In this Issue:
- From The Governor
- Highlights from the National ACP Meeting
- Hot Topics
- New Masters, Fellows, and Members
- Mark Your Calendar

Lt Col Angelique N. Collamer, MC, USAF, FACP, ACP Governor
From The Governor
Greetings to everyone and welcome to the Spring 2021 Air Force ACP Chapter newsletter and updates. First, I would like to say a big Thank You to all who supported me in the last year of Governor-Elect training, especially Dr. Carroll who graciously passed the helm of your Air Force ACP chapter through a year of virtual meetings. I am delighted to be taking over as your ACP Governor for the next four years and hope to carry on in the successful tradition of the Air Force Governors who preceded me.
During the past 18 months, we have all successfully struggled together as military physicians, working through an unpredictable pandemic, supporting our patients, fostering our trainees at all levels and being present in our communities. We have learned to do almost everything through videoconferencing but have missed the personal interactions with our colleagues and our patients. During these times, I have found our ACP chapter and colleagues a key path to meaningfully connect with like-minded physicians who share the core principles and values that inspired me to pursue a career in internal medicine. I hope you will also find in our chapter a professional home that will help you combat the isolation and symptoms of burnout we all face while working under increasingly complex conditions.
While we are unable to meet in-person for our upcoming Tri-Service ACP annual meeting, our planning committee is working hard on an event that will provide not only a fantastic educational experience, but an opportunity to engage with others in a small group setting with discussion and collaboration. I hope you will be able to join us from 7 to 10 September! Be on the lookout for registration information coming to your email boxes soon.
Lastly, congratulations to all who presented at the National ACP meeting in April and the Future of IM meeting for trainees in May. Scholarly activity is difficult under normal circumstances, but especially challenging under pandemic conditions. Please commend those featured below and let me know of others who should be included here!
I understand the realities of our current significant time and activity pressures that have eroded our ability to engage as a group and aim to make my communications brief and meaningful. Do not hesitate to reach out and let me know how your ACP chapter can best support you in these busy times in whatever phase of your career you may find yourself in. Best wishes for a smooth transition for those PCS-ing, deploying, graduating, changing jobs or holding down the clinic during the summer season. Aim high!
Highlights from the National ACP Meeting
Many of us participated in the virtual National ACP meeting in April and in the Future I.M. Experience for trainees in May. Below are some of the outstanding accomplishments of our members. I apologize if you were there and are not recognized; do send me your achievements and those of your teammates for featuring here!

First, our own Dr. John Hunninghake and Army ACP member Cyrus Askin presented a wonderfully informative and timely lecture “Manual Prone Positioning 101 for Intubated and Non-intubated Patients” with a fantastic video highlighting our ICU team at BAMC. Thanks for making military medicine shine on the national stage!
Capt Steven Gibson was selected as one of the Virtual Poster winners. His poster Characterizing Multiple Myeloma in Adolescent and Young Adults was selected from hundreds of poster submissions nationally. A truly remarkable accomplishment! Thank you to our member Major Blair DeStefano for her mentorship!

Capt Elena Segre was selected as a virtual poster presenter for “Fibromuscular Dysplasia After Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection in an Active Duty Officer.”

We had a fantastic showing from our Wright Patterson Doctor's Dilemma team, Dr. Joe Yuhas, Dr. David DeMasters and Dr. Brian Elliott, congratulations all! Thanks to their chief resident Dr. Jessica John, for coaching!

Congratulations to all who participated in both meetings!
The combined AF/Army/Navy chapter meeting will be held virtually from 8 to 10 September 2021 with an optional pre-course and Doctor's Dilemma championship planned for 7 September. Dr. Hawley-Malloy (Army Governor), Dr. Tschanz (Navy Governor) and I sincerely hope that you will choose this meeting as your annual educational meeting and take advantage of the CME and MOC opportunities. We will once again have a dynamic group of speakers as well as breakout sessions, poster/podium presentations and awards and recognitions of our outstanding colleagues. It will be an exciting event and I hope to see many of you there! Be on the lookout for registration information coming to your registered ACP email addresses soon.
The meeting will also provide us an opportunity to meet as an Air Force chapter for updates on our chapter activities, to review chapter finances, discuss future plans and opportunities for chapter involvement and to hold a townhall meeting. I invite all chapter members to attend and look forward to our meeting! You can reach me at angiecollamer@gmail.com for any tri-service meeting or chapter questions that arise.
The abstract submission portal for the 2021 Tri-Service ACP Conference for Residents, Fellows, and Early Career Physicians (ECP) has opened!
There will be 5 categories of abstracts accepted:
- Basic (Bench) Research
- Clinical Research
- Quality Improvement/Process Improvement
- Clinical Vignette
- High Value Care
As in years past, all Resident abstracts for podium/poster competitions should be selected at the program level. Each program will select their top resident abstract for each of the categories, and submit them directly to the abstract coordinators via e-mail at army.airforce.acp.abstracts@gmail.com
All Fellow and ECP abstracts, as well as noncompetition Resident abstracts, should be submitted directly from the authors to the ACP abstract portal
Authors should select their desired category from the list above.
All Fellow and ECP abstracts, as well as Resident abstracts not selected for competition will be considered for a podium presentation in a subspecialty breakout session OR for the open (non-competition) poster session.
Subspecialty Breakout Sessions:
- General IM
- Cardiology
- Pulmonology/ Critical Care
- Nephrology
- Gastroenterology
- Infectious Disease
- Rheumatology
- Hematology/Oncology
- Endocrinology
- Operational/Military Medicine
- COVID-19
- Women in Medicine
Please consider submitting to the new COVID-19 and second annual Women in Medicine breakout sessions.
The final deadline for submission will be COB Friday, 9 July 2021. We are looking forward to seeing your work!
Annual Awards Nominations
It's that time of the year when we solicit our members to recognize the exceptional colleagues among us! If you know an Air Force ACP member deserving of one of the following awards, please email Dr. Smith the nominee's CV as well as a one page memo from the nominator detailing their accomplishments that deserve recognition. Award winners will be announced at the virtual Tri-Service ACP Meeting in September 2021.
PROSPECTIVE AWARDS (with description of eligibility criteria):
Major General Archie Hoffman Award for Distinguished Early Career Physician (ECP): Awarded to an Air Force ACP Chapter member who has completed residency in Internal Medicine and is in the first 16 years of their clinical and professional development who has excelled in their service to their patients, military treatment facility (MTF), and the United States Air Force Medical Corps.
- Two members are potentially eligible for this award: one ECP serving at an “Academic” MTF and one at a “Field” MTF. Please specify which award the applicant is being nominated for.
Lieutenant General (ret) (Dr.) Monte Miller Award for Distinguished Early Career Physician (ECP) in Research: Awarded to an Air Force ACP Chapter member who has completed residency in Internal Medicine and is in the first 16 years of their clinical and professional development who has excelled in medical research. This award honors the late Lt. Gen. (Dr.) Miller who spearheaded the incorporation of research and teaching in the Air Force Medical Service.
Colonel (ret) (Dr.) George Crawford Award for Distinguished Medical Educator: Awarded to an Air Force ACP Chapter member between the rank of senior Major to Colonel who has distinguished themselves in academic / teaching endeavors of medical professionals during their tenure in the Air Force Medical Service.
The deadline for submission is 30 June 2021. For more information or questions, please email myself or Dr. Smith.
Hot Topics
Make Your Voice Heard – ABMS Draft Standards for Continuing Certification
The American College of Physicians (ACP) continues to advocate for Board Certification policies and procedures that reduce burden and improve certification value. We have been pleased with some recent changes related to this advocacy, including the American Board of Internal Medicine's (ABIM) extension of all maintenance of certification (MOC) requirement deadlines through 2022.
ACP now encourages all internists to make their voices heard by reviewing and providing feedback on new American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) draft standards for continuing certification. The feedback received will guide and inform the development of the final draft standards for continuing certification, which will be considered by the ABMS Board of Directors in October 2021. These standards are intended for implementation by all certification boards that are members of ABMS, including the ABIM.
The new draft standards were developed after a year of deliberation with key stakeholders, including ACP, in response to the recommendations of the Continuing Board Certification: Vision for the Future Commission as well as of the wider stakeholder community.
Please take this opportunity to provide input and ensure your perspective is considered in the finalization of these standards. The comment period is open from now until July 8, 2021.
Call for Spring 2022 Board of Governors Resolutions
Are you concerned about a practice or clinical issue or have an idea you'd like to suggest? If so, you might consider submitting a resolution to your Governor or chapter council.
Initiating a resolution provides ACP members an opportunity to focus attention at the ACP national level on a particular issue or topic that concerns them. Participating in the Board of Governors resolutions process provides the ACP grassroots member a voice and allows you to shape College policy that impacts the practice of internal medicine. When drafting a resolution, don't forget to consider how well it fits within ACP's Mission and Goals. In addition, be sure to use the College's Priority Themes to guide you when proposing a resolution topic.
Not sure how to begin drafting a resolution? Researching the College's position on an issue can give you a start. Visit the ACP Online homepage and click the “Advocacy” link in the right-hand, top margin to access ACP policy positions, read about recent ACP advocacy activities, or search ACP's library of policies and recommendations. Visit your chapter website, too, and click the link under “Advocacy” to access Electronic Resolutions System (ERS) where you can search past or proposed resolutions. A copy of the resolutions process is available on the ERS, which furnishes more details on formatting resolutions, as well the process for submission, review, and approval.
Members must submit resolutions to their Governor and/or chapter council. A resolution becomes a resolution of the chapter once the chapter council approves it. If effecting change interests you, the deadline for submitting new resolutions to be heard at the Spring 2022 Board of Governors Meeting is October 4, 2021.
Share your good idea with us. Draft a resolution.

New Masters, Fellows, and Members
Our newest Members:
Henry Klein, MD
Ashley Mills
Jaclyn Stacy
Matthew Taylor, MD, PhD
Our newest Resident/Fellow Members:
Nicholas Arnold
Madison Calder
Lisa Dykes
Nathaniel D. Ford
Bunnarack Kuch
Kai Lahm
Katherine McCroary
Nathan Mullen
Grace E. Smith
Matthew A. Soderstrom
Hunter J. Thurn
Randy Tingle
Elizabeth Willis
Kyle Wilson
Austin Yang
Farid Malof
Our newest Medical Student Members:
Kristofer G. Andren
Erich Barrios
Matthew Bisgaier
Kristen Bishop
Richard Boyd
Janet Brown
Mark Brown
Sarah Caron
Blake Cohoe
Kayla Creelman
Kai De Sequera
Brenda J. Diggs
Amanda Hall
Gustavo Marino
Emma Neahusan
Chydubem B. Nwaiwu
Ted Olenick
Arsh N. Patel
Kevin Perez
Kyle Quist
Donovan Trudeau
Reid A. Windmiller
Keri Wortherly
Our Newest Affiliate Members:
Carrie A. Parmley
Mark Your Calendar
7 September 2021 – Tri-Service ACP Chapter Pre-courses and Doctor's Dilemma!
8-10 September 2021 – Tri-Service ACP Chapter Meeting
28-29 October 2021 – Ohio/Air Force ACP Chapter Meeting (Columbus, OH)