In this Issue:
- Governor's Welcome
- Minnesota Elections
- MN-ACP 2021 Award winners
- Minnesota Internal Medicine:2021
- MN-ACP Council Updates
- Congratulations New Fellows!
- Welcome New Minnesota Medical Students to ACP and MN-ACP!
- Welcome New Minnesota Resident/Fellows, Affiliates, Transitional Residents and Members!
- ABIM's Longitudinal Knowledge Assessment
- In Memoriam
- Members in the News
- MN-ACP Member profile
- Save the Dates:
- Chapter Social media

David R Hilden, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Welcome
Minnesota ACP friends,
There is a cot in the corner of my office.

As I prepare to move to a different office here at Hennepin Healthcare in downtown Minneapolis, I'm doing a bit of office cleaning. Against the wall is a bookshelf full of my accumulations over the years. Looking at this stuff has put me in a contemplative mood and I realized, wow, a good deal of my story lies in the stuff in this picture.
There is my old copy of Harrison's Internal Medicine. Somehow, I am comforted that Anthony Fauci is the second author on my edition. It reminds me that science is incredibly powerful and life-affirming.
The shelves have small gifts from patients . . . a Buddha, a vase, a Thai scarf, a rooster-whistle thing, a 100-year-old wooden lab instrument from a patient who started his lab career at the turn of the century at Columbia. All reminders that the work we do touches the hearts of our patients and that they are grateful. My name plaque from my first clinic office. Remember how good it felt to be an internist on the first day of your first job?
A couple of random N95s thrown around…apparently, I haven't moved beyond May 2020 when we clung to our masks like they were made of gold.
There's a construction helmet with my name on it. There's a golden shovel. These were the witnesses to the birth of a new clinic building a few years ago.
Books. Remember books? Look at this hodgepodge:
- Heifetz teaching us what leadership looks like.
- Oh my goodness there's a Stedman's dictionary and a Bates physical exam text in there. I actually used it once upon a time.
- A whole book on osteoporosis. Um, no, I won't be opening that one anytime soon.
- Netter! My original anatomy atlas which I never actually took into the anatomy lab since I bought the collector's edition with the nice cover. It's like a book of classic art.
- A book of poetry by Pablo Neruda just because sometimes you need a good love poem.
And there's that cot. That was from mid-2020 when sometimes curfews and pandemics prevented the commute home. I wonder if someone in facilities wonders what happened to that cot . . .
Such are the mementos of our lives that make up our story . . . you surely have your own stories as well which made you the awesome internist you are today.
I recently read the book, Anxious People, by Fredrik Backman. It's a story about the “worst hostages in the world” and contains the line, “They had all heard one another's stories and that made it harder to dislike one another.” Yes to that!
In our Minnesota ACP chapter, we're making our own stories:
- Our annual Scientific Meeting was emotional for me, as over 200 of us gathered safely to learn together and laugh together, inspire one another and lift up exemplars of the best of Minnesota in our awards ceremony. (See below for our Award winners).
- We continue to advance new Fellows and gain Members.
- Our advocacy efforts are robust and making an impact in St. Paul and Washington DC.
- We look forward to the Internal Medicine meeting 2022 in Chicago next spring (Not registered yet? Get to it!)
- And we are ever so thrilled about the future of leadership in our chapter. As my term as Governor ends in 2023, we will be fortunate to have Dr. Tseganesh Selameab take the helm as our new Governor. Dr. Meltiady Issa will continue as our Treasurer, and our Council will continue to grow and engage and lead our magnificent state chapter. These leaders inspire me with their vision and talent.
As for our 2021 Award winners…
- Community-based Clinical and Teaching Award: Dr. Daniel Wolbrink, Essentia
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award: Dr. Nathan Chomilo, Park Nicollet
- Early Career Physician Award: Dr. Christopher Aakre, Mayo
- Volunteer and Community Service Award: Dr. Muhamad El-Rashidi, Mayo
- Chapter Laureate (the highest honor given in the chapter each year): Dr. Deepti Pandita, Hennepin Healthcare
Each one of these ACP colleagues is a gift to us all. I am honored and humbled to learn from their example!
I'm grateful for you all, and wish you peace, hope, and laughter as we begin another new year in 2022.
David Hilden, MD, MPH, FACP
Governor, Minnesota ACP
Governor.MNACP@gmail.com @DrDavidHilden @mn_acp.
MN-ACP Mission: To foster excellence, education and professionalism among all internists in our community and to work together to shape the future of healthcare in Minnesota.
MN-ACP Vision: To be Minnesota's recognized leader for patient care, advocacy and education and to enhance career choice, satisfaction and collaboration for specialists and subspecialists in Internal Medicine
Visit us online: MN-ACP websiteMN-ACP LinkedIn @mn_acp
Minnesota Elections
Congratulations to the new MN-ACP Governor-elect Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP whose term as Governor-elect begins in April 2022. Meltiady Issa, MD, FACP will continue as MN-ACP Treasurer.
MN-ACP is seeking nominations for one open, “at large” Council position to serve a 2-year term. If you are interested, please send an email to Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com by January 31, 2022.
MN-ACP 2021 Award winners

Dr. Deepti Pandita, Hennepin Healthcare
Dr. Pandita is the MN-ACP 2021 Laureate Award winner and has been an ACP member since 1995.She completed medical school at the Christian Medical College in Vellore, India and her Internal Medicine residency and chief residency was completed at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine in Fargo, ND. She also completed Clinical Informatics Clinician training at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland. Dr. Pandita is Board certified in Internal Medicine and in Clinical Informatics. She is a current active member of the American College of Physicians (ACP) national Telehealth Committee and the ACP national Health Information Technology (HIT) Committee. She is also a member of the American Medical Informatics Association and the Health Information Management Systems Society and its Executive Institute and is an active participant in several national work groups including the Women in Informatics Task Force and MOC Committee. She also is a national presenter on HIT topics as they relate to primary care. In Minnesota, she serves on the Institute for Clinical Systems Integration (ICSI) AHQR ACTS Future Vision group, on the Minnesota E-Health Committee, and is chair of the MN-ACP Health Information Technology Committee. Dr. Pandita volunteers her time as a Sunday School teacher at the Hindu Temple of Minnesota and conducts free health screening clinics for senior citizens every 3 months at the temple. Additionally, she provides volunteer services at an annual health clinic at a Battered Women's shelter in Dehradun, India.

Dr. Daniel Wolbrink, EssentiaHealth
The MN-ACP 2021 Community Based Clinical and Teaching Award. This award recognizes members who support community-based clinical care and teaching of other physicians, medical students and residents. The award nominee provides opportunities for students to experience both the challenges and gratification of community-based medical practice and strives to establish working and learning partnerships among local physicians. The Awards Committee selected Dan Wolbrink, MD, FACP of Duluth, MN for this award. Dr. Wolbrink is a Hospitalist at Essentia Health. He received his medical degree from the University of Minnesota, completed an internal medicine residency at University of IA Hospitals & Clinics, Iowa City, IA. He provides frequent clinical training of medical students from UMD and has also provided clinical training for family physicians in hospital-based medicine.

Dr. Nathan Chomilo, Park Nicollet and MN Department of Human Services
MN-ACP 2021 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award
Dr. Nathan T. Chomilo is Medical Director for the State of Minnesota's Medicaid & MinnesotaCare programs, the Director of Vaccine Equity at the Minnesota Department of Health and practices as a General Pediatrician and an Internal Medicine Hospitalist with Park Nicollet Health Services/HealthPartners. He completed his combined residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota and was the Pediatric Chief Resident at the University of Minnesota Children's Hospital. His advocacy work has included the impact early childhood intervention and healthcare access have on the long-term prospects of our children and how physicians and health systems can address racial & health equity. He has been a frequent commentator in local media about health topics and has numerous publications related to health equity and health care access. He is a founding member of the Minnesota Doctors for Health Equity. Dr. Chomilo received the MN Medical Association President's Award in 2021. He is a Recipient of the Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights 2019 History Maker at Home Award, was named a Rising Star Doctor in Mpls. St. Paul Magazine, 2018 and 2019, was a Recipient of the Gretchen Hunsberger Medical Champion Achievement Award, Reach Out and Read, 2018. Minnesota Physician named him as one of the 100 most influential health care leaders in 2020.

Dr. Christopher Aakre, Mayo
The MN-ACP 2021 Early Career Physician award recognizes a Minnesota internist within 16 years of graduating medical school and who is not an ACP Medical Student Member or Resident/Fellow Member. Areas of achievement may include leadership; academics, clinical care, including but not limited to publishing, teaching, and mentoring; and/or volunteerism. The winner of this first award is Chris Aakre, MD, FACP from Rochester, MN. Dr. Aakre is 6 years post residency and has been an active contributor to MN-ACP. He has served as co-chair of the annual Scientific Session for the past four years, has served as a co-convener of the new Medicine Trivia program for the past two years and has authored numerous publications. His expertise in artificial intelligence and medicine has earned him Vice Chair - Artificial Intelligence, Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Aakre has been recognized as an Innovator of the Year 2018 - General Internal Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Aakre completed a Clinical Informatics Fellowship, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine and a Masters in Clinical and Translational Science from the Mayo College of Medicine in Rochester, MN.

Dr. Muhamad El-Rashidi, Mayo
The MN-ACP 2021 Community Volunteer Award honors an Internal Medicine physician and member of MN-ACP who exhibits a high degree of both personal and professional integrity. The nominee's community/volunteer achievement is not a component of his/her paid employment or position and is not related to a specific political or religious affiliation. The recipient of the award selects a charity that will receive a check for $1000 from MN-ACP in honor of the award winner. Our awards committee was impressed with the award winner's volunteer work with the Rochester Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association (IMAA), Meals on Wheels, and the Equal Justice Committee on the Third Judicial District. Dr. Elrashidi donated his award of $1000 to the Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association of Rochester, MN.
Minnesota Internal Medicine:2021
Winners from the 2021 MN-ACP Abstract competition include the following with a Minnesota-ACP cash prize and travel scholarship winners:
- Sara Medina-Bielski, MD (Resident vignette) Muhamad Elrashidi, MD (Advisor) Mayo
- Kristen Westenfield, MD (Resident Research/QI) Abbott Northwestern
- Kimberly Wang (Medical Student vignette) Chris Aakre, MD (Advisor) Mayo
- Kristene Tadese (Medical student Research/QI) LaPrincess Brewer, MD (Advisor) Mayo
Minnesota-ACP Resident CV finalists with cash prize winners include:
- David Jonason, MD (Resident Vignette- finalist) Briar Duffy, MD (Advisor) U of M
- Stephanie Kuhlman, MD (Resident Vignette-finalist) Rosemary Quirk, MD (Advisor) Hennepin
Minnesota-ACP People's Choice Award with cash prize:
- Katie Schmitz (People's Choice Medical Student) Peter Lund, MD (Advisor) U of M
- Reema Tawfiq, MD (People's Choice Resident) Naseema Gangat, MD (Advisor) Mayo
The annual Scientific meeting was co-chaired by Mary Miley, MD, FACP, Andrew Olson, MD, FACP, and Chris Aakre, MD, FACP. The Scientific Session, abstract competition, Doctors Dilemma and SEP/MOC were held at the Minneapolis Convention Center on Friday, Oct. 29th with live-stream sessions for both the general internal medicine and hospitalist tracks and general sessions. The Saturday, Oct. 30th SEP sessions on Hospital Medicine and General Internal Medicine was virtual with live Q/A sessions throughout the morning. For information on the presentations or to register to receive CME/MOC through Oct. 30, 2022 visit the MN-ACP meeting website.
MN-ACP Council Updates

MN-ACP Council 2021
Your Governor's Council met virtually this spring and with committees, IM Residency programs and Internal Medicine Interest Groups providing reports. A new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee was authorized by the Council and is seeking members and a chair. Work plans for member outreach, health policy, leadership development and strategic planning updates were reviewed. Please contact Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in any of these committees in 2022.
- Scientific Session Planning Committee
- Health Policy Committee
- Early Career Physicians Committee
- Hospitalists Committee
- Health Information Technology Committee
- Council of Resident/Fellows Committee
- Women Internists Committee
- Awards Committee
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
MN-ACP Council of Resident/Fellow Members
Internal Medicine Residents from five programs in Minnesota serve on the Council of Resident/Fellows.
Resident/Fellow members from the Minnesota training program collaborate through regular calls and social media to support resident/fellows. Thank you to Nan Zhong, MD (Mayo) who is chairing the Council in 2021-22. Meetings were held quarterly with updates from all programs. Thank you to the following 2021-22 MN-ACP CRFM members: Solomon Amare, MD (UMN); Kevin O’Donnell, MD (Abbott); Sumar Quint, MD (HCMC); Alexandria Roy, MD (Mayo); Kristina Techar, MD (Abbott); Elizabeth Davis, MD (UMN); Marcela Kuijpers, MD (HCMC); Karan Chohan, MD (Mayo); and Ben Stultz, MD (Mayo). Projects this year include working with the IMIG groups for mentoring and outreach to middle school students interested in health careers.
Early Career Physicians
ACP's official definition of an “early career physician” is a physician who has graduated from medical school within the last 16 years AND who is not currently in residency or subspecialty fellowship training Any questions or suggestions, please contact the Early Career Physicians Chairwoman, Amy Holbrook, MD at amy.k.holbrook@gmail.com. We will again gather in person when it is safe.
Health and Public Policy Update Jan. 2022
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
MN-ACP Health Policy
The Health Policy Committee has been meeting virtually over the past year—as has the MN legislature. With input from Minnesota Advocates for Internal Medicine members and the Health Policy Committee, MN-ACP set Minnesota legislative priorities for the 2022 legislative session. If you are interested in Health Policy issues, please contact our committee either as a member or to present a Minnesota health policy priority for consideration/action in 2022. Our Minnesota Health Policy priorities fall into these main categories including:
- Improve Public Health
- Improve Patient Affordability and Health/Behavioral Health Access
- Support Minnesota Physicians' Ability to Practice
- Promote Primary Care
Help advocate for Minnesota and national health care issues in 10 minutes per month. Information and Sign up for ACP Advocates for Internal Medicine You will receive a brief monthly email during the legislative session with information on MN issues, assistance needed and updates from ACP on national health policy. 2022 Leadership Day Leadership Day will be held May 17-18, 2022, at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington D.C. If interested in attending and lobbying our delegation, please contact Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com.
We are recruiting medical students, resident/fellows, and early career physicians with an interest in health policy to participate in the ACP Leadership Day which may be held in Washington DC (pending public health status) or will be held virtually. Please complete the MN-ACP Leadership Day Scholarship application by Jan. 31, 2022. A Health Advocacy project scholarship will be provided to those selected if travel is not recommended or a travel scholarship to Washington DC if travel is permitted.
Our legislative monitor, Chad Fahning provides MN-ACP with timely updates on our key policy concerns. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in our MN-ACP Health and Public Policy Committee. Please feel free to contact me at sallyberryman@yahoo.com with any questions or to join the Policy Committee.
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
Congratulations New Fellows!
Achieving ACP Masters and Fellowship is a mark of distinction and a milestone in a physician's career.
Please join me in congratulating the following as new Minnesota Masters and Fellows named by ACP in the last 6 months:
Bradley R Salonen, MD FACP, Rochester |
William Hoyt Amundson, MD FACP, St. Paul |
Beth M. Averbeck, MD FACP, Bloomington |
Kacia M Lee, MD FACP, Minneapolis |
Robert William Kirchoff, MD FACP, Rochester |
Michael Mueller, MD FACP, Rochester |
Virginia A Dines, MD FACP, Rochester |
Andrew Genereux, MD FACP, Fergus Falls |
Daniel Self Childs, MD FACP, Rochester |
Dhauna Karam CM Prasad, MBBS FACP, Albert Lea |
Apply for Fellowship in 2022 to be considered for Convocation Ceremony participation at ACP's Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 in San Diego, CA. Celebrate the exemplary care you've given to patients during an extremely challenging year. Throughout it all, you continued to provide tremendous care, support, and leadership to the community in which you live and practice. You deserve to be recognized.
- Watch the video to learn more about what it means to be an FACP®. Then use this handy chart to identify whether you're ready to apply.
- Apply for FACP
- For Resident/Fellow members, ACP has developed a three-year Guided Fellowship Program which provides a framework toward meeting professional development goals, along with guidance and mentorship, in order to obtain the FACP credential.
- If you would like assistance in finding a Minnesota reference for your FACP application or have questions on the process, please contact our MN-ACP Membership chair Dr. Katie Helgen at helgen.katherine@gmail.com
- If you have any questions about completing the Fellowship application, feel free to call ACP at 800-523-1546 ext. 2709
Welcome New Minnesota Medical Students to ACP and MN-ACP!
Thirty new medical students have joined ACP and MN-ACP. Welcome to your new training programs in Minneapolis, Rochester and Duluth, MN.
Syeda Ali | Alyssa Bren | Kelsey Bria |
Tracy Bui | Paige Carlson | Johnny Dang |
Khuaten De Macedo | William Dyke | Benjamin Gorman |
Salma Hassan | Brooke Hendricks | Alexander Holm |
Quinn Johnson | Racquel Kaizer | Adam Kneepkens |
Stuart Lien | Erica Loon | Alex Mangan |
John McCarron | Maryam Omar | Keaton Pendergrast |
Katherine Plampton | Neha Potlapalli | Karishma Rajani |
Neha Reddy | Katie Schmitz | Sarah Tawfic |
Mary Thomas | Beija Villalpando | Lea Witzel |
Welcome New Minnesota Resident/Fellows, Affiliates, Transitional Residents and Members!
Eighty-nine new internists, physician affiliates, resident/fellows, affiliates, and transitional medical graduates have joined ACP and the MN chapter in the last five months. Thank you for your membership and count ACP and MN-ACP as a professional home and resource for you.
Peter Aas, MD | Fadi W Adel, MD | Abdul Rahman Akkawi, MD | Sadik A Ali, MD |
Nadar A Ali, MD | Summer Allen, MD | Loretta Allotey | Ashwini Arumugam |
Manal Bakhiet, MBBS | Madeline Barnes, MD | Evan Beacom, MD | Karly Bolly, MD |
Connor Buechler | Brian Burroughs | Marla Carlson | Anders Carlson, MD |
Elizabeth Chiang, DO | Anne Christiansen, MD | Molly RM Clark, MD | Deirdre Croke, MD |
Sara Cuadra Aruguete | Hannah Cushen | Elizabeth Davis, MD | Atharva Dhole, MD |
Anya Dmytrenko | Mitchell Dumais | Jodie Dvorkin, MD | Jennifer S Eller |
Emmanuel O Erestain, MD | Samuel D Falde, MD | Morgan E Freeman | Gregory L Geise, MD |
Vanessa Gow-Lee | Amrita Goyal, MD | Robert Haddon, MD | Philip T Hagen, MD |
Gene Hahn, MD | Kelly Hallowell | Mohamed Hassan, MBBS | Mohamed Hatab |
Andrew J Henn, MD | Jason Hoard | Allison Hochstetler | Barrett Holen, MD |
Guleid Hussein, MD | Vivek N Iyer, MD | Elizabeth Jeffrey, MD | Stephen C John, MD |
Isla M Johnson, MD | Jonathan Knott, MD | Adam Koch, MD | Bryan Koenig, MD |
Hariprasad Reddy Korsapati, MD | Marinos Kosmopoulos, MD | Jack A Kotecki | Alex Krona |
Jamie Lang | Matthew J Lieser, MD | Leah Lindbeck | Salman R Mallick, MBBS |
Cynthia Matthees | Lydia Mbatidde, MBChB | Judith McElhiney, MD | Jose R Medina Inojosa, MD |
Elena Myasoedova, MD | Philippe Fernand Nyembo, MBChB | Deirdre R Pachman, MD | Christopher Portero Paff |
Jeff Post | Tyler E Powell | Bernard R Quebral, MD | Alison Raffman, MD |
Shafay Raheel, MD | Sharmishtha Raikar, MD | Tamim Rajjo, MD | Samrah Razi |
Thomas G Reimann | Steven I Robinson, MBBS | Margaret Singer | Laura Stolbrock |
Mithun Suresh, MD | Miguel Teles Grilo Teixeira, MD | Rose Tsai, DO | Tomas Valdivia, MD |
Adam G Van Dijk, MD | Hanyin Wang, MD | Lauren M Webb | 2LT Kevin White, DO |
Maja T Zioncheck, MD |
ABIM's Longitudinal Knowledge Assessment
To pursue a career in internal medicine, you must have it—an absolute dedication to putting progress into practice, a constant search for better care, healthier patient outcomes, and life-changing discoveries. Yet the path to sustained achievement requires a support system, and that's where ABIM comes in. ABIM has dedicated the past 80 years to advancing the practice of internal medicine, innovating our programs along the way to help you keep up. Today, they are redefining the maintenance of certification experience as they open the door to the Longitudinal Knowledge Assessment. Connect to a revolutionary, on-demand, interactive continuing assessment platform that gives you convenient access to questions, references, and rationales that flex to the variable demands of your lifestyle. Thank you to NY-ACP for this update. Click here for more information on the longitudinal assessment and MOC Points.
ACP's I Raise the Rates - Newsletter Available Now
In this month's I Raise the Rates Newsletter (IRtR), you will learn more about ACP's new video series, Ask Your Internist, where physicians answer the top questions from the public about vaccines. Created in partnership with YouTube, this initiative was developed in an effort to counter misinformation around COVOID-19 and routine adult vaccines. Also included in this issue: CDC digital toolkit for 2022 Flu season; Vaccine Boosters Fight Omicron Variant and new hepatitis B Vaccination Recommendations. ACP's I Raise the Rates program, which is supported by funding from the CDC, Merck, and GSK, provides QI education and virtual coaching support from ACP Advance expert coaches to support increased adult immunization coverage. The Minnesota Chapter is proud to partner with the American College of Physicians in supporting the I Raise the Rates Adult Immunization Program.
In Memoriam
- James C. Broadbent, MD, FACP of Rochester MN passed away at the age of 98. He was an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine. He retired in 1986.
He was a member of the American College of Physicians and of the American College of Cardiology.
- Daniel Schnobrich, MD, FACP died in a car accident on Nov. 10th due to the speeding of an impaired driver. He was selected as one of the 2014 ACP Hospitalist of the Year. The Daniel Schnobrich Medical Education Fund at the University of Minnesota Foundation that will provide support for ongoing point-of-care ultrasound education efforts as well as a yearly recognition for a faculty member who demonstrates qualities that Dan brought to our community. You can donate to this fund by clicking here.
- Joseph R. Thurn, MD, MPH, FACP of St. Paul, MN passed away suddenly at the age of 63. He was an infectious disease specialist and worked at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center.
Members in the News
- Dr. John O’Horo of the Mayo Clinic interviewed by KSTP and the St Paul Pioneer Press on the omicron variant and the importance of vaccination and boosters.
- Dr. Hannah Lichtsinn, interviewed by WCCO TV on We're Exhausted, Heartbroken’: Minnesota Doctors Plea For People To Get Vaccinated
- Dr. Amy Williams from Mayo and interviewed by NPR on being prepared for always having some individuals who are infected with COVID in our hospitals and needing acute care
- Dr. Rahul Koranne interviewed by MPR and the Washington Post on Minnesota's hospitals still overrun with COVID-19 patients and others who need acute medical care during the holiday season
- Dr. Mark Sannes was interviewed by KARE 11 and to the Star Tribune on the full emergency rooms due to COVID
- Dr. Ryan Hurt of Mayo was interviewed by the Bemidji Pioneer on long Covid symptoms
Please send MN-ACP your member news Minnesota.acp@gmail.com
MN-ACP Member profile

Michael Mueller, MD FACP
Rochester, MN
Where are you from? I spent most of my childhood in North Carolina and was in New York City immediately prior to starting medical school.
Where did you go to college, medical school, and residency? I went to Duke for undergrad (go Devils!), Case Western Reserve for medical school, and Johns Hopkins for residency.
What are a couple of things you enjoy doing in your off-work time? Chasing my 17-month old son Kai! He's a handful. When he's not getting into trouble, I love to play piano, host and play trivia nights, watch Duke basketball, and (in non-COVID times) love travel/maximizing rewards points and finding the best places to eat.
What do you enjoy most about being an internist? I love the diversity and breadth of what we do. As a general internist, you can be an expert in something and still have the opportunity to do a little bit of everything. Our role as the quarterback for patient care very powerful and meaningful to me.
Do you have a concern (or a few) about our profession? I worry about bandwidth – my colleagues are the strongest people I know, and it often feels like there aren't enough of us to provide the care that our patients need. I also worry about morale during the pandemic, particularly with respect to the lack of trust in science and medicine that some of our communities have demonstrated. Finally, I worry about the administrative burdens on internists, which detracts from our ability to provide care for our patients.
Save the Dates:
- Jan. 31, 2022 Medical Student and Resident Leadership Day Participation/Travel Scholarship Deadline Information
- March 1, 2022 MMA Day at the Capitol Information
- April 28-30, 2022 ACP Internal Medicine:2022 in Chicago, IL Information/Register
- May 17-18, 2022 ACP Leadership Day at the Capitol in Washington DC Information
Chapter Social media
Find us on Twitter: @mn_acp MN-ACP LinkedIN MN-ACP website MN-ACP Facebook
How can we better serve you? Please contact me with questions or thoughts on how the MN-ACP can serve you. David Hilden, MD, MPH, FACP Governor, MN-ACP Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com