In this Issue:
- Governor's Welcome
- Minnesotans at ACP's Internal Medicine:2022 in Chicago
- Minnesota Elections
- MN-ACP Council Updates -2022
- Congratulations New Fellows!
- Member News
- ACP's I Raise the Rates Newsletter Available Now
- Members in the News
- MN-ACP Member profile
- Save the Dates:

David R Hilden, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Welcome

Minnesota friends,
I have been thinking a great deal lately about the word “belonging.” What does it mean to belong somewhere? Belong to someone? Belong to a community? I've also been thinking about what not belonging feels like.
A few weeks ago, in cloudy and chilly Chicago, a whole bunch of us attended the national ACP Internal Medicine meeting. We gathered to learn, and be inspired, and laugh and we did so with internal medical physicians from all over the country and indeed the world.
I left feeling rejuvenated in the realization that we have in our ACP community a place where we belong.
At Story Slam, we reflected on our profession and our lives through the voices of storytellers ranging from residents to retired physicians. At the didactic sessions, it felt so right to pursue lifelong learning and sit next to internists as we gobbled up the latest science of medicine from the best speakers anywhere. At our social gatherings, we laughed with each other and shared our life journeys. At the Convocation, it was my privilege to march with our new Fellows and internists from all over the world proudly representing their chapters. It all reminded me that we truly belong to a global family of friends in ACP.
At one point, I was walking in the convention center with our Governor-Elect, Dr. Tseganesh Selameab, and we were laughing so uncontrollably that a perfect stranger passing by remarked on how right it seemed to see people just letting loose with joy.
So yeah, I left with a renewed sense of belonging.
You also belong. Whether you trained in Minnesota or Africa or Asia or wherever. Whether you practice in Rochester or in Fairmont or Duluth. Whether you are new to Internal Medicine or a seasoned veteran. Whatever you look like, whatever language you speak, or whether you feel at the top of your game or even if you feel like an imposter. (BTW, you are NOT an imposter!).
You belong to our ACP family.
Stay in touch, engage with the Chapter, read this newsletter. As I start my final year as Minnesota Governor, I plan to make BELONGING the theme for our chapter for this year. Join us!
In gratitude for all of you,
David Hilden, MD MPH FACP
MN-ACP Governor
Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com @DrDavidHilden @mn_acp.

MN-ACP Mission: To foster excellence, education and professionalism among all internists in our community and to work together to shape the future of healthcare in Minnesota.
MN-ACP Vision: To be Minnesota's recognized leader for patient care, advocacy and education and to enhance career choice, satisfaction and collaboration for specialists and subspecialists in Internal Medicine
Visit us online: https://www.acponline.org/node/291009
Minnesotans at ACP's Internal Medicine:2022 in Chicago
Over 160 Minnesotans attended (in person or virtually), served as faculty or participated in other international activities at the IM:2022 meeting in Chicago. The Minnesota Doctors' Dilemma team from Mayo were competitive and represented the state well. Mayo team members included: Dr. Tessa Benanzer, Dr. William Minteer, and Dr. Grant Wintheiser. Additionally, Minnesota had eighteen faculty presenters including Dr. John Bundrick, Dr. Mark Davis, Dr. Timothy Flynn, Dr. Alice Gallo De Moraes, Dr. Stephanie Hansel, Dr. Justin Kreuter, Dr. Scott Litin, Dr. Thomas Martens, Dr. Benji Mathews, Dr. Brian Palmer, Dr. Deepti Pandita, Dr. Charles Reznikoff, Dr. Gregg Simonson, Dr. Karna Sundsted, Dr. Uma Thanarajasingam, Dr. David Tierney, Dr. Timothy Wilt, and Dr. Nathan Young. Samrah Razi, MD from Mayo presented a winning Clinical Vignette on “Atypical Presentation of Legionella Pneumonia in an Immunocompromised Patient” at the ACP final presentations. Kristene Tadese (Medical student Research/QI), Kimberly Wang (Medical Student vignette), Sara Medina-Bielski, MD (Resident vignette) and Kristen Westenfield, MD (Resident Research/QI) presented or were eligible to present their MN-ACP winning abstracts. A reception co-hosted by MN-ACP and the Mayo Alumni Association was well attended on April 29th.

Minnesota Elections
MN-ACP will hold an election in May for two “at large” Council positions to serve a 2-year term. Watch for your online ballot. The MN-ACP Governor-elect Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP began her term as Governor-elect on April 30th at the ACP's national meeting.

Governor-elect Dr. Tseganesh Selameab, Past Governor Dr. John Bundrick and Current Governor Dr. David Hilden
MN-ACP Council Updates -2022

Your Governor's Council will meet this spring and with committees, IM Residency programs and Internal Medicine Interest Groups providing reports. A new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee was authorized by the Council and is seeking members and a chair. Work plans for member outreach, health policy, leadership development and strategic planning updates were reviewed. Please contact Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in any of these committees in 2022.
- Scientific Session Planning Committee
- Health Policy Committee
- Early Career Physicians Committee
- Hospitalists Committee
- Health Information Technology Committee
- Council of Resident/Fellows Committee
- Women Internists Committee
- Awards Committee
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
Minnesota members completing the ACP Certificate in Physician Leadership
Congratulations to these members who are participating or have completed the ACP Certificate in Physician Leadership. They include:
- Bright P Thilagar, MD FACP of Rochester
- Ahmad Hazem, MD FACP of Blaine
- Warren Manyara, MD FACP of Byron
- John Charles O’Horo, MD FACP of Rochester
- Paavani Komanduri, MD of St. Paul
MN-ACP Council of Resident/Fellow Members
Internal Medicine Residents from five programs in Minnesota serve on the Council of Resident/Fellows.
Resident/Fellow members from the Minnesota training program collaborate through regular calls and social media to support resident/fellows. Thank you to Nan Zhong, MD (Mayo) who is chairing the Council in 2021-22. Meetings were held quarterly with updates from all programs. Thank you to the following 2021-22 MN-ACP CRFM members: Solomon Amare, MD (UMN); Kevin O’Donnell, MD (Abbott); Sumar Quint, MD (HCMC); Alexandria Roy, MD (Mayo); Kristina Techar, MD (Abbott); Elizabeth Davis, MD (UMN); Marcela Kuijpers, MD (HCMC); Karan Chohan, MD (Mayo); and Ben Stultz, MD (Mayo). Projects this year include working with the IMIG groups for mentoring and outreach to middle school students interested in health careers.
Early Career Physicians
ACP's official definition of an “early career physician” is a physician who has graduated from medical school within the last 16 years AND who is not currently in residency or subspecialty fellowship training Any questions or suggestions, please contact the Early Career Physicians Chairwoman, Amy Holbrook, MD at amy.k.holbrook@gmail.com . We will again gather in person when it is safe.
Health and Public Policy Update May 2022
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
MN-ACP Health Policy
The Health Policy Committee has been meeting virtually over the past year. With input from Minnesota Advocates for Internal Medicine members and the Health Policy Committee, MN-ACP set Minnesota legislative priorities for the 2022 legislative session. If you are interested in Health Policy issues, please contact our committee either as a member or to present a Minnesota health policy priority for consideration/action in 2022-23. Our Minnesota Health Policy priorities fall into these main categories including:
- Improve Public Health
- Improve Patient Affordability and Health/Behavioral Health Access
- Support Minnesota Physicians' Ability to Practice
- Promote Primary Care
Help advocate for Minnesota and national health care issues in 10 minutes per month. Information and Sign up for ACP Advocates for Internal Medicine You will receive a brief monthly email during the legislative session with information on MN issues, assistance needed and updates from ACP on national health policy. 2022 Leadership Day Leadership Day will be held May 17-18, 2022, at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington D.C. Nine MN-ACP members will be meeting with the Minnesota Congressional delegation and Senators along with ACP Health Policy staff.
Austin Hoeg, a medical student, and Dr. Matthew J Kalina, a resident/fellow, were selected to receive a travel scholarship to attend the ACP Leadership Day.
Our legislative monitor, Chad Fahning provides MN-ACP with timely updates on our key policy concerns. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in our MN-ACP Health and Public Policy Committee. Please feel free to contact me at berry022@umn.edu with any questions or to join the Policy Committee.
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
Congratulations New Fellows!
Achieving ACP Masters and Fellowship is a mark of distinction and a milestone in a physician's career.
Please join me in congratulating the following as new Minnesota Masters and Fellows named by ACP in the last 6 months:
- William Hoyt Amundson, MD FACP, St. Paul
- Beth M. Averbeck, MD FACP, Bloomington
- Daniel Self Childs, MD FACP, Rochester
- Nathan Tseboh Chomilo, MD FACP, Minneapolis
- Virginia A Dines, MD FACP, Rochester
- Ravindra Ganesh, MBBS FACP, Rochester
- Andrew Genereux, MD FACP, Fergus Falls
- Robert William Kirchoff, MD FACP, Rochester
- Natalia Lazik, MD FACP, Rochester
- Kacia M Lee, MD FACP, Minneapolis
- Michael Mueller, MD FACP, Rochester
- Dhauna Karam CM Prasad, MBBS FACP, Albert Lea
- Bradley R Salonen, MD FACP, Rochester
- Breanna R Zarmbinski, MD FACP
Apply for Fellowship in 2022 to be considered for Convocation Ceremony participation at ACP's Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 in San Diego, CA. Celebrate the exemplary care you've given to patients during an extremely challenging year. Throughout it all, you continued to provide tremendous care, support, and leadership to the community in which you live and practice. You deserve to be recognized.
- Watch the video to learn more about what it means to be an FACP®. Then use this handy chart to identify whether you're ready to apply.
- Apply for FACP
- For Resident/Fellow members, ACP has developed a three-year Guided Fellowship Program which provides a framework toward meeting professional development goals, along with guidance and mentorship, to obtain the FACP credential.
- If you would like assistance in finding a Minnesota reference for your FACP application or have questions on the process, please contact our MN-ACP Membership chair Dr. Katie Helgen at helgen.katherine@gmail.com.
- If you have any questions about completing the Fellowship application, feel free to call ACP at 800-523-1546 ext. 2709

Member News
Welcome Forty-three New Minnesota Medical Students to ACP and MN-ACP!
Nuradin Abdishikur | Elizabeth Bade | Collin Barrett |
Kyle Bresina | Kelsey Bria | Tracy Bui |
Chaitanya Chittineni | Nicholas Devetter | Kimberly Doerr |
Zainab Farah | Austin Fowler | Gunnar Frahm |
Benjamin Gorman | Christian Haudenschild | Austin Hoeg |
Alexander Holm | Madeleine Howard | Quinn Johnson |
Alison Levahn | Dylan Livingston | Carolyn Lussenhop |
Alex Mangan | Samuel Nelson | Thomas Nilles-Melchert |
Keaton Pendergrast | Katherine Plampton | Elizabeth Poskie |
Neha Potlapalli | Karishma Rajani | Emma Rochlin |
Lauren Ross | Alina Seletska | Lindsey Simonson |
Ashish Singal | Jacob Smith | Madison Sundlof |
Kristene Tadese | Mary Thomas | Jose Valentin Lopez |
Ali Vecellio | Nicolas Villarraga | Michelle Yang |
Shannon Zhou |
Welcome New Minnesota Resident/Fellows, Affiliates, Transitional Residents and Members!
Seventy-seven new internists, physician affiliates, resident/fellows, affiliates, and transitional medical graduates have joined ACP and the MN chapter in the last five months. Thank you for your membership and count ACP and MN-ACP as a professional home and resource for you.
Joseph Atule Akambase, MBChB | Safia Ali, MBBS | Talal Almasri, MD | Zachary Anderson, DO |
Michael Andreone, MD | Jose Arriola-Montenegro, MD | Leah M Bolden, MD | Abera B Bulti, MD |
Krystle Campbell, MD | Thanat Chaikijurajai, MD | Maroun Chedid, MD | Sofia Dar, MD |
Kelly R Dean, MD | Kavya Desai, MD | Tesfa Ergando, MD | Erin Gardeck, PA-C |
Christina Grech, MD | Adam Greer, MD | Madison Hahn, MD | Harikrishna R Halaharvi, DO |
Taylor Hand, MD | Stacey Hanna, CNP | Melanie Hansen, NP | Michelle E Haroldson, MD |
Tarrek Hegab, MD | Brooke Hendricks, MD | Tessa Herman, MD | Mason Hinke, MD |
Emily Horecki Lopez, MD | John Horton, MD | Jaclyn Houghton, PA-C | Kristin L Inman, MD |
Adesewa John, MD | Whitney Johnson, MD | Willie M Johnson, MD | Matthew S Jones, DO |
Simran Kahlon, MD | Ayeir Karnwie-Tuah, DO | Alexis M Keefe, MD | Noreen Khan, DO |
Florence F Kotiso, MD | Amelia Krug, MD | Ameya Kumar, MD | Lucas P Labine, MD |
Emma Leirdahl, MD | Molly S Lindstrom, MD | Sanjoyita Mallick, MD | Lorraine Mascarenhas, MD |
Abdilahi Ali Mohamoud, MBBS | Matthew Mulvihill, DNP | Lasonya Natividad, NP MBA | Afua A Nti, MD |
Sandeep Pagali, MD | Sophia A Parente, MD | Adam Poquette, MD | Anshula Prasad, MD |
Alex Rivero, MD | Nelly C Rojas Salvador, MD | Natalie Ross, MD | Alex Rudstrom, MD |
Jason Sakizadeh, MD | Joshua Samec, MD | Deepon Sarkar, MD | Sophie Scholtz, MD |
Imranjot Sekhon, MD | Jessica Seledotis, MD | Rida Shaikh, MD | Daniel Shyu, MD |
Saleem Syed, MD | David Thomas, MD | Blake R Tidwell, MD | Karin Vassar, NP |
Savahanna Wagner, DO | Jacob Wagner, MD | Gunther H Wagoner, MD | Jonathan Weiner, MD |
Natalie Wilson, MD |
ACP's I Raise the Rates Newsletter Available Now
In this month's I Raise the Rates Newsletter (IRtR), you will learn more about
- The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recent Meeting Updates with COVID booster recommendations,
- The RTS,S malaria vaccine;
- A recent study suggesting that the RSV Vaccination During Pregnancy Protects Newborns; and
- Twelve Covid-19 community strategies.
ACP's I Raise the Rates program, which is supported by funding from the CDC, Merck, and GSK, provides QI education and virtual coaching support from ACP Advance expert coaches to support increased adult immunization coverage. The Minnesota Chapter is proud to partner with the American College of Physicians in supporting the I Raise the Rates Adult Immunization Program.
Members in the News
- Dr. John O’Horo of Mayo Clinic was interviewed by the Pioneer Press on Covid rates among the vaccinated, and by the Rochester Post-Bulletin n monitoring the need for mask policy
- Dr. Frank Rhame of Allina Health was interviewed by Star Tribune on “conflicting and partisan COVID approaches, raising questions about whether any were based on science”
- Dr. Rahul Koranne of the MN Hospital Association was interviewed by the St Paul Pioneer Press on hospitals were hit with an unprecedented number of patients and by TPT Almanac on the on-going COVID challenges faced by MN hospitals
- Dr. Nathan Chomilo of MN Department of Human Services and Park Nicollet was published in the Minnesota Spokesman Recorder with the article, “Report aims to close gap in health disparities for U.S.-born Blacks Minnesotans.” Dr. Chomilo also spoke with MPR News about health equity.
- Dr. Angelina Ausban of Cuyuna Regional Medical Center was interviewed by R&J Broadcasting on weight loss management, “walk with a Doc” program.
- Dr. Deepti Pandita of Hennepin Healthcare on KSTP Channel 5 on declining Covid case numbers
- Dr. Richard Adair had a letter to the editor published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune on a possible local example of bias and disregard for science.
- Dr. Heidi Erickson of Hennepin Healthcare had a letter to the editor published by the Minneapolis Star Tribune on the difficult choices faced in critical care during Covid
- Dr. LaPrincess Brewer of Mayo Clinic was interviewed on MPR on improving heart health in Minnesota's African American Community
- Dr. Tseganesh Selameab of Health Partners is featured on a Twin Cities Public TV program on Art + Medicine: Speaking of Race
- Dr. Elizabeth Goelz of Hennepin Healthcare on HealthLeaders on promoting joy to address healthcare worker burnout
- Dr. David Hilden of Hennepin Health care interviewed by WCCO Radio n increase in common cold transmission as pandemic restrictions ease.
- Dr. Mark Sannes of Health Partners on WCCO Newstalk on Do you need to get another booster shot?
Please send MN-ACP your member news Minnesota.acp@gmail.com
MN-ACP Member profile

Andre Genereux, MD, FACP of Fergus Falls, MN
Where are you from? Wahpeton, ND, now living in Fergus Falls, MN
Where did you go to college, medical school, and residency? I went to college at Concordia College, Moorhead where I received a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry and Biology. I then went to the University of North Dakota School of Medicine, Grand Forks, ND for medical school. I completed my residency years at Abbott-Northwestern/Allina Health. I am an Assistant Clinical Professor for the University of North Dakota and enjoy teaching internal medicine and bedside ultrasound. After three years of doing both outpatient and inpatient medicine, I now work in the same rural area in Fergus Falls, MN at Lake Region Healthcare as a hospitalist and medical director of a local skilled nursing facility.
What are a couple of things you enjoy doing in your off-work time? I enjoy family time, spending time on the water in Minnesota, home improvement projects, weightlifting, ice hockey and tennis.
What do you enjoy most about being an internist? From a human perspective, I enjoy being able to help patients in their time of need and having the privilege to treat and get to know great people and families through these interactions. From a science perspective, how the body maintains homeostasis has always been fascinating to me. I enjoy the breadth of internal medicine and trying to integrate the interaction of the body's various organ systems a problem can affect, and then pulling the picture together to come up with a complete clinical picture.
Do you have a concern (or a few) about our profession? Being a provider in a rural area of Minnesota, and with the current staffing shortages throughout healthcare that we have been experiencing, patient access to tertiary care and needed services remains on the top of my list of concerns.
Save the Dates:
October 28, 2022 Minnesota Internal Medicine:2022 at the Minneapolis Convention Center and virtual presentations
Find us on Twitter: @mn_acpMN-ACP LinkedINMN-ACP websiteMN-ACP Facebook
How can we better serve you? Please contact me with questions or thoughts on how the MN-ACP can serve you. David Hilden, MD, MPH, FACP Governor, MN-ACP Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com