ACP Knowledge Resources for ABIM Recertification Modules

As a benefit of membership, ACP is pleased to provide direct access to the knowledge resources you trust most to assist you in the completion of the General Internal Medicine ABIM Recertification Modules.

We have compiled a specific collection of ACP knowledge resources for ABIM Recertification Modules. Simply select a module, then a section within that module, and you'll be connected instantly to ACP knowledge that will directly help you answer the question.

If you are a member of ACP, get started now. Please note that you will need to log in with your ACP username/password. If you are not currently an ACP member, please consider joining ACP.

A Representative list includes:

Clinical Skills Module 86-A.6-3
2010 Update in Hospital-Based Internal Medicine: Module A0-K; Version 10-1
2010 Update in Office-Based Internal Medicine: Module C0-K; Version 10-1
2011 Update in Internal Medicine: Module C0-L; Version 11-1
2011 Update in Hospital Medicine: Module 83L1101
2011 Update in Hospital Medicine: Module 83L1102
2012 Update in Internal Medicine: Module C0-M; Version 12-2
2012 Update in Hospital Medicine: Module 83M1201
2012 Update in Internal Medicine: Module C0-M; Version 12-3

Select an ABIM PIM Module:

ACP Knowledge Resources
The ACP knowledge resources utilized in this application include:

  • MKSAP (currently including content from MKSAP 16)
  • PIER- online "point-of-care" clinical decision support resource available free to ACP members
  • Annals of Internal Medicine - online access to current and past issues of the premier journal of Internal Medicine
  • ACP Books - content from 14 ACP books and 2 books distributed by ACP