Fadel Nammour, MD, FACP, ACP Governor
ACP Governor-Elect Candidates, Nominations Due by April 14, 2021
As you know, the ACP national office is conducting a Governor-Elect election for our chapter this year. The Local Nominations Committees will be responsible for identifying up to two candidates who are willing and able to serve a four-year term (April 2023 - April 2027), in addition to a year of training as Governor-elect (April 2022 - April 2023).
We are looking for a dynamic leader who exhibits integrity, shows commitment to the College and demonstrates dedication to the Chapter and the medical community. The successful candidate will work with Chapter members and with leaders in internal medicine at the national level. A Governor typically spends several hours per week on College Business with the support of executive administrative staff. Serving as an ACP Governor can be an extremely rewarding and life changing experience.
Click here to view the Governor Job Responsibilities
Only ACP MACPs and Fellows are eligible for consideration. If you would like to submit the name of a colleague or self-nominate, please send the name and contact information to Neville Alberto
All potential candidate information must be submitted by Wednesday April 14, 2021.
Virtual Leadership Day 2021 - May 25-26, 2021
Leadership Day 2021 will be held virtually this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Please join us for an exciting virtual program that will include educational briefings, lively Q&A, and an opportunity to meet virtually with your members of Congress.
This event is open to ACP members only. ACP members interested in participating in Leadership Day 2021 should contact their chapter Governor to let him/her know of your interest and to be included in the chapter delegation congressional meetings. A $25 registration fee will be charged to attendees at the time of registration, with the exception of medical student and resident/fellows in-training members, who are exempt.
Learn more about the virtual Leadership Day 2021 . If you have further questions, please contact Shuan Tomlinson or at 800-338-2746, ext. 4547.