Indiana Governor's Newsletter September 2022

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Bradley M. Sutter, MD, FACP, ACP Governor

Bradley M. Sutter, MD, FACP, ACP Governor


Governors Message

Fall Greetings, ACP Indiana Colleagues and Friends:

Slowly falling outdoor temps, cool crisp mornings, colorful leaves, and Halloween candy in the aisles of stores everywhere all signify the onset of Fall and remind us of our upcoming Chapter Annual Meeting, to be held Thursday, October 27th and Friday, October 28th at the Renaissance Indianapolis Hotel in Carmel . As outlined in prior newsletters and recent emails, our Program Committee has put together an outstanding agenda full of topics and speakers you won't want to miss. As in keeping with the past two years, there is no fee for members to attend these terrific educational sessions—our chapter only asks that you register in advance for the 2-day meeting HERE , so that you may claim up to 6.25 hours of FREE CME.

Thursday's meeting will feature our annual poster and clinical vignette sessions, plus the always-popular Doctor's Dilemma competition involving our statewide IM Residency Training programs. Also on Thursday will be an important effort to address diversity, equity, and inclusion in our practices and professional lives via a Bias Reduction in Internal Medicine training seminar led by our own Program Committee Co-Chair, Areeba Kara, MBBS, FACP, and IU Indianapolis IM Residency Program Director Jennifer Hur, MD, FACP. Friday's topics are designed to educate attendees on topics relevant to their daily practices based upon your feedback of desired subject matter. We are especially pleased to host our Friday Keynote Speaker, Lauren Nephew, MD, an IU Department of Medicine GI Faculty member and Associate Vice-Chair for Health Equity for the IU Department of Medicine, who will be sharing her research interest and expertise with us regarding social and structural determinants of health on access to liver disease care and outcomes. Remember that Friday's sessions will be available in a hybrid format. We encourage you to attend our first in-person chapter meeting in 3 years to engage professional colleagues and enjoy food and fellowship while learning valuable new practice skills/medical knowledge.

I want to welcome all medical student, resident, fellow, and early career physician new and renewing members to the life of our Indiana Chapter. I hope you will find a satisfying and fulfilling professional home within the ACP, both locally and nationally.

Please remember to join us for our upcoming Immunization Update to be held September 14th at 6:30 PM, led by our own former Governor and Chapter Laureate Dr. Brad Allen. Dr. Allen will address COVID19 vaccinations, influenza, and pneumococcal vaccines, and the current ACIP vaccine recommendations. There will be ample opportunity for Q&A, so please plan to attend this free seminar.

Lastly, a reminder that ACP continues to advocate for all internists and IM subspecialties on a host of important topics related to our professional practices including fee schedule increases for E/M codes, preventing looming cuts to physician payments, allowing CMS telehealth provisions to stay in effect, and urging the federal government to address social drivers of health and improve health equity. In addition, note that ACP recently launched a new multi-year identity brand campaign “designed to educate about the breadth, depth, and diversity of our profession, and underscore the vital role of internal medicine physicians and the value we bring to health care” according to Darilyn Moyer, MD, FACP—ACP Executive Vice President and CEO.

I hope to see everyone at our Chapter Meeting!


Brad Sutter, MD, FACP

Governor, ACP Indiana Chapter



Now Available: Voice-Over Power Point Detailing ACP's Public Policy Development Process

A presentation featuring Dr. Ryan Mire, ACP President and Dr. Sue Bornstein, ACP's Chair of the Board of Regents, is now available . The presentation details ACP's Public Policy Development Process and details ACP's approach to the development and communication of public policies.



Performance Measure Reviews on Cancer Screening Now Available

ACP's Performance Measurement Committee's (PMC) recent review of cancer screening measures are now available at ACPonline .

The reviews by the PMC Committee reflect an updated assessment of cancer screening measures relevant to internal medicine physicians using a modified RAND-UCLA appropriateness method to determine whether these measures are evidence-based, methodologically sound, and clinically meaningful. Measure reviews entail a thorough assessment of each performance measure based on five criteria1:

Importance – Will this measure lead to improved clinical outcomes? Does this measure address a high-impact condition? Is there opportunity for improvement in performance?

Appropriate Care – Does this measure address timely appropriate care?

Evidence Based – Is this measure supported by clinical evidence?

Specifications – Is the measure clear, well-specified, and tested?

Feasibility/Applicability – Is the measure under the physician's control? Will this measure provide information for the physician to improve care? Is there reporting burden associated with the measure?

More information about ACP's work on Performance Measures is available here.



Missing Something? Reinstate Your Access!

Did you lose access to JournalWise and DynaMed? Your membership renewal might be past due. Renew today with just a few clicks and regain access to valuable resources only available to you through the American College of Physicians. We'll also make sure you stay up-to-date with what's happening in our chapter and you'll receive discounted registration to our annual scientific meeting!
