When is the submission deadline to submit my presentation? All presentations should be created as a Voice-Over-PowerPoint Presentation and then saved as an MP4 file. All presentations should be submitted by Wednesday, March 31, 2021, at 11:59 PM EST. Instructions on how to submit your presentation will be emailed. Your email will contain a unique shared-folder link where your presentation should be saved. Please note, there is no limit on the number of slides but there is a time limit for each presentation.
- Early Career Presentations – 8 minute time limit
- Resident/Fellow Presentations – 8 minute time limit
- Medical Student Presentations – 6 minute time limit
Please note that Early Career Presentations include content from the Abstracts Competition and the Certificate in Physician Leadership Program.
How do I create a Voice-Over PowerPoint Presentation saved to the MP4 format? See step-by-step instructions.
How will the Virtual Presentations for Winning Abstracts take place? All presentations will be posted to a special section of ACP’s website by early May. You will receive a notification when your presentation is posted.
Will my original abstract be published? Your abstract will be included on a PDF that will be available on ACP’s website. The PDF file will include all winning and finalist abstracts in both the Research and Clinical Vignette categories.
How can I cite my selection on my CV? For information on how to create an APA Style Reference for a canceled conference presentation, please visit https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/canceled-conferences.
What if I have questions? Please contact ACP Abstracts Program at 800-ACP-1915, ext. 2666, or direct at 215-351- 2666, or via e-mail at abstracts@acponline.org.