Arizona Governor's Newsletter September 2020

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Priya Radhakrishnan, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Priya Radhakrishnan, MD, FACP, ACP Governor


From the Governor

Dear ACP Arizona Members,

Summer has been in full swing- and we have had to cope with summer, pandemic style. We are all thankful that the COVID cases in Arizona have been dropped. It is imperative that we continue to take all precautions not to slide back into the abyss again.

We want to thank all our members who have been caring for our community during these difficult times–send us a message if you want to recognize internists who have led the COVID fight via our social media- @ArizonaACP (Twitter) and @ACPArizona (FaceBook).

And most importantly- please register to vote.

Voting Deadlines

The deadline to register in person to vote is Monday, October 5, 2020.

The deadline to request a ballot by mail is (received by) Friday, October 23, 2020.

Doctors are less likely to vote- let's change that Arizona!



Annual Meeting

We have been very active, planning our annual meeting and I sincerely hope that you will join us. Dr Viet Do, our planning committee chair, has an exciting agenda – spread out over 5 days. The meeting will be held virtually - September 12, October 23-24, November 14, December 12. This year's theme is “Transitions of Care.”

Please register for the meeting. We look forward to receiving a record number of submissions!!! Residents & students please get your thinking and research hats on!



Medical Students

ACP Arizona is excited to share that we are hosting a virtual round table with the Deans and Program Directors on October 23. Our goal is to help our students prepare for the 2021 Match.



Residents & Fellows

Our chapter is seeking resident and fellows members, including a Chair of our Resident & Fellow committee. Our chapter has many opportunities to get involved, develop leadership skills, voice opinions, engage in debates, and attend local events.

Please send us a note at if you're interested.




During these stressful times, it is very important for us to care for ourselves. I would like to welcome Dr. Melanie Cloonan-Shulte and Dr. Shradha Gupta, who will be the chair and co-chair for our Wellbeing Committee. We look forward to developing a robust wellbeing program for our members. If you would like to join our committee- please email us at

We would also like to share a peer support initiative from ArMA, our partner organization. Click here for more information.



ACP Arizona Ricardo Correa, MD, FACP Recognized During National Hispanic Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month started September 15th and is celebrated through October 15th. Congratulations to our own Ricardo Correa, MD, FACP who is recognized in the Cell Press list as one of 100 Inspiring Hispanic/Latinx Scientists in America! Dr. Correa is a member of ACP's Council of Early Career Physicians; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee; and Education Committee. He also serves on the ACP Arizona Governor's Advisory Council and is Chair of Arizona's Council of Early Career Physicians. Congratulations Dr. Correa!



Membership Initiatives

Plan for applying for Fellowship?

Fellowship in the College is an honor. Being an FACP® is a distinction earned from colleagues who recognize your accomplishments and achievements over and above the practice of medicine. The most important considerations for ACP Fellowship are excellence and contributions made to both medicine and to the broader community in which you live and practice. Check your eligibility here.



New Fellows within the Last Six Months

We would like to acknowledge the newest Fellows in the ACP Arizona Chapter:

Constantia A. Abarikwu, MD, FACP

Kristina G. Balangue, MD, FACP

Deb K. Banerjee, MD, FACP

Charles M. Daniel, MD, FACP

Matthew L. Dunn, MD, FACP

Ramina Jajoo, MD, FACP

Gerald Muthu, MD, FACP

Venkata R. P. Rokkam, MBBS, FACP

Dana Sall, MD, FACP

Erica P. Turse, DO, MPH, FACP



Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

We hosted our first session on DEI – and featured Dr Alex White, Schindler's List survivor who has been a member of ACP since the 1950s. The webinar recording can be found here.

And, our annual meeting will feature Dr. Tracey Henry and Dr. Ricardo Correa, who will both speak about racism in and the importance of diversity and inclusion.
