In this Issue:
- Message from the Governor
- Internal Medicine 2019
- Health and Public Policy Update
- Save the Date

Noel N. Deep, MD, FACP, ACP Governor, Wisconsin Chapter
Message from the Governor
Greetings from the Northwoods!
April was a busy month. I recently returned from attending the Board of Governors Spring Meeting and the Annual Internal Medicine Meeting in Philadelphia.
I greatly appreciate all of you who sent me your comments on the resolutions, as I was able to share your responses with the Board of Governors. The resolution process is our opportunity to bring to the leadership of the college our concerns about the practice environment, reimbursements and other issues.
Click here for the summary of the action taken by the Board of Regents on the resolutions debated at the Spring Board of Governors meeting.
Internal Medicine 2019
There were several excellent educational sessions at Internal Medicine 2019 (IM 2019), and if you were unable to attend the meeting, you can still watch or listen to them by ordering the recordings on the ACP website. Click here for more information.
On Thursday, April 11th, 15 members of our chapter marched proudly in the Convocation and took their oath as new ACP Fellows. I congratulate them and look forward to their active engagement with our chapter. If anyone would like more information about advancement to Fellowship, click here for that information, or you can reach out to me.

Congratulations to the 2019 Wisconsin Chapter New ACP Fellows! Pictured here with ACP Wisconsin Chapter Governor, Dr. Noel Deep, FACP; Dr. Kwabena Adu-Gyamfi, FACP; Dr. Olusolape A. Adegbehingbe, FACP; Dr. Richard Amankwah, FACP; Dr. Keshani Bhushan, FACP; Dr. Richmond Gyamfi, FACP; Dr. Vineet Hansaria, FACP; Dr. Mushir B. Hassan, FACP; Dr. Oladapo Igandan, FACP; Dr. Okechukwu Kanu, FACP; Dr. Taiwo Kanu, FACP; Dr. Mari Kennedy, FACP; Dr. John-Jeremiah Kretchy, FACP; Dr. Hymavathi Padma, FACP; Dr. Surendra Patel, FACP; Dr. Rajan P. Regmi, FACP.
We had another reason to celebrate and that was the 2019 Harriet P. Dustan Award for Science as Related to Medicine, which was awarded to ACP Wisconsin Chapter Master, Dr. Mary Horowitz, MACP. Congratulations, Dr. Horowitz! We are very proud of your accomplishments.

Pictured is Dr. Mary Horowitz, MACP, who received the 2019 Harriet P. Dustan Award for Science as Related to Medicine.
The Wisconsin Chapter Reception at IM 2019 was well attended and gave us a great opportunity to meet old friends, renew friendships, make acquaintances and network. My thanks to all those who took the time to attend. I would also like to thank our Chapter Executive, Jenni, for the arrangements.
Health and Public Policy Update
Our Health and Public Policy Committee (HPPC) has been quite active and the members have been reviewing the healthcare approach of the newly elected state government and are meeting with the administration to discuss our positions and concerns. They also worked hard on the talking points for our state Doctor Day and the ACP Leadership Day. A big shout out to the members and especially to Dr. Dart, the Chair of the ACP Wisconsin Chapter HPPC, for your tireless efforts.
The ACP Wisconsin Chapter members joined several physician colleagues from all specialties and from across the state in Madison on May 1st for Doctor Day to meet with our elected legislators and administration advocate for our patients and our profession.
Our chapter has several committees including HPPC, Membership, Hospitalist, Early Career Physicians, Women's, Students, Residents, and International Medical Graduates that help reach out to the different sections of members, representing them and help your Governor and the Council in their function. Please consider volunteering to serve on one of these committees, and contact me if you are interested in doing so. My email address is noeldeep@yahoo.com.
Save the Date
Our Annual Scientific Meeting will be held on September 6 and 7 at the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells. It is an opportunity to attend three MOC pre-course sessions, view displayed posters, attend Resident/Fellow Member and Medical Student Member Vignettes and Doctor's Dilemma ® in addition to the Saturday educational sessions, as well as hear from the ACP President, Dr. Robert McLean, FACP. I hope to meet many of you there.
Best wishes for a wonderful Spring and Summer.
Noel N. Deep, MD, FACP
Governor, ACP Wisconsin Chapter
Email: noeldeep@yahoo.com