Ohio Governor's Newsletter Holiday Edition 2020

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Craig D Nielsen, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Craig D Nielsen, MD, FACP, ACP Governor


Governor's Message

Winter is coming – As a reminder, my hometown in Northeast Ohio recently received 18 inches of snow the first week of December. Driving was hard and shoveling tiring but in a couple of days life was back to normal. If only the pandemic could be dealt with so quickly. COVID continues to put significant strain on our healthcare systems. I am proud of all the efforts and leadership our ACP Ohio Internal Medicine members have displayed during this difficult time. In this Newsletter, we recognize a few of these members. They were nominated by colleagues to receive the 2020 ACP Ohio COVID-19 Hero Award – "Congrats and Thanks” to all. We also outline highlights from our first ever Ohio/Air Force Combined Scientific Virtual Meeting. It was skillfully moderated again by our Planning Committee chair, Kevin Goist, MD, FACP. Lastly, a special thanks to our Executive Director, Jan Wrassman, and all the members of our Governor's Advisory Council (GAC) who were instrumental in helping us achieve the 2020 Gold Level Chapter Excellence Award – our second year in a row. Thanks very much to all our members for their support of our Chapter.

I wish everyone a Peaceful Holiday Season.

Craig Nielsen, MD, FACP



Ohio/Air Force Combined Scientific Meeting – Follow-up

Our first virtual chapter meeting took place on October 30th & 31st. By all accounts it was quite a success and we hope you were able to join us. Along with some great sessions, we were able to host our four top-scoring resident abstracts on Friday afternoon. We also were able to hear from Tom Cooney, MD, FACP, Regent, regarding what is happening with ACP on an international basis.

We currently plan to meet in person in the fall of 2021, but we hope to continue to offer additional virtual sessions for the foreseeable future. Please stay tuned for more information.



2020 Resident Poster Winners

The following residents won our virtual poster competition and will represent Ohio at the national poster competition in 2021.

Pinang Shastri, DO, University of Toledo – 1st′ Place Clinical Vignette
Sami Ghazaleh, MD, University of Toledo – 1st Place Clinical Research
Muhammad Soofi, MD, Wright State University – 1st Place Quality Improvement



Drs. Dilemma Update

Because there was no Drs. Dilemma Competition last spring, and the chapter did not hold a competition at this fall's meeting, it has been decided that last year's team from MetroHealth will represent Ohio at the upcoming virtual competition during IM2021 this spring.



2020 Awards

We did not host our standard awards this year. In light of the pandemic, Dr. Deb Leizman created the 2020 ACP Ohio CoVID-19 Hospital Hero Award. Congratulations to the following members who went above and beyond to help all of us during these unique times:

Steven Burdette, MD, FACP – Wright State University
LeAnn Coberly, MD, FACP – University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Eric Warm, MD, FACP – University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Joel Kammeyer, MD, FACP – University of Toledo Medical Center
Jennifer Hanrahan, DO – University of Toledo Medical Center
Mark Herbert, MD, FACP – Mt. Carmel Health System
Keith Armitage, MD, MACP – Case Western Reserve University
Steven Ricanati, MD, FACP – MetroHealth
Elise Kwizera, MD – Cleveland Clinic
Keaton Bullen, DO, FACP – Summa Health Medical Group
Julius Feitl, MD – Summa Health Medical Group



National Award News

Congratulations to G. Patrick Ecklar, MD, MACP. Dr. Ecklar because a Master of the American College of Physicians on November 1, 2020.

Congratulations to David Bronson, MD, MACP. Dr. Bronson has been chosen to receive the Alfred Stengel Memorial Award for Outstanding Service to the American College of Physicians.



Congratulations to Our Newest Fellows

Masroor Abro, MD, FACP

Athena Andreadis, MD, FACP

Salome Arobelidze, MD, FACP

John Baker, DO, FACP

Alicia Caldwell, MD, FACP

Tanya Escalona, MD, FACP

Emily George, MD, FACP

Thomas Ginley, DO, FACP

Lindsay Huber, MD, FACP

Prantesh Jain, MD, FACP

Qasim Khalil, MD, FACP

Sunita Mall, MBBS, FACP

Vivek Mathur, MD, FACP

Laurie Matt-Amaral, MD, FACP

KV Narayanan Menon, MD, FACP

John Murithi, MD< FACP

Fidelis Obu, MD, FACP

Grace Ogbeche, MD, FACP

Abayomi Ogunderu, MD, FACP

Ifijen Oleghe, MBBS, FACP

Eithan Orlev-Shitrit, MD, FACP

Amanda Pensiero, MD, FACP

Nicholas Pleat, DO, FACP

Saira Rashid, MD, FACP

Katherine Schmidt, MD, FACP

Paul Shaniuk, MD, FACP

Yousif Shareef MD, FACP

Jamil Siddiqui, MBBS, FACP

Sarah Tarter, MD, FACP

Sunil Vasireddi, MD, FACP



2020 Chapter Excellence Award-Gold Level Winner

I am pleased to announce that our chapter is in receipt of the Gold Level of the 2020 Chapter Excellence Award! The award recognizes truly extraordinary chapters that surpass excellence in chapter management. We are in the company of 33 other outstanding chapters. In order to achieve the Gold Level of the Chapter Excellence Award, chapters must meet twenty-one Bronze criteria, fourteen Silver criteria and multiple Gold level activities. Criteria include such activities as having a legislative action plan or agenda, holding a volunteerism/community service activity, holding multiple stand-alone meetings, having revenue sources outside of dues and meeting registration fees, implementing a strategic plan, implementing a formal recruitment and retention plan and measuring outcomes, conducting various activities for Medical Students, Residents and Early Career Physicians. I would like to extend a special thanks to those chapter members who assisted us in all of these endeavors! For their hard work and dedication, we received this award.



Southwest Ohio Board Review Course

We are pleased to once again sponsor the Southwest Ohio Internal Medicine Update & Review Course Virtual Conference. The dates for this year's conference are April 9th-11th, 2020 and April 16th-18th, 2021. Please visit the Ohio Chapter website to see the full listing of sessions and to register.
