In this Issue:
- Governor's Welcome
- ACP 2022 is on! And coming soon!
- Nominate Outstanding NMACP Members for Chapter Awards
- ACP Leadership Day is also coming up fast!
- Save the date for the NMACP annual meeting, November 4 & 5, 2022.
- New Advocacy Toolkit
- Women in Medicine Summit Blog by ACP CEO/EVP Darilyn Moyer

Heather C. Brislen, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Welcome
Dear Colleagues!
Last year at about this time I wrote a jubilant newsletter – we were all on our way to being fully vaccinated, spring had arrived, and I thought we were coming out of our dark COVID cave for good. Well. I bet I'm not the only person looking at our sunny horizon today and feeling once burned, twice shy.
There are a lot of reasons to feel hopeful, and something inside of me wants to get my hopes up again. Dr. Michelle Harkins said on a Project ECHO session this week that she worked an entire week in the UNM MICU without a single COVID admission. Yesterday, I had to throw away a couple of rapid antigen tests that had expired on the shelves at my clinic, when before I couldn't get them fast enough to meet demand. But just like my grandmother used to warn me not to start planting flowers until Mother's day, lest the fickle New Mexico weather get the better of me – perhaps with a little more time, we can all feel a bit more comfortably confident.
Whatever may come, I truly hope that each of you is personally healthy and able to get the rest and resources that you need.
A few notices and updates from your ACP chapter:
ACP 2022 is on! And coming soon!
After two years without an in-person meeting, the annual ACP meeting will kickoff on April 28 in Chicago!
You can still register for the ACP in-person and virtual meeting here.
If you are planning to attend, please come to the joint New Mexico/Colorado reception on Friday evening, we've reserved the upper level of a cool brew pub right across the street from the convention center – drinks and heavy appetizers will be served:
Fatpour Tap Works McCormick - 2206 S. Indiana Ave. Chicago – April 29, 5:30-7:30PM
Also, don't for get to drop by the Doctor's Dilemma competition and root for our stellar resident team! The first round is in Great Lakes F at 2:30 on Thursday 4/28.
Nominate Outstanding NMACP Members for Chapter Awards
Do you know a New Mexico ACP member deserving of recognition for their track record of distinction and service? The New Mexico ACP Awards Committee would like your help identifying members for the 2022 Laureate, Excellence in Teaching, Community Service/Volunteerism, Early Career Physician Leadership, and Community Mentorship Awards
Laureate Award
The Laureate Award is designed to honor those Fellows and Masters of the College who have demonstrated, by their example and conduct, an abiding commitment to excellence in medical care, education, research, and service to their community, their chapter, and the ACP. Past awardees are found on our chapter website and new awardees are invited to join the chapter delegation during convocation at the national Internal Medicine meeting.
Community Service & Volunteerism Award
The Community Service & Volunteerism Award was developed to recognize the work of members who are involved in volunteerism and community service activities. Volunteerism and service, like a commitment to continuing education, are established traditions for internists and are so important to our professional community.
Excellence in Teaching Award
The award recognizes a member of the College who has demonstrated the qualities of a great teacher as judged by the acclaim and accomplishments of former students and who have been inspired and peers who hold them in their highest esteem.
Community Based Physician Mentor Award
This award recognizes an exceptional community preceptor who has demonstrated a commitment to the mentoring of medical students and/or residents outside of major teaching centers. Masters, Fellows and Members are eligible for this award.
Early Career Physician Leadership Award
This award recognizes an ACP member within 16 years of graduating from medical school who demonstrates notable contributions to the field of Internal Medicine through excellence in leadership, education, mentoring, scholarship, and/or volunteerism.
There are also awards for Outstanding Resident or Fellow and Outstanding Medical Student
Please email nominations to colleenkeekuacp@gmail.com Nominations should include the nominees full name, title, and contact information (phone number or working email address) and a short statement of which award they are nominated for, and why. The deadline to submit a nomination is July 1st, 2022.
Please nominate your colleagues so that we can honor their service and commitment to internal medicine! Awards will be presented at the New Mexico Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting to be held November 4-5, 2022.
ACP Leadership Day is also coming up fast!
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - 8:00am to Wednesday, May 18, 2022 - 5:00pm
This event provides an opportunity for ACP and our members to increase our presence in Washington and bring visibility to issues of common concern. Participants receive a comprehensive orientation and briefing on ACP's top legislative priorities and then have an opportunity to meet with legislators and the staff on Capitol Hill. Register HERE
Also - Congratulations Dr. Nouf Almaghlouth! Dr. Almaghlouth is a resident at Mountain View, and is the winner of our first-ever NMACP Health Policy Scholarship. She will receive a stiped to support her attending Leadership Day and representing New Mexico
Save the date for the NMACP annual meeting, November 4 & 5, 2022.
The meeting chair is Dr. Melissa Cline, and she is building a great, HYBRID, program. For those of you able to attend in person, we will meet at the Sheraton Hotel in Albuquerque.
In closing, if we really are moving into a more manageable phase of this F&#amp;&!!#*&^%$ global pandemic that completely upended all of us for the last two years, then it is probably worth making time for some more substantial reflection. Who we are as a community and what our physician identities mean to each of us have been tested in ways that we probably won't fully understand for years to come. Gathering at one of the meetings above is a great way to reconnect with your inner physician-self and with real, live friends and colleagues. Equally meaningful might be enjoying a hot cup of coffee by yourself or taking a walk in the sunshine. Here is a quote I enjoyed from a “Daily Stoic” email I receive:
“If you are ever tempted to look for outside approval, realize that you have compromised your integrity. If you need a witness, be your own.” - Epictetus
If there is a way that the NMACP chapter can better serve you in your professional life, please let me know. Happy contemplating – and happy spring time!
-Heather Brislen, MD FACP
Governor, NM Chapter ACP
New Advocacy Toolkit
ACP has developed a new state Advocacy Toolkit Addressing the Rising Workforce Violence Against Physicians and Health Care Workers to enable chapters to advocate with state officials to enhance state laws to protect physicians and all health care workers from workplace violence.
Women in Medicine Summit Blog by ACP CEO/EVP Darilyn Moyer
ACP's CEO/EVP Darilyn V. Moyer, MD, FACP, FAMWA discusses the importance of addressing and finding solutions for health inequities and systemic racism that women and others face in the healthcare workforce. With data showing these disadvantages and barriers, her call to action is to be “loud” and make a difference. Read her Women In Medicine Summit blog post. #womeninmedicine #WIMStrongerTogether