel). Please be sure to stop in to celebrate your colleagues and our members success over the past year.
The following Residents, Medical Students and Early Career Physician will be presenting:
Christopher P. Alcorn, DO Clinical Research Podium Presentation
Ellen Tan, MD Clinical Vignette Podium Presentation
Ammar Ahmad, MD High Value Care Podium Presentation
Christopher P. Alcorn, DO Clinical Vignette Poster
Meagan Clark, MD Clinical Vignette Poster
Kieu Dinh, MD Clinical Vignette Poster
Rishanki Jha, MD Clinical Vignette Poster
Rajshri Joshi, MD Clinical Vignette Poster
Sean M. Masi, DO Clinical Vignette Poster
Benjamin Meacham, MD Clinical Vignette Poster
Sidra Shah, MD Clinical Vignette Poster
Deepali Sharath, MD Clinical Vignette Poster
Evan J. Thomas, MD Clinical Vignette Poster
Rabia Zulfiqar, MD Clinical Vignette Poster
Medical Students
Will M Patterson Clinical Research Podium Presentation
Derrick Lin Clinical Vignette Poster
Thomas Mason Clinical Vignette Poster
Gifty Marfowaa Clinical Vignette Poster
Kelly Kimball Clinical Vignette Poster
Abhilasha P. Boruah Clinical Vignette Poster
Allison P. Yan Clinical Vignette Poster
Ling Jing Clinical Vignette Poster
David Eapen Clinical Vignette Poster
Early Career Physicians
Aadil Maqsood, MBBS, FACP Clinical Vignette Poster
Ohio Members/Non-Members Serving As Faculty At IM2022
Pelin Batur, MD
A Complete Contraceptive Toolkit: Cases and Demos
Thursday, 4/28/2022 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Thursday, 4/28/2022 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM
Does this Abnormal PAP Test Need Follow Up?: A Case-Based Approach To Personalized Cervical Cancer Prevention Using New Result Management Guidelines
Friday, 4/29/2022 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Daniel Cantillon, MD
Inpatient Management on Telemetry
Friday, 4/29/2022 7:00 AM – 7:45 AM
Jennifer Hanrahan, DO
Antibiotics and the Inpatient
Friday, 4/29/2022 7:00 AM – 7:45 AM
David Kaelber, MD
Leveraging Digital Health Tools to Create and Support Equity and Parity
Friday, 4/29/2022 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
David Lang, MD
Allergy and Immunology for the Internist: Scratching Below the Surface
Saturday, 4/30/2022 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Britt Nielsen, PsyD
Hot Topics in Health IT: Trends
Saturday, 4/30/2022 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM
Kathryn Teng, MD
Genomic Testing in Primary Care: What Is Past Is Prologue?
Thursday, 4/28/2022 7:00 AM – 7:45 AM
News from the Council of Student Members
The Council of Student Members is collaborating with the Diversity Committee to host a Zoom event on Wednesday, April 6th from 5:00-6:00 pm. “Tackling Diversity In the Healthcare Workforce” will be presented as a panel discussion featuring Rachana Raghupathy, MS4, NEOMED, Jazmine Oliver, MD, Faculty, Cleveland Clinic and Houman Varghai, MD, FACP, Faculty, University of Cincinnati.
Moderators will be Kenneth Wong, MS2, NEOMED, and Afshin Khan, PGY2, Cleveland Clinic. To register for the Zoom link please email Jan Wrassman, Executive Director at jwrassman.acpohio@gmail.com
Call For 2022 Chapter Awards Nominations
We are accepting nominations for our 2022 Chapter Awards. Awards Chair, Debra Leizman is looking for nominations for Laureate, Master Teacher, Internist of the Year and Volunteerism/Community Involvement. The requirements for each award as well as a list of previous winners can be found on the chapter website. Please send your nominations to either Debra Leizman or Jan Wrassman. Winners will be celebrated at the Awards Reception on October 20th in Columbus.