In this Issue:
- Governor's Welcome
- Register now for the 2022 New Mexico Chapter Annual Meeting
- Council election
- Keep an eye on our ACP-NM committee programming!
- Vote in our New Mexico Chapter Election for the next ACP Governor
- Other Articles of Interest

Heather C. Brislen, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Welcome
Dear Colleagues –
I am writing this from home on a day when I had planned to be en route to Savannah, GA for the fall Board of Governors meeting. Hurricane Ian, unfortunately, thought nothing of our best-laid plans. Now we are holding space for those in the storm's path and pivoting once again to a Zoom-based board meeting, at which we've become quite expert! I'm looking forward to carrying New Mexico's perspective to the national stage and voting for our positions on the resolutions for this meeting. Thank you to those of you that gave feedback on those resolutions – ACP policy hinges on input from members like you!
Please keep reading for important chapter updates -
Register now for the 2022 New Mexico Chapter Annual Meeting
Nov 4-5, at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown – and also available for virtual attendance via Zoom.
- Updates in Inpatient & Outpatient Medicine
- Re-examining Race in the Epidemiology of Disease
- COVID 19 and PASC, We Are In It for the Long Haul
- Updates in Atrial Fibrillation and use of personal monitors & fitness trackers
- Resident and Student Competitions … And MORE
Colleen Keeku, Executive Director
Full Agenda and Register HERE
Dr. Melissa Cline is this year's meeting chair, and under her awesome leadership we have put together a great, HYBRID, program. Hope to see many faces there, for our first in-person get together since 2019! The chapter business meeting and awards presentations will also be part of the meeting, and there will be a reception at Sawmill Market from 5:30-8:30pm. Register for the reception here.
Council election
Candidates for election at the business meeting for 2-year term to the ACP – New Mexico Council:
- Eva Angeli, MD, FACP
- Amanda Collar, PhD,
- April Volk, MD, FACP
- Vijaya Kankanala, MD
- Mike Bell, MD
(Nominations may also be made from the floor during the business meeting)
Keep an eye on our ACP-NM committee programming!
JEDI Committee
Our JEDI committee chair, Dr. Krystal Chan, has planned an awesome new series on Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. It will kick off in early 2023 – stay tuned for details to come!
Health and Public Policy Committee
New Mexico ACP is proud be promoting Vot-ER, a program that integrates voter registration into the health care environment, in a non-partisan manner, to create healthier communities. (Vot-ER has already helped over 48,000 patients register to vote!) The Vot-ER organization provides free badges that can be worn along with your institutional ID badge. These badges have a scannable QR code via which patients – or anyone – can link directly to their local voter registration resources. If you would like to order your own badge, or a set of badges for your institution, the link is here to get a free kit. If you have any questions about Vot-ER, please email Mandy Collar (collaral@salud.unm.edu)
NM Governor and legislative elections are happening this fall, along with the national midterms. The state legislative session will follow – from mid-January to mid-March, 2023. Please stay tuned for plans for ACP-New Mexico leadership day in Santa Fe during the upcoming legislative session.
Wellness Committee
Don't forget to follow the chapter on Social Media! Dr. Giselle Rodriguez de Sosa has compiled a wonderful array of wellness resources that you can find on facebook, twitter or Instagram.
Vote in our New Mexico Chapter Election for the next ACP Governor
Election Opens September 30, 2022 – closes November 4, 2022
I can hardly believe that it's already time to vote for our next Chapter Governor. The Governor serves as the official representative of the College for the chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level.
This year we have two superb candidates who are running for Governor-elect Alisha Parada, MD, FACP and Giselle Rodriguez de Sosa, MD, FACP. I wanted to acknowledge and thank them both for their enthusiastic work on behalf of our Chapter over the years. To learn more about their background and experience, see their biographies and candidate statements available on our Chapter's Website.
The election will be open between September 30 and November 4. Members can vote online or by mail-in ballot. The ballot will be mailed to you, and includes your ACP Member Number and Election Passcode that are required to cast a vote. Those eligible to vote include MACPs, FACPs, Members, and Resident/Fellow Members active since 9/1/2020.
To ensure your voting experience is smooth and easy, please note the following: Voting materials are not sent from ACP directly. ACP has partnered with Survey & Ballot Systems (SBS) to conduct the election, so you may need to check your spam/junk folder for your ballot. The subject of the ballot email is “ACP 2022 Governor-elect Election Voting Information”. We encourage you to add noreply@directvote.net as an approved sender so that your ballot arrives safely in your inbox.
For replacement ballots and election customer service, e-mail support@directvote.net or call 866-909-3549, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central. For general election information, contact Julie Sinkoff, Coordinator, BOG Relations, via email or telephone at 215-351-2699.
Candidate Statements:

Alisha Parada, MD, FACP
Candidate Statement: I have been highly involved in the NM Chapter of ACP since 2008. Initially, I worked to increase the resident and fellow involvement by redesigning and coordinating the poster competition and Medical Jeopardy. I was eventually elected as the NM chapter president and NM scientific chapter chair for almost 5 years. During that time, the chapter saw an increase in membership and participation from a diverse group which I recruited and developed as our current council leaders. At the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, I shifted my focus to caring for COVID patients. During that time, I began to re-evaluate my role within medicine and what future roles would enable me to increase my advocacy for the patients in my community, especially those disproportionately affected by the pandemic and all medical issues. As Governor, my extensive expertise in clinical medicine, medical education, leadership, faculty recruitment and development will continue to strengthen the NM chapter and continue to further the mission of ACP in our state.
Medical School Education: University of New Mexico
Post-Doctoral Training: Department of Internal Medicine, University of New Mexico
Certification: Internal Medicine
Present Position: Division Chief, General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Department of Internal Medicine, University of New Mexico
ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities: President 2015-2020; Chair, Annual Scientific Meeting 2015-2019
ACP National Activities: Fellowship 2015
Other Appointments/Activities: Advisory Member, State of NM Primary Care Expansion Board since 2021; Vice President, Alumni Association, University of New Mexico School of Medicine since 2020; Member, Alumni Association, University of New Mexico School of Medicine since 2017; State of NM GME Expansion Review Board & Advisory Committee since 2019; Foundation Board Member, Con Alma Health since 2018; Chair, Membership Committee since 2019; Board Member, St. Martin Hospitality 2015-2019
Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: Complex chronic outpatient disease management in Primary care and the role Internists play in improving the health of our population; Care and advocacy for underserved and vulnerable populations - Innovative approaches to care; Improvement and expansion of medical education to teach about health care disparities, advocacy, and leadership

Giselle Rodriguez de Sosa, MD, MSHI, FACP
Candidate Statement: Three objectives guide my aspiration to serve as Governor of the NM Chapter: 1. Reinvigorate the membership by promoting a greater networking among our members in Chapter activities. 2. Leverage the expertise of our members to support capacity building, education and training of non-member providers across the state, with emphasis in rural communities. 3. Promote greater utilization of ACP educational resources, advocacy, and conferences to advance growth and well-being of Chapter members. With 10 years of experience in the leadership of the Central American Chapter, I was able to organize multiple educational activities and promoted the growth and success of the Chapter. I learned the responsibilities of the governor position when my husband was governor as an integral part of the Executive Committee. I understand how an active and engaged Governor makes a difference. I have outstanding leadership experience and project management skills to improve the NM Chapter capabilities.
Medical School Education: Medical Doctor, School of Medicine, University of Panama
Post-Doctoral Training: Internal Medicine, Saint Thomas Hospital, Panama
Certification: Internal Medicine Specialist
Present Position: Research Assistant Professor, Hospital Medicine, University of New Mexico
ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities: Well-being Champion 2022; Scientific Council Committee, Central America Chapter; Coordinator, Doctor's Dilemma Competition, Central America, Chile, and North Dakota Chapters; Judge, Scientific Posters, North Dakota Chapter; Executive Committee, Central America Chapter 2009-2019; Doctor's Dilemma Competition, Medical Students, Central America Chapter 2011-2019
ACP National Activities: Fellowship 2011
Other Appointments/Activities: Member, National Committee for Health Records, Social Security, Panama 2017-2019; Member, eHealth Commission for Pan American Health Organization 2016-2019; Member, National Interoperability Initiative in Health, National Authority of Innovation, Panama 2016-2019; National Director, Health Information System for the Social Security System, Panama 2012-2019; Clinical Research Investigator, Royal Medical Center, Panama 2009-2019
Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise: Clinical Research for FDA regulated studies and NIH funded studies; Master's in Health Informatic Systems; Underserved population with Chronic Diseases; Project Implementation
Other Articles of Interest
New ACP Case Study on Lab Result Reporting, Ethics, and the 21st Century Cures Act Rule on Information Blocking
A new ethics case study from ACP, “Lab Result Reporting, Ethics, and the 21st Century Cures Act Rule on Information Blocking,” is now available for CME credit and MOC points.
The case study dives into the benefits and potential ethical implications for patients and clinicians of the 21st Century Cures Act Rule. The information sharing standards of the 21st Century Cures Act standardize information formats to allow patients direct access to their clinical information. While information technology may give patients an opportunity to become more involved in their care, there are risks. Releasing information alone may harm both the patient who is left to interpret test results without context, and also the patient-physician relationship, which includes developing appropriate further diagnostic and then treatment strategies together.
This ethics case study was developed by ACP's Ethics, Professionalism, and Human Rights Committee and the Center for Ethics and Professionalism. Visit this page to learn more about ethics and professionalism activities at ACP.
ACP's Career Connection Virtual Career Fair
It only takes 2 minutes to upload your CV and register for ACP's Career Connection Virtual Career Fair on October 27, 6-9 p.m. EDT and it's FREE to attend. During the virtual career fair, you'll chat directly with recruiters, browse open positions, employer profiles & benefits.
Whether you will be completing your residency or fellowship or have been a practicing physician for many years, this event is for you!
Be more than just another CV!
Forty-Seven Professional Organizations Attend the Second Summit on Firearm Injury Prevention
In response to the rising rates of firearm violence occurring throughout the U.S., ACP co-hosted the second Medical Summit on Firearm Injury Prevention in Chicago. During the weekend of September 10-11, representatives from 47 multidisciplinary medical and injury prevention professional organizations resumed their conversation on forming firearm violence prevention strategies using a public health approach. Dr. Sue S. Bornstein, MD, FACP, Chair, Board of Regents attended the summit as a representative of ACP.
“The American College of Physicians is proud to be part of this collaborative effort to confront the scourge of firearm injuries and deaths. Along with our colleagues, we see the effects of this public health epidemic in our communities every day, both inside and outside of the exam room,” said Sue S. Bornstein, MD, FACP, Chair, Board of Regents, ACP. “The medical community joining together in these efforts signals the magnitude of this problem.”
A primary outcome of the second Summit was a commitment from all participating organizations to work together to make firearm ownership as safe as possible and address the root causes of violence in our communities. ACP envisions a longitudinal and sustained engagement among the participating professional organizations to continue this work.