Obesity Management 2: Pharmacotherapy

Obesity Management Learning Series

Safely pursue pharmacotherapy for obesity by supporting evidence-based prescription of medications for people with obesity, avoiding medication-induced weight gain and initiating medication-facilitated weight loss as part of a complete treatment plan. After completing this activity, learners will be able to:

  • Identify prescription and over-the-counter medications that may promote weight gain.
  • Describe the mechanisms of action of FDA-approved antiobesity medications.
  • Identify adverse effect profiles, medical contraindications, and drug-drug interactions of antiobesity medications.
  • Review strategies for recommending medications for weight loss as part of a complete treatment plan that includes lifestyle modifications and may include metabolic and bariatric surgery.

The learning series is complemented by patient education materials specifically designed to bolster your recommendations and support patient commitment and success.

This module offers both CME credit and MOC points free to members and for a small fee to nonmembers.

The 2024 rerelease of ACP's module Obesity Management Series includes updated information and provides an additional learning and credit earning opportunity for learners who claimed credit for earlier versions.

NONMEMBERS: Note that CME/MOC for this activity is a free benefit for ACP members. Nonmembers who wish to submit for CME/MOC must pay a $25 processing fee by clicking “Learn More/Buy.”

The obesity management learning curriculum is supported by an educational grant from Novo Nordisk Inc.


Up to 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™ and MOC Points
Expires April 07, 2027   active


Free to Members


Interactive Multi-Media


Obesity Management Learning Series

ACP's comprehensive Obesity Management curriculum is comprised of three web-based modules that offer practical guidance to support physicians and their medical team in treating patients with overweight and obesity. The goal of the curriculum is to increase physicians’ confidence in initiating patient conversations and providing counseling on treatment options to patients with obesity.