In this Issue:
- From The Governor
- TriService ACP Chapter Meeting
- Hot Topics
- 2020 Virtual ePoster Competition
- New Master, Fellows, and Members
- Calendar
COL Matthew B. Carroll, MD, FACP, USAF, ACP Governor
From The Governor
Greetings once again from Ocean Springs, Mississippi. What a difference several months makes . . . COVID-19 has arrived, straining our health care system in certain parts of the country but also substantially disrupting day to day life. Quarantines, state wide shutdowns, social distancing, and the tremendous disruption of the previously thriving national economy have upended things. I found myself one day contemplating this dramatic change; it reminded me of the song “The World Turned Upside Down.” I remember hearing it in middle school—it was the song that the British Army played at the time of their surrender to the Continental Army at Yorktown. [Just for the record, I was not there at Yorktown in 1781, I heard the song in middle school in the early to mid 1980s] Pinned down by the French Navy at sea and the Colonials and Allies on the Virginia peninsula, after 3 weeks of bombardment Lord Cornwallis accepted terms of surrender. The story goes (the first “urban legend” perhaps?) that the British Army band played this song as they laid down their arms. While it is now debated about whether the British Army band really ever played this song, as the best evidence is from second and third hand witnesses, it nonetheless seems very fitting for the events of today. The song itself came out of the mid 1600s, during the period of Oliver Cromwell's “reign” (1649 – 1660) when he banned Christmas celebrations. The tune evolved over time, but here is a stanza that was likely known by our Colonial predecessors:
If buttercups buzz'd after the bee,
If boats were on land, churches on sea,
If ponies rode men and if grass ate the cows,
And cats should be chased into holes by the mouse,
If the mamas sold their babies
To the gypsies for half a crown;
If summer were spring and the other way round,
Then all the world would be upside down.
Though grass has not yet started to eat cows, or the other absurdities in the ballad come to fruition, COVID-19 seems to have turned the world upside down . . . .
While we all curtail the freedoms and excitement that day to day life brought before the pandemic, let us use this time to serve others. I observed this one day at my neighborhood Walmart. I was outside Walmart in mid to late March, part of perhaps 100 people waiting to go shopping, when one of the ladies to my left said “Thank you for stocking the store” to a Walmart employee. In an instant that simple gesture changed my perspective—focus outward on the world and how it is dealing with this pandemic. Let's face it, even as medical professionals the very thought of a pandemic evokes a visceral fear. How much more does this frighten those not in the medical profession? I am a Rheumatologist, not an Infectious Disease specialist, but I know that as a doctor my community is looking to me as a professional to help interpret numbers, trends, what is a virus, you name it. Added to the very real fear of contracting the virus is the reality that many Americans are losing their jobs. While we are blessed to have very important jobs in this pandemic, others are losing theirs. This is where being a volunteer comes in. Whether you volunteer through your church, a civic organization, or the ACP, we can use this time to give back to a struggling community, a struggling nation. My wife and I have had our kids send cards with positive messages to our local nursing home residents. My wife has volunteered to package meals for school kids who depended on going to school for food, not just to learn. I have continued to remain active in my volunteer activities, but now make it a point of saying “Thank you” more often to the stressed out world around me. As you may be aware, ACP as an organization embraces volunteerism. Use this time to be a beacon of light in your local communities and through medical and non-medical endeavors serve those around you.
Well, this would typically be the newsletter in which I would give you a run-down of the National ACP Meeting. The meeting was canceled in mid to late March as the COVID-19 pandemic started to take off, so unfortunately I won't be report this time of how exceptional our members were, be it in the knowledge bowl, poster presentations, or giving a plenary session. ACP does have plans for earning CME and some of the other activities normally held at the National meeting—please read below in the Hot Topics section. I do have some great news about the upcoming TriService ACP Chapter Meeting in September 2020 and I hope you will be able to attend this meeting.
TriService ACP Chapter Meeting
It is with great excitement that I announce that the TriService ACP Chapter Meeting will be held at the Gateway Club, Lackland AFB, Texas from 10 – 12 September 2020. Since September 2019 we have had a strong US Navy ACP leadership presence in making the TriService Chapter Meeting a reality. In addition to the outstanding Air Force and Army speakers we will have renowned Navy speakers as well. We look forward to launching a Thieves' Market competition along with all the other great sessions that the meeting has. We are in the process of obtaining CME and MOC accreditation. We will once again have a dynamic group of speakers as well as breakout sessions, Doctor's DilemmaTM, and poster/podium presentations. It will be another fantastic meeting and I hope to see you there!
In early March 2020 I sent out my first email announcing that the abstract submission portal for the 2020 TriService ACP Conference for Residents, Fellows, and Early Career Physicians (ECP) had opened. Now is the time to submit your abstracts and very shortly we should have a link for medical student submissions as well.
There will be 3 categories of abstracts accepted: Research, Quality Improvement, and Clinical Vignette. As in years past, all Resident abstracts for podium/poster competitions should be selected at the program level (we will only accept one podium presentation per program for each competition due to the number of programs participating). Each program will select their top resident abstract for each of the categories. The PD or designee will need to email the abstract committee with the program's choice for each competition and the author should upload the abstract through the abstract portal.
Fellow/ECP abstracts should be submitted directly through the abstract portal.
ALL resident abstracts not selected by their program for competition should be submitted through the abstract portal and will be considered for a brief podium presentation in a subspecialty breakout session OR for the open (non-competition) poster session. Please indicate on the abstract submission form which of the following breakouts you would like to be considered for:
- Rheumatology
- GI
- Heme/Onc
- Endocrine
- Cardiology
- ID
- Nephrology
- Op Med
- Gen Med
There will be a 450 word limit for abstracts utilizing the format below:
- Introduction
- Body (description of case, methods)
- Results (if applicable)
- Discussion/Conclusions
References do not need to be included.
Abstracts will only be accepted through the ACP Chapter website abstract portal and the final deadline for submission will be COB Monday 1 June 2020.
Please use this link to submit abstracts.
Hot Topics
I. Everything COVID-19
With the ongoing pandemic ACP has been very active informing and coordinating action for its members. Below are just a few of the areas how ACP can help you fight the virus!
A. Read ACP's COVID-19 Update for Members
ACP provides practical tools and information, advocacy and regulatory efforts to address the needs of ACP members and their patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. These resources are located here.
B. Call for Physician Volunteers to Confront COVID-19 in New York
The New York Chapter of ACP received a call on March 27th from the office Governor Cuomo established to coordinate the surge physician workforce. They are in desperate need of physician volunteers to provide care to COVID and non-COVID patients in New York City.
NYACP welcomes ACP members from around the nation to participate with them in our effort to confront COVID-19 in our state. Your help is vital to maintaining patient access to care and will make a difference in our efforts to successfully bend the curve.
To volunteer, please sign up here.
For your additional information, in response to a number of questions fielded from members by NYACP this week, the New York State Department of Health provided the following:
Q: Do I have any control over where I will be sent? A: Yes, volunteers will be contacted by a surge coordinator about the healthcare setting (COVID/non-COVID) that they are comfortable working in and will be allocated accordingly;
Q: Will housing be provided for volunteers? A: Yes, housing will be provided in an area hotel and will be available to all volunteers.
Q: Will I receive help with transportation? A: Yes, transportation by Delta and Jet Blue is available for physicians and other healthcare workers volunteering for the surge.
If you have any other questions, please email them to Heather Bennett, JD, PhD, NYACP Executive Director, at hbennett@nyacp.org and she will reply to you as soon as possible.
C. COVID-19: Practical Advice and Support from Internists on the Front Lines
Eileen Barrett, MD, MPH, SFHM, FACP, and Elisabeth Poorman, MD, MPH share lessons learned and best practices from both the inpatient and outpatient front lines of the COVID-19 global pandemic. They explore the need to both acknowledge and address physician anxiety and fear of exposure to the coronavirus, as well as provide tips for how physicians can support one another while protecting their own wellbeing.
II. Proclaiming National Doctor's Day
In response to the hard work of physicians in the fight against COVID-19, the White House announced the following Proclamation on National Doctors Day 2020 issued March 30, 2020.
Realize that everything you do, all of your hard work and selfless dedication to your patients, is recognized by a grateful nation!
III. Internal Medicine Meeting (IMM 20) Cancelled
As you are aware, IMM20 was cancelled in mid to late March as the COVID-19 pandemic started to take off. Answers to any questions you might have about this and how this impacts your registration, travel, etc. can be found at this link.
ACP's new CME 30 Package, now available for pre-order (early May release date expected), offers learners a set of curated, online lectures originally scheduled for live presentation at Internal Medicine Meeting 2020. Purchasers will receive 30 hours of high-yield content, and the ability to earn up to AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ and 30 medical knowledge MOC points in the ABIM's MOC program
Regarding the Doctor's DilemmaTM Competition it will be canceled. Although virtual options were possible, ACP felt that engaging in this event during the current crisis would be difficult, and likely differentially so for certain teams, depending on their location and specific clinical situation. A letter will go out to all finalists who are impacted.
The Annual Business Meeting and Town Hall will be held via webinar on Saturday, April 25 from 1:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m., Eastern time. All ACP members are invited to attend. Please note there is a 1,000 attendee limit for this meeting; however, the meeting will be recorded and available to members to listen to at their convenience.
2020 Virtual Presentations for Winning Abstracts
ACP will provide a virtual presentation opportunity for all winning abstracts originally selected for an oral Podium Presentation at the now canceled Internal Medicine Meeting 2020. Additional information will be emailed to all winning presenters along with instructions on how to submit a presentation.
FAQS for Virtual Presentations of Winning Abstracts
2020 Virtual ePoster Competition
ACP will host virtual ePoster Competitions for all abstracts originally selected for the poster competition at the now canceled Internal Medicine Meeting 2020. Additional information will be emailed to all presenters along with information on preparing a poster and deadlines for submitting a poster.
Frequently Asked Questions for ePoster Presenters
IV. FY2020 – 21 Dues Invoicing Update
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ACP has slightly altered its dues invoicing and renewal schedule for FY2020/21.
Originally, dues invoicing was to begin on March 17 with an email out to all dues paying members, followed by a print notification on April 9. Given current circumstances with COVID-19, ACP made the following decisions related to dues collections:
- Delay the first email notice from March 17 to March 31
- Delay the first print notice from April 9 to April 24
- Send a pre-dues email notice on Wednesday, March 24, letting members know that the College is prioritizing providing them with resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Extend access to member benefits through September 30 instead of July 1
Starting on March 31, ACP began their usual dues invoicing schedule.
As this pandemic unfolds, ACP will be flexible and adjust dues communications plan as needed. Nonetheless, dues are a major revenue source for both the national and local ACP. ACP also believes that the work done at the national and local level to support the internal medicine community during this pandemic goes to the very core of their mission as a professional society and illustrates the value of being a member of ACP.
Please email Rebecca Moore at rmoore@acponline.org with any questions.
New Master, Fellows, and Members
Please extend your congratulations to our newest, Fellows, Members, Resident/Fellow Members, Medical Student Members, and Physician Affiliates listed below:
Congratulations to our newest Air Force Fellow of ACP:
John Hunninghake, MD FACP
Our newest Members:
Tarra Faulk, DO
Nelson Smith, MD
Adam Gardner, MD
Our newest Resident/Fellow Members:
Elena Segre, MD
Richard Tomlinson, MD
David Fulbrook, DO
Rafaela Izurieta, MD
Sarah Davis, MD
Our newest Medical Student Members:
Julia Harris
Rajeeva Kn
2LT Carlos R Martinez Licha
Erin Bertone
Erin Smith
Simon Stokes
Meaghan McGovern
Joseph Marotto
Sierra Tolbert
Melissa Postoll
Elizabeth Dunn
Danielle Touma
Anna Bridges
Lionel Gumireddy
Kellie Holovac
Evan Tweed
Dana Lueker
Carlie Skellington
Michael Bolton
Alexis Antequera
Matthew A Soderstrom
Adrianne S Amituanai
2LT James R Kang
2LT Cherilyn Mae A Palochak
Berish Wetstein
10 - 12 September 2020 Tri-Service ACP Chapter Meeting, Lackland AFB, TX
29 – 30 October 2020 Ohio – Air Force ACP Chapter Meeting, Columbus, OH
29 April – 1 May 2021 National ACP Meeting, Orlando, FL