Wyoming Governor's Newsletter July 2021

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Robert M. Monger, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Robert M. Monger, MD, FACP, ACP Governor


Governor's Message

On May 26th I participated in the ACP 2021 Leadership Day, which was all virtual this year after being completely cancelled last year, and I was able to meet virtually with all three of our Wyoming congressional offices. Dr. Rafiq was set to join me but then got called in at the last minute to cover a hospitalist shift at Wyoming Medical Center and so it was just me this year, but I had great conversations with staff members at all three offices and Senator Barrasso joined in for the meeting with his staff. We are very fortunate to live in a small state where we have fairly direct access to our congressional representatives and I do think that they listen to our input. ACP Leadership Day is an annual event held every spring in Washington D.C. and hopefully we'll be able to gather in person in 2022, and I would encourage each of you to consider joining me in Washington next year for a day of lobbying (followed by a little sight-seeing and dinner at a swank restaurant!)

Hopefully by now you've received the save the date postcard for our Wyoming Chapter Scientific Meeting which will be held Friday October 15th in Laramie on campus in the WWAMI classrooms. We plan to have a full day of events that day, and then on Saturday the 15th there is a home UW football game scheduled against Fresno State (the game time as I write this hasn't been announced yet). Thanks to Ian Hunter for working so hard again this year to organize our meeting.

You've probably seen that the newest MKSAP edition, MKSAP 19, is being released in 2021. I'm a big fan of MKSAP, and one interesting thing that I heard recently is that this may be the last distinct edition to be released; it sounds like ACP is going to be moving to a subscription-based model so that by 2024 or 2025 MKSAP may look more like Up to Date in terms of being a web-based subscription. More to come, but any change won't be for at least a few years.

As chapter governor I am a member of the ACP's Board of Governors which meets twice per year, and our next meeting will be in September. The BOG has been meeting virtually during the pandemic but we heard this week that our meeting will be in person in Boston this fall which I am very excited about- I haven't been on an airplane since 2019.

One final bit of news is that Carrie tells me that we are on track to achieve the silver level chapter excellence award for 2021! I wish that I could claim some credit for this achievement but Carrie has truly done all the work. Thanks to her for her outstanding efforts at keeping me and our chapter on track.

Have a great summer and see you in Laramie in October! Rob Monger



2021 Wyoming Chapter Meeting


Highlights include:

  • Rheumatology Update & Pearls for Primary Care
  • Dementia Update
  • Physician Resilience &Meaningful Juice
  • Ten Key Takeaways for Mental Health Prescribing and Care Coordination Strategies
  • Infectious Disease Update
  • WWAMI Teaching When Time Is Limited
  • Immunization Update
  • Wyoming Cowboys vs Fresno State Bulldogs Football Game

Registration available soon: wychapter.acponline.org



Wyoming Chapter Awards: Call for Nominations


Do you have a mentor, colleague, or peer deserving recognition?

The Wyoming Chapter Awards Committee would appreciate your assistance in recognizing our chapter members that have made outstanding contributions in the practice of medicine, teaching, research, public service, leadership, and medical volunteerism.

The recipients will be honored during the Wyoming Chapter Scientific Meeting, Friday, October 15, 2021

Please review the list of chapter awards and submit your nomination to Carrie Reisig, creisig33@gmail.com, by Friday, September 24th.

Woman Physician of the Year
Teacher of the Year
Early Career Physician Award
Hospitalist Award, Resident of the Year
Volunteerism Award
Internist of the Year
Medical Student of the Year.



Welcome our New Members!

Elizabeth Marshall, Lander WY
Robert White, DO, Powell, WY



Call for Spring 2022 Board of Governors Resolutions


Are you concerned about a practice or clinical issue or have an idea you'd like to suggest? If so, you might consider submitting a resolution to your Governor or chapter council.

Initiating a resolution provides ACP members an opportunity to focus attention at the ACP national level on a particular issue or topic that concerns them. Participating in the Board of Governors resolutions process provides the ACP grassroots member a voice and allows you to shape College policy that impacts the practice of internal medicine. When drafting a resolution, don't forget to consider how well it fits within ACP's Mission and Goals. In addition, be sure to use the College's Priority Themes to guide you when proposing a resolution topic.

Not sure how to begin drafting a resolution? Researching the College's position on an issue can give you a start. Visit the ACP Online homepage and click the “Advocacy” link in the right-hand, top margin to access ACP policy positions, read about recent ACP advocacy activities, or search ACP's library of policies and recommendations. Visit your chapter website, too, and click the link under “Advocacy” to access Electronic Resolutions System (ERS) where you can search past or proposed resolutions. A copy of the resolutions process is available on the ERS, which furnishes more details on formatting resolutions, as well the process for submission, review, and approval.

Members must submit resolutions to their Governor and/or chapter council. A resolution becomes a resolution of the chapter once the chapter council approves it. If effecting change interests you, the deadline for submitting new resolutions to be heard at the Spring 2022 Board of Governors Meeting is October 4, 2021.

Share your good idea with us. Draft a resolution.



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Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ACPWyoming/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ACPWYChapter
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/wyomingacp/
