In this Issue:
- Governor's Welcome
- Minnesota Elections
- MN-ACP Council Updates -2022
- Congratulations New Fellows!
- ACP's I Raise the Rates
- Members in the News
- New Members
- Save the Dates:

David R Hilden, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Welcome
Hello, Minnesota ACP friends,
As the fall season arrives and the frost is on the pumpkin, I want to wish you all a warm welcome from your Minnesota ACP chapter!
(Reader's guide to this letter: see how many Bruce Springsteen quotes you can find in here, and one from another artist. I couldn't resist, I'm a huge fan of the Boss.)
Even if the past couple years feel like a river that don't know where it's flowing, the coming year promises to be something of a relief! I hope you will find time for yourself and a little bit of professional growth and jump right into your ACP activities. There's really something for everyone.
Our annual Minnesota Scientific Meeting is THIS MONTH. If you have not attended before, this should be your year. Our meeting has some of the best CME teaching the state has to offer. And admit it, you've let your medical knowledge lapse just a bit, haven't you? C'mon . . . be honest. But at ACP, you'll learn so much more than in a 3-minute record. But the meeting is more than learning. It is about networking, that corporate jargon-y phrase which I call “making friends.” You'll be glad to know that there are internal medicine physicians just like you ready to smile and laugh with you. After all, it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive.
This year's meeting will feature the 3rd year of our Story Slam: Voice of the Clinician. Many of us consider the Slam to be a highlight, both in Minnesota and at the national ACP Internal Medicine meeting. (San Diego. April 2023. Be there.) I assure you, that in each story of ~5 minutes duration, you will be changed in some small way. And then there's the 100+ medical students and residents from the University of Minnesota, Abbott Northwestern, Hennepin Healthcare, and Mayo Clinic attending the meeting. Seeing their energy and intellect will confirm for you that the future of Internal Medicine will be just fine. Doctor's Dilemma alone is a fun and humbling hour.
Side bar: have you registered for IM2023? It is in San Diego, there will be a couple hundred Minnesota colleagues in attendance, and it could be the best week of your year. Register now, OK?
So don't waste your time waiting for a moment that just don't come – please, join us in Minneapolis on October 28th and throughout the year! If I know you from the past, I look forward to catching up to share boring stories of our glory days. And if this will be your first meeting, please find me and introduce yourself. I always want new friends, you know!
So, let's take the good times as they go and I'll meet you further on up the road.
(How many Bruce Springsteen quotes did you find? Thanks for playing along!)David
David Hilden, MD MPH FACP
MN-ACP Governor
MN-ACP Mission: To foster excellence, education and professionalism among all internists in our community and to work together to shape the future of healthcare in Minnesota.
MN-ACP Vision: To be Minnesota's recognized leader for patient care, advocacy and education and to enhance career choice, satisfaction and collaboration for specialists and subspecialists in Internal Medicine
Minnesota Elections

The annual MN-ACP election was just completed for three “at large” Council positions. The MN-ACP Governor-elect Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP began her term as Governor-elect on April 30th at the ACP's national meeting.
- Re-elected for a second term was Patrick Hadorn, DO, FAAP, FACP
- Elected for a first term were Claudia Thomas, MBBS, FACP, Dhauna Karam CM Prasad, MD, FACP and Nitesh Kumar Jain, MBBS, FACP

Governor-elect Dr. Tseganesh Selameab, Past Governor Dr. John Bundrick and
Current Governor Dr. David Hilden
MN-ACP Council Updates -2022
Your Governor's Council will meet on October 27th with committees, IM Residency programs and Internal Medicine Interest Groups providing reports. The new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee authorized by the Council will also be announcing it's new chair and seeking committee members. Please contact Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in any of these committees in 2022-23.
- Scientific Session Planning Committee
- Health Policy Committee
- Awards Committee
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Congratulations New Fellows!
Achieving ACP Masters and Fellowship is a mark of distinction and a milestone in a physician's career.
Please join me in congratulating the following as new Minnesota Fellows named by ACP in the last 4 months:
- Mariam Anwar, MBBS FACP, Minneapolis
- Mohammad Bilal, MBBS FACP, Minneapolis
- Colt J Edin, MD FACP, Esko
The Guided Fellowship Program offered by ACP is also available for interested members. Currently sixteen members are participating with expected Fellowship awarded at the end of the year in 2022, 2023 or 2024. The Guided Fellowship participants include:
- Vivian Ortiz, MD, Rochester
- Aravdeep Jhand, MBBS, Rochester
- Amir Yosef, MD, Mankato
- Arindam Sharma, MD, Rochester
- Samantha Morley Ryan, MD, Rochester
- Skyler H Dahlseng, DO, Alexandria
- Rheanne K Maravelas, MD, Roseville
- Abhinav Singla, MD, Rochester
- Sumeet Kumar Yadav, MD, Mankato
- Claire E Bourgeois, MD, Minneapolis
- Scott Biggerstaff, MD, Minneapolis
- Rachael Whitley Starcher, MD, Minneapolis
- Saida Yassin, MD, Minneapolis
- Sharon Li, MD, Minneapolis
- Omar Abdullahi,MD, Coon Rapids
- Colt J Williams, MD, Rochester
Apply for Fellowship before the end of 2022 to be considered for Convocation Ceremony participation at ACP's Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 in San Diego, CA. You deserve to be recognized.
- Watch the video to learn more about what it means to be an FACP®. Then use this handy chart to identify whether you're ready to apply. Apply for FACP If you have any questions about completing the Fellowship application, feel free to call ACP at 800-523-1546 ext. 2709
- For Resident/Fellow members, ACP has developed a three-year Guided Fellowship Program which provides a framework toward meeting professional development goals, along with guidance and mentorship, to obtain the FACP credential.
- If you would like assistance in finding a Minnesota reference for your FACP application or have questions on the process, please contact our MN-ACP Membership chair Dr. Katie Helgen.
ACP's I Raise the Rates
In this month's I Raise the Rates Newsletter (IRtR), you will learn more about
- Practical strategies for making strong flu vaccine recommendations
- Frequently Asked Influenza Questions: 2022-2023 Season
- Updated ACIP Seasonal Flu Vaccination Recommendations for the 2022-2023 Flu Season
- Order FREE Adult vaccination prescription pads from ACP- Order here
ACP's I Raise the Rates program, which is supported by funding from the CDC, Merck, and GSK, provides QI education and virtual coaching support from ACP Advance expert coaches to support increased adult immunization coverage. The Minnesota Chapter is proud to partner with the American College of Physicians in supporting the I Raise the Rates Adult Immunization Program.
Members in the News
- Dr. Dimitri Drekonja of VA Health Care System was interviewed by the Star Tribune on updated COVID trends prior to the influenza season.
- Dr. LaPrincess Brewer of Mayo Clinic was interviewed by the Sahan Journal on improved heart health by religiously active Black Minnesotans and by the Minneapolis Star Tribune on Heart Health
- Dr. Nathan Chomilo of Park Nicollet and MN Department of Human Services was interviewed by Minnesota Reformer about his work as medical director of Minnesota Medicaid and efforts to address systemic racism. He was also published in the Minnesota Spokesman Recorder for the article, “ Community health centers are the backbone of our healthcare safety net
- Dr. Hannah Lichtsinn of Hennepin Healthcare was interviewed by Kare 11 TV on bivalent boosters and by CCX media on monkeypox symptoms
- Dr. Mark Sannes of Health Partners was interviewed by the Star Tribune on COVID cases in the ICU
- Dr. John O’Horo and Dr. Douglas Challener of Mayo Clinic reported a recent study in SciTech Daily on Rebound Covid symptoms after Paxlovid
- Dr. Rahul Koranne of the MN Hospital Association was interviewed by the Minneapolis Star Tribune on hospital revenues rebounding in 2021
- Dr. Tseganesh Selameab of Health Partners is collaborating with TPT Public television and Art + Medicine: Speaking of Race and Art + Medicine: Healthy Aging
Please send MN-ACP your member news Minnesota.acp@gmail.com
New Members
Welcome New Minnesota Medical Students to ACP and MN-ACP!
Twenty-seven new medical students have joined ACP and MN-ACP in the past 4 months. Welcome!
Farah Abdul Razz | Jesse Abelson | Opeyemi Adesida |
Leah Alemu | Aditya Avula | Sara Busche |
Claire Cassianni | Saige Daniel | Kari Falaas |
Elizabeth Farkouh | Forrest Fearington | Sarah Fenno |
Emma Fiala | Cyrus Nouraee | Alexandra Perron |
Sanjna Rajput | Vineet Raman | Syed Shahrukh Rizvi |
Afsar Naseem K Sandozi | Sarah Schrup | Samar Shahid |
Catherine Shaughnessy | Nick Tomhave | Jessica Trinh |
David Wu | Ashima Yadav | Agnes Zhu |
Welcome New Minnesota Resident/Fellows, Affiliates, Transitional Residents and Members!
Two hundred thirty-eight new internists, physician affiliates, resident/fellows, and transitional medical graduates have joined ACP and the MN chapter in the last four months. Thank you for your membership and count ACP and MN-ACP as a professional home and resource for you
Aldo Acosta, MD | Asma Adam, MD | Dzhalal Agakishiev, MD | Idowu Ajose, MD | Nadia Akhiyat, MD |
Azeez A Akinlolu, MD | Hassan Akram, MD | Chineze Akusoba, MD | Tareq Al Saadi, MD | Mohamad S. Alabdaljabar, MD |
Christina Alexandres, MD | Alexandra Allman, MD | Kareem Al-Qadi, MD | Jake Altshuler, MD | Solomon Amare, MD |
Chaitanya Anand, MD | Allison Angeli, MD | Alyssa Anton, MD | Claire Arnold, MD | Yash P Ashara, MBBS |
Grayson Ashby, MD | Hadiyah Audil, MD | Brett C Austin, MD | Sreekant Avula, MBBS | Tyler Bahr, MD |
Binav Baral, MD | Annie Bell, MD | Tessa Benanzer, MD | Mary G Bernton, MD | Audrey Blazek, MD |
Jackie Blomker, MD | Lea Buda, MD | Paul Cacioppo, MD | Anna Calderon, MD | Scott M Canepa, MD |
Julia Carter, MD | Lorenzo Castanon, MD | Matteo Castrichini, MD | Gregory Challener, MD | Monazza Chaudhry, MD |
Sunnia Chen, MD | Madhuri Chengappa, MD | Caleb J Chiang, MD | David Chiang, MD | Constantine Chima, MD |
Hannah M Christensen, MD | John Christensen, MD | Cristina Corsini, MD | Meaghan Costello, MD | Megan Covington, MD |
Austin Cudak, MD | Deborah Cull, MD | Kelley Dages, MD | Andrew C Dahl, MD | Veronica J Daniel, MD |
Alex Danielson, MD | Joshua Daum, MD | Jose De Melo, MD | Owen Dean, MD | Gati Dhroove, MD |
Michael Dietrich, MD | Mankpondehou Etienne Djevi, MD | Elizabeth Doll, MD | Alec Duffy, MD | Mohamed Elhadi, MD |
Megan Ellis, MD | Erik Engelsgjerd, MD | Karl Enroth, MD | Aubrey Euteneuer, MD | Elizabeth Fairbairn, MD |
Naba Farooqui, MD | Kyle Farrell, MD | Anthony Fragola, MD | Joelle Friesen, MD | Ashwin Ganti, MD |
Luis Gasca, MD | Misha Gautam, MBBS | Brent Gawey, MD | Ying Gibbens, MD | Jennifer Gile, MD |
Heenam Goel, MBBS | Utkarsh Goel, MBBS | Nicholas Goodhope, MD PharmD | Stephanie L Grach, MD | Abra Guo, MD |
Anshul Gupta, MD | Rima Gurung, MD | Robert Haemmerle, MD | Alfred Hamilton III, MD | Rachel Hansen, MD |
David Harmon, MD | Antonious Hazim, MD | Ashley D Hickman, MD | Meghan Hill, MD | Alexander Hines, MD |
William Hirsch, MD | Brooke Hirsch, MD | Jocelyn Hull, MD | Rachel Husmann, MD | Ryan Huynh, MD |
Rachel Jenkins, MD | Brandon Jocher, MD | Sana Kagalwalla, MD | Matthew J Kalina, DO | Victoria Kalinoski-Dubose, MD |
Anuradha Kanaparthi, MD | Veena Karanam, MD | Kurt A Kennel, MD | Camille Kezer, MD | Ebrahim H Khan, MBBS |
Daniel Khan, MD | Anthony Kilgore, MD | Nathaniel T Klair, MD | Darrell Kohli, MD | Priscilla Koirala, MD |
Grace Kollannoor Samuel, MD | Hee Korleski, MD | John Korleski, MD | Samuel R Kosydar, MD | Robert K Kraft, MD |
Benjamin Krehbiel, MD | Mary Labib, MD | James Lambert, MD | Jonathan Lang, MD | Jenna Langer, MD |
Seth Laporte, MD | Jonathan Lee, DO | Leeore Levinstein, MD | Marissa Li, MD | Arianna E Lofrano, DO |
Erica Loon, MD | Ian Lorang, MD | Sergiu Lupea, MD | Kelsey Lynch, MD | Mackenzie Maberry, MD |
Rachael L Mangaudis, MD | Danielle Mangine, MD | Cordelia McGehee, MD | John McGlothlin, MD | Sara Medina-Bielski, MD |
Sneha Mohan, MD | Joel Money, MD | Daniel Montes, MD | Patricia W Morrow, MD | Pornthira Mutirangura, MD |
Bethany Muyskens, MD | Samir Nath, MD | Nathan Nesbitt, MD | Aurora Norman, MD | Jordan S Nunnelee, MD |
Kevin M O’Donnell, MD | Ibiyemi Oke, MD | Mosunmoluwa Oyenuga, MD | Jessica Padniewski, MD | Allyson K Palmer, MD |
Mathias E Palmer, MD | Trevor Parton, MD | Nimra Pasha, MD | Shilpa Paul, MBBS | Thais R Peclat Da Silva, MD |
Leslie Pensa, MD | Daniel Pfeifle, MD | Tri Quoc Pham, DO | Hannah Phillips, MD | Jenson Phung, MD |
Aaron Pickrel, MD | Hari Raman Pokhrel, MBBS | Daniel Pollmann, MD | Sakthi Surya Prakash, MBBS | Kenan Raddawi, MD |
Shrikar Rajagopal, MD | Pavithra Ramakrishnan, MD | Mackenzie A Redmond, MD | Allison A Reinhardt, MD | Michael Rigby, MD |
Victor Rodriguez, MD | Cassandra B Roeder, MD | Paula J Rote, MD | Bibek Saha, MD | Gurmandeep Sandhu, MD |
Paul Sanford, MD | Nishad Sathe, MD | Robert Scheel, MD | Katlin Schmitz, MD | Hayley Schuchard, MD |
Amir Seid, MD | Arunima Sharma, MBBS | Alex Sherban, MD | Kara Sherva, MD | Zafar Siddiqui, MD |
Daniel Siers, MD | Abhinav Singla, MD | Rena Singleton, MD | Lauren Slarks, MD | Michael Smith, MD |
Nickolas P Steinauer, MD | Paul J Strain, MD | Anisa Suleiman, MD | William Swain, MD | Vishal Swaminathan, MD |
Cindy Swanholm, MD | Amatul Mueed Taqiyyah Fatima Syeda, MBBS | Don Bambino Geno Tai, MD | Comfort Takang, MD | Alex Tarabochia, MD |
Sarah Tawfic, MD | Vinay Thallapally, MD | Cameron Thiele, MD | Travis Tran, MD | Jyh-Yau Tsaur, MD |
Laura Tucker, MD | Lane R Uhing, MD | Diana Valencia Morales, MD | Ashley Vallesarmand, MD | Ka Bao Vang, MD |
Aurelio Vargas, MD | German Velez Reyes, MD | Nanditha Venkatesan, MBBS | James R Verner, MD | Beija Villalpando, MD |
Jordyn Walter, MD | Charles Warner, MD | Fadumo Warsame, MD | Alysia Washington, MD | Mason J Webb, MD |
Samiddhi Weerasiri, MD | Abigail Wegehaupt, MD | Garrett A Welle, MD | Brandon Wesche, MD | Anthony Williams, MD |
Angelica Willis, MD | Marie Wilson, MD | Grant A Wintheiser, MD | Helena Xeros, MD | Saida Yassin, MD |
Dongni Yi, MD | Lauren Yorozuya, MD | Amir Yosef, MD |
Save the Dates:
October 27, 2022 - MN-ACP Council meeting
October 28, 2022 - MN Internal Medicine:2022 at Minneapolis Convention Center Information/Registration
April 27-29, 2023 - ACP Internal Medicine:2023 in San Diego, CA Information/Registration
How can we better serve you? Please contact me with questions or thoughts on how the MN-ACP can serve you. David Hilden, MD, MPH, FACP Governor, MN-ACP Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com