In this Issue:
- Message from the Governor
- Minnesotans at ACP's Internal Medicine:2023 in San Diego, CA
- Save the Date for MN Internal Medicine:2023- Oct. 27, 2023
- MN-ACP Council Updates -2023
- ACP Emotional Support Hub
- Member Profile- Ellen Adams, MD FACP
- Save the Dates:

Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP , ACP Governor
Message from the Governor
Minnesota ACP friends,
Many would agree that our ACP year starts in April at our national meeting, which this year was in sunny San Diego. It is there that we welcome in our new fellows and masters, learn from, and reconnect with colleagues, and the official “passing of the baton” happens (yes, there is a literal baton!). This year the MN Governor's baton has been passed on to me from our beloved, David Hilden. David and I have been friends for over a decade and we have worked together in clinical practice and through the MN-ACP. It was because of his encouragement that I ran for governor and his support in the transition has been incredible.
Connection, relationship, and belonging are some of the key reasons I joined the Minnesota ACP and are some of the critical factors that other Internal Medicine doctors cite for doing the same. We invest our time and energy into the work of the chapter because we are doing it alongside other doctors that inspire and challenge us to grow. We get to sit in community with true experts in their field as well as learners and students that we are privileged to teach. We get to do the challenging work of caring for patients, of advocacy, and building community with each other. We know we are not alone.
As I reflect on the ACP “new year” I am excited to get to connect with as many of you as I can, to learn more about your work and your passions and to understand your vision for our chapter. I am hopeful we will connect through this newsletter, email, social media, at summer and fall events and of course at our chapter meeting in October.
Until then and with gratitude,
Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP
Governor, Minnesota ACP
Visit us online: MN-ACP Website MN-ACP LinkedIn @mn_acp
Minnesotans at ACP's Internal Medicine:2023 in San Diego, CA
Over 180 Minnesotans attended (in person or virtually), served as faculty or participated in other international activities at the IM23 meeting in San Diego. The Minnesota Doctors' Dilemma team from the University of Minnesota were competitive and represented the state well. The U of M team members included: Dr. Sara Cuadra Aruguete, Dr. Thanat Chaikijurajai, Dr. Tesfa Ergando and Dr. Tom Schmidt. Additionally, Minnesota-ACP had seven national faculty presenters including: John Bundrick, MD MACP, Amy Holbrook, MD FACP, Ryan Jelinek, DO, Erin Krebs, MD FACP, Thomas Martens, MD FACP, Amy Oxentenko, MD FACP, Deepti Pandita, MBBS FACP.
Savannah Liddell, MD, from Mayo had a winning podium research poster presentation “Gender Differences in Electronic Health Record In-basket Workload for Internal Medicine Residents.” Other abstract presenters included: Rachel Suen, MD (Resident vignette) from Mayo; Zachary Hartnandy, MD (Resident Research/QI) from Abbott Northwestern; Meagan Nowariak (Medical Student vignette) from U of M Medical School; and Sarah Alabsi (Medical student Research/QI) from U of M Medical School.
Amos Lal, MD, FACP, from Mayo was a winner of the national Early Career Physician abstract in clinical research for “Burden of Firearm Injuries as an Associated Secondary Diagnosis in the United States from National Inpatient Sample Dataset Minnesota.”
A reception co-hosted by MN-ACP and the Mayo Alumni Association was well attended on April 28th.
Congratulations to the internists who were recognized as new FACPs at the 2023 ACP Convocation and in the past six months including: Gregory Barsness, MD FACP; Bradley Salonen, MD FACP; Amos Lal, MD FACP; Ellen Amy Overson, MD FACP ; Troy A Rowekamp, DO FACP; and Sara Suleman, MD FACP

The University of Minnesota Internal Medicine Residency Doctors' Dilemma team represented Minnesota well at the ACP national competition in San Diego.

Save the Date for MN Internal Medicine:2023- Oct. 27, 2023
Friday, October 27, 2023 will be the date for the MN-ACP Scientific Session and Abstract Competition at the Bloomington Hilton MOA/MSP. Speakers will provide updates on Obesity topics, Asthma Updates, Law and Medicine, What you need to know about Buprenorphine, IBD Update, Care of Patient with alcohol use disorder, Update in Pancreatitis, and other topics. Registration information available soon.
MN-ACP Council Updates -2023

Your Governor's Council held a hybrid meeting this spring. Committees, IM Residency programs and Internal Medicine Interest Groups provided reports. A new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is seeking members. The Council is also seeking an International Medical Graduate to chair a Council Committee. Work plans for member outreach, health policy, leadership development and strategic planning updates were reviewed/approved. Please contact Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in any of these committees in 2023.
- Scientific Program Co-Chairs: Mary Miley, MD, FACP; Andrew Olson, MD, FACP; and Chris Aakre, MD, FACP
- Awards Committee: John Bundrick, MD, MACP, Chair
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: Nitesh Jain, MD, FACP, Chair
- Early Career Physicians Committee: Amy Holbrook, MD, FACP Chair
- Health and Public Policy Committee: Sally Berryman MD, FACP, Chair
- Health Information Technology Committee: Ryan Jelinek DO, Chair
- Hospitalist Committee: Sagar Dugani, MD, FACP Chair
- Membership Committee: Katie Helgen, MD, FACP, Chair
- Council on Resident/Fellows Members: Katarina Fabre, MD, Chair;
- Wellness Committee: Anne Becker, MD, FACP, Chair
- International Medical Graduates Committee: If interested in serving as Chair, apply here by Sept. 15th
MN-ACP Council of Resident/Fellows Planned Parenthood Service Project
The MN-ACP Council of Resident Fellows is promoting a service project to purchase/assemble items for ‘comfort packets' for women served by Planned Parenthood of Minnesota. Please consider a donation to the MN-ACP's GiveMN fund to support their efforts. Contribute here. Many thanks to those who have already donated!
Nominate a member for a 2023 MN-ACP Award by August 10th
Consider nominating an MN-ACP member for one of our awards presented at the Minnesota Internal Medicine:2023 meeting. Send an email with your nomination to Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com We will assist you in completing a nomination form. Award categories include:
- Laureate
- Community Volunteer
- Early Career Physician
- Hospitalist
- Clinical Mentor
- Woman Internist
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Champion
Early Career Physicians meeting for I.M. on Tap on September 13th in Duluth
We are bringing back the in-person I.M on Tap….this time in Duluth! Please RSVP or the Sept. 13th event at Blacklist in Duluth. Details will be emailed to you. ACP's official definition of an “early career physician” is a physician who has graduated from medical school within the last 16 years AND who is not currently in residency or subspecialty fellowship training Any questions or suggestions for topics, please contact the Early Career Physicians Chairwoman, Amy Holbrook, MD at amy.k.holbrook@gmail.com.
Doctor± podcast from MN-ACP debuts in Fall, 2023- seeking interesting internists
Do you know an internist who has an interesting skill or hobby? We would like to interview them for our upcoming Doctor+ podcast. Contact Dr. Tseganesh Selameab to forward their name.
Join Internal Medicine at MN Twins game on Aug. 27th
The Sunday, August 27th MN Twins game is at 1:10pm with free tickets for new IMIG and resident/fellow members. We will be sitting in a shaded section of the stadium. Discount priced tickets are also available to purchase by all members and their family by Aug. 7th. I'm Interested - send me details!
Emerging Issues and Hot Topics for brief MN-ACP educational presentations
The Conference Planning Committee would like to provide 2-3 additional brief educational sessions over the next year that address Hot Topics in Internal Medicine. Please consider suggesting topics and speakers that would be of interest to you and preferred times/days that are most convenient for you.
Health and Public Policy Update
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
MN-ACP Health Policy

We had a great Internist Advocacy lunch and Physicians Day at the MN State Capitol on Feb. 8th. Members spoke with their legislators about extending MN Telemedicine coverage (as included in the Governor's budget), support for the PRO act which was signed by the Governor last week, and firearm safety bills. Our 2023 MN-ACP Health Policy priorities fall into these main categories including:
- Improve Public Health
- Improve Patient Affordability and Health/Behavioral Health Access
- Support Minnesota Physicians' Ability to Practice
- Promote Primary Care
Help advocate for Minnesota and national health care issues in 10 minutes per month. Information/Sign up You will receive a brief monthly email during the legislative session with information on MN issues, assistance needed and updates from ACP on national health policy.
Minnesota members completing the ACP Certificate in Physician Leadership
Congratulations to these members who are participating or have completed the ACP Certificate in Physician Leadership. They include:
- Bright P Thilagar, MD FACP of Rochester
- Ahmad Hazem, MD FACP of Blaine
- Warren Manyara, MD FACP of Byron
- John Charles O’Horo, MD FACP of Rochester
- Paavani Komanduri, MD of St. Paul
ACP Guided Fellowship Program
The Guided Fellowship Program offered by ACP is also available for interested members. Currently nineteen members are participating with expected Fellowship awarded at the end of the year in 2023, 2024 or 2025. The Guided Fellowship participants include:
- Sreekant Avula, MBBS, Eden Prairie
- Scott Biggerstaff, MD, Minneapolis
- Omar Abdullahi, MD, Maple Grove
- Claire E Bourgeois, MD, Minneapolis
- Chia-Yu Chiu, MD, Rochester
- Skyler H Dahlseng, DO, Alexandria
- Luke Desilet, MD, Apple Valley
- Stephanie Grach, MD, Rochester
- Ryan K Huynh, MD, Woodbury
- Sharon Li, MD, Minneapolis
- Rheanne K Maravelas, MD, Roseville
- Allyson Palmer, MD, Rochester
- Abhinav Singla, MD, Rochester
- Don Bambino Geno S Tai, MD, Minneapolis
- Krista Tuomela, MD, Minneapolis
- Sumeet Kumar Yadav, MD, Mankato
- Rachael Whitley Starcher, MD, Minneapolis
- Saida Yassin, MD, Minneapolis
- Colt J Williams, MD, Rochester
Apply for Fellowship in 2023 Celebrate the exemplary care you've given to patients during an extremely challenging year. Throughout it all, you continued to provide tremendous care, support, and leadership to the community in which you live and practice. You deserve to be recognized!
- Watch the video to learn more about what it means to be an FACP®.
- Am I eligible to become an FACP? More information about criteria to become an FACP
- Apply for FACP
- If you would like assistance in finding a Minnesota reference for your FACP application or have questions on the process, please contact our MN-ACP Membership chair Dr. Katie Helgen
- If you have any questions about completing the Fellowship application, feel free to call ACP at 800-523-1546 ext. 2709
ACP Emotional Support Hub
Take care of your well-being with comprehensive resources available on ACP Online.
- 24/7 Crisis Line: Dial 988 or 1-800-273-8255 or text 741741
- Crisis Counseling Helpline: 1-800-985-5990
- 1-888-409-0141 for the Physician Peer Support line for free and confidential peer support
Some key areas of support within the Hub, include:
- Peer Support and Counseling—Free and low cost, confidential services
- Tools for Individuals—Emotional support video series; on-demand webinars; 2-minute actionable micro-learning
- Tools for Leadership—Well-being strategies to support healthcare workers' mental health
Member Profile- Ellen Adams, MD FACP
- Where are you from? Duluth, MN
- Where did you go to college, medical school, and residency? St. Olaf then University of Minnesota for med school and Internal Medicine-Pediatrics residency
- What are a couple of things you enjoy doing in your off-work time? Puzzles of any variety, running, playing with my 3-year-old son Noah
- What do you enjoy most about being an internist? I primarily work in the hospital and I especially value advocating for people and/or helping people when they're at such a vulnerable point in their lives. Anyone who has ever dealt with a crisis in their lives learns about that vulnerable feeling and struggles to process everything that is coming at them. Lifting people up when they're at one of those low points is very gratifying.
- Do you have a concern (or a few) about our profession? I think there are many distractions from caring for patients that lie in the logistics or finances of providing care and it is easy to feel hopeless or ineffectual but having amazing colleagues always reminds me of our collective work for the greater good.
Save the Dates:
- Aug. 27, 2023- MN-ACP for MN Twins game at 1:10pm with free/discount tickets for IMIG and resident/fellow members Info
- Sept. 13, 2023- I.M. on Tap at Blacklist in Duluth, MN
- Oct. 26, 2023 - MN-ACP Council meeting at 6:30pm at Bloomington Hilton MOA/MSP
- Oct. 27, 2023- Minnesota Internal Medicine:2023 in Bloomington, MN
Find MN-ACP: MN-ACP Website MN-ACP LinkedIn @mn_acp
How can we better serve you? Please contact me with questions or thoughts on how the MN-ACP can serve you. Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP Governor, MN-ACP Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com