Bradley M. Sutter, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Dear ACP Indiana Friends and Colleagues:
Summer 2023 has had an inauspicious launch: hazy, smoky days from relentless, innumerable Canadian wildfires; intense heat and humidity followed by severe damaging storms and tornadoes; and a tragic uptick in gun violence throughout the U.S. and Indiana. ACP has policies addressing the harmful impacts of climate change, including recommended actionable steps to take now to lessen the dangerous consequences of global warming. ACP also promotes sensible firearm safety strategies—including bolstering red flag legislation on a national level, mandatory background checks, and safe storage of firearms. These policies can be found HERE and HERE are representative of ACP's vital advocacy for our present and future health, safety, and wellbeing.
Despite the above environmental and societal challenges, I hope all of you enjoy vacation time with family and friends, as well as spend time on your personal/professional wellness. I have asked Dr. Joni Miller, our Chapter's Wellness Champion, to share a few thoughts regarding her own such journey, as well as recommendations for all of us:
“As someone who has had first-hand experience with burnout, physician wellness and well-being in general have very personal meaning. I have been involved in resident wellness for a few years, having developed the curriculum for our Internal Medicine program at IU Health Ball Memorial and serving on the GME Wellness Committee here. I was only cursorily aware of the ACPs interventions into physician wellness with programs such as Patients Before Paperwork and advocating for access to healthcare when I was asked to consider the role of Wellbeing Champion for our chapter. In taking on this opportunity, I have been met with tremendous support and resources from the ACP and its many Wellbeing Champions around the world.
As the Wellbeing Champion for the Indiana Chapter, I can provide evidence-based interventions for supporting physician wellness on multiple levels and have training in individual coaching as well. On an even more accessible level, the ACP has online Mini But Mighty programs that allow CME for growing wellness knowledge and skills. There are also plenty of resources for folks who may be struggling more acutely on ACP's Emotional Support Hub. Here one can find links for free counseling and other benefits. A Financial Wellbeing Program has recently been rolled out providing education for practice management as well as optimizing personal finances.
Wellness is not just the absence of illness or distress, but an opportunity to flourish in our personal and professional lives. We are all better off if we take an active role in caring for those that have dedicated their lives to caring for others. We each much be mindful of our own wellness and take steps to optimize it. I am honored to help support that however I can!”
Joni Miller, MD, FACP, FAAP
Associate Director, Internal Medicine Residency
Indiana University Ball Memorial Hospital
Once again, a few reminders of upcoming chapter activities to put on your calendars:
- Save the Date for November 2nd and 3rd, 2023. We will convene in-person on Thursday for our Annual Chapter Poster Session and Doctor's Dilemma, and we will meet in-person and virtually on Friday for our popular Scientific Meeting to be held once again at the Renaissance Hotel in Carmel. You may find additional (registration) information HERE
- Attention Evansville, Vincennes, and Southwestern Indiana ACP student, resident, and faculty members: our Chapter Council is headed your way on Friday, September 8th, at Comfort by the Cross Eyed Cricket, venue for another “meet and greet” food and fellowship event. We will also share a brief update on the value of ACP membership. Complimentary Registration HERE Indiana Chapter Evansville Event (acponline.org)
- Our Chapter will also host a POCUS training session on Thursday, November 2nd at the annual Indiana Chapter Meeting.
I also want to share with our Chapter Membership that the Indiana ACP Chapter has proudly assisted in sponsoring the Chile Chapter Poster Session winner since 2010 to attend ACP's annual Internal Medicine Meeting and (Inter)National Poster session in person. I asked Dr. Luz Maria Letelier, FACP and Chile Chapter Governor, to share her thoughts on our two chapters' rich tradition of friendship and the importance of our Chapter's annual support of the Chile Chapter Poster Session winner:
“In order to bring closer two chapters from different regions of the world, in 2009 Dr. Michael Sha, governor of the Indiana Chapter and Dr. María E Pinto governor of the Chile Chapter, started a sisterhood between a US Chapter, Indiana and a Latin-American Chapter, like Chile.
They proposed different ways of relationship, that finally materialized in a financial support from the Indiana Chapter, to promote research among Chilean Internal Medicine Residents. The financial support consisted of 2000 USD, amount used as a prize that allows the winner of the Chile Chapter Local Poster Competition, to attend and present their research Poster at the next Annual ACP Meeting in USA. The prize will only go to the best research Poster of residents who are resident/fellows of ACP.
So, for the last 14 years, the Indiana Chapter Award has become an interesting means to motivate our residents to present their research at our annual meeting and to become ACP resident/fellow.
So far, the Resident/Fellows Winners of the Indiana Chapter Award from 2010 to date, are:
2010 Dr. Luis Toro – 2011 San Diego
2011 Dra. Magdalena Canals – 2012 New Orleans
*2012 Dr. Luis Toro – 2013 San Francisco BEST POSTER Award winner in San Francisco 2013
2013 Dr. Arnaldo Marín – 2014 Orlando
2014 Dr. Arnaldo Marín – 2015 Boston
2015 Dr. Jaime González – 2016 Washington DC
2016 Dr. Andrés Giglio – 2017 San Diego
2017 (No winner)
2018 Dr. Oscar Corsi – 2019 Philadelphia
2021 Dr. Diego Reyes – 2022 Chicago
2022 Dr. Patricio Ross – 2023 San Diego
I've witnessed the enthusiasm the residents have with the opportunity, for some of them their first trip to the US, and how amazed they are with the College after experimenting firsthand with the US Annual Meeting.
The relationship between the 2 Chapters has strengthened along the way and we also had Governor Allen visiting us and delivering a couple of conferences at our local annual meeting in 2019. We really hope to continue this friendship not only as chapters but also as individuals and that in the future this sisterhood may allow more exchange and mutual learning on clinical performance, medical education, and research between the chapters.
Last but not least, Chile Chapter sincerely thanks former governors:
- Dr. Michael Sha & Dra. María E Pinto (2008-2012)
- Dr. Neal Matthew & Dr. Guillermo Conte (2012-2016)
- Dr. Bradley Allen & Dr. Luis M Noriega (2016-2020)
For having the vision to start the sisterhood and the motivation to keep it alive and strong.
My sincere and special gratitude to current Governor Dr Bradley Sutter, who has enthusiastically maintained this sisterhood, participating and supporting the resident's presentations at every Meeting, facilitated the execution and this year increased the amount of the prize. I extend my gratitude to Chapter Treasurer, Dr. Kevin Tolliver and Colleen Keeku.”
-Luz M Letelier, FACP, Governor – Chile Chapter
Permit me to also share a wistful, yet hopeful comment regarding the transitions in life all of us must face. I fully retired from clinical practice and physician leadership as of 7/1/2023, a date that seemed far off not that long ago but now launches a new phase of my professional and life journey. I am going to continue to assist the IU Dept. of Medicine and School of Medicine in medical student clerkship improvement efforts, teaching, and faculty development while also having the opportunity to spend much more time pursuing other interests that have long been neglected. My spouse and I have likewise endured—and survived—the surprisingly challenging and complex transition from private health insurance to the alphabet-soup choice and enrollment process for Medicare Parts A, B, C, D, and Supplemental Plans (F, G, N). I will continue as ACP Indiana Chapter Governor until my 4-year term expires in April of 2024, when another leadership transition will occur with Dee Moonesinghe, MD, FACP, taking over as our next Chapter Governor. Dee is already actively preparing to assume the leadership role during her Governor-Elect transition training throughout 2023.
In closing this newsletter, I want to share with each of you an updated roster of our Chapter's Governor's Council and Committee Leaders for your reference: Dr. Sutter, Dr. Tolliver, Dr. Allen, Dr. Palmisano, Dr. Kara, Dr. Moonesinghe, Dr. Mehta, Dr. S. Singh, Dr. Yen, Dr. Wright, Dr. Neal, Dr. Payumo, Dr. Saeed, Dr. Singson, Dr. S. Singh.
I want to thank everyone listed above for their willingness to serve the ACP Indiana chapter and its 1800 medical student, resident, and practicing physician members. Likewise, let me thank each of you for maintaining your active ACP membership so that you may enjoy all that this outstanding professional organization offers in terms of excellent-quality educational offerings, professional practice support, wellness initiatives and professional fulfillment, advocacy. Truly the ACP is a “big tent” that welcomes our diverse members from throughout the state, nation, and world and makes us “better together” as we learn from and share with each other.
Bradley M. Sutter, MD, FACP
Governor, ACP Indiana Chapter
Resident/Fellow, Medical Student Members & Early Career Physicians--Share your most interesting case and/or project during the 2023 ACP Indiana Chapter Meeting!
Abstract Competitions are to be held November 2, 2023 in Carmel, IN.
Submit an abstract using the INDIANA CHAPTER ABSTRACT FORM.
Abstract Submission Deadline:
Sunday, August 20, 2023 at 11:59 pm EST
ACP Releases Updated Guideline on Colorectal Cancer Screening for Average-Age Asymptomatic Adults
ACP issued updated guidance for colorectal cancer screening for asymptomatic, average-risk adults that suggests starting screening at age 50. The guidance is based on a critical review of existing clinical guidelines and evidence reviews and modeling studies used to develop those guidelines. The guidance was published in Annals of Internal Medicine, along with an accompanying editorial, New American College of Physicians Guidance on Colorectal Cancer Screening: Less Is More.
Resolution Feedback Fall 2023 Board of Governors
The resolutions have been posted on ACP Online for your review and cover an array of topics such as developing policy to support hospital-at-home care models, extending efforts to improve the preauthorization process, and creating fertility/family planning resources for ACP members.
After considering the intent of each resolution and how it fits with the College's Mission and Goals, please provide your feedback on each resolution and indicate your support or opposition by completing the electronic response form by August 30th. Your input will be used as part of testimony on behalf of the chapter.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to provide comments regarding these resolutions. By providing your feedback on the Board of Governors resolutions, you have helped to shape College policy that impacts the practice of internal medicine. Please visit the chapter's Web site after the Fall 2023 Board of Governors meeting for updates.