In this Issue:
- Message from the Governor
- Minnesota Award winners
- Minnesota Internal Medicine: 2019 at Minneapolis Convention Center
- MN-ACP Council Updates
- Membership Updates
- Save the Dates

David R Hilden, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Message from the Governor
Dear Minnesota friends,
Recently I listened to a woman tell a story. She said this:
“Looking at me you see how I appear to enter this space, a young-ish, black woman with a big smile and strong hand shake. What you don't see is the manifestation of my inner white man. Yes, you heard me- I have an inner white man.”
That woman was Dr. Tseganesh Selameab and the occasion was the first-ever Story Slam at our ACP Minnesota Chapter meeting last month. If you were there, you were probably as captivated as I was at hearing our colleague, our sister, and our Minnesota ACP council member tell her truth about being a black woman and a physician. And she began it by talking of her inner white man. You had to be there!
If you weren't at the chapter meeting, that's OK, there is always next year. But you missed something special. You also missed Dr. Tom Jaeger, another ACP friend and colleague, tell his story. You'd love that guy. I'd pay to hear him tell stories he's so good at it.
But I bring up the Story Slam not to guilt you into coming to the Chapter Meeting next fall (OK, maybe a little, that's sorta my job!). I bring up the stories of a black woman from St. Paul and a white man from Rochester to highlight the incredible diversity of experiences in the life of our chapter.
Hear more from Dr. Selameab (Joe and Matt are her “inner white man” names):
“Joe and I also walked on stage together and he reminded me to push back my shoulders and stand assured that my words were important and my voice worth hearing. When I make a mistake in clinic Matt's voice reminds me that some will look at that error as further proof that brown women physicians are just not quite as competent as their peers. Matt's voice will also be there to tell me that that is not my work. My work is to learn from my mistakes and continue to grow as a doctor and to improve my craft. “
Minnesota ACP is white and black and every other shade of wonderful, we are gay and straight, we are trans and cis-gender, we are serious academicians and we are hipster primary care doctors. We come from Asia and Africa and South America and all over the globe. Some of us even come from the exotic hinterlands of south Minneapolis. We practice in greater Minnesota and at one of the world's premier medical centers at Mayo. We care for the underserved in Duluth and Grand Rapids and we care for people and teach and conduct research at the University of Minnesota. We are brand new internists and wise veteran internists. We are students and residents. We are liberal and conservative. We are urban and rural. We are all these things.
But we are one Minnesota ACP family. We are all internal medicine specialists. With a diverse and beautiful Minnesota flavor.
I hope you engage in your Minnesota ACP family. Call me up (612-873-3395) to chat about becoming a fellow. E-mail me Governor_MNACP@gmail.com if you want to chat. Come to the nationally awarded IM on Tap series hatched by our Early Career Physician guru from Abbott Northwestern Dr. Amy Holbrook where you can join other Minnesota friends over a fun evening and cool learning. Or join the Advanced Career Physicians group that has blossomed this fall if you are at a “certain age” in your career. Do anything, but do something with us.
Dr. Selameab one last time:
“When I am in a space of diastole, I notice that my body relaxes. I breathe more fully and deeply and I feel myself expand to my fullest expression. My heart is full. So full that I can no longer accommodate Joe or Matt or Mike. I have expanded beyond the spaces that require the presence of my inner white man. Spaces of diastole are sacred and I have come to understand that they are formed through intention, and labor and are not “happy coincidences”. My spaces of diastole include my current clinic. I walk in each morning and am greeted by nurses and fellow physicians that reflect my lived experiences in their smiles. My patients are a tapestry of new and old Americans woven together into a neighborhood that holds history and promise. I work in a space where my voice and story are enough. I work in diastole.”
Thank you to Dr. Selameab for allowing me to share part of her voice with you.
Whatever your story . . . we are your Minnesota ACP family and you have a home with us.
My best to all of you this beautiful wintry Minnesota season. May your season be filled with peace.
David R. Hilden, MD MPH FACP
Governor, Minnesota ACP
Minnesota Award winners

Our 2019 Minnesota Laureate Award winner… Charles Reznikoff MD, FACP
Dr. Charles Reznikoff graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison medical school. He completed an Internal Medicine residency and served as Chief Resident at Hennepin County Medical Center. He completed a Fellowship in Addiction Medicine at the University of Minnesota Department of Psychiatry and the VA Medical Center. Dr. Reznikoff has been an attending physician in the Department of Medicine at Hennepin County Medical Center/Hennepin Healthcare since 2008. He works as a staff physician in the HCMC/Hennepin Healthcare Addiction Medicine Clinic for the past thirteen years and as an addiction medicine consultant to the National Basketball Players Association. Additionally, he serves as an Assistant Professor of Medicine, Master Clinician Track at the University of Minnesota. For the last eleven years, Dr. Reznikoff has served on a variety of addiction medicine task forces/advisory committees at the school district, community, state and national level. He currently serves on the American College of Physicians (ACP) Pain Management Advisory Committee, the ACP Quality Improvement Project on Inpatient Opioid prescribing. Dr. Reznikoff also was a college ultimate frisbee coach and won the College Coach of the Year: Ultimate Players Association of the Midwest in both 2009 and 2010. Dr. Reznikoff has served the MN-ACP in a volunteer capacity in various capacities over the last 14 years including serving on the MN-ACP Council, the Scientific Session Planning Committee and leading the MN abstract/poster competition for five years which earned a national Evergreen Award for its collaborative and extensive participation by over 150 medical students and resident/fellows each year under his chairmanship. He has provided significant amounts of community service throughout Minnesota during his sixteen years in the state. Dr. Reznikoff has been a member of the American College of Physicians (ACP) since 2002 and a Fellow since 2014.
2019 Minnesota Community Volunteer Award winner…Minnesota Doctors for Health Equity
The MN Doctors for Health Equity is a volunteer organization, established in 2017, with a mission of “activating health professionals to work toward health equity.” The organization invites MN physicians to join them in their advocacy and current membership is 184 physicians. A majority of the MDHE Board are MN-ACP members and internists and/or med-peds physicians. These volunteer physicians have taken on advocacy for health policy, health equity, and increasing health care access with the following activities between 2017 and 2019 including: advocacy to opposed the Medicaid work requirement in 2018; increase access to Hepatitis medications for Medicaid enrollees in 2019; oppose elimination of the Minnesota Provider tax in 2019; Opposed the Title X Gag Rule change that recently went into effect and co-signed on letter to the editor with MN-ACP and MMA; and promote the Immigrant Protection Toolkit in conjunction with the Minnesota Immigration Health Alliance in addition to many other activities. Minnesota Doctors for Health Equity are donating their award of $1000 to the Simpson Housing of Minneapolis, MN https://www.simpsonhousing.org/
Minnesota Internal Medicine: 2019 at Minneapolis Convention Center
The annual Scientific meeting chaired by Mary Miley, MD, FACP, Andrew Olson, MD, FACP, and Chris Aakre, MD was held on October 10-11, 2019. Over 311 attendees came from across Minnesota as well as California, Florida, Iowa, North Dakota and Texas.
The two SEP module sessions on Thursday morning drew a group which filled the room, intent on hearing discussion of the two topics from specialists in hospital medicine (Drs. Ben Trappey and Haruka Torok) and out-patient medicine (Drs. Jill Huber and Caina Himes). Attendees left the session with twenty points of MOC Medical Knowledge and with a deeper understanding of the issues covered. Dr. Amy Holbrook provided an update on ABIM MOC for all participants.
The Thursday afternoon session on Voice of the Clinician- Using Advocacy and Communication to Increase Clinician Effectiveness drew a large crowd with internists seeking practical answers and skills for talking to legislators, ACP Health Policy, Tips for Getting Your Message Across and Social Media Engagement. The first Minnesota Story Slam featured stories by Drs. Tseganesh Selameab, Tom Jaeger and David Hilden.
Friday, October 11th began early with the Internists' Breakfast discussion on “Bias (and Benefit) in Patient Surveys: I can't get no satisfaction...” moderated by Anya Jamrozy, MD, FACP. The rest of the morning included presentations on specialty areas and featured con-current sessions on out-patient and hospital medicine. The full schedule of presentations from Oct.10th and 11th are archived.
Presentation, viewing and judging of 135 posters of residents and medical students continued to be lively with the support of over twenty-five community internist judges. The Stump the Internist session presented by Dr. John Bundrick included case presentations that challenged attendees with difficult cases. The Doctor's Dilemma brought a spirited demonstration of knowledge among the four teams. The Internal Medicine Residency teams of Abbott Northwestern, Mayo, HCMC and the University of Minnesota demonstrating the encyclopedic knowledge of Internal Medicine in the Doctor's Dilemma competition. The future patients of these team members can rest assured they are in good hands with their physicians' knowledge base.
The Minnesota Chapter of the ACP expresses heartfelt thanks for the efforts of the Program Committee and Faculty who worked tirelessly to make the MN-ACP 2019 Scientific meeting a resounding success. The Program Committee was co-chaired by Drs. Mary Miley, Andrew Olson, and Chris Aakre. Committee members also included: John Bundrick, MD, FACP, Mary Cameron, MD, FACP, Kimberly Cochran, MD, Katherine Helgen, MD, FACP, David Hilden, MD, FACP, Meltiady Issa, MD, FACP, Anya Jamrozy, MD, FACP, Kyle Lehenbauer, MD, FACP, Benji Mathews, MD, FACP, Catherine Nguyen, DO, Charles Reznikoff, MD, FACP, and Katherine Cairns, MPH, MBA.
We are also very grateful to our faculty presenters for sharing their time and expertise with the 311+ in attendance. Faculty included:
Sadia Ali, MD-Park Nicollet
Anjali Bhagra, MBBS, FACP- Mayo Clinic
William Browne, MD, FACP- University of Minnesota
John Bundrick, MD, FACP- Mayo Clinic
Jeremy Cutsforth-Gregory, MD- Mayo Clinic
Piet De Groen, MD- University of Minnesota
Robert Doherty- American College of Physicians
David Hilden, MD, MPH, FACP- Hennepin Healthcare
Carina Himes, MD- Mayo Clinic
Amy Holbrook, MD, FACP- Abbott Northwestern/ Allina
Jill Huber, MD- Mayo Clinic
Thomas Jaeger, MD- Mayo Clinic
Anya Jamrozy, MD, FACP- Abbott Northwestern/ Allina
Andrea Kattah, MD- Mayo Clinic
William Katsiyiannis, MD, MS, FACC- Minneapolis Heart Institute/Allina
Nick Lim, MD- University of Minnesota
Scott Litin, MD, MACP- Mayo Clinic
Karen Mauck, MD, FACP- Mayo Clinic
Amy Oxentenko, MD, FACP- Mayo Clinic
Manish Patel, DO- University of Minnesota
Anne Pylkas, MD- Health Partners
Matt Prekker, MD, MPH- Hennepin Health
Mark Reding, MD- University of Minnesota
Charles Reznikoff, MD, FACP- Hennepin Healthcare
Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP- Health Partners
Vishnu Laalitha Surapaneni, MD, MPH- University of Minnesota
Haruka Torok, MBBS- University of Minnesota
Ben Trappey, MD- University of Minnesota
Bryan Trottier, MD- Park Nicollet
Ranji Varghese, MD- Hennepin Healthcare

Abstract competition winners
With a continued high number of abstracts and posters (135) in the medical student and resident poster exhibition, competition was fierce and we all appreciated the high quality of work presented by the participants. Winning abstracts lead authors will receive a travel scholarship to present their abstract at IM2020 in Los Angeles this spring. The following were the winners of the poster competitions:
- Medical Student Clinical Vignette -Laura Hauff with runner up Thomas Reimann
- Medical Student QI- Elizabeth Rogers
- Medical Student Research -Heather Oas
- Resident/Fellow Clinical Vignette- Diana Zychowski, MD (UMN) with finalists Scarlett Cao, MD (Mayo), Gretchen Colbenson, MD (Mayo), Caleb Smith, MD (Mayo), Steven Hwang, MD (Mayo)
- Resident Research- Diego Suarez, MD (Mayo)
- Resident Quality Improvement- Christine Wagner, MD (ANW)
Winners of the Clinical Vignette, Quality Improvement/Research and Medical Student poster competitions were awarded a $200 prize and travel scholarship to attend the national ACP meeting in Los Angeles in April 2020 representing Minnesota to compete nationally. Finalists in each category were recognized at the annual meeting and presented with a prize. Winners will have their abstract published in a statewide publication in early 2020. A list of all abstracts submitted is electronically published.
Doctors Dilemma takes center stage
Four teams of internal medicine residents enjoyed friendly competition at the 2019 Minnesota Doctors Dilemma. Team members and their institutions were as follows:
A close final round between the Mayo Clinic Team and the Abbott Northwestern team resulted in the Abbott Northwestern team taking 2019 honors. All team members were recognized and received an “I Think therefore I.M.” mug in recognition of their participation. The winning team goes on to represent our chapter nationally at the Internal Medicine: 2020 in Los Angeles.

Abbott Northwestern Team—Drs. Thomas Williams, Allison Levy, Kiril Dimitrov, Chris Spoke our 2020 Minnesota-ACP Doctors Dilemma team at ACP's IM2020

Mayo Clinic Team - Drs. Mitchell Pitlick, Paige Marty, Ryan Balko, and Bassim El Sabawi

U of M Team - Drs. Matthew Hooks, Sharon Li, Kellen Albrecht, and Joel Fuchs

Hennepin County Medical Center Team - Drs. Rebecca Kummer, Matt Kalina, Evan Beacom, and Peter Bache-Wiig
MN-ACP Council Updates

Your Governor's Council met on Oct. 10, 2019 in Minneapolis, MN. Updates were provided by all committee chairs and by representatives from each medical school and residency program. A 2020-2023 Strategic Planning session is being planned for winter 2020. The MN-ACP Council meets twice per year and has five standing work groups including:
- Scientific Session Planning Committee
- Health Policy Committee
- Early Career Physicians Committee
- Hospitalists Committee
- Health Information Technology Committee
If you are interested in receiving information about any of these committees, please contact Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com for more information.
Health and Public Policy Update December, 2019
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
MN-ACP Health Policy
The MN-ACP Health and Public Policy Committee priorities for the 2020 legislative session fall into three main categories:
- Improve Public Health
- Improve Patient Affordability and Mental Health Behavioral Health Access
- Support Minnesota Physicians' Ability to practice
For the 2020 Minnesota state legislative session, legislative priorities likely to be addressed include vaping/e-cigarettes, emergency access to insulin, drug price transparency, adult use of recreational cannabis and reduction in firearm violence.
Today's update will focus on vaping/e-cigarettes. All are encouraged to read the results of the 2017 MN Youth and 2018 Adult Tobacco surveys which have recently received national attention (). Of note: in MN, 19.2% of high school students used or tried e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. 37.7% of high school students have ever tried e-cigarettes. 63.6% of students who currently use e-cigarettes reported using menthol or other flavored e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. 34.7% of high school students and 15.8% of middle school students who currently use e-cigarettes have used an e-cigarette for recreational marijuana, THC or hash oil, or THC wax at least once in their lifetime. 88.4% of students had seen ads promoting e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. The CDC is studying cases of EVALI (E-cigarette, or Vaping, product use Associated Lung Injury). So far, 1,299 cases of EVALI reported to CDC with 26 deaths reported from 21 states. To date, there have been 73 cases of EVALI in MN and 3 deaths. Additional information can be found here. Last week, Attorney General Keith Ellison announced that MN is suing JUUL. The lawsuit alleges the company illegally marketed flavored e-cigarettes to children and violated several consumer laws, including fraud.
Our ACP Chapter will continue to promote legislation to improve public health. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in our MN-ACP Health and Public Policy Committee.
Please feel free to contact me at berry022@umn.edu with any questions or to join the Policy Committee.
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
Advocacy in Action
Minnesota ACP is a co-sponsor of the Minnesota Medical Association Day at the Capitol in St Paul on the afternoon of March 4, 2020. It is a chance to review state issues relevant to physicians in Minnesota, then to meet with your senators and representatives to discuss these issues from an internist's point of view. You need not be a member of the MMA to participate. For more information and registration can be found here.

Early Career Physicians
I.M. on Tap at Fitger's Brewhouse in Duluth on Oct. 24th with Dr. Becky Davies “Finding Respite for Duluth's Homeless”
ACP's official definition of an “early career physician” is a physician who has graduated from medical school within the last 16 years AND who is not currently in residency or subspecialty fellowship training Any questions or suggestions, please contact the Early Career Physicians Chairwoman, Amy Holbrook, MD at amy.k.holbrook@gmail.com.
Medical Informatics Committee
Deepti Pandita, MBBS, FACP
MN-ACP Medical Informatics Committee chairperson
Telemedicine is a fast-growing area of medical practice especially for internists. ACP has now come up with resources to enhance your knowledge on this topic ranging from ACP policy on Telemedicine to reimbursement questions and technology needed for getting started. The link here provides more details.
Thanks to relentless efforts by ACP and other organizations, CMS has announced the final rule for reducing documentation burden on Clinicians. The details of these revamped guidelines can be found in this link.
The good news is that there is a slight increase in reimbursement for Primary care doctors per the new guidelines. Please share this with your healthcare systems to develop new guidelines and templates to conform to the new guidelines. CMS has made changes to the MIPS (Merit-based Incentive Payment system) program for 2020 and beyond. Some changes are favorable to clinicians such as removal of low value programs however there are increased measures around quality reporting which can be burdensome to providers. ACP is working to reduce these regulatory burdens. See ACP response to the CMS change.
Practice Resources and Continuing Education
- Dr. Andrew Olson presentation in Duluth, MN on July 31, 2019 on “Diagnostic Error: What can we do to make Diagnosis Safer” is available at https://vimeo.com/354284596 Password: IDREAMTV2019. CME and MOC2 credit is available
- ACP Journal Club - a summary of the best new evidence for internal medicine from over 120 clinical journals.
- DynaMed Plus®
- Patient Education Tools
- ACP resource: Enhance Your Personal Well-being
Tell us what is important to you
The Minnesota Chapter of the American College of Physicians (MN-ACP) is committed to improving communication, advocacy, and services to its members. Your participation in this upcoming survey is encouraged so that we can provide opportunities and information to help you with your practice, identify ways MN-ACP can provide more value to you, and advocate for issues important to our members. Watch for the online survey link.
Membership Updates
Advanced Career Physicians Meet in Rochester and Minneapolis

With over 500 years of combined internal medicine experience among them, Minnesota's senior/retired internists met at three events in November and December. The group prefers the term “Advanced Career Physicians” rather than senior/retirees and has suggested a number of potential areas of service including mentoring of students and medical students, advocacy related to climate change, and support for research activities. Thank you to Drs. Craig Roth, David Williams, Mark Liebow and Robert Lohr who have convened luncheons in Minneapolis and Rochester.
New Council of Residents formed

We welcomed a new Council of Residents, chaired by Dr. Courtney Harris, which has met twice to provide advice and recommendations to the MN-ACP Council and standing Committees. Members include:
- Mayo Clinic: Drs. Nadia Akhiyat, Leah Mische, Courtney Harris
- UMN: Drs. Solomon Amare, Beth Davis, Diana Zychowski
- Abbott Northwestern: Drs. Emily Westergard, Allison Levy, Kevin O’Donnell
- HCMC: Drs. Jorge Reyes Castro, Grace Braimoh, Daniel Bernstein
- Ex-officio member (national CRFM): Dr. Frederique St. Pierre
Congratulations New Fellows!
Achieving ACP Fellowship is a mark of distinction and a milestone in a physician's career.
Please join me in congratulating the following as new Fellows named by ACP in the last 3 months:
- Claudia Thomas, MBBS, FACP of Inver Grove Heights, MN
- Keith Patrick Murphy, MD, FACP of Grand Rapids, MN
Make 2019 the year you apply for Fellowship- Fellowship is a high honor and a mark of distinction and professional achievement that is recognized by your peers and your patients. If you are now a member- become a Fellow by reviewing the web link and find which pathway to Fellowship is appropriate for your career path. Links to the requirements for advancing to Fellowship and to the application are also found on this website. In Minnesota, there are over 400 current members who are eligible for a pathway to becoming a Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP)
If you have any questions about completing the Fellowship application feel free to call ACP at 800-523-1546 ext. 2709
Guided Fellowship for Resident/Fellow Members that transition to full Membership
Achieving the FACP credential is a significant milestone for post-training physicians – one that shows leadership and commitment to excellence in the practice of medicine. ACP has developed a three-year Guided Fellowship Program which provides a framework toward meeting professional development goals, along with guidance and mentorship, in order to obtain the FACP credential. The program is open only to ACP Resident/Fellow Members that transition to full Membership each July. For more information click here.
Welcome New Minnesota Resident/Fellows and Members!
Thirty-four new physicians, and resident/fellows, affiliates and new transitional residents have joined ACP and the MN chapter in the last three months. Thank you for your membership and count ACP and MN-ACP as a professional home and resource for you.
Kevin Buda, MD | Lea Buda MD | Monazza Chaudhry MD |
Constantine Chima MD | Abdulrahman Gaman MD | Samantha Gardeen MD |
Yasmin Haji-Kusow MD | Rachel Husmann MD | Seth Laporte MD |
Amber Lindsay MD | Adrianna Lofrano MD | Muhammad Arslan Maan MD |
Fredrick Ogugua MD | Jessica Padniewski MD | Acadia Pechauer MD |
Shrikar Rajagopal MD | Michael Smith MD | Ka Bao Vang MD |
Adham Alkurashi, MBBS | Deema Al-Souri, MD | Zachary Davidson, MD |
Mary Erickson, MD | Sarah Kepple Johnson, PA | Sana Khan, MBBS |
Lindsay Otte | Shauna Pankratz | Joanna Barthell, MD |
Adedayo Fashoyin, MD | Tajudeen Fawole, MD | Gabriella Rooker MD |
Will Sinnett, MD | Keerthana Reddy Banala, MBBS | Aparna Kaur, MBBS MD |
Shannon McAlpine | Elisabeth McHale, MD |
Welcome New Medical Student Members!
Many thanks to the Internal Medicine Interest Group Leadership at the University of Minnesota Medical School, UM-Duluth Medical School and the Mayo Medical School for their recruitment of new members in the last 6 months. Remember, medical students can join ACP without charge. We look forward to all medical student engagement in the chapter!
Asma Adam | Yahya Almodallal, MBBS | Luis Antezana | Claire Arnold |
Sweta Bhoopatiraju | Laura Billstein | Jackie Blomker | Maria Bryan |
Tavia Buysse | Hannah Case | Siven Chinniah | Lauren Clements |
Andrea Collins | Megan Conlon | Nicholas Cook-Rostie | Tamara Damjanac |
Peter Dock | Sayeh Fattahi | Beret Fitzgerald | Kate Geschwind |
Kristin Giesen | Lyubov Gittsovich | Jacob Goodwin | John Gweun |
Laura Hauff | Connor Hedstrom | Adam Howard | Apoorva Iyengar |
Jeffrey Jeltema | Mauricio Jin | Grace Johnson | Luke Klugherz |
Jacob Kluver | Derrick Lewis | Kunchok Lhamo | Rachel Lopdrup |
Lauren Lu | Lauren E Lussenhop | Laura Maciejko | Bennett Maki |
Jordan Marks | Patrick McGonagill | Kavya Nallamothu | Kianna Nguyen |
James Pathoulas | Rohan Patnaik | Kaylin Pennington | Austin Pickup |
Yasser Amr Radwan | Zarin Rahman | Karen Riley | Adam Rupp |
Noah Sanders | Alexander Schmidt | Rob Shaver | Sadia Sheikh-Mohamed |
Emily Sirek | Rashmi Subramani | Divya Takkellapati | Colton Thoreson |
Caitlin Vanlith | Amrit Vasdev | Connor Walsh | Kimberly Wang |
Courtney Wirtanen |
Member Spotlight

Dr. Deepti Pandita
Where are you from?
I was born and raised in India-specifically in the mountainous Himalayan region of Kashmir, which is one of the few parts of India that can match Minnesota in snowfall!
Where did you go college, medical school, and residency?
I was fortunate to join Medical School right after finishing High School, I attended the Prestigious Christian Medical College in Vellore, India and subsequently joined University of North Dakota for my Internal Medical Residency, I was a Chief Resident there. Now I am the Chief Health Information Officer at Hennepin Healthcare.
What are a couple of things you enjoy doing in your off work time?
During the summer I am devoted to my kitchen garden-we grow tomatoes, egg plants, green beans, zucchinis, peppers and variety of other vegetables, I can proudly say that in the last five years I have never needed to buy tomatoes from the grocery store as I grow and can enough for the year. During the off season I like to travel to destinations less traveled.
What do you enjoy most about being an internist?
I love connecting with generations of families. It is most gratifying when I take care of three and sometimes four generations of the same family, those bonds are gratifying and fulfilling to me.
Do you have a concern (or a few) about our profession?
I feel that we as Internists face too many regulatory burdens that distract us from our core values of providing exceptional care, we need to be a united voice through our Professional organizations such as ACP to push back on these fast and furious and ever changing regulations .
How long have you been an ACP member?
I joined ACP in my first year of Residency in 1996 and it has been my professional home ever since.
Save the Dates
- Dec. 2019- MN Charitable Tuesdays Tax deductible.
- Jan. 14, 2020- I.M. on Tap at Kieran's Irish Pub with Dr. Sam Ives from HCMC on “500 EKGs of Bartholomew Cubbins: Near peer teaching, ABCs of understanding, and the tyranny of knowledge” register/info
- March 3, 2020- I.M. on Tap in Rochester at Forager Brewing in “The Pantry” with Dr. Tom Jaeger from Mayo on “Lessons learned from difficult patients” register/info
- March 4, 2020- MMA Day the Capitol, MN-ACP is a co-sponsor
- April 23-25, 2020- IM2020 in Los Angeles, CA. To save, register by January 31st!
- April 24, 2020- 6:00pm MN-ND-SD chapters of ACP and Mayo Alumni reception, at LA Live in Los Angeles, CA
- October 14, 2020- I.M. on Tap at Kieran's with Jacob Meyer, PhD from Iowa State on “Endocannabinoids, exercise and depression: Using the runners high to treat depression”
How can we better serve you? Please contact me with questions or thoughts on how the MN-ACP can serve you. David Hilden, MD, MPH, FACP Governor, MN-ACP %%Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com%%