Vermont Governor's Newsletter May 2023

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Priscilla W. Carr, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Priscilla W. Carr, MD, FACP, ACP Governor


Governor's Message

Hello to fellow Vermont ACP members!

I'm Priscilla Carr and am thrilled to introduce myself as the new Vermont governor to the ACP. I live in Central Vermont and have practiced primary care internal medicine in Barre since 2003. I was able to attend my first in person Board of Governors meeting in April in San Diego. It was such a privilege to attend this meeting and have the opportunity to sit in a room with other internal medicine physicians from around the country (and the world) talking about many of the important issues facing our profession today.

The ACP has long been committed to excellence and supporting internal physician members. The current strategic plan is focused on Membership Growth & Engagement, Valued Professional Identity, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and Innovation & Strategic Management. Throughout the Board of Governor's meeting and the Internal Medicine Meeting 2023 these principles were evident. They were continually demonstrated in plenary sessions about advocacy and innovation, the smaller sessions about leadership and how to manage difficult conversations, and the more personal conversations I shared with other governors and Vermont chapter members- I was continually impressed with all the ACP has to offer us as internal medicine physicians.

I want to extend a tremendous thank you to Allen Repp for his leadership of the Vermont chapter during the difficult years of the pandemic, and for his guidance and mentorship over the past year as I prepared to become the Vermont governor. Best of luck to you Allen as you become a Governor Emeritus!

With gratitude,

Priscilla Carr MD, FACP


Vermont chapter members gathered for dinner during the Internal Medicine conference in San Diego.



Save the Date!

Vermont Chapter 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting

Friday, September 29, 2023

Trapp Family Lodge



Health and Public Policy Committee

The Health and Public Policy Committee met in March and identified several areas of interest including: gender affirming care, climate change, bans on flavored tobacco products and many additional topics. The Vermont Chapter joined a coalition of several Vermont Health organizations to denounce restrictions to access of mifepristone (see below for press release). Upcoming plans include coordinating an advocacy training for residents and students with the Vermont Medical Society this fall. The committee will meet again later this summer. For additional information please contact Tessalyn Morrison or Jan Carney

Vermont Health Leaders Denounce Court Decision that Could Restrict Access to Medication Abortion by Suspending FDA Approval of Mifepristone



Spotlight on a New Fellow

Congratulations to Richard Pinkney MD, FACP on election to fellowship January 1, 2023. Richard shared this update on his recent activities:

On May 5, ACP fellows Dragos Banu, Alan Rubin, and Richard Pinckney ran a half-day retreat for junior faculty who are members of General Internal Medicine at the Robert Larner College of Medicine. “Academic medicine has gotten progressively more complicated since I became a faculty member,” said Dr. Pinckney. “I am so grateful to the Department of Medicine for investing this time so that we can better help faculty cultivate and succeed in their careers.” The sessions at the retreat included “Managing challenging patient encounters,” “Stress Management, and Resiliency Training,” and “How to cultivate your academic niche.” The 8 junior faculty in attendance appreciated the opportunity. One of the most common comments about the value of the retreat was having an opportunity to connect with other junior colleagues.



ACP Fellowship

Become an ACP Fellow (FACP®)! Fellowship in the American College of Physicians is a peer-reviewed and peer-supported credential that is a public reflection of excellence within the internal medicine profession. FACP signifies an ongoing dedication to the profession of internal medicine, the patients we care for, and the communities we serve.

For further information see this page or contact Priscilla Carr .



Call for Abstracts for the Vermont Chapter 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting

Dear Students, Residents, and Fellows:

We will host an in person Medical Student and Resident/Fellow abstract competition in conjunction with the 2023 Vermont ACP Chapter Scientific Meeting on September 29, 2023. The submission deadline for abstracts is August 18, 2023.

Abstracts will be judged in 2 categories: (1) clinical vignettes, and (2) research/quality improvement/high value care. Competition winners in each category will be automatically invited to present their work at the national competition held at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting 2024, and will receive support from the Vermont ACP Chapter for travel to attend the national meeting.

How to participate:

1. Submit an abstract. Submit your abstract to Caitlin Greenberg

  • There is a 450 word limit (which includes headings, but not title or authors).
  • Please submit the abstract in Word or PDF format.
  • No tables or figures should be included with the abstract.
  • Identify the competition category (clinical vignette or research/QI/high value care).
  • List the names of the first author and all co-authors in order of authorship.
  • Reminder: You will submit these in abstract form, not in poster form.
  • Refer to the ACP's Guide to Preparing for the Abstract Competition for helpful advice.
  • The submission deadline for abstracts is August 18, 2023.

2. If your abstract is selected for a poster presentation, you will be notified of acceptance by August 25 and be invited to create a poster. See the ACP's guide to preparing a poster presentation. The deadline for poster submission will be September 15, 2023.

3. Judges will score the posters and select winners.

4. Register for the 2023 Vermont ACP Chapter meeting. Online registration will be open soon! There is no registration fee for student, resident, and fellow Vermont ACP members.

5. Competition winners will be announced at the Chapter meeting and the winning research posters will be presented as part of the meeting agenda.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact me

I look forward to seeing your great work!






The Vermont Department of Health has launched a first-of-a-kind program to support healthcare professionals with timely information on disease diagnosis, testing, treatment, and patient education resources. For more information on the Vermont Clinician Support Initiative, please visit here

All Vermont physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants have FREE access to the VisualDx clinical support knowledge system. The continually updated system includes more than 45,000 skin, oral, eye, genital, hair, nail, radiographic, and ECG images and is used widely to assist diagnosis and educate patients. Learn more by visiting here .

World Congress of Internal Medicine

Save the date: The WCIM will be held in Prague October 30 to November 4, 2024. See here for details.
