The Wellness Task Force of the ACP Tennessee Chapter would like to ask for your help in addressing the issue of clinician satisfaction and burnout through our annual Physician Wellness Survey.
To direct our focus, we ask that you complete this brief survey so we can determine where members lie along the continuum of professional satisfaction. Using this data, we plan to develop targeted interventions to improve member satisfaction, well-being and engagement. This year we are also giving away prizes to three lucky participants. Complete the survey for your chance to win FREE Chapter Meeting Registration or $100 Amazon Gift Card!
Take the brief survey by clicking this link.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary, and all answers are confidential. Results will be used only in aggregate, without identifying a particular individual.
The results will be presented at the 2018 ACPTN Chapter Meeting, which will be held October 26-27 in Chattanooga. View the full meeting information and registration link on the chapter web site.
We sincerely appreciate your assistance in completing this important survey. If you have any problems or questions, please e-mail Renee Arnott.
Tracey E. Doering, MD, FACP
Governor, ACP Tennessee Chapter