In this Issue:
- Governor's Message
- CP Award Grant to Help Combat Nation's Opioid Crisis
- Only ACP Offers Board Review Prep Courses with a 30-Year Record of Success
- Take the Pledge to Reduce Firearm-related Harm
- ACP Leadership Academy
- Formal Leadership Training
- New Program! Certificate in Physician Leadership for Hospital Medicine
- Resources for Resident/Fellow Members
- Free ACP Webinars
- What is Leadership Day?

J. Thomas Dorsey, III, MD FACP, ACP Governor
Governor's Message
Please join me in congratulating Laura Davisson MD MPH FACP, the Governor-Elect of the West Virginia Chapter of the ACP. Dr.Davisson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at West Virginia University, where she serves as Associate Program Director, for the Internal Medicine Residency, as well as Clinic Director for the WVU Center of Excellence in Women's Health. She holds board certification in Internal Medicine and Obesity Medicine. She has a wealth of experience in our chapter, including service on the Governor's Advisory Council, chairing our Chapter Meeting, serving on the Chapter Meeting Committee and judging the Abstract Competition and serving as faculty advisor to the Internal Medicine Interest Group (IMIG) at WVU, Morgantown.
The ACP National Meeting will be held in New Orleans, LA, from April 19-21, 2018.
Congratulations to the Abstract competition winners for our Chapter, who will be presenting their posters at the ACP National Meeting: Hassaan Yasin, Mustafa Bhaty and Obadah Aqtash.
Congratulations to the Marshall University Doctor's Dilemma Team, who will be representing us at the National Competition: Mohammed Megri, Hesham Awadh, Yazan Numan, and Brandon Shiflett.
CP Award Grant to Help Combat Nation's Opioid Crisis
ACP received a $50,000 sub-award from the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) to help combat the nation's opioid crisis. The grant is part of $24 million in funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for a new Technical Assistance (TA) effort. The effort will focus on the specific needs of states and local jurisdictions to address the opioid crisis in their areas.
ACP's role will be to support recruitment of ACP members to work with AAAP's coalition and to identify local medical champions. These medical champions will offer expertise on using a quality improvement framework for tackling the challenges associated with the reduction of opioid use, support local and regional participation in the program, and serve in an advisory capacity for the broader program.
In March 2017, ACP released a position paper, “Health and Public Policy to Facilitate Effective Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders Involving Illicit and Prescription Drugs “ that recommended treating substance use disorders as chronic medical conditions through public and individual health interventions.
Only ACP Offers Board Review Prep Courses with a 30-Year Record of Success
ACP's Internal Medicine Board Review prep courses are completely board-centric and backed with a guarantee. With hundreds of practice questions, test-taking strategies, and alignment with the ABIM exam blueprint, these courses cover what exam takers need to know. Each course is taught by a faculty of clinician educators, all experts in their fields. The variety of highly regarded generalists and subspecialists ensures an engaging and dynamic experience.
Registration includes a full-color, downloadable syllabus for review before and after the course. Attendees also receive a free ACP Board Review Flashcard app as a bonus. More information is available on ACPOnline.org.
Take the Pledge to Reduce Firearm-related Harm
With news of more children killed in a school shooting, many are again asking how we can stop firearm-related harm. As physicians, there is something each of us can actually do. We can recognize risks and try to reduce them. Use this copy to urge your ACP chapter members to take the pledge.
ACP Leadership Academy
The ACP Leadership Academy provides members with training and resources to prepare you for leadership roles in your organization and in the greater healthcare environment.
Formal Leadership Training
In partnership the American Association for Physician Leadership, ACP offers live meetings, faculty-led online courses, and self-study modules to help fill gaps in your leadership knowledge and to build your CV - all while earning CME.
- ACP members receive the American Association for Physician Leadership member rate on all courses plus an additional 15% on selected courses.
- Earn ACP Certificates of Completion for each course you finish.
- Courses count toward becoming a Certified Physician Executive (CPE) or toward a master's degree program in medical management from one of four prestigious universities.
- Topics include strategic thinking, financial decision-making, managing physician performance, marketing, ethics, and more. Register today for the following instructor-led courses:
- Managing Physician Performance
- Techniques of Financial Decision Making
- Three Faces of Quality
Learn more about all of the available courses offered through the ACP Leadership Academy.
New Program! Certificate in Physician Leadership for Hospital Medicine
The ACP Leadership Academy is pleased to announce the new Certificate in Physician Leadership for Hospital Medicine program, jointly offered by the American College of Physicians and the American Association for Physician Leadership.
Resources for Resident/Fellow Members
The ACP Leadership Academy recognizes that residents and fellows-in-training face unique challenges in mapping out their professional goals. In partnership with the American Association for Physician Leadership, the College has developed a program to address the specific needs of Resident/Fellow Members.
Free ACP Webinars
As a supplement to the formal education program that ACP offers in partnership the American Association for Physician Leadership, the ACP Leadership Academy offers a series of free online webinars on leadership topics relevant to internal medicine. These webinars provide both an educational experience and a discussion forum so that ACP members can learn, pose questions, and share ideas with leaders in the internal medicine field.
Registration is now open for the next free ACP Leadership Academy webinar.
Title: The Myths in Time Management
Date / Time: Wednesday, May 2, 2018 | 3:00 pm ET
Description/Speaker: Join speaker Elizabeth Leilani Lee, MD, FACP, as she discusses strategies and best practices for successful time management.
Dr. Lee is an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine in the section of General Internal Medicine at Temple University. She graduated from Drexel University School of Medicine and completed her residency at Temple University. Her interest is in medical education and currently serves as an Associate Program director for the internal Medicine Residency program at Temple University Hospital.
WV Chapter Meeting - October 18-20, 2018 Stonewall Resort, Roanoke,WV
Leadership Day - May 22-23,2018 Washington,DC
What is Leadership Day?
Leadership Day 2018 on Capitol Hill
May 22-23, 2018, Washington, DC
Leadership Day is the College's annual two-day advocacy event in Washington, DC that enables our members from across the country to bring our issues of concern to U.S. lawmakers. This is a great opportunity for the College and our members to bring our policy priorities to Congress and try to influence the legislative process on behalf of internal medicine.
How can you benefit from Leadership Day?
In addition to having an opportunity to meet with your legislators and staff in Washington, DC, participants are provided with in-depth briefings from White House officials, Capitol Hill staffers, and members of Congress; all of whom are among the top health care decision makers.
Participants will also:
- Receive a comprehensive orientation on ACP's top legislative priorities.
- Earn Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits.
- Learn advocacy skills that can be utilized back home.
- Meet other internists who care about advocacy, including colleagues from your own state.
- Learn about policy issues that impact your profession and your ability to provide quality care.
- Get to know ACP leaders and staff.
- Socialize and have a great time!