The Need to Move Beyond the SGR
In a statement for the record, the American College of Physicians (ACP) will propose a comprehensive, step-by-step plan to transition from the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula and fee-for-service payments to broad adoption of new models to align incentives with better value for patients. Copies of ACP's statement will be available at the hearing or on ACP's web page.
When: May 5, 2011, 10:00 a.m.
Where: 2123 Rayburn House Office Building,
Why: The Subcommittee will examine potential models to reimburse physicians under the Medicare program that focuses on value and quality.
David B. Kinsman, APR
Jackie Blaser
The American College of Physicians is the largest medical specialty organization and the second-largest physician group in the United States. ACP members include 130,000 internal medicine physicians (internists), related subspecialists, and medical students. Internists specialize in the prevention, detection, and treatment of illness in adults. Follow ACP on Twitter and Facebook.