Rhode Island Governor's Newsletter November 2020

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Kelly A McGarry, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Kelly A McGarry, MD, FACP, ACP Governor


Governor's Letter

Dear Members,

I felt the need to reach out after this historic election! Regardless of whether you are Republican or Democrat, the fact that decency, caring and compassion is being restored to the POTUS position has given me hope for our future. The fact that we have our first female VP and that she is Black and East Asian gives me hope that we will continue to make further substantial strides towards equality for all. All partisan politics aside, this truly is historic. Unfortunately this has occurred at a time in our country and our state where the COVID numbers are reaching an all-time high. I know this puts a lot of strain on all of us and I want you to know I am hoping for the best for all of you in your daily work and for our health system during this tumultuous time.

Doctor's Dilemma was held on November 17th. RI ACP will be represented by the team from Kent County Hospital, Michael Abadier, DO, Jenny Bello, MD, and Meaghan Martinez-Palmer, DO

Primary Care Collaborative Virtual Annual Conference, CRISIS AS CATALYST, Reimaging Primary Care 11/30-12/1 

ACP, Leading Internal Medicine Organizations Co-sponsor Grant to Support Innovations in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

I did want to share some exciting things happening in our Chapter. We held our first Wellness Walk on October 17th at Long Pond Trail in Hope Valley, RI. It was a beautiful day and we shared comradery, stories, and snacks with Fellow Members.


Words from our Wellness Champion, Dr. Jennifer Jeremiah:

Thank you to all who participated in our first RI ACP wellness hike. It was a great day. We had a chance to make new friends, connect with old friends, enjoy the outdoors and perhaps get more exercise than we expected.

We will be sending an announcement soon about our next hike!

I wanted to share this thought. I suspect we are all feeling a little more burned out that usual. COVID 19 is infiltrating our days at home and at work. Many experts remind us that connecting with our patients can help us get through the bleak days. Connecting with our patients can be an antidote to burnout. Just taking a few extra minutes to get to know a patient better or reminding ourselves that even tedious work can be important can have a big impact on our own well-being. We can rekindle the joy in our work when we remind ourselves of the importance of the work we do. Connecting with patients is why we went into medicine. Embracing that privilege may make this stressful time better.

Also, if you are looking for resources to improve well-being, explore the ACP website. You will find links to materials on improving the practice and organization environment as well as promoting individual well-being. I wish you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

Please be well and stay safe. Thanks for all you do to care for the people of RI. If anyone has any ideas how to advance the RI ACP Chapter, please email me at kmcgarry222@gmail.com I wish you a peaceful and joy-filled Thanksgiving.

