Puerto Rico Governor's Newsletter November 2021

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Myriam Z. Allende-Vigo, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Myriam Z. Allende-Vigo, MD, FACP, ACP Governor


Governor's Message

Let me start this message by giving thanks to Our Lord and all involved in the planning and execution of our chapter activities. Our last educational activity for this year was an outstanding success. While planning this activity, we had doubts on what to expect. Will people show up after all those months locked up? Would we have financial support? Yes, people were eager to come and present their research and findings. Members came to be present for an engaging educational activity. Those unable to attend had the opportunity to connect via zoom. The atmosphere at the venue was vibrant. There's no doubt that we wanted to have our activity live. The committee of educational activities must be praised for the meeting. Also, the food, venue and organization are to be praised. My congratulations to the winners of the posters competition and those selected for the oral presentations. Please browse below to get acquainted with all the winners at the competition. In the afternoon of October 30, seven teams competed in the Doctor's Dilemma®. The winning team will represent our chapter at the national competition next year in Chicago. Prior to this meeting, the Residency showcase took place. This was also was an enlightening activity for medical students interested in Internal Medicine in Puerto Rico. I would like to thank all participants of our activities. Let's give thanks everyday as we are fortunate to be able to serve our friends, relatives and patients.



Recent Chapter Activities

Internal Medicine Residency Showcase for Medical Students

The 2021 IM Residency Showcase, organized by the Internal Medicine Interest Groups of the four medical schools in the Island, took place September 9, 2021. Over 120 medical students participated on this virtual event. Dr. Myriam Allende participated as a guest speaker presenting ACP benefits for medical students and IM residents. 7 IM Residency Programs from Puerto Rico participated on the event. As in previous occasions, all residencies presented their unique characteristics, so students can match and choose the best fit for them.

And the winners are …

On October 30, 2021, our first hybrid activity was conducted. The activity was a success with an outstanding participation of over 190 attendees, most in person and several on the virtual platform. Reducing the Risk of Cardiovascular Events, Heart Failure and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease, Clinical Vignettes Competition & Doctor's Dilemma® took place at the La Concha Renaissance Hotel and was also transmitted live through ZOOM Webinar. This year event included a 3 CME/MOC program on Cardiovascular Events, Heart Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease moderated by endocrinologist Dr. José Garcia Mateo. Presentations by the cardiologist Dr. Carlos Cortés and nephrologist Dr. Gisela Puig were well received and followed by an interactive session of discussion of cases. This session was followed by the clinical vignette's oral presentations and the 2021 Doctor's Dilemma® competition. Concurrently, the poster competition was held with a total of 67 abstracts presented in the following categories: 52 Clinical Vignettes Posters, 6 Research Posters and 9 Clinical Vignettes Oral Presentations. Special thanks to Dr. Francis Baco, chair of the Scientific Committee, the Puerto Rico Chapter Scientific committee members, and the judges for their contribution to the success of this event.

Program Faculty: Dr. Francis Baco, Dr. José Garcia Mateo, Dr. Myriam Allende, Dr. Gisela Puig & Dr. Carlos Cortés
ACP 2021 Council Members: Dr. Edwin Alicea, Dr. Francis Baco, Dr. Milliete Alvarado, Dr. Melba Feliciano, Dr. Myriam Allende, Dr. Rosa Frias and Dr. Jean Rodriguez

Congratulations to all the winners!

Clinical Vignettes Oral Presentations Winners

First Place
Dr. Juan Adams Chahin
Neuro-Behcet's: An Unforeseen Disease Commonly Mistaken
University District Hospital (UDH)

Second Place
Dr. Jeremy Feliciano Ildefonso
Not All That Itches is Dermatitis, Uncovering a Cutaneous Malignancy
VA Caribbean Medical Center

Third Place
Dr. Gabriela Torres Torres
Catastrophic Bilateral Ischemic Stroke in COVID-19 Induced Thrombotic Microangiopathy
San Juan City Hospital

Clinical Vignettes Poster Presentations Winners

First Place
Dr. Hiram Maldonado, MD
Third Trimester Pregnancy as a Cause of Hypokalemia and Hypertension
Hospital Damas Ponce

Second Place
Dr. Gabriel Galíndez de Jesús
The Room is Not Big Enough for the Three of Us: CMV, HSV type 1, and PCP Co-Infection in an Immunocompromised Patient
University District Hospital (UDH)

Third Place
Dr. Ángela Torres-Torres
Ranolazine: A New Modality for Electrical Storm
Hospital Damas Ponce

Research Poster Presentations Winner

Dr. José Rivera Sepulveda
Caffeine Consumption by Employees at Mayaguez Medical Center
Mayagüez Medical Center Residency Program

Dr. Juan Adams and Dr. Myriam Allende
Dr. Hiram Maldonado and Dr. Myriam Allende
Dr. Juan Rivera Sepúlveda and Dr. Myriam Allendes
2021 Doctor's Dilemma® Competition Winners: San Juan VA IM Residency Program Team; Dr. Porfirio Diaz, Dr. Jamilisse Segarra, Dr. Giovani Rivera and Dr. Patricia Rivera



Wellness Corner

Many books have been written in the last years on the topic of Happiness, and it is not surprising considering our lifestyles. Many authors agree on a simple concept: Happiness is an inside job, and represents the combination of genetics for happiness, life circumstances, and the factors or elements who are under your voluntary control. How can we improve our Happiness Quotient?

This is a special time of the year for gratitude and reflection on a vision for the future, on Wellness, and personal/professional balance in our lives to have a healthy, long, and successful life. This is not a small achievement for physicians, given that no matter where we are, we are physicians.

Some strategies to consider for Wellness and Balance are simple, such as … have a sense of Purpose in your day, be Active (exercise, dance); Sleep well, be Creative (have a hobby, visualize, contact with nature); practice Flexibility and Adaptability; Expand your circle of influence, your friends and interpersonal relations; cope with the monster of Anger, and be a Positive role model for others including your colleagues.

To accomplish our vision for the future, it is important to have a Wellness Plan and a Positive Psychology Attitude. Here are some ideas: Identify your Happiness Boosters and practice, laugh as your new therapy, Practice deep breathing for 4-6 seconds before changing your focus to a new task or to a new patient; Sleep well; Stop, Observe and Think before reacting to a challenging situation; Avoid anger; Practice Gratitude for the good, the bad days, and the challenges in your life.

Begin today with 3 strategies, and practice for 21 days. It will make a difference in your day. Share your success with your family and /or a colleague and give to others the gift of a wellness idea.

Reflect on What Brings You Joy and Do what makes your soul happy!

Enjoy the Holidays!



Save the Date

Mark your calendars!

Zoom webinar Wellness Activity on January 2022, date and time to follow on the topic of Mindfulness and Health.

The Puerto Rico Chapter Annual Meeting will take place on March 17-19, 2022, at La Concha Renaissance Hotel in San Juan. Information will be posted on the chapter website when available.

Hands-On POCUS Workshops in April 2022. Look for incoming email with details soon.



Become a Fellow

ACP Members are encouraged to review the requirements for advancement to Fellowship in the American College of Physicians. Do not hesitate to contact us for information at rinavega@rivsmarketing.com.



Get Involved

  • Get involved with the ACP activities and participate in our mission for education and service in Internal Medicine.
  • Your attendance will contribute to the success of our activity and of our ACP Puerto Rico Chapter!

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Editorial Committee:

Myriam Allende, MD, MBA, FACP, FACE
Melba Feliciano, MD, FACP, FACE
Mrs. Rina Vega
