As Governor, Dr. Hawley-Molloy will serve as the official representative of the College for the United States Army Chapter, providing a link between members at the local level and leadership at the national level. To learn more about the new GE, read his bio below.
COL Joshua S. Hawley-Molloy, MD, FACP 
Medical School Education: University of Virginia
Post-Doctoral Training: Internal Medicine Residency, Madigan Army Medical Center; Infectious Diseases Fellowship, San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium (SAUSHEC)
Certification: Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease, ABIM
Present Position: Director, SAUSHEC Internal Medicine Residency
ACP Chapter and Leadership Activities:
Governor’s Council since 2016; Meeting Planning Committee, ACP TX since 2019; Poster Judge, ACP TX Scientific Meeting 2018; Governor’s Council, ACP HI 2013-2015
ACP National Activities:
Fellowship 2009
Other Appointments/Activities:
Peer Supporter, SAUSHEC; Graduate Medical Education Committee (Transitions in Care and Professionalism Subcommittees), SAUSHEC; Infectious Diseases Fellowship Clinical Competency and Program Evaluation Committees, SAUSHEC; Internal Medicine Residency Clinical Competency and Program Evaluation Committees, SAUSHEC; Transitional Year Internship Clinical Competency and Program Evaluation Committees, SAUSHEC; Instructor, Defense Institute of Medical Operations; Joint Service GME Selection Board Scoring Revision Working Group; Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine 2016-2018
Areas of Professional Interest and Expertise:
Expertise Graduate Medical Education; LGBTQ Health; Global Health