In the News

“It's Time to Stop Stigmatizing Mental Health Among Healthcare Workers”

By Jessica Gold, Forbes

This summer, physicians took to Twitter to discuss their own mental health struggles and treatment in hopes that transparency will help break the stigma of mental illness and seeking help, and ultimately change the culture of medicine.

With Covid-19, and the added mental health strain on frontline providers, problems are only compounding and untreated problems worsening. We need to start removing barriers to help seeking for our healthcare professionals and we need to do it today.

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“10 tips for well-being amid COVID-19,” ACP Internist

By Mollie Frost, July/August 2020

Featuring advice from many of our Well-being Champions, this ACP Internist article provides practical takeaways to help internists and their teams cope during the COVID-19 crisis.

Since the only stable aspect of a crisis is the instability, being flexible is perhaps the most important skill in a physician's toolkit.

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