Massachusetts Governor's Newsletter December 2019

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Elisa I. Choi, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Elisa I. Choi, MD, FACP, FIDSA, ACP Governor


Message from the Governor

Dear Colleagues,

I hope all of you have had a productive and enjoyable year to date. As 2019 draws to a close, and I near the conclusion of my first full year as Governor of our Massachusetts ACP Chapter, I have been reflecting upon our Chapter's accomplishments in supporting the work that our ACP Chapter members do in caring for patients. Many of you were able to attend our annual meeting on November 9, 2019. This was a timely conference that addressed the changing landscape of health care in our Commonwealth with a well received and insightful panel discussion, which addressed many of the current issues facing our Internists. We were also fortunate to have a special guest from national ACP, the ACP President Dr. Robert McLean, who updated us on Gout guidelines and also provided us important national ACP news to our Chapter membership. We celebrated our numerous Chapter and national ACP awardees and new Masters of the College (detailed further in the newsletter), also supported the scholarship of our many students, residents, and fellows, with the Poster Competition and Doctors Dilemma Competition (Congratulations to St. Elizabeth's residents). We also heard research and clinical presentations from residents, who will also be representing our Chapter at the April 2020 national ACP meeting. I'm particularly pleased that we awarded the inaugural Robert A. Lebow Advocacy Award (in memory of our friend, colleague, and long-time Governor's Council member Dr. Lebow, who passed away earlier this year), and also the first Helen Taussig Award for Outstanding Contributions to Advancing the Careers of Women in Medicine.

There was ample opportunity to network at our Annual Chapter Meeting, with several networking tables that were available for conference attendees at lunchtime. The afternoon activities included a panel discussion focused on bridging inpatient and outpatient care of opioid use disorder patients, and there was a timely session about medical cannabis. We concluded our programming with an energizing and very inspirational physician well-being and coaching session led by national ACP leader in this arena, Dr. Kerri Palamara. After the eventful day of presentations, Annual Meeting attendees had a chance to socialize further with Dr. McLean at the Governor's reception. I want to thank all our 2019 Annual Meeting Planning Committee members for all their work, and also thank the many volunteer poster and abstract judges, Doctors Dilemma judges, and all the attendees who made the event such a success. Lastly, but most importantly, I acknowledge all the amazing work of our Chapter Administrator Ms. Lynda Layer, and additional staff support from Ms. Debbie Brennan, for all of their contributions, as the Annual Meeting truly is an event that takes months of planning.

I am excited to embark on 2020 with the continued efforts of our Chapter's numerous committees, and our advocacy, led superbly by our Massachusetts ACP Health and Public Policy Committee Co-Chairs Drs. Zoe Tseng and Aisha James. You can see more details about their efforts further in the newsletter, as well as of all our committees and Councils (Early Career Physicians, Residents/Fellows). We have a newly developing Council of Medical Students that is in early stages of formation, and I look forward to more initiatives from that Council in 2020, as our Chapter continues to expand our engagement efforts for our medical student members.

Our Chapter's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity, as guiding principles, will continue to inform and underscore all our activities in the forthcoming year. I am particularly excited to share that I will be implementing activities and initiatives for our chapter in forthcoming months, arising out of ideas generated by a Steering Committee Meeting (Drs. Linda Habeeb, Katie Jobbins, Mary Lee, Joe Li, Judy Melin, Joel Popkin, Michael Rosenblum, Lydia Siegal, Valerie Stone) that national ACP supported for our Chapter via a grant I received, addressing “Leadership Development for Women in Medicine.” As the first woman Governor in the history of the Massachusetts ACP Chapter, one of the priorities of my Governorship has been, and will continue to be, amplifying, supporting, and enabling our women physician members to achieve their professional goals, whether it is in leadership or otherwise. I am grateful for all of the continued support of our many “He for She” ACP Chapter members also, who support their women colleagues. Be sure to keep an eye out for forthcoming events, activities, and opportunities for this “Leadership Development for Women in Medicine” initiative to offer ways for Chapter membership engagement for both our men and women physician members.

I recently had the privilege to co-present on behalf of national ACP (with my colleague Dr. Pam Hiebert, Governor of the Montana ACP Chapter, and also the first woman Governor of her Chapter), a webinar on “Networking for Women in Medicine,” on November 13, 2019, which can be viewed at this link , for those who were not able to participate during the event. One of the advantages of membership in ACP is the networking that can occur amongst ourselves, providing support and collegiality. This webinar can hopefully provide a starting point for many of you, both women and men, in our Chapter, to connect with each other.

Finally, by way of “sneak preview,” I am excited to announce that we will have the opportunity to host ACP's leader, and “woman in medicine extraordinaire,” Dr. Darilyn Moyer, the ACP CEO/EVP, at our 2020 Massachusetts ACP Chapter Annual meeting, which will take place on Saturday, October 10, 2020. Mark your calendars now for what will be an exciting event! Stay tuned - many more details and further updates to come as we enter 2020!

I look forward to continued communications with you, and as always, please feel free to reach out to me, either on social media (@maacpgovernor on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), or email , to share your ideas, suggestions, and comments, about how I, and our MA ACP Chapter, can best serve and support you.

I wish each of you and your families a joyous, restful, and blessed holiday season. Warmest wishes for the New Year. Thank you for everything you do for your patients and for our profession, and for your contributions to our noble profession as physicians in medicine.




Governor's Council Retreat


In June, our Governor's Council (the governing board of our MA ACP Chapter) spent a productive weekend retreat discussing ways to improve and enhance the value of our Chapter's activities for our members through their strategic plan. The outgrowth of this productive series of conversations is continued support for the Physician Wellbeing Committee, Leadership Development for Women in Medicine, and our very active Health and Public Policy Committee, among others. ACP can truly be the “professional home” for all internists, and 2019-2020 will bring opportunities for further involvement, networking, and collaborations, among our Chapter's members. Thank you to the dedicated members of the Governor's Council for your thoughtful input, during the retreat, and throughout the year!



Treasurer's Report

Andrew Jorgensen, MD, FACP

The financial statements at mid-year show that revenue and expenses are as planned. As of December 2019, total income is approximately $108,000 against a total annual budget of $128,200. Some income related to grants and the annual meeting remain outstanding. Total Expenses at mid-year is approximately $75,000 against a total annual budget of $128,150. Outstanding expenses include those related to the national meeting in April. The fiscal year ends June 30, 2020. Details are available by contacting our Chapter Administrator, Lynda Layer at or 781-434-7317.



Local Awards

Presented by Elisa Choi, MD, FACP, FIDSA, Governor, Massachusetts Chapter, ACP

Humanism in Medicine Award

In recognition of his outstanding service and dedication – recognizing his pioneering the way for a marginalized population to receive access to outstanding care in the most complex of situations; incarceration.
~ Thomas Lincoln, MD

Distinguished Service Award

In recognition of his outstanding service and dedication to the Massachusetts Chapter, American College of Physicians and exemplary commitment to fostering excellence and professionalism in the practice of medicine.
~ Ronald Arky, MD, MACP

Helen Taussig Award for Outstanding Contributions to Advancing the Careers of Women in Medicine

In recognition of her outstanding service and dedication to advancing the careers of women in medicine.
~ Judith A. Melin, MA, MD, FACP

Robert A. Lebow Advocacy Award

In recognition of their work in support of the Chapter's Health and Public Policy Committee and their advocacy initiatives.
~ Zoe Tseng, MD, FACP
~ Aisha James, MD

Massachusetts Chapter Laureate Award

In recognition of a member who has demonstrated by their example and conduct an abiding commitment to excellence in medical care, education or research, and in service to their community and the American College of Physicians.
~ Michael Barry, MD, MACP

In addition, Leadership Awards were presented to Audrey Provenzano, MD, FACP, Todd Kerensky, MD, Stephanie Titus, MD and medical students Akshay Kapoor and Lulu (Wanlu) Xu in recognition of their dedication and volunteerism to the Massachusetts Chapter, American College of Physicians.



National Awards

To be presented at the Internal Medicine 2020 meeting in Los Angeles, CA, April 23-26, 2020

John Phillips Memorial Award for Outstanding Work in Clinical Medicine

Tom L. Delbanco, MD, MACP, Cambridge, Massachusetts

James D. Bruce Memorial Award for Distinguished Contributions in Preventive Medicine

Michael J. Barry, MD, MACP, Lexington, Massachusetts

W. Lester Henry Award for Diversity and Access to Care

Valerie E. Stone, MD, MPH, MACP, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts


Mary Y. Lee, MD, MACP, Belmont, Massachusetts
John B. Wong, MD, MACP, Belmont, Massachusetts



2019 Poster Award Winners

First Place – Resident/Fellow - Clinical Vignette

Dalya Al-Qaysi, MD, St. Elizabeth's Medical Center
C3 glomerulonephritis associated with IgM monoclonal gammopathy and low grade B cell lymphoma

First Place – Resident/Fellow Research

Sul A. Lee, MD, MetroWest Medical Center
CD4+ T cell-derived NGAL modifies outcome from ischemic acute kidney injury

First Place - Student – Clinical Vignette

Lara Gruye, Tufts University School of Medicine
Painting over Airborne Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Isothiazolinones

First Place - Student – Research

Pietro Miozzo, UMass Medical School
Implementing a Needs Assessment Tool for the UMass Memorial Healthcare-Community Legal Aid Medical Legal Partnership

1st Runner Up – Resident/Fellow – Clinical Vignette

Xin Wang, MD - Chronic neutrophilic leukemia, a rare case of leukocytosis
Vinit Joseph Gilvaz, MD – The Tricky Trachea

2nd Runner Up – Resident/Fellow – Clinical Vignette

Mumtu Lalla, MD - A Rare Case of Transient Diabetes Insipidus of Pregnancy

Honorable Mention – Resident/Fellow – Clinical Vignette

Augustin DeLago, MD - Hypersensitivity Reaction from an Unsuspected, Commonly Prescribed Medication

1st Runner Up – Resident/Fellow – Research

Ajay Mishra, MD - Predictors of poor outcome in patients on warfarin receiving 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate with supra-therapeutic INR

2nd Runner Up – Resident/Fellow – Research

Scott Morin, DO - Characteristics Associated with Greater Corticosteroid Requirement in Patients with Giant Cell Arteritis

1st Runner Up – Student – Clinical Vignette

Emma Materne - A Case of Portal Venous Thrombosis associated with Acute Cholecystitis

1st Runner Up – Student – Research

Jie Jane Chen - A New Way to Meet: Implementation of a Novel Online Platform to Facilitate Meaningful Student-Faculty Mentorship Relationships

2nd Runner Up – Student – Research

Ki Jung Lee - Pancreatic cancer risk determination in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus



Health and Public Policy Committee Update

Zoe Tseng, MD, FACP & Aisha James, MD

Advocacy Day at the State House


HPPC has been busy 2018-2019 expanding to 5 total subcommittees: Advocacy Day, Advocacy Education, Immigrant and Refugee Health, Prescription Drug Cost, Opioid Use Disorder.

We continue to collaborate with Massachusetts Medical Society to stay up to date on legislative issues so we can advocate in favor of bills that support our patients' needs and ACP priorities.

On March 23, the Advocacy Education subcommittee organized a workshop at UMass Medical School for members on “How to talk to legislators,” which featured HPPC members Dr. Hemal Sampat, Dr. Aisha James, and Dr. Zoe Tseng sharing tips on conducting legislative meetings.

We had our fourth State House Advocacy Day on March 26 with 30 participants. The morning training session featured tips on how to meet your legislator by Alex Calcagno from MMS and an update on the state of health care in Massachusetts by Brendan Abel from MMS, Legislative meetings with our state legislators focused on three bills on the following topics: universal background checks for private gun sales, setting guidelines for interactions of the police and court officials with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and promoting drug price transparency. Mark your calendars for the next Advocacy Day at the State House on March 17, 2020.

On April 11, two of our chapter members, Dr. Anil Jha and Kathleen Zhu, testified at the State House hearing on S. 712 An Act to promote transparency and prevent price gouging of pharmaceutical drug prices. Our Chapter has supported this bill from Senator Mark Montigny for the last 3 years, which requires manufacturers and pharmacy benefit managers to disclose the costs involved in developing and distributing drugs. It also empowers the Attorney General to hold them accountable for their price gouging behavior. Read more below about their experience testifying.

In May, both the House and Senate were busy proposing their respective budgets for next year and it was important that drug costs be addressed in these budgets. The House budget ended up containing watered down language making it voluntary for drug manufacturers to disclose the costs involved in manufacturing their drugs. Thus, it was critical to ensure the Senate budget was stronger on this issue. During the week of May 20, we sent an action alert to our members about contacting their Senators to support amendment #4 from Senator Montigny, which would strengthen the Senate budget by requiring companies to report key pricing data, including marketing and advertising costs, R&D investments, and prices charged in markets outside the Commonwealth. This amendment also prohibits state grants, subsidies, and tax breaks to companies that refuse to comply with this reasonable process. The language also ensures representatives from drug manufacturers and PBMs will testify at the Health Policy Commission's annual cost trends hearing. Ultimately, amendment #4 did not pass in the final Senate budge, however, the language around prescription drug costs was still strong.

On May 14-15, eight members from our Chapter attended ACP Leadership Day in Washington, D.C. where we met with legislators from Massachusetts about a wide range of important topics including prescription drug costs, firearms-related injury and death, funding for federal programs that support primary care and the physician workforce and reducing unnecessary administrative tasks on physicians and patients. Read more below about the experience of Dr. Stephanie Titus who attended Leadership Day.

The Opioid Use Disorder Subcommittee organized the “You can do it: Buprenorphine Prescribing in Primary Care” on Tuesday, July 9 at 7:00 pm. This program aims to allow physicians in the primary care setting who have successfully made OUD care part of their daily practice to share their experiences, resources they have used along the way, and empower attendees to start prescribing life-saving buprenorphine therapy more regularly in their practice.

ACP Leadership Day on Capitol Hill – May 2019

Stephanie Titus, MD


MA Delegation - Drs. Zoe Tseng, Aisha James, Akshay Kapoor, Elisa Choi, Shela Sridhar, Stephanie Titus, Hemal Sampat, and medical student Wanlu (Lulu) Xu

After two years of organizing and attending the Massachusetts ACP Advocacy Day, I was so excited to attend ACP Leadership Day in Washington D.C. Our first day in D.C. was filled with a variety of programs including a primer for medical students and residents, a panel of experts on health policy, and an inspiring message delivered by former Surgeon General and fellow Internist Vivek Murthy. As ACP members from across the country sat together as one, committed to presenting a united message in support of our patients, my excitement grew for the day to come.

The next day, I met with the offices of four Representatives and two Senators. One of our legislative initiatives related to prescription drug costs, an issue that directly affects many of the patients on my panel in the Chinatown neighborhood of Boston. I brought with me to D.C. the memory of my patient who recently passed away from complications of uncontrolled diabetes. Her death had an enormous impact on me - she was my first clinic patient to pass away and we had enjoyed a deep, therapeutic relationship. I wanted our legislators to see prescription drug prices not just as an economic issue, but also a personal issue - one that can deeply impact an individual's life. My patient was on a fixed income and the cost of insulin presented a daily challenge to her: to pay her bills or treat her diabetes. Unfortunately, she was often forced to go without insulin. I am proud when I think that her story could help motivate nationwide changes in health policy that will positively impact current and future patients. To me, that is the essence of advocacy. This experience left me even more dedicated to raise my voice on behalf of my patients. Our job as Internists does not end when we leave the clinic or the hospital. Care comes in many forms. We must use our voices to push for systemic changes - to use our position and experience to advocate for our patients whose voices may not be heard. ACP Leadership Day has solidified my commitment to advocacy, and I was honored to represent the Massachusetts Chapter.

My Experience testifying on behalf of MA ACP – Drug Cost Transparency

Anil Kumar Jha, MD

It was a privilege to represent MA ACP chapter at the State House on April 11 to testify in support of bill S.712 introduced by Senator Mark Montigny. This bill calls for prescription drug cost transparency by requiring drug manufacturers and pharmacy benefit managers to disclose the costs associated with a drug and gives the Attorney General authority to enforce the reporting.

It was my inaugural experience with giving testimony, and I am very grateful to Dr. Tseng and Dr. Choi for providing me with this opportunity. It was a bit intimidating for me as I have never given testimony before, but it was a great experience witnessing a glimpse of the vast process of policy making in our state. I was able to share my experience as a clinician to illustrate how rising drug price affects my clinical practice as well as overall wellbeing of my patients.

It was a full house at the testimony with supporters, NGOs, pharmaceutical executives along with senators and representatives making up the Health Care Financing Committee.

Kathleen Zhu and I both testified on behalf of MA ACP chapter. The hearing began at around 1:00 pm and lasted until 4:00 pm. We were the last group to be called to testify. We got 3 minutes to give our testimony.

I shared my experience with a young patient whom I took care of during my residency. He was treated for acute pericarditis and discharged on a short course of Ibuprofen along with 6 weeks of Colchicine. He was readmitted within a few weeks with worsening symptom as well as a new diagnosis of gastric ulcer due to overuse of Ibuprofen. Due to recent changes in Colchicine's generic status, its price has risen from 10 cents to $5 per tablet. My patient was not able to afford this medicine and continued to take Ibuprofen.

I explained to the Committee that the rapid increase in the price of such an old medication caused so much distress to a young, otherwise healthy patient, we can imagine the potential higher impact of significant drug price increases for patients with chronic illness.

After our testimony we did not receive any questions from the Committee.

During the hearing, Audra Riding (General Counsel for Senator Montigny) was with us the whole time and guided us through the hearing process.

Overall, it was an amazing experience and I look forward to further involvement in our Chapter's advocacy work.

“You can do it: Buprenorphine Prescribing in Primary Care”

Audrey Provenzano, MD, Chair, Opioid Use Disorder Subcommittee of the HPPC

On July 9, members of the MA ACP chapter gathered to hear a panel of internists including Beth Eagleson MD FACP, Ian Huntington MD MPH, and Paul Feiss MD, talk about their experiences integrating care for patients with opioid use disorder into their primary care practices. The panel was organized by the Opioid Use Disorder Subcommittee of HPPC titled, “You can do it: Buprenorphine Prescribing in Primary Care” and moderated by Dr. Audrey Provenzano. The discussion focused on a range of topics, from the practical considerations such as billing and the nuts and bolts of toxicology screening, to the deep, meaningful relationships that they have built with patients in recovery under their care. With support from national ACP, three video modules of the panel are available on our website at this link. .


Poster Day Programs for Residents/Fellows and Medical Students

Immigrant and Refugee Health Subcommittee Panel Discussion

Shela Sridhar, MD

On 10/19 Dr. Laura Janneck, an Emergency Medicine physician as well as Kathryn Condon, JD joined ACP for a Panel on Barriers to Healthcare for Immigrants and Refugees. They focused on the key points of caring for immigrant and refugee populations including the use of interpreters, documentation practices and understanding available resources. Finally, they emphasized the importance of working with a multidisciplinary team to provide complete medical and social care for our patients. It was a wonderful panel with robust learning for students, residents and faculty alike.


Dr. Shela Sridhar with Dr. Laura Janneck, an Emergency Medicine physician and Kathryn Condon, JD

Advocacy Education: How to Talk to Your Legislator


Advocacy Training with Dr. Hemal Sampat with panelists Dr. Beth Eagleson and Lulu Xu



Council of Early Career Physicians Update

Katie Jobbins, DO, FACP & Todd Kerensky, MD

The ECP sponsored “How to Re-Vitalize Your Early Career” on September 18th in Agawam, MA. It was our second Western Massachusetts event and was a success! Not only was the event very well attended, it provided tools participants could leave with on how to revitalize how we approach early career decisions and allowed for an opportunity for networking and socialization. We also took this time to highlight how trainees and early career physicians can benefit from ACP membership and ECP council involvement.


The ECP also sponsored a free CV review for participants at the Poster Competition October 19th and held a panel presentation at the annual meeting on November 9th in Waltham focused on how to approach the divide between inpatient and outpatient care for patients with substance use disorders.




Updates from the Council of Residents and Fellows

Prarthna Bhardwaj, MD and Aalok Khole, MD

We had a very successful Poster Day and Poster Competition at the Annual Chapter Meeting in November with excellent participation by residents across Massachusetts.

In addition to the poster competition, the Poster Day this year saw some additional opportunities for networking. These included a CV writing booth spearheaded by Dr. Katie Jobbins and Dr. Todd Kerensky; a reference letter-writing booth by Dr Judy Melin and our own Resident/Fellow Council booth with opportunities to interact with the council members regarding Advocacy Day and what the ACP Massachusetts had to offer.

We are planning to host a career fair in the spring of 2020, the details of which should be out in the next month. Please feel free to reach out with suggestions regarding what you think the Council and the Chapter, as a whole, can do to help navigate your careers through residency and fellowship.

We are also looking to expand our Council by 3-5 more members this coming year. So, watch out for an email blast from ACP Massachusetts regarding the announcement.

Our current members include: Prarthna Bhardwaj, MD – Baystate Medical Center, Springfield; Justin Lui, MD – Boston Medical Center, Boston; Masood Pasha Syed, MD – St. Vincent's Hospital, Worcester; Stephanie Titus, MD – Tufts Medical Center, Boston



The Massachusetts Chapter on Social Media

“Like” us on Facebook:
(American College of Physicians, Massachusetts Chapter)

Follow us on Twitter:
(ACP Massachusetts)

Follow MA ACP Governor on Twitter: @MAACPGovernor

Follow MA ACP Governor on Instagram: @maacpgovernor

“Like” the MA ACP Governor Page on Facebook: MAACPGovernor



New Members

The Chapter recognizes and congratulates the following physicians.


Thank you to our current Fellows who have served our chapter over the past 6 months by sponsoring our New Fellows listed here:

Nadia Ali, MD, FACP
Sik Kim Ang, MBBCh, FACP
Kashif Aslam, MD, FACP
Sarita Bajracharya, MD, FACP
Shobha A Chacko, MD, FACP
Aditya Chandrasekhar, MD, FACP
Lauren B Doctoroff, MD, FACP
John J Dowling, MD, FACP
Anita A Erler, MD, FACP
Benjamin P Geisler, MD, FACP
Megan Gerber, MD, FACP
Michael Golden, MD, FACP
David Z Grace, MD, FACP
Chandrika D Jain, MBBS, FACP
Kathryn A. M. Jobbins, DO, FACP
Nageshwar R Jonnalagadda, FHM, MD, FACP
Zahir Kanjee, MD, FACP
Anne F Liu, MD, FACP
Suzanne Martin, MD, FACP
Venkatrao Medarametla, MD, MBBS, FACP
David M Meenan, DO, FACP
Kriti Mittal, MBBS, FACP
Purushothaman Muthusamy, MD, FACP
Silvina B Padro, MD, FACP
Audrey M Provenzano, MD, FACP
Pritinder Saini, MD, FACP
Mahmoud M Sakr, MD, FACP
Rohan Sen, MD, FACP
Sonal Singh, MD, FACP
Carl G Streed Jr, MD, FACP
Amar Vedamurthy, MBBS, FACP
Cheryl K Warner, MD, FACP
Wei Yang, MD, FACP


You may be eligible to progress to Fellowship in the college. If you have never considered the same, please check out the ACP website . I strongly urge you to consider becoming a Fellow. We are happy to help with any questions that may arise if you do not find the information on the ACP website.


Taimur Abbasi, MD, MBBS Aanuoluwa Abiola, MD VADM Janice Acheampong, MBBCh John Adams, MD
Elaina Adderley, MD Ahmed M Agameya, MBBCH ABHIMANYU AGGARWAL, MD Gulrayz Ahmed, MD
Michelle Ahn, MD JAMAL AKHTAR, MBBS Bilal Alam, MBBS, MD John S Albin, MD, PhD
Joshua Allgaier, DO MaryBeth U Allian-Sauer, MD Lolwa Al-Obaid, MD Vibha Amblihalli, MD
Timothy Anderson, MD Kevin Anderson, DO Kanwal Anwar, MD Messalina Aquino, MD
Shahrukh Arif, MBBS Naveed Aslam, MD Gurdev Bajwa, MD Kenneth Barshop, MD
Marianne Bauer, MD Lindsey Bazzone, MD PhD Ma. Leonor B Beck, MD John Bedford, MD
Adam Berman, MD Rajarshi Bhadra, MBBS MD Neal Andrew Biddick, MD Mohammad Bilal, MBBS
Jonathan Bisaillon, MD Katherine Brooks, MD Fernando Herbert Calmet, MD Herman Carneiro, MBBS
Shaleen Chakyayil, MD Alexandra Charrow, MD Cindy Yen-chin Chen, MD Elizabeth M Cherella, MD
Gyu Cheol Choi, MD Devin Clark, MD Kristopher Clark, MD Anna Clarke, MD
Shea Cochi, MD Stephanie Corrado, MD Betsey Crawford, MD Megan R Curtis, MD
Sourbha S Dani, MD Jonathan Dau, MD Carine C Davila, MD Michael Davis, MD
DHRUV B Desai, MD,MBBS Michael Devine, DO Fusun Dikengil, MD Oanh Doan, DO
Bryan M Dolan, MD Peter Dorschner, MD Veena Dronamraju, MD Pantea Ebrahimpour, MD
Staci Eisenberg, MD Stephanie Eizember, MD Mehreen Elahee, MD Ahmed Elantably, MD
Nada Esa, MBChB Christopher Estiverne, MD Brittany Fiorello, MD Herrick Fisher, MD
Lydia Flier, MD Jose Freire, MD Evan Gale, MD Vikas Gampa, MD
Sarju Ganatra, MD Abdulhadi Gelaidan, MBBS Grant Goodrich, MD Eric R Gottlieb, MD
Ely Gracia, MD Salih N Grevious, MD Kristen Gunning, MD Houman Hajiseyedjavady, MD
Tahir Haque, MD Jill Harrington, MD Laura M Harrison, MD Julie Erika Haydu, MD
Thomas F Heyne, MD Erik Holzwanger, MD Laura Horton, MD Terry Huynh, MD
Eghosa Rosemary Idumwonyi, MD Fariha Ilyas, MD Aala Jaberi, AHP MBChB Jason Jacob, MD
Jumana Jaloudi, DO Tracian James-Goulbourne, MBBS Richard Joseph, MD Arun Kadamkulam Syriac, MD,MBBS
Alok Kapoor, MD Fotis Katsikeris, MD Sai Katta, MD Jocelyn Keehner, MD
Asad Khan, MD Krish Khatri, MD Alec G Kherlopian, MD Marina Kishlyansky, MD
David P Kispert, MD Johanna Klein, MD Laura Kolbe, MD Akosua Asantewaa Korboe
Thomas Ku, MD Ifedayo Kuye, MD Joshua Lang, MD Kamolyut Lapumnuaypol, MD
Dien Le, MD Seung Lee, MD Yonghyun Lee, MD Yijia Li, MD
Diana M Lopez, MD Alexander Ly, DO Natalya Maharaj, MD Suresh Mamidala, MBBS
Hashim Mann, MBBS MD Katie Markelz, DO Guilherme Marmontel Nasi, MD Stephany Matta, MD
Michelle Elizabeth Matzko, PhD Barani Mayilvaganan, MD Angela McLaughlin, MD Lauren Mendelson, DO
Kira Mengistu, MD Albana Bufi Mihali, MD Adam R Miller, MD Susan Grinstead Milliken, MD
Sandeep Mishra, MD Emilie Mitten, MD Ahmed Mohamed, MD Sudipta Mohanty, MD
Armenia Mordan, MD Mahmoud Mowafy, MD Sharleen K Mulliken, MD Neal Muni, MD
Naoka Murakami, MD, PhD Dermot Murphy, MD Nicole Mushero, MD Navya Nambudiri, MD
Guido A Navarra, MD Michael D Nelson, MD Aji Njie, MD Jean Luc Noel, MD
Cynthia A Norton, DO Chike Nwabuo, MD Kevin O’Day, MD Louis O’Dea, MBBCH
Emily Oken, MD Margaret Oliverio, MD Sreelakshmi Panginikkod, MD Marc Paranzino, MD
Krupa Patel, MD Davis Patel, MD Nishant A Patel, MD Vivek Patel, MBBS
Siddharth Patel, MD Carolina Perez Carrion, MD Carlos A Perez-Velazquez, MD Alyssa Peterkin, MD
Michael T Pham, DO Kristopher Philogene, MD Daniel Pipilas, MD Bryan Poole, MD
Yevgeniy Popov, MD Renu B Prakash, MD Jonathan Proulx, MD Ming Da Qu, MD
Lucas Rabeno Fasolo, MD Prashanth Rau, MD Niyoti Reddy, MD Meegan Remillard, MD
Sara-Grace Reynolds, MD Sarah Roderick, MD Margot Rogers, MD Benjamin Rome, MD
Jonah Rubin, MD Jose E Rubio Mosquera, MD Meghan Rudder Justine Ryu, MD
Shrein Saini, MD Priya Sapra, MD Dost Sarpel, MD Ruth Schulman, MD
Daryl Selen, MD Benjamin Joseph Seligman, MD Jayanthi Sethunarayanan, MBChB MD Narine Sharkhatunyan, MD
NITISH SHARMA, MD Jason Sherer, MD Chong Shou, MD William Shrauner, MD
Shreya Shrestha, MD Prateek Shukla, MBBS Raju Singla, MD Young Do Song, MD
Hans Stabenau, MD Maria Stamou, MD Eleni Stavrou, MD Zachary Strasser, MD
Kevin Su, MD Aida Taku, MD Sam Tanyos Debbie L Teodorescu, MD
Haley Thun, MD Kristine Torres-Lockhart, MD Frances Ue, MD Janaki D Vakharia, MD
Benjamin Vaughan, MD Shilpa Vijayakumar, MD Rebecca J Vitale, MD Danica M Vodopivec Kuri, MD
Venkat Lakshmi Kishan Vuddanda, MD Nathan Wass, MD Mohammed Wazir, MD Elisabeth Wilder, MD
Denise Wong, MD Joseph Wright, MD Yin Wu, MD Timothy Wymer, MD
Chih Chao Yang, MD Suresh Yarlagadda, MD Hira Zafar, MD Taufiq Nafis Zaman, MD
Aileen Zhen, DO      

Physician Affiliates

Abraham Brass, MD
Joshua Joseph, MD
Syed Mohsin Mazhar, MD

Thank you to all members of the MA ACP for your continued support. If you are looking for ways to engage with your local chapter, contact our Chapter Administrator, Lynda Layer at or 781-434-7317.
