In this Issue:
- Minnesota Elections
- Minnesota Internal Medicine: 2021
- MN-ACP Council Updates
- Advanced Career Physicians
- MN-ACP Council of Resident/Fellow Members seeking 2021-22 Members
- Early Career Physicians
- Health and Public Policy Update August 2021
- Medical Informatics Committee
- Congratulations New Fellows!
- Best Practices for Buprenorphine in the ED
- Resources for Headaches in Primary Care
- Nominations for Four Minnesota Awards due Sept. 9, 2021.
- Welcome New Minnesota Medical Students to ACP and MN-ACP!
- Welcome New Minnesota Resident/Fellows, Affiliates, Transitional Residents and Members!
- MN-ACP Members in the News August 2021
- MN-ACP Member profile
- Save the Dates:
- Chapter Social media

David R Hilden, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Dear Minnesota colleagues,
“What is one thing that the Covid pandemic taught Dr. David Hilden about himself that he might not otherwise have learned?”
I woke up this Sunday to this question from a listener on Healthy Matters which is the weekly program I host on WCCO radio. While other listeners asked more standard questions . . . about their gout, bleeding toenails, or the numerous ones about hernias (so many questions about hernias!). But this question of a more personal nature caught me off guard, which is considerably unsettling when doing live radio.
Cue the verbal tap dancing in which I mumbled something about resilience.
Perhaps not my best oratorical moment on the air, but in hindsight I stand by it. I don't know about you all, but I have definitely learned about adapting to hard situations. Resilience is a trait many of us have built over this past year. Probably true for you as well.
Through this newsletter I hope you'll come to know that your Minnesota ACP chapter has also been resilient. We bobbed, we weaved, we counterpunched, we adapted.
Here's a sampling:
- Our premier event, the Scientific Meeting, pivoted to a series of virtual online CME events in 2020 with all the exceptional education that the chapter is known for. Although we were separated by space, we were together nonetheless in the rich tradition of educational excellence. Special thanks to our expert planners: Drs. Mary Miley (Park Nicollet), Chris Aakre (Mayo), and Andrew Olson (University of Minnesota). In 2021, we are planning for both an in-person and virtual event but may need to pivot to an all-virtual event if needed.
- Drs. Michael Mueller and Chris Aakre (both from Mayo) hosted a new Minnesota favorite – Virtual Medicine Trivia (like Bar Trivia) in which we teamed up to test our knowledge. Hilarity ensued in true bar trivia style fashion. Except without the spilled beer and expensive bar tab. I'll take “Cryptocurrency Symbol or Medical Acronym for $100” please. (Yes, that was a real category). Special thanks to national ACP Board of Governors Chair, Dr. Bill Fox of Charlottesville, Virginia, for joining us. Register here and invite a friend or two for our next event.

We advocated in the public realm more than ever.
- When a bill contrary to sound public health was raised at the Minnesota Legislature, we mobilized within hours and contacted key elected officials who then took our message straight to the Minnesota Senate and House.
- Our Chapter has 459 members of its Advocates for Internal Medicine network. If you want to stay apprised of legislature issues, joining the network is a great way to make sure your physician voice is raised and heard. Register for the Advocates Network here.
- In May, we met with staffers from all 10 of Minnesota's Congressional delegation offices. For hours we did back-to-back virtual meetings. Dr. Heather Gantzer (Park Nicollet), Dr. Melody Christians (Mayo), Chapter Executive Director Katherine Cairns, and I forcefully (but collegially!) expressed ACP's priorities to people in a position to make a difference. We talked about issues important to you, your patients, and ACP from Bemidji to Grand Portage to Fairmont to Rochester. And check this out: Dr. Christians has been a member of Minnesota ACP for less than six months (having moved here from Chicago) and she was with us all day making change for the better. She gets the “Jumping Into the Deep End” award for making a difference in her new Minnesota Chapter.
- I have a challenge for all of you: next year, in Washington DC in mid-May, I want to have at least one MN-ACP member from each of the 8 Congressional districts with us in person for Leadership Day 2022. If you are interested in making a real difference, put it on your calendar. I'm buying dinner in DC!
Minnesota ACP continues to be the professional home for so many of you – as our 2020 recognition as a Gold Award Chapter for Excellence demonstrates. Just this past week, I signed off on six new Fellowship applications at once! Have you been a member of ACP for three years? Apply for Fellowship and show the world that you are here, you are accomplished, and you are making a difference. What are you waiting for? Apply for FACP here.
Racial justice continues to be a focus. Over the past year, Minnesota ACP has tried to live up to our commitment to becoming anti-racist. Sometimes we have succeeded, sometimes our efforts are inadequate. But we continue:
- Our chapter was the recipient of the prestigious John Tooker Evergreen Award for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for our earlier work, “Medicine in the Margins,” a project that was honored in a video with a leader in that work, Dr. Tseganesh Selameab (HealthPartners).
- Minnesota ACP was a leader at two Chapter Leader Workshops attended by ~150 national leaders each time, the first in late 2020 on Advocacy and Public Policy and the second in May 2021 on Dismantling Racism.
- Our Scientific Meeting leaders are planning our upcoming October 2021 meeting with a commitment to speakers and topics that promote diversity of expertise and educational content (part of our commitment in our 2020 Anti-Racism Statement).
- We are formalizing our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) by launching and funding a new DEI committee on our Governor's Council. Do you want to become more involved on this? Drop me an e-mail.
Finally, it has been one year since the murder of George Floyd. In his memory, I pause in this letter to honor the work that so many have done in raising their voices and to challenge us to continue the work for racial justice that is still undone.
In closing, this month marks the midpoint of my term as your Minnesota ACP Chapter Governor. I am so hopeful for the coming year in which we can once again be face to face to learn, grow, and support one another. And in the coming months, you will be invited to help select my successor in the election of Governor-Elect. Please take that duty seriously when you get the election information in your in-basket.
Minnesota ACP is resilient. Just like you, our colleagues, who are all incredibly resilient.
I treasure our Minnesota ACP family! Be in touch with me on Twitter or E-mail and be sure to follow our Chapter Twitter.
David R. Hilden, MD MPH FACP
Governor, Minnesota ACP
MN-ACP Mission: To foster excellence, education, and professionalism among all internists in our community and to work together to shape the future of healthcare in Minnesota.
MN-ACP Vision: To be Minnesota's recognized leader for patient care, advocacy, and education and to enhance career choice, satisfaction and collaboration for specialists and subspecialists in Internal Medicine.
Visit us online:
MN-ACP LinkedIn Twitter: @mn_acp
Minnesota Elections
ACP Masters, Fellows, Members, and 2-year Resident/Fellow members in the Minnesota Chapter will be electing a Minnesota Governor-elect for the term beginning in 2022. The new Governor-elect will automatically assume the office of Governor in 2023, with the term expiring in 2027.
The Executive Committee of the Board of Governors presents to the membership the following slate of candidates for Governor-elect in accordance with the ACP Bylaws:
Meltiady Issa, MD, FACP
Tseganesh Selameab, MD, FACP
Also, MN-ACP is seeking nominations for one open, “at large” Council position to serve a 2-year term. If you are interested, please send an email to Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com by September 25, 2021.
Minnesota Internal Medicine: 2021
The annual Scientific Meeting will be chaired by Mary Miley, MD, FACP, Andrew Olson, MD, FACP, and Chris Aakre, MD, FACP. An in-person and virtual Scientific Session, abstract competition, Doctors Dilemma and SEP/MOC will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center on Friday, Oct. 29th with live-stream sessions for both the general internal medicine and hospitalist tracks and general sessions. Our featured speaker this year will be Dr. Nathan Chomilo, ACP member and Medical Director of Minnesota Medicaid and MinnesotaCare. Dr. Chomilo, who has led the state particularly on issues of vaccine equity, will offer his perspective on issues of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The Saturday, Oct. 30th SEP sessions on Hospital Medicine and General Internal Medicine will be virtual with live Q/A sessions throughout the morning. See agenda and registration information.
MN-ACP Council Updates

MN-ACP Council 2021
Your Governor's Council met virtually this spring and with committees, IM Residency programs and Internal Medicine Interest Groups providing reports. A new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee was authorized by the Council and is seeking members and a chair. Work plans for member outreach, health policy, leadership development and strategic planning updates were reviewed. Please contact Minnesota.ACP@gmail.com if you are interested in participating in any of these committees
- Scientific Session Planning Committee
- Health Policy Committee
- Early Career Physicians Committee
- Hospitalists Committee
- Health Information Technology Committee
- Council of Resident/Fellows Committee
- Women Internists Committee
- Awards Committee
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Advanced Career Physicians
Senior and retired internists are taking a “safe at home” break during the pandemic and will gather again when it is safe to do so.
MN-ACP Council of Resident/Fellow Members seeking 2021-22 Members
Attention all resident and fellow members:
Are you interested in getting involved in the local Minnesota medical community? Curious about what leadership in medicine looks like for a resident or fellow? Passionate about advocacy? Consider applying to become a leader on the Council of Fellow/Resident Members. Please email minnesota.acp@gmail.com or mische.leah@mayo.edu for more information if you are interested.
Internal Medicine Residents from five programs in Minnesota serve on the Council of Resident/Fellows.
Resident/Fellow members from the Minnesota training program collaborate through regular calls and social media to support resident/fellows. Thank you to Leah Mische, MD (Mayo) who is chairing the Council in 2021-22. Meetings were held in July, September, January, and March with updates from all programs. Thank you to the following 2021 MN-ACP CRFM members: Beth Davis, MD (UMN); Allison Levy, MD (Abbott); Jorge Reyes Castro, MD (HCMC); Solomon Amare, MD (UMN); Daniel Bernstein, MD (HCMC); Nadia Akhiyat, MD (Mayo); Emily Westergard, MD (Abbott); Kevin O’Donnell, MD (Abbott); Grace Braimoh, MD (HCMC); Diana Zychowski, MD (UMN).
Early Career Physicians
ACP's official definition of an “early career physician” is a physician who has graduated from medical school within the last 16 years AND who is not currently in residency or subspecialty fellowship training Any questions or suggestions, please contact the Early Career Physicians Chairwoman, Amy Holbrook, MD at amy.k.holbrook@gmail.com We will again gather in person when it is safe.
Health and Public Policy Update August 2021
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
MN-ACP Health Policy
The Health Policy Committee has been meeting virtually over the fall, winter, and spring —as has the MN legislature. With input from Minnesota Advocates for Internal Medicine members and the Health Policy Committee, MN-ACP set Minnesota legislative priorities for the 2021 legislative session. If you are interested in Health Policy issues, please contact our committee either as a member or to present a Minnesota health policy priority for consideration/action in 2022. Our Minnesota Health Policy priorities fall into three main categories including:
- Improve Public Health
- Improve Patient Affordability and Health/Behavioral Health Access
- Support Minnesota Physicians' Ability to Practice and Mentoring of future physicians
Help advocate for Minnesota and national health care issues in 10 minutes per month. Information and Sign up for ACP Advocates for Internal Medicine. You will receive a brief monthly email during the legislative session with information on MN issues, assistance needed and updates from ACP on national health policy.
Our legislative monitor, Dave Renner provides MN-ACP with timely updates on our key policy concerns. Please let me know if you are interested in participating in our MN-ACP Health and Public Policy Committee. Please feel free to contact me at berry022@umn.edu with any questions or to join the Policy Committee.
Sally Berryman, MD, FACP
Medical Informatics Committee
Deepti Pandita, MBBS, FACP
MN-ACP Medical Informatics Committee chairperson
An ACP position paper on Health Information Privacy, Protection, and Use in the Expanding Digital Health Ecosystem was published in July on behalf of the National ACP Medical Informatics Committee. Six principles are presented along with detailed resources.
Congratulations New Fellows!
Achieving ACP Masters and Fellowship is a mark of distinction and a milestone in a physician's career.
Please join me in congratulating the following as new Minnesota Masters and Fellows named by ACP in the last 6 months:
- Kristina M Balck, MD FACP, Rochester
- Sagar Dugani, MD PhD FACP, Rochester
- Elizabeth A Gilman, MD FACP, Rochester
- Brian Grahan, MD PhD FACP, Minneapolis
- Nitesh Kumar Jain, MBBS FACP, North Mankato
- Amos Lal, MD FACP, Rochester
- John C Matulis, DO FACP, Rochester
- Bradley R Salonen, MD FACP, Rochester
- Mark R Sannes, MD FACP, Minneapolis
Make 2021 the year you apply for Fellowship. ACP Fellowship is a high honor and a mark of distinction and professional achievement that is recognized by your peers and your patients.
- If you are now a member- how can we help you advance to FACP? If you are interested in professional advancement to Fellowship, we can help with information and connections to recommendations to assist you with your application. Materials are due before Dec. 31st for advancement in 2022. Learn more about Fellowship. Members can access a pre-populated FACP Application Forms by logging into ACP Online and going to If you have any questions about completing the Fellowship application, feel free to call ACP at 800-523-1546 ext. 2709.
- For Resident/Fellow members, ACP has developed a three-year Guided Fellowship Program which provides a framework toward meeting professional development goals, along with guidance and mentorship, in order to obtain the FACP credential. For more information.
- If you would like assistance in finding a Minnesota reference for your FACP application or have questions on the process, please contact our MN-ACP Membership chair Dr. Katie Helgen.
If you have any questions about completing the Fellowship application, feel free to call ACP at 800-523-1546 ext. 2709.
Best Practices for Buprenorphine in the ED
Hennepin Healthcare's Project ECHO will host two sessions on Best Practices for Buprenorphine in the ED. The content for both sessions will be the same; providers need to only attend one session. Dates will be Thursday, September 9 from 1:30pm to 5:30 pm and Thursday, September 16 from 1:30pm to 5:30 pm.
Led by addiction medicine specialist and MN-ACP member Brian Grahan, MD, PhD; emergency medicine and toxicology specialist Jon Cole, MD; and addiction medicine and toxicology specialist JoAn Laes, MD, the session will cover ED-specific topics relevant for acute care settings from their experience and the published literature:
- Precipitated withdrawal
- Pharmacology
- Initiation strategies
- Pain management
- Pregnancy
- COWS scoring in different clinical scenarios
- Care coordination/discharge planning
- Legal issues
Sign up for a session or contact the Project ECHO Coordinator, Beth Ryan, MS, for more information.
These activities have been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.
Resources for Headaches in Primary Care
The American Headache Society provides resources to help clinicians better diagnose and care for their patients with migraine. MN-ACP Member Dr. Scott Litin has been a member of a subgroup with this non-profit organization and highlights the extensive resources, diagnostic tools, and patient education resources available at the American Headache Society First Contact, Headache in Primary Care website.
Nominations for Four Minnesota Awards due Sept. 9, 2021.
Do you have a mentor, colleague, or peer deserving recognition?
The MN-ACP Awards Committee would like your assistance in recognizing our chapter members that have made outstanding contributions in the practice of medicine, research, public service, leadership, and medical volunteerism. The recipients will be honored during the MN-ACP Internal Medicine meeting on Oct. 29, 2021. Please email Minnesota.acp@gmail.com a summary of your nominations by September 9th.
• Laureate Award-The Laureate Award is designed to honor those Fellows and Masters of the College who have demonstrated, by their example and conduct, an abiding commitment to excellence in medical care, education, and research, and service to their community, their chapter, and the ACP. Past Award Recipients.
• Volunteerism & Community Service Award- The award is given to an individual who has distinguished themselves in voluntary service in the area of medicine. Recipients of this award have distinguished themselves as true humanitarians to be honored for their voluntary contributions in medicine in Minnesota or global health. Past Award Recipients.
• Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award- The award given to an ACP member with outstanding accomplishments in advancing diversity, inclusion, and equity in the health care workforce, and/or improving health equity for people with historically marginalized group identities. This is modeled after the ACP W. Lester Henry Award.
• Early Career Physician Award-This award is given to a member of the Minnesota Chapter who is 16 years or less from medical school graduation, highly respected by his/her colleagues for outstanding clinical and leadership skills, and who has been a role model in the community. This individual should have distinguished themselves in service to patients, the physician community, and the community at large. The awardee should be an educator to patients and the overall medical community as well as an active member of ACP who has contributed meaningfully to the efforts of the chapter. This is modeled after the ACP McDonald Award.
Welcome New Minnesota Medical Students to ACP and MN-ACP!
Forty-four new medical students have joined ACP and MN-ACP. Welcome to your new training programs in Minneapolis, Rochester and Duluth, MN.
- Alexander Alvero
- Allison Angeli
- Blaze Bleecher
- Dina Belhasan
- Lorenzo Castanon
- Bryce Comstock
- Carol Coutinho
- Tenzin Dhokar
- Patrick Duggan
- Dabel Emebo
- Brit Flieth
- Ryan Franz
- Hannah Ganzel
- Anna Beatrice Grimalda
- Izhan Hamza, MBBS
- Megan He
- Hussam Hennawi, MBBS
- Shannon E Herzog
- Samantha Hess
- Sally Jeon
- Sameyah Khan
- Ezra Kwame
- Amy Larson
- Leah Larson
- Shray Malik
- Meagan Nowariak
- Nuwan Pathagamage
- Benjamin Pioske
- Kriti Prasad
- Arman A Quraishi
- Neha Reddy
- Cassandra B Roeder
- Ishan Sahu
- Walker Schmidt
- Emily Syverud
- Maria Tibesar
- Travis Tran
- Kyra Valentine
- Jena Velji-Ibrahim
- Charles Warner
- Lucy Witchell
- Micaela Witte
- Amanda Wright
Welcome New Minnesota Resident/Fellows, Affiliates, Transitional Residents and Members!
Two hundred twenty-five new internists, physician affiliates, resident/fellows, affiliates, and transitional medical graduates have joined ACP and the MN chapter in the last six months. Thank you for your membership and count ACP and MN-ACP as a professional home and resource for you.
- Sarah Abdul Jabbar, MD
- Omar Abdullahi, MD
- Eyas Abla, MD
- Fadi W Adel, MD
- Aaron Adler, MD
- Tiffany Albrecht
- Ryan Alexander, MD
- Nawal yusuf Ali, MD
- Momen Alsayed, MD
- Mateo Alzate, MD
- Vidhu Anand, MBBS
- Anvitha Ankireddypalli, MD
- Brock Ashmore, MD
- Peter Bache-Wiig, MD
- Ahmad Badr, MD
- Braydon Bak, MD
- Daniel Beatty, DO
- Paul D Bechard, MD
- Sheri Bergeron, MD
- Camilo Bermudez Noguera, MD
- Karly Bolly, MD
- Claire E Bourgeois, MD
- Connor Bowman, MD
- Thomas Breen, MD
- Charles A Bruen, MD
- Daniel Burczak, MD
- Ahsan Butt, MD
- Alla Byakova, MD
- Sophie Campbell, MD
- Bryce Chang, MD
- Deandra Chetram, MD
- Jason Chiang, DO
- Karan Chohan, MD
- Lauren Clements, MD
- Gretchen Colbenson, MD
- Elyse Conley, MD
- Dennis Cross, MD
- Nichole Cummings, MD
- Maros Cunderlik, MD
- Elizabeth N Curry, DO
- Devika Das, MD
- Mariana De Lima Laporta Miranda, MD
- Aamod Dekhne, MD
- William E Dennehy III, MD
- Ozan Dikilitas, MD
- Kiril Dimitrov, MD
- Christiana Driver, MD
- Haley Dsouza, MD
- Mitchell Dumais, MD
- Katie A Dunleavy, MBBCH
- Timothy F Ebel, MD
- Jonathan Edmiston, MD
- Jennifer S Eller, MD
- Katarina Fabre, MD
- Samuel D Falde, MD
- David Farrier, MD
- David Feller, MD
- David Finkel, MD
- Rohan Gajjar
- Matthew J Glogoza, MD
- Spencer Goble, MD
- Marc Granrud, MD
- Angela Grassi, MD
- Anne Haakenstad, MD
- Kelly Hallowell, MD
- David Harmon, MD
- Brian G Harrison, MD
- Zachary Hartnady, MD
- Laura Hauff, MD
- Kyaw Zaw Hein, MD PhD
- Maria T Hernandez, MD
- Tyler L Herzog, MD
- Abel Hooker, MD
- Sara Hooshmand, MD
- James Howick, MD
- Alan Hu, MD
- Kanchan Hulasare, MD
- Steven Hwang, MD
- Garad Ibrahim, MD
- Reese Imhof, MD
- Sara Inglis, MD
- John Inglis, MD
- Candace Jackson, MD
- Annie M Jacobsen, MD
- Laurens Janssens, MD
- Jonte Jefferson, MD
- Ryan A Jelinek, DO
- Hyun Ji, MD
- Jeremiah J Johnson, MD
- Raghav Julakanti, MD
- Anthony Kashou, MD
- Mohammed Khalid, MD
- Bradly A Kimbrough, MD
- Adam Koch, MD
- Bryan Koenig, MD
- Benjamin Kopecky, MD
- Piotr K Kopinski, MD
- Nathan Kor, MD
- Jessica Kraker, MD
- Liga Kreitner, MD
- Manfred Kubler, MD
- Stephanie Kuhlman, MD
- Vikas Kumar, MD
- Arjun Lakshman, MBBS MD
- Conor Michael Lane, MBBCH
- Daenielle Lang, MD
- Jessica Lee, DO
- Sean Legler, MD
- Sara Pike Lester, MD
- Allison J Levy, MD
- Sharon Li, MD
- Alicia Liendo, MD
- Richard Lindsey, MD
- Julia Lister, MD
- Bolun Liu, MD
- Alex Liu, MD
- Adam K Locketz, MD
- Mackenzie Maki, MD
- Paulina Marell, MD
- Jasraj Marjara, MD
- Ketzela J Marsh, MD
- Rebecca Martinez, MD
- Kate Richards May, MD
- John McGlothlin, MD
- Kevin McGuire, MD
- Thomas McHale, MD
- Elizabeth McKone, MD
- Bryant W Megna, MD
- Elliot G Mills, MD
- Mitra Moazzami, MD
- Christina Moe, MD
- Jeffrey Mohr, MD
- Elizabeth Ndungu, MD
- Alexander Nguyen, MD
- Nikolay Gueorguie Nikolov, MD
- Edith Nyangoma, MD
- Philippe Fernand Nyembo, MBChB
- Emily Olson, MD
- Ibrahim Omar, MD
- Mitchell Padkins, MD
- Sujaythat Paknikar, MD
- Mathias Palmer, MD
- Shruti R Patel, MD
- Nisha Patel, MD
- Marissa Paulson, MD
- Daniel Penrice, MD
- Jonathan Pham, MD
- Tyler E Powell, MD
- Ghaziuddin A Qadri, MD
- Sumar Quint, MD
- Nikolaus Rasmus, MD
- Mariana Restrepo-Holguin, MD
- Stacey Rolak, MD
- Lizbeth Rondon Rueda, MD
- Alexandria Roy, MD
- Gordon J Ruan, MD
- Eileen M Russell, MD
- Samantha Morley Ryan, MD
- Moldovan Sabov, MD
- Alexander Sahakian, MD
- Fardows Salim, MD
- Varunpal Reddy Sama, MBBS
- David Michael Sanborn, MD
- Jose Sanchez, MD
- Philip Sang, MD
- Abdulsabur Sanni, MD
- Sehrish Sardar, MD
- Dhruv Sarma, MD
- Elke Schipani Bailey, MD
- Logan Schmaltz, MD
- Christine Schmidt, MD
- Tyler Schmidt, MD
- Brenton J Schneider, MD
- Brent A Schotl, MD
- Elizabeth Schroer, MD
- Ilya Shadrin, MD
- Kirsten Shaw, MD
- Armelle Corrine Simo Gounoue, MD
- Caleb Smith, MD
- Ryan Smith, MD
- Thomas Smith, MD
- Joanne Song, MD
- Christopher Spoke, MD
- Jeyanthan Srikanthan, MD
- Kevin M Stanko, MD
- Glenn A Stewart, MD
- Michael Storandt, MD
- Rachel Suen, MD
- Daniel Sykora, MD
- Georgia Taggart Zachman, MD
- Absar Tahir, MD
- Tina Techar, MD
- Michael Thomas, MD
- Eliza R Thompson, MD
- Alexander Ticho, MD
- Christopher Tipton, MD
- Krista E Tuomela, MD
- Siri A Urquhart, MD
- Christopher M Van Hove, MD
- Matthew Vincent, MD
- Elida Voth, MD
- Ardiana Vuljaj, MD
- Franklyn Keith Wallace, MD
- Victoria Walston, MD
- Lillian Wang, MD
- Yun Wang, MD
- Lauren M Webb, MD
- Emily Westergard, DO
- Bradley White, MD
- Jessica White, MD
- Jana Wieland, MD
- Leah Williams, MD
- Katrina A Williamson, MD
- Daniel R Witt, MD
- Adam C Wolfe, MD
- Nicha Wongjarupong, MD
- Alexander Xiao, MD
- Qiping Xu, MD
- Timothy Xu, MD
- Sumeet Kumar Yadav, MD
- Rebecca Yao, MD
- Yuan Yao, MD
- Lucas Zellmer, MD
- Park Zheng, MD
MN-ACP Members in the News August 2021
- Dr. Dimitri Drekonja, a U Infectious Disease Specialist; Dr. Nathan Chomilo, an Adjunct Faculty Member and Medical Director of Minnesota's Medicaid program; and Dr. Michael Aylward sent a letter to the editor of the Star Tribune that U must lead in vaccinating students with 203 additional faculty co-signers.
- Dr. Nathan Chomilo was interviewed by the Star Tribune on vaccine disparities and vaccine health equity. Health equity outreach with vaccine was featured in the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder's COVID-19 Check-In and was interviewed in a story by KNSI St Cloud radio on MN COVID case rates and health equity.
- Dr. Andrew Olson was interviewed by Star Tribune on COVID positivity rate.
- Dr. Rahul Koranne provided more recent updates on statewide hospitalizations in August as hospitals and ICUs were again under stress.
- Dr. David Walcher had a letter to the editor published in the Star Tribune urging vaccination.
- Dr. Mark Sannes was interviewed by Star Tribune on COVID rates and hospitalizations in April and May and about vaccinations working in Minnesota.
- Dr. Abraham Jacob was recognized by the Minneapolis St Paul Business Journal as a Health Care Hero and also was interviewed on COVID precautions during summer holidays reported by KSTP .
- Dr. LaPrincess Brewer of Rochester was featured in the MN Spokesman Recorder on Fighting health disparities through faith, in the Mpls St Paul magazine , and the MN Women's Press on putting faith into heart health.
- Dr. Heidi Erickson was involved in a national study as reported by the Star Tribune showing that people still had strong protection against hospitalization 24 weeks after receiving the two-dose Moderna or Pfizer vaccines.
- Dr. Andrew Thompson from Duluth discussed with FOX 21 News the rise in middle aged patients being hospitalized with Covid.
- Dr. Hannah Lichtsinn, was featured in the WCCO-TV story on COVID Developments and Vaccines and was interviewed by KARE11 for the story on the delta variant.
Please send MN-ACP your member news to Minnesota.acp@gmail.com
MN-ACP Member profile

Melissa Plesac, MD
Where are you from? I grew up in a small town in Northwest Indiana. The rest of my family still lives there, and I try to get back to visit when I can.
Where did you go to college, medical school, and residency? I went to college at the University of Chicago where I earned a degree in History and Philosophy of Science. I completed my MD education at Rush Medical College followed by my Internal Medicine Residency at the University of Minnesota. I was a Chief Resident at the University, and then stayed on as a Hospitalist there. In addition, I have worked as the MS3 IM Clerkship Site Director and am now one of the Associate Program Directors for the IM Residency at the University of Minnesota. I also now serve as an advocate for Medical Students on the MN-ACP Council.
What are a couple of things you enjoy doing in your off-work time? We have two dogs, Nina and Ivy, that we love to take to the dog park. I also love to read, run, and attend sporting events (in the pre-Covid times!)
What do you enjoy most about being an internist? I love using critical thinking skills to approach a wide variety of problems that don't always have clear answers, and that I get the opportunity to share my love of medicine and curiosity with patients and learners.
Do you have a concern (or a few) about our profession? In the era of COVID-19, I worry about what it means and what it looks like to want patients to trust in science and the advice of a physician while maintaining patient autonomy and preserving the doctor-patient relationship. I also spend a lot of time thinking about how we as physicians and the healthcare systems we work in are addressing racism in medicine (and our society as a whole) to achieve more equitable health care outcomes for our patients, better support the communities of our patients, and improve the education of the next generation of healthcare workers.
Save the Dates:
- Sept. 9, 2021- Abstract submission deadline Information/submission link • https://forms.acponline.org/webform/minnesota-chapter-abstract-form?_ga=2.221499928.1613769982.1629724237-1905574491.1621870479
- Sept. 10, 2021- Story Slam deadline information/submit 750-word story Submit stories
- Oct. 29-30, 2021- Minnesota Internal Medicine: 2021 Scientific Session at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Information/Register
Chapter Social media
Find us on Twitter: @mn_acpMN-ACP LinkedINMN-ACP website
How can we better serve you? Please contact me with questions or thoughts on how the MN-ACP can serve you.
David Hilden, MD, MPH, FACP Governor, MN-ACP