In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- Recent Chapter Activities
- Meet Our New Master of the American College of Physicians
- New Governor-elect Designee
- Save the Date
- Wellness Corner
- Get Involved

Myriam Z. Allende-Vigo, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Promises of New Beginnings
As I write the last newsletter of this year, memories come of the past months. The year of 2020 has been unpredictable, full of surprises and unexpected turnings. But it is coming to an end. Soon, the new year will come with more surprises and challenges. The past year has validated our resilience and commitment. Despite the lockdown and the 360 degree shift in our daily lives and work schedule, we internists continue practicing the best medicine we can. Last October we had our first virtual meeting and the second academic activity of the year. We had the chance of listening to illustrative oral presentations at our Practical Gastroenterology for the Internist & Clinical Vignettes Oral Presentations Competition. Residents and students also showcased their posters and clinical vignettes. It was discovered that many of them have a lot of artistic talent. The planning and execution of the meeting was arduous but fructiferous. Also, the Gastroenterology update was of superb quality. During the upcoming weeks, instead of the usual parties and celebrations, we will have the opportunity of quiet celebrations amongst close relatives. We should not gather, but there is the promise that the new year will bring a new beginning. As first line responders, I am sure most of you will get the COVID vaccine and continue working to alleviate the suffering caused by this virus while at the same time be safer.
Season's greetings to all!
Myriam Z. Allende Vigo, MD, FACP
Recent Chapter Activities
On October 31, 2020, our event Practical Gastroenterology for the Internist & Clinical Vignettes Oral Presentations took place. The activity was a success with a participation of over 160 virtual attendees. This year event included a 5 CME credits/MOC points program on an Update in the Management of Gastrointestinal Conditions, the Clinical Vignettes oral presentations competition section, and the 2020 Clinical Vignettes Competition awards ceremony. Over 150 abstracts were submitted. The scientific committee selected 59 abstracts in the following categories: 49 Clinical Vignettes Posters Presentations, and 10 Clinical Vignettes Oral Presentations.
The abstracts book and poster presentations are available in our Chapter Website. My special thanks to Dr. Francis Baco, chair of the academic activities committee, its members and the more than thirty judges that contributed to the success of the event.
Dr. Baco and his team worked hard and succeeded in running an organized and academically sound program.
Congratulations to the winners!
Oral Presentations
1st place
A Rapidly Progressive Pemphigus Vulgaris in a Black Patient: Early Recognition of Disease in Dark-skinned Patients, Saves Lives.
Dr. Maria Rodríguez
University of Puerto Rico, University District Hospital
2nd place
Subclinical Liver Involvement in Wilson's Disease
Dr. Yue-Sai Jao Ayala
Mayagüez Medical Center
3rd place
Severe Intractable Orbital Pain: Atypical Presentation of Young Adult with COVID-19
Dr. Aidaliz Llorens
University of Puerto Rico, University District Hospital
Poster Presentations
1 place
An Insidious Renal Intruder: IgG4-Related Disease
Dr. Mónica Ortiz-Rivera
VA Caribbean Healthcare System
2nd place
A New Life-Saving Treatment Not Yet Included in Guidelines for Recurrent Severe
Hypertriglyceridemia-Induced Pancreatitis
Dr. Angela Torres-Torres
Hospital Damas Ponce
3rd place
A Rare Clinical Case of Ulcerative Colitis Presenting With Unexpected Pulmonary Findings
Dr. Kyomara Hernández-Moya
San Juan City Hospital
2020 Oral Presentations' Winners
Dr. Aidaliz LLorens Bonilla, Dr. Yue-Sai Jao, Dr. Maria Rodríguez Santiago, Dr. Myriam Allende
2020 Oral Presentations Participants
2020 Poster Presentations Winners
Dr. Mónica Ortiz, Dr. Angela Torres and Dr. Kyomara Hernández
Congratulations to all residency programs for their interest and participation!
Thanks to the organizing committee, participants, and judges who made this event possible!
Meet Our New Master of the American College of Physicians

We would like to congratulate Dr. José Gutierrez-Nuñez for been awarded Master of the American College of Physicians. Dr. Gutierrez was nominated by their peers and then vetted through the ACP National Awards Committee for selection due to the excellence and significance of his contributions to medicine as well as his involvement in ACP. Dr. Gutiérrez-Nuñez has a rich and exemplary career as a humane and proficient internist, teacher, colleague, leader, and role-model. He has and still serves the American College of Physicians in many ways wherever he has found himself.
New Governor-elect Designee

Dr. Edwin Alicea has been selected Governor-elect Designee of the Puerto Rico Chapter. Dr. Alicea will complete a year of training as a Governor-elect and then will start his four-year term as Governor in the Spring of 2022. Dr. Alicea has served as the Chapter Treasurer for more that 15 years. Congratulations!
Save the Date
Save the Date for our 2021 Annual Meeting. The meeting will be virtual and is scheduled for March 19-21, 2021. Agenda will follow soon. During the meeting, compulsory credits for Puerto Rico's physicians' license renewal will be offered.
Wellness Corner
The year 2020 comes to an end with unique challenges and lessons for the world. The world has changed, our communication system has changed, and we have had time to stop, think, meditate and be grateful for what we had and what we have today. There's hope for the future and we are stronger.
This year, as a Chapter of the ACP, we have been highly active facing new challenges in the continuum of the mission of the American College of Physicians to educate, provide care and guidance in the medical field.
We have also dedicated time to promote wellness among our members, for self-care activities and to review our concepts of happiness and resilience in a new reality. The participation in our Wellness activities has increased and we will continue improving the activities tailored to the needs expressed by our members. Send us your ideas for future activities!
The Art of Positive Thinking has been particularly important during this year to develop resilience and to continue with our mission of care, education, public service. The collaboration of our members has been unbelievably valuable to the success of the chapter.
During this Christmas season: Hope, Love, Peace, Compassion, Self-Care will lead us into the New Year 2021 with a spirit of collaboration and finding joy in the middle of many transitions and sometimes in a gray zone out of our comfort. This particular and unique Christmas season is a time for reflection in our successes, personal and professional and in our Change Management skills.
During this special season find the joy in every day, express your gratitude, and feel the meaning of Christmas: The Heart of Christmas.
Think about What Brings You Joy and send us a picture of a special moment of joy in your day.
“There's no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy.”
Robert Louis Stevenson
Do not forget to laugh every day and as many times as possible for your Spirit and your Body Wellness!
Enjoy this unique Christmas Season in Love, Health and Peace!
Get Involved
- Get involved with the ACP activities and participate in our mission for education and service in Internal Medicine.
- Your attendance will contribute to the success of our activity and of our ACP Puerto Rico Chapter!
- ACP Members are encouraged to review the requirements for advancement to Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Do not hesitate to contact us for information at rinavega@rivsmarketing.com
Please follow us on:
Editorial Committee:
Myriam Allende, MD, MBA, FACP, FACEMelba Feliciano, MD, FACP, FACE
Mrs. Rina Vega