In this Issue:
- Governor's Welcome
- Tri-Service Meeting
- Abstract Competition Winners:
- Interested in Fellowship (FACP)?
- College News:
- 2021 Navy Chapter Laureate Award Winner

CDR Mark P Tschanz, DO, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Welcome
Welcome to the Fall 2021 Newsletter! It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Tri-service virtual meeting last week. I appreciate that you were patient with the technical challenges and engaged over the duration of the meeting. I hope we can continue to grow this meeting next year in San Antonio LIVE!
A huge thank you to the planning committee, especially LCDR Michael Dore from the Navy Chapter, for all the work to bring this meeting together.
If you attended the meeting, please be sure to claim CME! The CME link is located in the meeting hub. Please make sure you log in first, and then you can complete your CME claim. Please let me know if you have any feedback from the meeting or have ideas for how we can make the meeting better next year!
A special congratulations to the Navy Chapter Laureate Award Winner – CDR Thanh Hoang. CDR Hoang is a master clinician, educator, mentor, and scholar! Please make sure you read his biography below, and reach out to congratulate him on this award.
Finally, a congratulations to the entire chapter! The Navy Chapter was awarded the 2021 ACP Chapter Excellence Silver Award! This is the first year the Chapter has received the Silver level award. This is a result of your involvement and engagement in the chapter. This award will allow the chapter to plan future engagement activities for chapter members.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions about the chapter or are interested in volunteer opportunities.
Very Respectfully,
CDR Mark P. Tschanz DO, MACM, FACP
Governor, Navy Chapter, American College of Physicians.
Tri-Service Meeting
Bravo zulu to the planning committee for the 2021 Tri-service meeting
Thank you to all planners who spent countless hours coordinating the meeting. In addition, thank you to the break-out room coordinators, speakers, and judges. This meeting would not happen with MANY volunteer hours. The planning committee:
Dacia Boyce, MD
Matthew B. Carroll, MD, FACP, FACR
Michael Dore, MD
John Hunninghake, MD
Cristin Mount, MD, FACP, FCCM
Victoria Sullivan, MD
Robert Walter, MD
Chapter Awards:
- 2021 Laureate Award: Commander Thanh D. Hoang – Please see biography below
- VADM Nathan Young Leader Award: LCDR Scott Snyder
- Volunteerism Award: CDR Debra Buckland-Coffey
- Sparks Award: LT Cory Manly
- Master Teacher Award: CDR Justin Lafreniere
- CAPT Patricia V. Pepper Female Leadership Award: CAPT Heather Tracy
Congratulations to all the local and chapter award winners! Many Navy Chapter members are doing incredible work around the globe! The associate presentations were outstanding across the board. Bravo Zulu to all who submitted and presented their scholarly work at the meeting!
Regional Teaching Awards:
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center:
Resident Teacher of the Year: LT Thomas Brooke
Faculty Teacher of the Year: LCDR Scott Snyder
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth:
Resident Teacher of the Year: LT Daniel Lamorte
Faculty Teacher of the Year: LT Brett Sadowski
Naval Medical Center San Diego:
Resident Teacher of the Year: LT Adam Maier
Faculty Teacher of the Year: LCDR Joyce Hall
Abstract Competition Winners:
The podium winners for the clinical vignette, QI, and research categories will be entered in the national competition in the Spring.
Resident/Fellow Clinical Vignette Podium Presentation:
LT Austin Gable - Anti-Tr Induced Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration Masquerading as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Resident/Fellow Clinical Vignette Poster presentation:
LT Kathryn Flynn - Ectopic Variceal Bleeding from Chronic Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis after Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis
Resident/Fellow QI:
LT Thomas Brooke - Hemorrhaging Quality: Improving the Administration of Anticoagulation Through an Internal Medicine Residency House Staff Initiative
Resident Research Podium Presentation:
LT William Day - Continuous Remote Patient Monitoring in COVID-19
Resident Research Poster Presentation:
LT Emily Anderson - Intersection of Healthcare Professional Wellbeing and Caring for Human Trafficked Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Doctor's Dilemma: Congratulations to the Navy Team for winning the 2nd Annual Tri-Service Championship!
The 2021 winning team is from Naval Medical Center San Diego. Congratulations to LT Adam Maier, LT Greg Schmidt, and LT Andrew White for winning both the Navy Chapter competition and the Tri-Service game. They will represent the Navy Chapter at the National Meeting in the spring! Good luck and well done!

Save the Date:
2022 Tri-service ACP Scientific Meeting: San Antonio, TX
September 7-10, 2022
Pre-course (skills lab for the internist) on September 6, 2022
Call for awards and abstracts will be forthcoming (April 2022), so start collecting cases now! Medical students, residents, fellows, and Early Career Physicians (ECPs) – please make note of the timeline. Time to start planning now!
Interested in Fellowship (FACP)?
Please check out the ACP webpage for more information about fellowship. Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which the internist lives and practices.
The basic requirements to apply for fellowship are board certification, licensure, clinical practice for 3 years out of residency, and being a dues paying member for the previous 3 years. In addition, additional requirements include other professional activities – teaching, community service, leadership, scholarship, etc. Please contact me if you have any questions about how to achieve fellowship after reviewing the link above.
College News:
Looking to be more involved at the national level? The Council of Early Career Physicians (CECP), the Council of Resident/Fellow Members (CRFM), and the Council of Student Members (CSM) are currently seeking candidates to fill vacant seats for 2021-22. Nominations are due by November 1, 2021 and details for submitting are included in the links below.
The councils are responsible for responding to requests for review of programs, products and services; advising the College regarding ways to increase the value of ACP membership among their constituency group; and strengthening activities and relationships at the ACP chapter and local levels.
For more information on eligibility and nomination material requirements please see the CECP Call for Nominations, the CRFM Call for Nominations, and the CSM Call for Nominations.
2021 Navy Chapter Laureate Award Winner
CAPT (S) Thanh D. Hoang, DO, FACP, FACE
Captain (s) Thanh D. Hoang, DO, FACP, FACE currently serves as the Program Director for the National Capital Consortium Endocrinology Fellowship Program at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC). He also serves as Director of the Endocrinology Division, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) and Consultant Endocrinologist to the United States Capitol Attending Physician. He is a Professor in Medicine (USUHS), Fellow of the American College of Physicians, and Fellow of the American College of Endocrinology.
Dr. Hoang is board-certified in endocrinology as well as in internal medicine and is an active member of several professional organizations including Endocrine Society, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), American College of Physicians, and Association of Program Directors in Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism (APDEM). Currently he serves on the ACP Doctor's Dilemma Writing Committee, the Nomination Committee, Fellows of AACE Application Committee, Thyroid/Parathyroid Disease State Network for AACE as well as Residency Curriculum Committee for Endocrine Society. He has served as an Associate Editor for Journal of Medical Case Reports and reviewer for various peer-review journals including Endocrine Practice Journal, British Medical Journal, Clinical Physiology and Functional imaging Journal, and Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch (AFHSB) peer-reviewed journal. He has functioned as a Course Director for the Diabetes Symposium; Course Director for Thyroid Ultrasound and Fine Needle Aspiration; moderator for AACE hypo/hyperthyroid podcast; and senior moderator for national/international Diabetes Technology Society Conferences.
Dr. Hoang has published more than 150 peer-reviewed articles, letters to the editor, abstracts and book chapters in the areas of thyroid, parathyroid, bone and other endocrine problems. To be highlighted are his publications in prestigious journals such as Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Thyroid, Endocrine Practice, AACE Clinical Case Reports, and Endocrine Secret books. He has presented multiple scientific abstracts at national and international meetings and has been invited for numerous regional, national and international speaking engagements. Recently, he has been invited to speak at the national Endocrine Society conference, American Thyroid Association conference and American Academy of Family Medicine symposium.
Dr. Hoang has received various awards such as Teacher of the Year Award; Master Clinician Award; James J. Leonard Award for excellence in teaching in internal medicine; Exemplary National Faculty; and College Chemistry Achievement Award.
Dr. Hoang continues to support Congressional Delegations on international missions and recognized by Senate Majority Leader for his outstanding performance as team physician. He served as the Vietnam Subject Matter Expert Exchange for the 2015 and 2016 Pacific Partnership aboard the USNS Mercy and routinely called upon for expert knowledge and skills. Recently he served as the sole naval medical officer on a multinational mission to North Pole and was responsible for medical care of 330 sailors.
In addition to academics, he is also actively involved in other community extracurricular activities: volunteer as a medical consultant on the Vietnamese Radio Channel weekly; Han-Bai KungFu coach; charity work, music writer and producer with more than 75 songs broadcasted internationally, especially, some educational/entertaining endocrine songs.