In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- New Governor Elect
- Mark your calendars now and plan to attend the 2023 Nebraska Chapter ACP Scientific Meeting!
- ACP Internal Medicine Meeting
- Advocacy Update
- 2022 Scientific Meeting
- Congratulation new ACP Fellows!
- Resident Council
- Medical Student Council

Micah W. Beachy, DO, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Despite being three months into 2023, it still feels appropriate to wish all of you a Happy New Year. For many, if not most, the new year provides a time to reflect on the year prior and the year ahead. This holds true for this edition of the Governor's newsletter as well. As you read below, you will note several reflections on past events and a handful of exciting upcoming events.
While there were a lot of great events in 2022, there is one event in particular worth highlighting further. As you will recall, Dr. Lauren Nelson was elected the next Governor of the Chapter back in November. What you may not know is that her election marks the first time a female will serve as the Governor for the Nebraska Chapter (a long overdue milestone worth accomplishing). I have personally known Dr. Nelson since her time as a resident and I am excited to have her assume this role. As a practicing internist, she has become an integral part of the chapter serving in numerous leadership roles along with roles at the national level. Based on these experiences, she is well positioned to be the next Governor. Please join me in congratulating Dr. Nelson the next time you see her.
Dr. Micah Beachy, DO FACP
New Governor Elect
Congratulations to the Nebraska Chapter Governor-elect Designee (GED), Lauren E. Nelson, MD, FACP. As Governor, Dr. Nelson will serve as the official representative of the College for the Nebraska Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. In the meantime, Dr. Nelson will be working closely with Dr. Beachy (the current governor) and College staff to learn about the College and her duties as Governor. If you'd like to read more about Dr. Nelson's bio, click here.
Mark your calendars now and plan to attend the 2023 Nebraska Chapter ACP Scientific Meeting!

We are excited to announce our scientific meeting will take place Saturday, October 7, 2023 at the beautiful Lied Lodge at Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska City, Nebraska. This is a great opportunity to hear what is happening around our state, engage with other Nebraska ACP members and a chance to spend a weekend at Arbor Day Farm in the fall. Keep an eye out for more information as we get closer to the event.
Click the link below to book your room. Individual reservations and information may be obtained by calling the reservations department at (800)546-5433 and ask to make a reservation for the American College of Physicians block or on-line reservations can be made at https://reservations.arbordayfarm.org/ll/ and in the drop down special rate box select Group/Block and use the block code - 2310AMERIC
ACP Internal Medicine Meeting
Experience the most comprehensive internal medicine learning event, live from San Diego April 27-29, 2023! There's never been a better time to reconnect with your colleagues and experience three days of valuable, timely content you rely on to stay current in internal medicine.
ACP's annual Internal Medicine Meeting is the premier internal medicine scientific event, offering more than 200 educational sessions over 3 days. A variety of learning experiences are available as well as opportunities to network with colleagues around the globe—more than 7,000 internists and subspecialists attend each year. Pre-courses take place prior to the main session, offering intensive 1-2 day sessions on a particular topic. https://leadership.acponline.org/meetings/internal-medicine-meeting

For those of you that have already registered or plan to attend the Internal Medicine Meeting, we would like to invite you to a complementary reception at the Side Bar from 6-8 P.M. This will be hosted by Kansas, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska. Come and mingle with your fellow colleagues. Please register and the attached link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=lMb5mfLyuECy0uzpnAgTCd7S5Dc5AaZNhQ5XFW-XtHNUQlhCOFpDUVBOUFJQUUJNSlhJOTROTFBTMC4u
Advocacy Update
NE ACP is Proud To Host Jason Goldman, MD, FACP!
On March 22 at 6 p.m. via zoom, Jason Goldman, MD, FACP, a Board-Certified Internist and Fellow of the American College of Physicians, licensed in Florida, California, Nevada and New York will present Medical Advocacy: Not a spectator sport, and he will be 1) identifying the importance of advocacy, 2) Identifying how advocacy can be achieved, 3) Identifying the role of physicians in advocacy and 4) understanding the intersection of medicine and politics.
He has been involved in many legislative and advocacy activities, including visitations to Tallahassee and Washington, as well as working with multiple campaigns for legislative candidates.
Click on this link to register:
Save the Date for Leadership Day 2023, happening May 23-24, 2023. Leadership Day enables the College to increase its presence on Capitol Hill and bring our issues of concern to U.S. lawmakers. The two-day event will provide ACP members with briefings on the College's legislative priorities and an opportunity to meet with your members of Congress.
ACP resident and medical student members have the opportunity to attend Leadership Day through a scholarship provided by Nebraska Chapter ACP. https://leadership.acponline.org/meetings/leadership-day
Do you have a relationship or tie to a local, state, or federal lawmaker?
If so, it could be incredibly helpful to our Health & Public Policy committee. Please contact Stephanie Hartman, MD, FACP, chair of the Health and Public Policy Committee to connect. stephanie.hartman.md@gmail.com
Share input on resolutions!
Resolutions serve as the mechanism for membership (you!) to have formal input with the Board of Regents (the policy-making body of ACP). This year our Chapter will again utilize an electronic survey to collect your feedback on the spring resolutions. Please check your inbox, as this e-mail was sent recently with a link to the survey. Contact us to request a new link if needed. Thank you for taking a few minutes to share your thoughts on resolutions. By doing so you will help advocate on positions of new policy and foster excellence in internal medicine!
2022 Scientific Meeting
Nebraska Chapter ACP held our annual Scientific Meeting on October 17, 2022 in a hybrid format (in person and virtual). Thank you to our presenters who helped add incredible value to our event and presented extremely educational talks that brought much engagement and conversation.
- Scott Lundgren, DO, MS FACC “Updates on Heart Failure Management in 2022 and Beyond”
- Shoaib Junejo, MD, FACP, “Hospitalist Medicine in Rural Nebraska: Benefits and Challenges”
- Rebecca Andrews, MS, MD, FACP, “Difficult Conversations: How to Effectively Communicate to Optimize Pain Management”
- Noor Addasi, MD “Pumps and Sensors for the Internists”
- Justin Birge, MD, MSc, FHM, FACP, “Health Information Systems”
Doctor's Dilemma Competition
We witnessed some fantastic, Jeopardy style, competition as four teams competed in Doctor's Dilemma virtually during our fall chapter meeting. The winning team of Drs. Brett Begley, Domenic DiSanti, Josh Edgar, and Hannah Luksa from UNMC, will be competing at the Internal Medicine Meeting in San Diego, CA this April. Best of luck to them!
National Poster Competition
Our National Poster Competition was held during the chapter meeting this past fall. Congratulations to our resident and student winner. They will compete at the Internal Medicine meeting this April in San Diego, CA. Good luck to both of them!
Resident Winner:
Steven Toth, MD: Large Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis in a Young Female Who Was Recently Vaccinate, Creighton University Medical Center
Medical Student Winner:
Jocelyn Daubendiek, MS III: Emboli from an Uncommon Source, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Early Career Physicians
Join us on May 17th for an informative and educational get together. Stay tuned for more details.
Hopefully by engaging residents we can grow our ECP base in the future!
Congratulation new ACP Fellows!
Congratulations to the Nebraska Chapter's newest Fellows. Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internist lives and practices.
- Emily K Hill-Bowman, MD FACP
- Katrina Chavez-Jorgensen, MD FACP
- Nawras Abuhamidah, MD FACP
- Venkata Sandeep Koripalli, MD FACP
- Wei Jie Chin, MD FACP
- Ojbindra KC, MD FACP
- Punya H Dahal, MD FACP
- Paul G. Millner, MD FACP
- Avyakta Kallam, MBBS FACP
Resident Council
The role of Resident/Fellow representative involves a 1-year term with participation in 2-3 council meetings and occasional chapter events to represent your program and the interests of your peers. The Resident/Fellow representatives also serve as co-chairs of the chapter Resident/Fellow Council.
Thanks to all who have participated in our Resident Council meetings! We are off to a great start this year and currently planning a social hour with a guest speaker with Early Career Physicians happening this spring. Stay tuned for details!
Medical Student Council
If you'd like to learn more about how you can serve as the student representative on the Nebraska Chapter Governor's Advisory Council contact ralloway@omahamedical.com
Thanks to Rebecca Brooks (UNMC) for her service on the council!
The role of student representative involves a 1-year term with participation in 2-3 council meetings and occasional chapter events to represent your program and the interests of your peers. The student reps on the council also serve as co-chairs of the chapter student council.
Thank you, NE ACP Student Council members! We have a great group of medical students who are eager to participate. The Student Council is looking forward to completing their next community service project.
We would love to have your input on the Resident and Student Council! For information on how to join contact Rachel at ralloway@omahamedical.com