Please join us for the Annual ACP Ohio Doctors Dilemma on Thursday, October 17, 2024 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.This year's competition will be for Residents only.
Registration is now open and ends on September 13, 2024. All registration materials and rules of play are available Here.
We will not be charging a team fee. This allows us to align our competition more closely with the national ACP Drs. Dilemma competition. Instead, team members must be registered for the Chapter Meeting. Please make sure all team members are registered before September 20th.
We will be accepting 18 Resident Teams this year, so don't forget to sign up early.
Each team is allowed 3 players with 1 alternate. ALL players must be a member of the ACP, have a valid ACP number, and be registered for the Chapter Meeting to participate. Please check with your institution, online, or in your mailer for your ACP number.
Resident Doctor’s Dilemma competition is Thursday, October 17, 2024 from 1:00 pm-4:15 pm at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.
If you have any questions, please contact Jan Wrassman. We hope to see you there! Good luck to all.
Houman Varghai, MD, FACP
Chair, Doctors Dilemma Committee
Moises Auron, MD, FACP
Governor, Ohio ACP Chapter