In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- UW School of Medicine Welcomes Dr. Robert M. Monger as the New Wyoming WWAMI Assistant Dean for Clinical Medical Education
- Thank you Dr. Tracy!
- Save the Date!
- Welcome New Members
- Wyoming Chapter Financial Report
- Spring 2020 BOG Resolutions Update
- Advocacy
- Information for Internists

Robert M. Monger, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Dear Colleagues,
Internists–doctors for adults–are joined in the Wyoming Chapter, to speak for Internal Medicine and to reflect the interests and concerns of our specialty. If you are an internist in Wyoming but are not yet an ACP member, I invite you to browse our site to learn more about the College and our activities in the state.
The Wyoming Chapter has a rich history of supporting the goal of the ACP to promote better patient care by educating and informing policy makers, patients, and fellow physicians.
My hope is that this site makes it easy for physicians in our area to learn about and participate in the activities of our chapter. I encourage you to be an active member of our chapter.
As Governor, I have the responsibility of representing our Chapter to the national organization; encouraging internists in our state to become members and members to advance to Fellowship; recognizing members; encouraging input and action on national and local political issues effecting the environment of internal medicine; and hosting local scientific meetings and CME events.
I am proud to represent the Wyoming Chapter and always enjoy the opportunity of meeting the talented and dedicated internists in our state.
This site represents our link to internists in Wyoming and the nation and will keep you updated on our activities and provide names and addresses so that you can contact me, other chapter leaders, and fellow chapter members as the need arises.
If you have ideas for useful information we could include at this site or more importantly–how the Chapter can enhance your professional life–I would like to hear from you.
I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.
Robert M. Monger, MD, FACP
Wyoming Chapter Governor
UW School of Medicine Welcomes Dr. Robert M. Monger as the New Wyoming WWAMI Assistant Dean for Clinical Medical Education
(Full press release available on the chapter website)
Robert Monger, M.D., F.A.C.P., has been named the new clinical dean for Wyoming WWAMI. He is succeeding Dr. Larry Kirven and will begin on August 1, 2020.
Dr. Monger, raised in Cheyenne, WY, is an internist with the Cheyenne Regional Medical Group. He has been active in medical education for more than 20 years, and specifically with the UW School of Medicine (UWSOM) since the mid-2000s. He currently serves as an instructor/lecturer for UWSOM's Wyoming WWAMI Foundations curriculum. In the past he has been a UWSOM clerkship director, and a clinical preceptor for UWSOM's Rural/Underserved Opportunities Program (RUOP). Dr. Monger is also currently a member of the Wyoming Medical Society-WWAMI Advisory Committee and is a former chair of UWSOM's Wyoming WWAMI Medical School Admissions Committee.
Thank you Dr. Tracy!

Thank you to Dr. Tracy for the leadership, energy, and inspiration you have given so willingly to the Wyoming Chapter of the American College of Physicians.
During your term as Governor, the Wyoming Chapter's membership grew 5%! The Chapter was the recipient of the Chapter Excellence Award every year of your Governorship. You were instrumental in developing an Annual Chapter Meeting as a standalone meeting, not in conjunction with another association. You helped build a new Hospitalist Committee, setup a webinar MOC session for members and attend Leadership Day to meet with Wyoming legislators.
Thank you so much for your commitment to internal medicine and the American College of Physicians.
Save the Date!
Wyoming Chapter Meeting
October 16, 2020, Laramie
(date & location subject to change due to COVID-19)
More information available soon!
Welcome New Members
Elise Lowe, MD - Cody
Kathlene Mondanaro, DO PhD - Cheyenne
Kelsey Tuttle,Medical Student - Cheyenne
Khizran Rizvi, MD - Casper
Kim Slight, MD - Cody
Larissa Siirila, Medical - Laramie
Prasangika K Ranasinghe, MD - Cheyenne
Ryan Winchell, Medical Student - Laramie
Steven Burgess, MD - Cheyenne
Taryn A Young, Resident/Fellow - Laramie
Wyoming Chapter Financial Report
As of May 1, 2020, the financial statements show a total income of $13,877.00 and total expenses of $11,132.16, with a net income of $2744.84.
Spring 2020 BOG Resolutions Update
Resolutions initially proposed for debate at the spring 2020 BOG Meeting have been postponed for discussion until the fall. For a complete list of the resolutions, please visit the chapter website.

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Resources from ACP to help practices deal with the changing situation under COVID-19 are available on the COVID-19 Practice Management Resources pages.
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Enroll in the Advocates for Internal Medicine Network (AIMn)
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Information for Internists
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Check ACP's COVID-19 Resource Hub for tools and updated information
ACP Podcasts - https://www.acponline.org/node/305486

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