In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- Mark your calendars now and plan to attend the 2022 Nebraska Chapter ACP Scientific Meeting!
- Advocacy Update
- Doctor's Dilemma Competition
- National Poster Competition
- Early Career Physicians
- MOMS R±R Wellness Center
- Congratulation new ACP Fellows!
- Residents Corner & Resident Council
- Students Corner & Student Council

Micah W. Beachy, DO, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Today marks the beginning of March. For years, I have mentally circled March 1st as the finish line for the worst part of the cold and snowy weather that comes with Midwest winters. Sure, there will be cool to down right cold days in March and we may even see another snow storm but there's something about seeing the calendar flip to the third month of the year that makes me feel like I deserve a “I survived….” T-shirt.
This year that T-shirt could also mark the survival of the recent Omnicron surge, which crippled the efforts to care for patients regardless of the care they needed. Maybe it could also represent the survival of the pandemic or at least year two. To be clear, I am not suggesting the pandemic is over but maybe we are entering the beginning of the end. Similar to March weather, there will likely still be a few cold days and maybe another snow storm but maybe, just maybe, the worst is behind us.
Keeping with the theme of looking ahead and expecting brighter days, this newsletter is filled with upcoming opportunities to gather together in person. I hope to be able to connect with you at one of these upcoming events.
Mark your calendars now and plan to attend the 2022 Nebraska Chapter ACP Scientific Meeting!
We are excited to announce our scientific meeting will take place Saturday, October 15, 2022 at the beautiful Lied Lodge at Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska City, Nebraska. This is a great opportunity to hear what is happening around our state, engage with other Nebraska ACP members and a chance to spend a weekend at Arbor Day Farm in the fall. More information to come.
ACP Internal Medicine Meeting
Experience the most comprehensive internal medicine learning event, live from Chicago April 28-30, 2022! Internal Medicine Meeting 2022 returns to in-person this spring in Chicago! There's never been a better time to reconnect with your colleagues and experience three days of valuable, timely content you rely on to stay current in internal medicine.
ACP's annual Internal Medicine Meeting is the premier internal medicine scientific event, offering more than 200 educational sessions over 3 days. A variety of learning experiences are available as well as opportunities to network with colleagues around the globe—more than 7,000 internists and subspecialists attend each year. Pre-courses take place prior to the main session, offering intensive 1-2 day sessions on a particular topic.
We also wanted to take a moment to shine a spotlight on this year's local Nebraska member who is serving as faculty:
Marvin Bittner, MD, FACP,
Volunteerism Opportunities for Late-Career Physicians
Saturday, April 29, 2022 4:00-5:00
Learn more about this session, or register now for ACP's Internal Medicine Meeting 2022
https://annualmeeting.acponline.org #IM2022
Advocacy Update
Save the Date for Leadership Day 2022, happening May 17-18, 2022. Leadership Day enables the College to increase its presence on Capitol Hill and bring our issues of concern to U.S. lawmakers. The two-day event will provide ACP members with briefings on the College's legislative priorities and an opportunity to meet with your members of Congress.
ACP resident and medical student members have the opportunity to attend Leadership Day through a scholarship provided by Nebraska Chapter ACP. Click here to learn more about Leadership Day and to register for the event.
Do you have a relationship or tie to a local, state, or federal lawmaker?
If so, it could be incredibly helpful to our Health & Public Policy committee. Please contact a committee co-chairs, Dr. Marvin Bittner or Dr. Stephanie Hartman to connect.
Share input on resolutions!
Resolutions serve as the mechanism for membership (you!) to have formal input with the Board of Regents (the policy-making body of ACP). This year our Chapter will again utilize an electronic survey to collect your feedback on the fall resolutions. Please check your inbox, as this e-mail was sent recently with a link to the survey. Contact us to request a new link if needed. Thank you for taking a few minutes to share your thoughts on resolutions. By doing so you will help advocate on positions of new policy and foster excellence in internal medicine!
2021 Scientific Meeting
Nebraska Chapter ACP held our annual Scientific Meeting virtually October 30, 2021 and had a great turnout. Thank you to our presenters who helped add incredible value to our event. Matthew Donahue, MD, “Building the Plane as We're Flying It-Pandemic Lessons” and Andrew Vasey, MD FACP, “Post-Acute COVID Syndrome” presented two extremely educational talks that brought much engagement and conversation. In case you missed the virtual meeting, many of the presentations are available on our chapter YouTube page. Click here to see the presentations from the meeting.

Doctor's Dilemma Competition
We witnessed some fantastic, Jeopardy style, competition as two teams competed in Doctor's Dilemma virtually during our fall chapter meeting. The winning team of Drs. Amy Dreessen, James Fagerland, Brett Begley, and Clayton Oakley, from UNMC, will be competing at the Internal Medicine Meeting in Chicago, IL this coming April. Best of luck to them!

National Poster Competition
Our National Poster Competition was held during the chapter meeting this past fall. Congratulations to our student winner, Rachel Vetter, MS3 presenting “A “Major” Complication of Pink Eye” and resident winner Audrey Lane, MD, presenting “Improve your practice: recognize calciphylaxis!”. They will compete at the Internal Medicine meeting this April in Chicago, IL. Good luck to both of them!
Early Career Physicians
ECP is looking forward to face to face interaction with residents and colleagues in 2022.
Plans for the year include starting a mentorship program to connect medical students and residents with physicians and an informative and educational get together in this spring.
Hopefully by engaging residents we can grow our ECP base in the future!
MOMS R±R Wellness Center
Recent data show that more than half of US physicians have symptoms of burnout. This is more than a crisis happening before our eyes. The MOMS R+R Wellness Center is open and available to help. Click here for current schedules and events happening at the center now.
Congratulation new ACP Fellows!
Congratulations to the Nebraska Chapter's newest Fellows. Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internist lives and practices.
- Nicolas W Cortes-Penfield, MD FACP
- Ryan P Mullane, DO FACP
- Stephanie Hartman, MD FACP
- Daniel J Jeffrey, MD FACP
- Shoaib Zahoor Junejo, MD FACP
- Srinivas Vunnam, MBBS FACP
- Noah A Wiedel, MD FACP
Residents Corner & Resident Council
Thank you to Dr. Faran Ahmad (Creighton) for his service on the Governor's Advisory Council!
The role of Resident/Fellow representative involves a 1-year term with participation in 2-3 council meetings and occasional chapter events to represent your program and the interests of your peers. The Resident/Fellow representatives also serve as co-chairs of the chapter Resident/Fellow Council. If you are interested in serving on the Governor's Advisory Council contact Casey@omahamedical.com
Thanks to all who have participated in our Resident Council meetings! We are off to a great start and currently planning a social hour with a guest speaker with Early Career Physicians happening this spring. Stay tuned for details!
Students Corner & Student Council
If you'd like to learn more about how you can serve as the student representative on the Nebraska Chapter Governor's Advisory Council contact casey@omahamedical.com Each medical school has one seat on the board for a student representative. Thanks to Jonathon Woods (UNMC) for his service on the council! Kishan Srikanth is currently serving as the Creighton student representative and Rebecca Brooks as the UNMC representative.
The role of student representative involves a 1-year term with participation in 2-3 council meetings and occasional chapter events to represent your program and the interests of your peers. The student reps on the council also serve as co-chairs of the chapter student council.
Thank you, NE ACP Student Council members! We have a great group of medical students who are eager to participate. The Student Council just wrapped up a canned food drive with all donations directed to the Food Bank for the Heartland. Great job Student Council!
We would love to have your input on the Resident and Student Council! For information on how to join contact Casey at casey@omahamedical.com