In this Issue:
- Message from the Governor
- 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting Highlights
- MN-ACP Council Updates
- Preview of ACP Internal Medicine: 2023 in San Diego, CA
- I Raise the Rates Newsletter Available Now
- Members in the News
- New Members and Fellows
- Save the Dates:

David R Hilden, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Message from the Governor
Minnesota ACP friends,
As we endure and hygge through another Minnesota winter, we have many things to celebrate.
- Read below about the great turnout and recognition of MN-ACP outstanding internal medicine physicians at our Minnesota Internal Medicine meeting in 2022.
- The first post-COVID I.M. on Tap gathering scheduled for March 21st.
- The next national ACP meeting will be in San Diego on April 27-29, 2023 with 7 MN-ACP members speaking and a reception in San Diego co-sponsored by MN-ACP with the Mayo Clinic Alumni Association on April 28th at 5:30pm at the Marriot Marquis.
As my term as Governor ends in April 2023, I am thrilled to pass off the helm to Dr. Tseganesh Selameab as our new Governor. Dr. Meltiady Issa will continue as our Treasurer, and our Council will continue to engage members throughout the state. These leaders inspire me with their vision and talent.
I am also honored to continue the strong Minnesota presence in national ACP activities in two roles. First, I will begin my first term as a Regent of ACP in April, serving with other national leaders on the governing body of ACP. Second, I am a member of ACP Services PAC Board of Directors. I have come to realize that we simply must raise our voice – for the future of our profession, our well-being, and the communities we get to serve every day. Please stay engaged: come to our meetings, socialize with your ACP peers (see IM on Tap, above!), donate to the ACP Services PAC, keep your dues current, apply for Fellowship . . . all this makes a big difference now more than ever.
I'm grateful for you all!
David Hilden, MD, MPH, FACP
Governor, Minnesota ACP
2022 Annual Scientific Meeting Highlights
MN-ACP 2022 Award winners
The MN-ACP 2022 Laureate Award winner is Dr. Ellen Coffey. Dr. Coffey has been an ACP member since 2002. She graduated from the University of MN Medical School and completed her internal medicine residency and chief residency at Hennepin Healthcare. She is board-certified in Internal Medicine and serves as a General Internal Medicine physician at Hennepin Healthcare in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Ellen Coffey has contributed over 30 years to her work in General Internal Medicine, where she embodied the highest ideals of being a physician, an educator, and a leader with remarkable commitment to mission and patients. She has dedicated her career to the care of the vulnerable and has a gift of immeasurable compassion for those who are suffering and struggling.

The MN-ACP 2022 Early Career Physician award winner is Amy Holbrook MD, FACP from Abbott Northwestern/Allina Health System. Dr. Holbrook is nine years post residency and has been an active contributor to MN-ACP and ACP. She has served as chair of the MN-ACP Early Career Physicians committee since 2013. She has served on the national ACP Early Career Physician committee and is the MN-ACP Physician Wellness Champion. She is a Hospitalist at Abbott Northwestern Hospital and Associate Director of the Abbott Northwestern Residency Program. She has been a featured speaker at MN-ACP Scientific Sessions over the past five years. Dr. Holbrook has numerous publications, presentations and other awards.

The MN-ACP 2022 Fostering Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award winner is Haylee Veazey, MD from Hennepin Healthcare. Dr. Veazey is a transgender woman who completed her combined EM/IM residency at HCMC in 2019. She is an outstanding doctor who boldly transitioned during intern year. She is dedicated to LGTBQ health and has promoted health equity to LGBTQ communities for several years. She started, as a resident, Hennepins' Adult Gender and Sexual Health Clinic, filling a huge need for this underserved community. Dr. Veazey's niche is LGBTQ+ healthcare. She is the Medical Director of the Adult Gender and Sexual Health clinic. She has developed expertise in hormone replacement therapy for transgender patients and has developed a curriculum for training providers to do the same. She specializes in Emergency and Internal Medicine.

The 2022 Hospitalist Award is presented to Dr. Nichole Cummings of St Cloud and the CentraCare Health System. Dr. Nichole Cummings, MD is an internal medicine hospitalist in Saint Cloud, MN specializing in adult hospital medicine. She graduated from University of Minnesota UMD/Medical School. Dr. Nichole Cummings, MD is affiliated with CentraCare. She completed medical school at the University of Minnesota and an Internal Medicine Residency at Hennepin County Medical Center. In addition to her hospitalist practice, she also has administrative responsibilities for the 50 hospitalists on staff affiliated with CentraCare and the St Cloud Hospital.

A new award, the MN-ACP 2022 Distinguished Teacher/Mentor Award winner is Dr. Laurel Drevlow. Dr. Drevlow has been a member of ACP since 1992. She has been an active member of MN-ACP as an abstract judge for over seven years. She completed medical; school at the University of Minnesota and an Internal Medicine residency at Abbott Northwestern/Allina. According to her nominators, she has been a mentor for medical students and residents for many years.

2022 Abstract Competition Winners

Winners from the 2022 MN-ACP Abstract competition include the following with a Minnesota-ACP cash prize and travel scholarship winners:
- Rachel Suen, MD (Resident vignette) from Mayo
- Zachary Hartnandy, MD (Resident Research/QI) from Abbott Northwestern
- Meagan Nowariak (Medical Student vignette) from U of M Medical School
- Sarah Alabsi (Medical student Research/QI) from U of M Medical School
Minnesota-ACP People's Choice Award with cash prize:
- Austin Hoeg from the U of M Medical School
- Maureen Jin from Mayo Medical School
Doctors' Dilemma Competition
Four teams representing each internal medicine residency program had a friendly competition with the winning team from the University of Minnesota Internal Medicine Residency. They will compete as the Minnesota team at the ACP national competition in San Diego.

The annual Scientific meeting was co-chaired by Mary Miley, MD, FACP, Andrew Olson, MD, FACP, and Chris Aakre, MD, FACP. The Scientific Session, abstract competition, and Doctors Dilemma were held at the Minneapolis Convention Center on Friday, Oct. 28th with live-stream sessions.

MN-ACP Council Updates

MN-ACP Council 2022
Your Governor's Council held a hybrid meeting this fall. Committees, IM Residency programs and Internal Medicine Interest Groups provided reports. A new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee was authorized by the Council and is seeking members. Work plans for member outreach, health policy, leadership development and strategic planning updates were reviewed/approved. Please contact Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in any of these committees in 2023.
- Scientific Program Co-Chairs: Mary Miley, MD, FACP; Andrew Olson, MD, FACP; and Chris Aakre, MD, FACP
- Awards Committee: John Bundrick, MD, MACP, Chair
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: Nitesh Jain, MD, FACP, Chair
- Early Career Physicians Committee: Amy Holbrook, MD,FACP Chair
- Health and Public Policy Committee: Sally Berryman MD, FACP, Chair
- Health Information Technology Committee: Deepti Pandita, MD, FACP, Chair
- Hospitalist Committee: Sagar Dugani, MD, FACP Chair
- Membership Committee: Katie Helgen, MD, FACP, Chair
- Council on Resident/Fellows Members: Katarina Fabre, MD, Chair;
- Wellness Committee: Anne Becker, MD, FACP, Chair
Early Career Physicians meeting for I.M. on Tap on March 21st
We are bringing back the in-person I.M on Tap at Kieran's Pub…a little after St. Patrick's Day! Please RSVP for the March 21st event at Kieran's. Details will be emailed to you. ACP's official definition of an “early career physician” is a physician who has graduated from medical school within the last 16 years AND who is not currently in residency or subspecialty fellowship training Any questions or suggestions for topics, please contact the Early Career Physicians Chairwoman, Amy Holbrook, MD at amy.k.holbrook@gmail.com.
Health and Public Policy Update
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
MN-ACP Health Policy

We had a great Internist Advocacy lunch and Physicians Day at the MN State Capitol on Feb. 8th. Members spoke with their legislators about extending MN Telemedicine coverage (as included in the Governor's budget), support for the PRO act which was signed by the Governor last week, and firearm safety bills. Our 2023 MN-ACP Health Policy priorities fall into these main categories including:
- Improve Public Health
- Improve Patient Affordability and Health/Behavioral Health Access
- Support Minnesota Physicians' Ability to Practice
- Promote Primary Care
Help advocate for Minnesota and national health care issues in 10 minutes per month. Information and sign up for Advocates for Internal Medicine. You will receive a brief monthly email during the legislative session with information on MN issues, assistance needed and updates from ACP on national health policy. ACP Advocacy Summary for 2022.
2023 Leadership Day Leadership Day will be held May 23-24, 2023, in Washington D.C. Travel Scholarships are available for one medical student and one resident/fellow to attend. If interested in attending and lobbying our delegation, please complete the short scholarship application by Feb 19, 2023.
Please let me know if you are interested in participating in our MN-ACP Health and Public Policy Committee. Please feel free to contact me at berry022@umn.edu with any questions or to join the Policy Committee.
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
Help shape MN Medicaid policy!
DHS is in the process of filling vacant seats for the Health Services Advisory Committee (HSAC). HSAC is a statutorily created committee that advises the department on coverage policy for Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP). Additional information can be found on the HSAC website The HSAC includes membership criteria including 6 licensed physicians actively engaged in practice in Minnesota, 2 of which represent medical or surgical specialties and 1 that treats people with mental illness. Currently, all 6 of these positions are vacant. Please find information on open positions and how to apply on the Secretary of State website.
ACP Emotional Support Hub
Take care of your well-being with comprehensive resources available on ACP Online.
- 24/7 Crisis Line: Dial 988 or 1-800-273-8255 or text 741741
- Crisis Counseling Helpline: 1-800-985-5990
- 1-888-409-0141 for the Physician Peer Support line for free and confidential peer support
Some key areas of support within the Hub, include:
- Peer Support and Counseling—Free and low cost, confidential services
- Tools for Individuals—Emotional support video series; on-demand webinars; 2-minute actionable micro-learning
- Tools for Leadership—Well-being strategies to support healthcare workers' mental health
Preview of ACP Internal Medicine: 2023 in San Diego, CA
Registration is open for the national ACP Internal Medicine:2023 meeting and pre-courses Information/Registration. Minnesota-ACP is well represented among the national speakers with seven MN-ACP members presenting at the national meeting including:
John Bundrick, MD MACP, Amy Holbrook, MD FACP, Ryan Jelinek, DO, Erin Krebs, MD FACP, Thomas Martens, MD FACP, Amy Oxentenko, MD FACP, Deepti Pandita, MBBS FACP
I Raise the Rates Newsletter Available Now
The most recent I Raise the Rates Newsletter (IRtR) includes information on:
- Free coaching to Increase Adult Influenza Immunization Rates and free registration to QI Pre-course at the 2023 ACP Internal Medicine meeting in San Diego. Information/Apply by March 1st ;
- Elimination of all out-of-pocket costs for all adult vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for Medicare Part D beneficiaries;
- ‘Kraken’ variant & vaccine stroke risk
ACP's I Raise the Rates program, is supported by funding from the CDC, Merck, and GSK, provides QI education and virtual coaching support from ACP Advance expert coaches to support increased adult immunization coverage. The Minnesota Chapter is proud to partner with the American College of Physicians in supporting the I Raise the Rates Adult Immunization Program.
Members in the News
- Charles Reznikoff, MD FACP of Hennepin Healthcare was interviewed by the Minneapolis Star Tribune on As MN considers legalizing marijuana, what does research say about the risks?
- Colin West, MD PhD FACP of Mayo Clinic was interviewed by the New York Times on Physician Burnout
- Craig Bowron, MD FACP of Allina Health was interviewed by the Minneapolis Star Tribune on his new book, Man Overboard, describing why guys steer clear of the doctor
- Hannah Lichtsinn, MD of Hennepin Healthcare had a letter to the editor published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune on Abortion is Healthcare
- Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP, FACP of Park Nicollet and the MN Department of Human Services authored the article, an article on Closing Health Disparities in Medicaid and Threats to our children's mental health are on the rise which was published in the Minnesota Spokesman Recorder.
- Rahul Koranne, MD FACP of the Minnesota Hospital Association was interviewed by the Minneapolis Star Tribune on the MN Nurses strike and hospital vacancies triple in 2022
- Tseganesh Selameab, MD FACP and Ankit Mehta, MD FACP both of Health Partners, prepared a short video with TPT/PBS on Equity in Healthcare and restorative rejuvenation .Dr. Selameab was also featured in the TPT Program Art + Medicine: Healthy Aging
Please send MN-ACP your member news Minnesota.acp@gmail.com
New Members and Fellows
Congratulations New Fellows!
Achieving ACP Masters and Fellowship is a mark of distinction and a milestone in a physician's career.
Please join me in congratulating the following as new Minnesota Fellows named by ACP in the last 4 months:
- Gregory W. Barsness, MD FACP, Rochester
- Mohammed N Bhuiyan, MD FACP, Rochester
- Brian Costello, MD FACP, Rochester
- Aravdeep S. Jhand, MBBS FACP, Rochester
- Vivian Ortiz, MD FACP, Rochester
- Joshua D. Overgaard, MD FACP, Rochester
- Samantha Morley Ryan, MD FACP, Rochester
- Arindam Sharma, MD FACP, Rochester
- Emily A Van Kirk, MD FACP, Edina
- Amir Yosef, MD FACP, Mankato
The Guided Fellowship Program offered by ACP is also available for interested members. Currently sixteen members are participating with expected Fellowship awarded at the end of the year in 2023, 2024 or 2025. The Guided Fellowship participants include:
- Sreekant Avula, MBBS, Eden Prairie
- Scott Biggerstaff, MD, Minneapolis
- Omar Abdullahi, MD, Maple Grove
- Claire E Bourgeois, MD, Minneapolis
- Skyler H Dahlseng, DO, Alexandria
- Stephanie Grach, MD, Rochester
- Ryan K Huynh, MD, Woodbury
- Sharon Li, MD, Minneapolis
- Rheanne K Maravelas, MD, Roseville
- Ibiyemi Oke, MD, Rochester
- Allyson Palmer, MD, Rochester
- Abhinav Singla, MD, Rochester
- Don Bambino Geno S Tai, MD, Minneapolis
- Krista Tuomela, MD, Minneapolis
- Sumeet Kumar Yadav, MD, Mankato
- Rachael Whitley Starcher, MD, Minneapolis
- Saida Yassin, MD, Minneapolis
- Colt J Williams, MD, Rochester
Apply for Fellowship in 2023 Celebrate the exemplary care you've given to patients during an extremely challenging year. Throughout it all, you continued to provide tremendous care, support, and leadership to the community in which you live and practice. You deserve to be recognized.
- Watch the video to learn more about what it means to be an FACP®.
- Apply for FACP
- For Resident/Fellow members, ACP has developed a three-year Guided Fellowship Program which provides a framework toward meeting professional development goals, along with guidance and mentorship, in order to obtain the FACP credential.
- If you would like assistance in finding a Minnesota reference for your FACP application or have questions on the process, please contact our MN-ACP Membership chair Dr. Katie Helgen.
- If you have any questions about completing the Fellowship application, feel free to call ACP at 800-523-1546 ext. 2709
Welcome New Minnesota Medical Students to ACP and MN-ACP!
Sixteen new medical students have joined ACP and MN-ACP with their training programs in Minneapolis, Rochester and Duluth, MN.
Nagasantosha T Bollepalli | Amanda Gregory | Abigail Pleiss |
Steffan Stroh | Ranveer Vasdev | Joel T Zimmerman |
Abtissam Ait Daoud | Sarah Alabsi | Robert Churchill |
Kacei Bui | Ben Byun | Erin Chappuis |
Alexandra Dobos | Nicole Philipps | Glenn Seela |
Matthew Strong |
Welcome New Minnesota Resident/Fellows, Affiliates, Transitional Residents and Members!
Thirty-six new internists, physician affiliates, resident/fellows, affiliates, and transitional medical graduates have joined ACP and the MN chapter in the last four months. Thank you for your membership and count ACP and MN-ACP as a professional home and resource for you.
Ahmad Al-Anii, MD | Nader James Al-Shakarchi, MBBS | Aditi K Bhanushali, MBBS |
Bethany Boyle, MD | Nicole Charles, PA | Praveen V Dasaraju, MBBS |
Christopher Dinh, MD | Patrick Duggan, MD | Tyler J Dunphy, MD |
Jafary Fafara, MD | Emily L Halverson, MD | Diana L Heilig, DO |
Rita L Hurd, MD | Kristen M Kallestad, MD | Mahmut S Kaymakci, MD |
Syed Khan, MD | Will Ladner, MD | Hannah Lee, MD |
Sandy Lee-Baird, MD | Amanda Logan, NP | Bridget Love, CNP |
Megan Mehring, MD | Dana Mourad, MD | Darlene R Nelson, MD |
Anusha Parisapogu, MBBS | Kate Richards-May, MD | Conor A Richardson, MD |
Jessica A Richardson, CNP | Victor Rodriguez, MD | Jasmine Saini, MBBS |
Cynthia Stavish, APRN | Seth R Sweetser, MD | Peter E Thorne, MD |
Erica Ting, MD | Ruth Verner, MD | Jason Wiederin, MD |
Gregory Wieland, MD |
Save the Dates:
- Feb 19, 2023 Medical Student and Resident Leadership Day Participation/Travel Scholarship Deadline ACP Leadership Day travel Scholarship application
- March 21, 2023- Internal Medicine (I.M.) on Tap at Kieran's RSVP
- April 27-29, 2023 ACP Internal Medicine:2023 in San Diego, CA Information/Register
- May 23-24, 2023 ACP Leadership Day at the Capitol in Washington DC Information
How can we better serve you? Please contact me with questions or thoughts on how the MN-ACP can serve you. David Hilden, MD, MPH, FACP Governor, MN-ACP David.hilden@hcmed.org
Find us on: @mn_acpMN-ACP LinkedINMN-ACP websiteMN-ACP Facebook