In this Issue:
- From The Governor
- Highlights from the National Meeting: IM 2022
- Uniformed Service University Class of 2022 Arnyce Pock Air Force ACP Award
- 2022 Tri-Service Annual Scientific Meeting
- Member Spotlight
- Annual Awards Nominations
- Interested in Fellowship (FACP®)?
- New Chapter Members
- Mark Your Calendar!

Col Angelique N. Collamer, MC, USAF, FACP, ACP Governor
From The Governor
Greetings to everyone and I hope you are doing well as we come upon the busy summer season, a time filled with both excitement and trepidation for many of our members who will embark on an internship, graduate from a residency or fellowship program, assume an attending role for the first time, PCS to a new duty station, start a civilian practice or retire from military service. My thoughts are with all of you, no matter what phase you may currently find yourself in.
It was great to see some of you at the National ACP Meeting in Chicago, for many of us this was the first opportunity to attend an in-person meeting in two years and it was fantastic to connect, reflect and learn from each other. Congratulations to all who presented at the meeting! Scholarly activity remains strong among our members and I was impressed at the quality of all of our resident and poster submissions this year! I learned a lot from Dr. Christin DeStefano who delivered two popular and well received lectures on the treatment and prevention of thromboembolic disorders. Dr. Philip Cushman was the winner of the resident Research Category for his presentation Improving Performance on Night Shift: A Study of Sleep Transition Strategies. Congratulations to both and please send compliments to all those featured below!
Our 2022 Tri-Service Planning Committee continues to diligently work on the upcoming September meeting; this meeting will bring our military chapters together for the first in-person Tri-Service meeting in a decade! Please block 7 to 9 September in your schedules for the Wednesday through Friday educational meeting in San Antonio. As Maj John Hunninghake prepares to deploy, Capt Sarah Schall will be taking over the lead as our Air Force Chapter Meeting Planner—thank you Sarah! Please feel free to reach out to either of us with questions.
I am thankful for the privilege of serving all of you as Governor of our chapter. Best wishes for a smooth transition for those preparing to PCS (as I am!), deploying, graduating, changing jobs, separating, retiring, or holding down the clinic and inpatient wards during the summer season. If there is anything I can do to support you, do not hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you and Aim High!
Angelique N. Collamer, MD, FACP, Air Force ACP Governor
Highlights from the National Meeting: IM 2022
Many of us participated in the National ACP meeting this April. Below are just some of the outstanding accomplishments of our members. If you were there and are not recognized, do send me your achievements and those of your teammates for featuring here! Want to be featured on our AF chapter twitter feed?—Let me know!
We honored our recent Laurette award winners, Masters of the ACP, and new Fellows at Convocation. It was a meaningful and moving ceremony honoring all those who were unable to receive their awards during the past three years. Congratulations to all!

Seven Tri-Service members were inducted as Masters of the ACP: Steven Durning MD, William Kelly MD, Arnyce Pock MD, COL Kent DeZee MC USA, Patrick Young MD, COL Cristin Mount MC USA, and Patrick O’Malley MD (not photographed). It is an honor to be recognized for Mastership in the ACP, a distinction that recognized an individual's lifetime work and achievements. Special congratulations to our Air Force members, Dr. During and Dr. Pock.

Dr. David Gremillion was honored for his continued service to our chapter and the internal medicine community with the 2019 AF chapter Laurette award.
Additionally, Dr. Nicole Bane was inducted as a new fellow of the ACP. For new FACP members, please take the opportunity to participate in convocation if you are able during the three years following election! The ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your accomplishments and connect with colleagues.
From the Scientific Meeting:
Dr. Christin DeStefano, Air Force Hematologist/Oncologist, presented two wonderfully informative and very well attended lectures on thromboembolism. It was great to see military medicine shine on the national stage!

Our chapter had many resident, fellow and early career physician presentations! Just a few are featured here:

Dr. Philip Cushman, WPAFB, with his winning research poster.

Dr. Yonatan Dollin, WPAFB, our chapter's High Value Care winning poster.

Dr. Marc Gutierrez, WPAFB, our chapter's Quality Improvement winning poster.

Dr. John-Henry Dean, SAUSHEC, our chapter's Clinical Vignette winner.

Dr. Krista Carlson, SAUSHEC, with her outstanding poster on Asthma in the military setting.

Dr. Daniel Slack, Travis AFB, presenting on the autoimmune adverse effects of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapies.

Dr. Rafaela Izurieta, SAUSHEC, presenting her fascinating case report.
Doctor's Dilemma

We had a fantastic showing from our SAUSHEC Doctor's Dilemma team, Capt Lauren Sweet, Capt John Henry Dean and Capt Christian Lamb, congratulations to all and special thanks to their coaching staff!
Uniformed Service University Class of 2022 Arnyce Pock Air Force ACP Award
2d Lt Luke Rines received the 2022 Arnyce Pock Air Force ACP award at the USU graduation awards ceremony in May 2022. He has chosen Internal Medicine as his career, and we look forward to his continued growth and contribution to Air Force Medicine. Congratulations Luke!
2022 Tri-Service Annual Scientific Meeting
Gateway Club, Lackland AFB
September 7-9, 2022
The combined AF/Army/Navy chapter meeting will be held in San Antonio from 7 to 9 September 2022 with optional pre-courses and preliminary Doctor's Dilemma rounds the morning of 7 September. Conference will officially kick-off at 1300 on Wednesday September 7, and end at 1300 on Friday September 9th. Dr. Joshua Hawley-Malloy (Army Governor), Dr. Mark Tschanz (Navy Governor) and I sincerely hope that you will choose this conference as your annual educational meeting and take advantage of the CME and MOC opportunities. We will once again have a dynamic group of speakers as well as breakout sessions, poster/podium presentations and awards and recognitions of our outstanding colleagues. It will be an exciting event and I hope to see many of you there! Be on the lookout for registration information coming to your registered ACP email addresses soon.
The meeting will also provide us an opportunity to meet as an Air Force chapter for updates on our chapter activities, to review chapter finances, discuss future plans and opportunities for chapter involvement and to hold a townhall meeting. I invite all chapter members to attend and look forward to our meeting! You can reach me at angiecollamer@gmail.com for any tri-service meeting or chapter questions that arise.
Hotel reservations are now open! A block of rooms is reserved at the San Antonio Hilton Palacio del Rio. Please follow this booking link to make a reservation from our block of rooms. A bus will be provided from the hotel to the conference center. You are welcome to stay at another local hotel, but would either need your own transportation or would need to walk to the Hilton to catch the bus to the Gateway Club.
Member Spotlight
After a pause for the national meeting, expect to see the Member Spotlight back in your inboxes. I'm looking to highlight more of our accomplished members in all stages of their careers, so if you would like to see your mentor, student, trainee, colleague, or even you featured, please let me know!
Annual Awards Nominations
The call for chapter awards will be released soon, so start considering your outstanding colleagues for recognition at our chapter meeting. Additionally, please contact me with your ideas and nominations for the distinctions of Master of the ACP and for Laurette awards for our chapter.
Thank you to Dr. Derek Smith for again heading up our awards committee. Like to be involved this year? Let me know!
Interested in Fellowship (FACP®)?
Please check out the ACP webpage for more information about fellowship. Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internist lives and practices.
The basic requirements to apply for fellowship are board certification, licensure, clinical practice for 3 years out of residency, and being a dues paying member for the previous 3 years. In addition, additional requirements include other professional activities – teaching, community service, leadership, scholarship, etc. Please contact me if you have any questions about how to achieve fellowship after reviewing the link above.
New Chapter Members
Let's extend a warm welcome our newest members:
Our Newest Fellows:
Blake Elkins
Devin Kelly
Our Newest Members:
Eric Karr
Our newest Resident/Fellow Members:
Robert Barbra
Sara Graham
James Kang
Patton McClelland
Cody Minor
Rohan Papaly
Thomas Pelkmann
Megan Pranger
Devon Richardson
Danielle Souza
Dylan Walker
Nicholas Thorneloe
Our newest Medical Student Members:
Joshua Buchanan
Robert Buntyn
Nathaniel Dusini
Carly Farr
Ashley Halverson
Almaz Jamankulov
Preston Lamance
Zachary Matthes
Abhishek Mogili
Joseph Reiley
Kevin Roy
Justin Schwartz
Adam Stainiger
Amberly Vaughan
Jesse Webb
Justin Weeks
Our Newest Affiliate Members:
Robert Baye
Trung Vu
Mark Your Calendar!
7-9 September 2022 – Tri-Service Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX
20-21 October 2022 – Ohio/Air Force Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH