In this Issue:
- Governor's Message

Ruth E. Weissberger, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Dear CT ACP Colleagues:
It's been a busy few months for CTACP as we prepare for our first in-person Scientific Meeting in two years. We've had a robust response to our Call for Abstracts and a lively and exciting first round of Doctor's Dilemma.
On October 21st we'll head to the Convention Center in Hartford where our planning committee and Co-Chairs Drs. Naseema Merchant and Diana Sewell have lined up a wonderful program. You can read more below about the details, and I hope to see many of your there.
As I write this letter, I should have been returning from the Board of Governor's Meeting in Savannah, unfortunately, Hurricane Ian had other plans and we moved to a remote platform. Despite the change, we participated in informative and engaging meetings with regional and national colleagues and came out of the sessions inspired to build on the momentum that was created. Among the resolutions passed was one co-sponsored by our chapter on recognizing political gerrymandering as a contributing factor to social determinants of health. Other resolutions included reducing plastic waste in ACP, supporting sick leave for workers in the US, asking CMS to cover insulin pumps under Medicare Part B, and advocating for the evaluation and mitigation of racial bias risk on clinical care decisions, to name a few. The resolutions now go to the Board of Regents for further action in the process of becoming ACP policy.
This fall the CT chapter hosted an informational session for members to learn about the process and the value of becoming a Fellow in ACP. We hope to support additional candidates as they begin the process. If you are interested in applying, please contact me or our executive directors.
I'm also pleased to report that our social media presence has been amplified by the great work of Dr. Varun Jain, who will kick off a campaign at our meeting on October 21st to expand engagement and build followers. You'll be able to follow news and events about the chapter on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Our Wellness Committee recently hosted a relaxing stroll at Lavender Pond Farm in Killingworth. As part of the event, all registration fees will be donated to a fund to support medical students in Connecticut with food insecurity.
I hope you will take some time to review this edition of our newsletter and check out the ways that CTACP is engaged, highlighting the contributions of our colleagues and serving as a critical voice for our profession.
The Chapter's Health and Public Policy Committee recently participated in an event to support Congressman John Larson. It was a great opportunity to discuss health care access and coverage issues.
CTACP also submitted an impact statement as part of the Scope Review process that was requested by Physician Assistants in Connecticut, Under their request, PAs would essentially move to independent practice. If the request is accepted, CTACP will be part of a working group organized by the CT Department of Public Health to review the policy change before it is considered by the General Assembly.
At the federal level, HR 8800, Supporting Medicare Providers Act of 2022, was introduced in Congress on September 13 by Representatives Ami Bera, MD (D-CA), and Larry Bucshon, MD (R-IN) to provide an additional 4.42% to the physician conversion factor for 2023. The legislation was introduced in response to the proposed 4.4% cut to the 2023 conversion factor included in the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) proposed rule.
CTACP joined other practitioner groups in support of the measure and added the organization to a coalition letter in support of the proposal.
I'm very pleased to announce that we were awarded a Chapter Development Fund grant from national ACP to develop an International Medical Graduate Council within our chapter. The DEI Committee will take the lead on this initiative, and we welcome all IMG members to stop by during a break at the Scientific Meeting to learn more about this process. If you are interested in participating you can also send an email to DEI Committee Chair, Amir Mohammad at amir.mohammad@yale.edu
The CT ACP Annual Scientific Meeting 2022 will be held in person on Oct. 21 at the Convention Center in Hartford. Special thanks to our meeting Co-Chairs Dr. Naseema Merchant and Dr. Diana Sewell, along with Dr. Shaheena Shan and Dr. Jacqueline Savage, who have done an outstanding job organizing Doctor's Dilemma and the resident and medical student abstract competition.
We're looking forward to a great day of CME sessions, the resident and student abstract competition, and networking opportunities. We do need volunteers and judges so please contact Dr. Shan at Shaheena.Shan@hhchealth.org or Lisa/Trish at lisa@grassrootsct.com if you are able to help.
Our meeting line-up includes:
- Doctor's Dilemma-Final Round:
- Bridgeport Hospital-IM Residency Program
- Yale-New Haven Hospital-Traditional IM Residency Program
- UCONN Traditional IM Residency Program
- Stamford Health-IM Residency Program
- Resident and Medical Student Abstract Competition
- Women in Medicine Networking Breakfast
- Clinical Pearls in Cardiology
- Relevance of Climate Change and Health to your Practice
- Diagnoses and Management of Anxiety, Depressive Disorders, and other Psychiatric Comorbidities in Adult Patients
- The Case for Integrating Palliative Medicine Interventions into the Care of Patients with Serious Pulmonary Disease
- IMG Networking
- Yes, You Can! He for She: How To Be An Ally For Women Physician Colleagues
- Clinical Pearls in Hematology
- Making it Count Twice: Practical tips to move your work from progress to publication .
- SEP Modules: Update in General Internal Medicine & Update in Hospital Medicine
Special thanks to our sponsors, UCONN Health and Yale New Haven Health/Northeast Medical Group for Sponsoring the meeting. Space is still available for sponsors, please contact Lisa/Trish at lisa@grassrootsct.com
CT ACP's Wellness Committee, led by Dr. Sujata Prasad, hosted a special event at the Lavender Pond Farm in Killingworth, CT. Attendees visited the shop and enjoyed strolling through the Lavender fields. It was an enjoyable and relaxing experience. As part of the event, CTACP donated the registration fee to a fund to support medical students in Connecticut with food insecurity.

Please join me in congratulating this year's CTACP Award Recipients. These individuals will be recognized at our Scientific Meeting and we are thrilled to recognize their efforts, leadership and dedication to our organization and the practice of medicine.
Laureate Award
- Diana Sewell MD, FACP
Henry Gift Distinguished Internist Award
- Robert Altbaum MD
Thornton Teaching Award
- Douglas D’Andrea MD, MPH
Early Career Physician Teaching Award
- Jacqueline Savage MD, FACP
Public Servant of the Year Award
- Victoria Veltri, Esq.
Rosemarie L. Fisher Female Physician Leadership Award
- Gail Sullivan MD MPH FACP
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award
- Aba Black, MD, MHS
Dr. Varun Jain continues to lead our efforts to enhance and improve CTACPs social media presence. Please be sure to like the chapter's Facebook page @ACPConnecticutChapter, share your Facebook page and twitter handle with Dr. Jain and let us know if you are interested in getting more involved with the Social Media Committee. If you have current news to share or potential posts, you can also email Dr. Jain at varunjainafmc@outlook.com
During the Scientific Meeting, all new followers to CTACPs Facebook and Twitter pages will be entered into a drawing for an Amazon Gift Card.
In September the CT Council of Early Career Physicians along with the DEI Committee co-hosted an informational session on becoming an ACP Fellow. Attendees had an opportunity to network and learn about the value of Fellowship in ACP, and the process of becoming a Fellow. We look forward to seeing more CT Chapter members advance to fellowship. If you are interested in applying, please contact me or our executive directors at lisa@grassroots.com

A new ethics case study from ACP, “Lab Result Reporting, Ethics, and the 21st Century Cures Act Rule on Information Blocking,”