In this Issue:
- Governor's message
- Do something! (and get recognized)
- Where has Nebraska ACP been in 2019?
- Residents Corner
- Students Corner
- Upcoming Events

Marvin J. Bittner, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's message

You may have heard that the Nebraska chapter is in receipt of the Gold Level of the 2019 Chapter Excellence Award! This highest achievement as designated by ACP recognizes truly extraordinary chapters that surpass excellence in chapter management. In order to achieve the Gold Level, chapters must three levels of activity throughout the year.
This award would not have been possible without the work of many Chapter members to meet stringent criteria:
- Strengthening membership through a formal recruitment plan and national outreach to retain members, for an increase in total Fellows and Members, thanks to the work of Dr. Lindsay Northam and the Membership Committee.
- Engaging in advocacy activities at the local & national level, including the development of a legislative action plan and attendance at Leadership Day, thanks to efforts of Drs. Nancy Stewart and Jason Lambrecht with the Health & Public Policy Committee.
- Recognizing member achievement through nomination for local and national awards, thanks to the work of Dr. Carolyn Manhart and the Awards Committee.
- Creating opportunities for early career physician (ECP) engagement through social events, educational activities and mentoring for ECP's, residents and students thanks to the efforts of Dr. Lauren Nelson and the ECP Council.
- Developing financial safeguards and sustainable investment and revenue practices under the guidance of Chapter Treasurer Dr. Lance Schupbach, Executive Director Carol Wang and the Finance Committee.
We look forward to seeing what next year brings, with many Chapter Leaders continuing their efforts:
- Dr. Shannon Boerner, Wellbeing Champion, working with committee members, Dr. Alissa Clough, Dr. Razan El Ramahi, Dr. Richard Hoffman, Dr. Deanna Larson and Dr. Lauren Nelson
- Dr. Carolyn Manhart, Awards Committee Chair, working with committee members, Dr. Regan Taylor, Dr. Devin Fox, Dr. Laurel Preheim, Dr. Bill Shiffermiller, Dr. Tom Tape and Dr. Robert Wigton
- Dr. Lindsay Northam, Membership Committee Chair, with committee members, Dr. Bradley DeVrieze and Dr. Stephanie Hartman
- Dr. Rebecca Runge, Hospitalist Committee Chair
Plus the exciting addition of some new leaders:
- Dr. Richard Seitz and Dr. Grant Turner, co-chairs of the Health & Public Policy Committee
- Dr. Bret Hays, ECP Council Chair
Thank you to everyone who had a part in making the past year a tremendous success!
Do something! (and get recognized)
Are you fed up with the latest mandatory “training”? Do something about it! Join our Health & Public Policy Committee. Do you yearn for more of a community spirit among Nebraska physicians? Do something about it! Join our Early Career Physicians Committee (or our Residents Council…or a Medical Student Interest Group…depending on your situation). Help plan events to bring us together.
There is even a rare opportunity for a practicing physician to join the chapter Wellness Workgroup. This group works together to address the issues facing so many physicians practicing in an ever-more complex and demanding environment. Please take a moment to indicate your interest in Chapter committees and vote for new chapter leaders by taking this 1-minute survey. This is a great chance to get recognized for your efforts within the chapter.
Where has Nebraska ACP been in 2019?
Are you following us on Twitter? If so, you may have seen some of our adventures this year:
We were in Philadelphia in April for Internal Medicine Meeting 2019!

We were in Washington, DC, in May for Leadership Day on Capitol Hill!

We were in Deadwood, South Dakota, in October for a joint conference with South Dakota ACP!

We were in Omaha in October for a Poster Competition & Educational Meeting!

Residents Corner
Are you following IMpower, the new ACP Resident/Fellow Communications program? Within the Career Paths section of the ACP website, access Residency Career Guidance categorized by residency year. These resources are an important benefit of your ACP membership, so check them out today!
Students Corner
Have you joined your school's IMIG? There is still time and its easy! The ACP IMIG Sponsorship Program will double the funding for your school if 30% of students get involved. Click here to join – it's free and includes access to a host of great resources! You must be an ACP member to join, but that too is free! Click here to apply online
Upcoming Events
ACP Webinars:
State Policy Health Networking – Wed., Jan. 29, 2020, at 5:00-6:30 pm CT
Gender-Based Differences in Burnout – Wed., Jan. 8, 2020, at 2:00-3:00 pm CT
Mindfulness in Medicine: What Physicians Need to Know – Tues., Jan. 14, 2020, at 2:00-3:00 pm CT
Early Career Physician Trivia Night
Thurs., February 17, 2020. 5:30 Happy Hour, 6:00 Trivia Starts
The Kaufmann Room in Blackstone (next to Scriptown Building), 3922 Farnam St.
Mark your calendar!
Internal Medicine Meeting 2020
April 23-25, 2020 , Los Angeles, CA
Register for IMM Today!
Nebraska Chapter Reception – You and your spouse/guest are invited!
Friday, April 24, 2020, 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Barcito – 403 W. 12th St., Los Angeles, CA (a 5 min. walk from the Staples Center)
Heavy appetizers provided; Cash bar